Masters of Beautiful Achievements

Masters of Beautiful Achievements
Masters of Beautiful Achievements

Welcome to the Masters of Beautiful Achievements Podcast. In each episode Alexander Prinsen talks with guests about how natural science (physics, biology and green chemistry) drives innovation and business models.

  1. JAN 23

    MBA#22 Marnix ten Kortenaar | Conversation about batteries, water, desalination, upscaling, doing visibility studies, realisme, future battery demand, hydrogen and religion

    A conversation with Marnix ten Kortenaar (trained as Physical Chemist from the TUDelft) about batteries, water, desalination, upscaling, doing visibility studies, realisme, future battery demand, hydrogen and religion. And how it turns out that salt is in some way our cradle to life and has so much more to offer than we realize. It is important to understand that the future trend for easy extractable lithium to sustain the demand will become scarce thus increasing the cost of lithium batteries from around 2030. Therefore there is a worldwide effort to find alternative battery salts to sustain the electrification demand. There is in increasing demand for low density electron storage system to overcome some of the lithium shortcomings. It turns out sea salt batteries are an interesting addition to the battery mix. Also because of the potential to use existing sea salt waste streams from seawater desalination plants and hydrogen production. Making it a possible contender to complete with the lithium and lead acid battries. Yet the road to full industrialization and upscaling of these type of sodium batteries have a steep hill to climb before it becomes business as usual. Its a densely packed conversation, so find a comfortable place to listen to their insights. ----------------------------------------------- This podcast is based on the Value 4 Value (Adem Curry) / gift economy (Charles Eisenstein) / Pay what you want modelThat means when you enjoy the conversation you can decide if you want to pay with something of value. This can be a monetary value as a donation or membership or something different. Here are some options to support this podcast⁠= Gumroad or book even a 1:1 conversation. ⁠⁠⁠= Patron⁠⁠⁠= Buy me a coffee ⁠⁠⁠= Donate directly via my website= Or something else, like helping me with the podcast or other topics I havenot thought of I thank you for your support ⁠and enjoy the conversation⁠⁠----------------------------------------------- As it turns out Lithium batteries cannot cope with high temperatures and direct sunlight's. And these lithium batteries require software and electronics for it to function, which is not so useful when knowledge and hardware is not readily available when they breakdown. In addition one cannot discharge Lithium and Lead Acid batteries 100% otherwise they battery will break. As a result we are only using only around half of the battery capacity to ensure an optimal battery life. It seems to be a very inefficient process.One needs electronics (like inverters) to be able to directly connect solar panels to Lithium and Lead Acid batteries, as there is a voltage difference between the panel and battery.The upside of Lithium as battery salt is that it has a low density making it ideal to be a high density electron storage option.Yet is can only discharge 1 electron at a time while other salts can do 2 times or more. read more here - ----------------------------------------------- The Masters of Beautiful Achievements podcast series is where Alexander Prinsen explores natural science, innovation, systems thinking and leadership. As systemic innovation consul at he helps organizations accelerate to save costs, do good and operate within the planetary boundaries.

    1h 28m
  2. 07/11/2024

    MBA#21 Bill Baue & Ralph Thurm - Sustainable reporting should go beyond compliance and based on the company historical benchmark. Instead of rewarding doing less bad instead

    In this edition I speak with Bill Baue and Ralph Thurm from Reporting3.0 [] about the challenges related to sustainability reporting when compliance becomes the norm. It turns out aligning sustainability, governance and sustainable finance with the planetary boundaries of our spaceship is for most companies not so easy. The prevailing shareholder value mindset is preventing most stock listed companies for embedding transparent sustainability reporting. This is one of the reasons why there are so many sustainability reporting initiatives all seeking a way to help companies be compliant to global regulations. Doing less bad seems to be rewarded instead of doing better each year based on the company historical benchmark. Bill and Ralph explain the flaws and show the where the real opportunities are for those interested in really doing better. Its a densely packed conversation, so find a comfortable place to listen to their insights. ----------------------------------------- This podcast runs on the Value 4 Value model. I am asking you listener to value this conversation for the value what its worth to you. This can be a monetary value as a donation or membership or something different. Here are some options to support this podcast ⁠= Use my Gumroad for one time donation, monthly donation or even 1:1 conversation. ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠= Buy me a coffee ⁠⁠⁠- = Or something else I havenot thought of ----------------------------------------------------- --> Read more about the conversation here The Masters of Beautiful Achievements podcast series is where Alexander Prinsen explores natural science, innovation, systems thinking and leadership. As systemic innovation consul at he helps organizations accelerate to save costs, do good and operate within the planetary boundaries.

    1h 42m
  3. 06/25/2024

    MBA#20 Jason Drew. 'Environmental capitalism' as a force of good works when you let nature do the hard work. When you nailed down how nature would do it nobody will be able to outcompete you.

    With 'environmental capitalist' Jason Drew we explored his journey on how he as an investor and entrepreneur is seeking out business opportunities that do good for the (eco)logy and business. For Jason it is just the smart thing to do as it turns out nature is so smart. From a business perspective if you operate a natural organic business that is in-tune with nature it is robuust and resilient. There is nothing smarter than nature, so you nailed down how nature would do it and nobody will be able to outcompete you. -------------- If you got something out of this conversation, please consider a one time donation or a paid subscription. In both cases I thank you for support this podcast! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Join me through Gumroad for one time and monthly contributions. ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Or Buy me a coffee ⁠⁠⁠⁠ --------------------- In retrospect Jason argues, "we humans have lost so much (ancient) knowledge about how nature operates and how it can benefit us. It is the understanding of the natural cycles of matter that is providing so much opportunities to close loops and restore the imbalances we have created. The industrial revolution has created a lineair education system, which lies at the root of many of our system problems. We need to get out and stay out, we are living large part of our lives inside buildings so we are losing our connection to nature. We need to take more time to be outside and be amazed how nature does things." Jason calls it "sustainable retreat", as we need to do more with less. The challenge is to create a business that fundamentally repairs the environment and leave everything better behind, not just damage it less. The more the business grows, the more impact and the better it is for everybody. To undo what is broken, one needs to be an environmentalist to understand how to restore it. And with capital one can decide where to invest in. So the business needs have a sound cashflow and profit margin to actually make it happen and when the business does more good, the better the return become. As such his needs to work on both sides, because the business and ecology needs to sustain themselves. The biggest opportunities lie not in apps or platforms, it lies in better understanding how nature operates and to integrate it in our daily lives. As for the (innovative) mindset, he as an optimists always need to justify himself as to why he does what he does. It requires you listen more than speaking, asking a lot of questions until he understands it. And using the natural logic one must be convinced it must be possible. The rest is just doing and make it work. Over the years Jason has seen the potential of what nature has to offer, here are some of his insights. ⁠⁠read more here⁠ --------------------- The Masters of Beautiful Achievements podcast series is where Alexander Prinsen explores natural science, innovation, systems thinking and leadership. In daily life he is an systemic innovation consulting at ⁠⁠ where he helps organizations accelerate to save costs, do good and operate within the planetary boundaries.

    1h 13m
  4. 05/14/2024

    MBA#19 Ramon Vullings, Creativity is something you can learn by training your brain. Innovation requires creativity and a curious mindset

    With entrepreneur and keynote speaker Ramon Vullings we explore his insights on cross innovation and the importance of an open mindset. Ramon promotes the concept of “Operational Elegance” as opposed to “Operational Excellence”. Operational Elegance is about caring about the client/user and provide a smooth experience. Just like a waiter in a restaurant picks up your scare without you noticing it was on the ground on the first place. His personal entrepreneurial journey was a transition from training, to facilitation and now to being a keynote speaker. His main lesson is that one needs to focus on what you really good at and this is not easy to do. It took him some time to figure this out. His book “Not invented here” is the outcome of his focus and it is now available in many languages worldwide. He founded various companies to experiment with non lineair decision making structures to provide more freedom and collaboration inside the company for each partner so each could do what they were good at. -------------- If you got something out of this conversation, please consider a one time donation or a paid subscription. In both cases I thank you for support this podcast! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Join me through Gumroad for one time and monthly contributions. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Or Buy me a coffee ⁠⁠ --------------------- He reflects on 20 years of innovation consultancy, 20 years ago the bandwidth of creativity in large consultancy companies was limited, in terms of experimentation and non trivial solutions, as such the scope is much more limited”. In his view this is driven by the implementation of best practices and tend to stay on the saver side, the consultancy companies tend to be more conservative”. Much has changed since than. “Creativity is something you can learn, using tools like Analogy thinking and Bisociation. In this way you can teach your brain to make more synapses connections and at a certain point you experience that the tools are not needed as the creativity comes in a natural flow” In this book "Not invented here" he reflects about the role of humans in the future. His main point is that empathy and real novelty is still a trait humans excel in. It is the context in which new ideas get born based on previous ideas together with the way of thinking. Ramon sees that our drive for automation is putting us as humans back. If we automate to much, people are loosing are their sense of belonging and or their sense of need. Why am I here? This detachment raises the questions of many, of what sense live makes. What does it matter if I'm here or not. Rationalising the human interaction out of our life's is creating thus more problems than that it solves. The reason for being, is the essence of human life. "Doing the right thing, is about taking responsibility and we tend to have lot our moral kompas." The current (eco)nomic system has lost its sense of belonging. There is more to life than just the financial incentives. Bad business practice, hollowing out unique brands and business, creating absolute no value. Ramon eventually breaks it down, that the unique aspect of humans, is about storytelling and the human encounter and interaction. It raised than the questions about why we have the tendency to follow the negative aspects of storytelling, as to why we are not going back to what really matters to humans. More interconnections, human encounter and compassion. read more here --------------------- The Masters of Beautiful Achievements podcast series is where Alexander Prinsen explores natural science, innovation, systems thinking and leadership. In daily life he is an systemic innovation consulting at where he helps organizations accelerate to save costs, do good and operate within the planetary boundaries.

    1h 45m
  5. 04/30/2024

    MBA#18 Adriaan Korthuis. Carbon credits as a force of good when done right, reforestation will cool the planet.

    With Adriaan Korthuis from Climate Focus we explored the space of financing emission reduction programs in particularly developing countries' and how to make sure companies exercising good climate practices. There is an urgent need for reforestation and forest protection as each year the annual Forest Declaration assessment (which Climate Focus is responsible) shows that intentions are not enough to change the negative spiral. So there tends to be a huge gap between pledging and implementation. Even with the "Science based targets Initiative" regarding Scope 1, 2 and 3, organisations know what to do, and yet they lag behind in the real implementation and monitoring of the decarbonisation pathways to stop wasting their emissions. -------------- If you got something out of this conversation, please consider a one time donation or a paid subscription. In both cases I thank you for support this podcast! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠Join via Patreon if you are interested in doing small contributions⁠ ⁠Join via Gumroad if you are interested in collaborating with me. ⁠ ⁠Or Buy me a coffee ⁠ --------------------- Some facts: The whole continent of Africa wastes as much emissions as the Netherlands. The carbon offset market is just not big enough to offset the developing countries emission towards the undeveloped countries, as the developing countries emit so much more (>80% of total) emissions than what the undeveloped countries can absorb. Thus Carbon Credits are a just tiny part of the solutions, as companies need to do much more than just offsetting. Brief talking points, for more read here The need to structure decarbonization to make the efforts more transparent and more certifiable so that the corporate carbon credit claims can be traced has been done by VCMI ( Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative's). They have just now published guidelines so that it becomes transparent on which level the carbon offset program is based. And this is an annual requirement for the members in order to keep their Carbon Integrity Claim valid. Some serious rethinking is needed when organizations really care about eliminating their wasted emissions to redefine their current business models and the whole value chain. The real benefit of carbon credits are on the receiving side. The credits provide additional income for farmers and communities to protect their forest and biodiversity. This tends to be the only solution to substitute the lost income when the trees and mangroves are extracted for the short term monetarisation. Yet accordingly to Adriaan we do need to regulate 2 things: 1) Improve the certification and monitory methods to establish that the credits sold are traceable. 2) Companies need to tune down their carbon offset claims in order for it to stay realistic. The challenges to solve the emissions are according to Adriaan is that we have for the macro (eco)nomics 2 large challenges: 1_ stop the bleeding of emissions (storage or converting them at the source) is complex as it addresses how we have structured our (eco)nomy and our wealth is defined. 2_ clean up of what we have wasted (which only works when the bleeding is stopped) is a technological and financial challenge. read more about the conversation here - --------------------- The Masters of Beautiful Achievements podcast series is where Alexander Prinsen explores natural science, innovation, systems thinking and leadership. In daily life he is an systemic innovation consulting at where he helps organizations accelerate to save costs, do good and operate within the planetary boundaries.

    1h 11m
  6. 02/02/2024

    MBA#17 Brad VanStone, Dairy free butter through fermented (soy and white) beans. Can fermented plant based sources substitute animal based fatty acids and protein?

    With Brad Vanstone we dive into the alternative dairy solutions he is creating with Willicroft. His cheese and butter alternatives are very tasty. The butter is made from fermented soya beans and has the look and feel of real butter. He realised during his marketing career that something needs to change if his family farm (Willicroft) back in the UK wants to exist in the next decade. Being a vegetarian meant he had to reinvent his dairy heritage and decided to find alternatives to serve the mass market of dairy, in this case cheese and butter. His early recipe found already clients so he decided to take a leap of faith and turn into a real business. -------------- If you got something out of this conversation, please consider a one time donation or a paid subscription. In both cases I thank you for support this podcast! ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Join via Patreon if you are interested in doing small contributions Join via Gumroad if you are interested in collaborating with me. Or Buy me a coffee --------------------- The activist Willicroft brand shows it is possible to scale and get onto the retail shelf in regular and biological retail channels. They have outsourced their fermentation technology to ensure scale so they have time to focus on the marketing and branding of Willicroft. According to Brad we need to move fast away from the industrial farming system and by creating tasty vegan alternatives. Especially the butter is in demand with high-end chefs who value its close resembles to dairy butter. And yet it tastes and behaves slightly different. The key was his discovery that fermentation can produce a Butyric acid (meaning butter) having the properties similar to real butter. The next challenges are expanding their white bean products and fermenting them also next to the soya beans. For the beans Brad expects in the future they will be able to let them come from regenerative farms with biological certification when they have a solid foundation with their current product line. They need need to make some profit before they move into the next market. The space for fermented food is growing and Willicroft gradually expanding to meet demand. --------------------- The Masters of Beautiful Achievements podcast series is where Alexander Prinsen explores natural science, innovation, systems thinking and leadership. In daily life he is an systemic innovation consulting at where he helps organizations accelerate to save costs, do good and operate within the planetary boundaries.

    1h 15m
  7. 12/19/2023

    MBA#16 Ivanka Milenkovic, the fascinating world of wild and cultivated Fungi and Mushrooms. And their benefits to our human healthy and ecosystems.

    Ivanka Milenkovic (Ekofungi) is a organic mushroom farmer in Belgrade Serbia teaching a whole new generation of mushroom farmers from all over the world. She trains mushroom farmers globally and many are also joining her academy in Belgrade. Ivanka was trained as a microbiologist and moved into growing mushrooms by accident. As a PhD student she was mentored by Europe leading mushroom experts from Netherlands and the rest is history. We explored the world of mushrooms including the farmed and wild ones and the local food cultural difference between rural Serbia and the urbanized Netherlands. Her business is successful because she uses the local food to consumer network and was innovative to find a way to enter the USA market as organic mushroom farmer. We tend to forget how beneficial mushrooms are for our health and why they should be added as important protein to our food. Ekofungi - -------------- The podcast is not behind paywalls and I would like to keep it that way. When you enjoy this episode, consider doing a onetime donation or become a monthly supporter. No matter the amount, it is appreciate you are willing to contribute. Join our ⁠Patreon community⁠ when you are interested in doing small contributions Join our Gumroad community when you are interested in collaborating with me. In each case thank you for your support! ⁠ --------------------- The Masters of Beautiful Achievements is a podcast series from Alexander Prinsen where he explores how natural science, innovation, systems thinking and leadership is shaping the future. In daily life he is an systemic innovation consulting at where he helps organizations accelerate to save costs, do good and operate within the planetary boundaries

    2h 1m
  8. 05/19/2022

    MBA#15 Diana Machado de Sousa. Multi-culture fermentation is the next frontier for biotech. What do Viruses and the largest bacteria, Bacteriophage, have in common.

    Multi-culture fermentation is the next frontier for biotech. Can we create a community of microbes who can do the job? We explore various metabolic pathways to learn more about how syntrophic metabolism works. Can we develop natural catalysts by creating robust systems? And what is the effect of Bacteriophage to these cultures? Special Guest: Diana Machado de Sousa --------------------  Join our Patreon community to help cover our expenses and to bring you more conversations. Thank you for your support! --------------------- The Microbes Series zooms out and leave the microscope and our traditional human perspective on viruses  behind for a minute. What would happen if we look at microbes as one of the players in a much broader system? How does this change our perspective of Spaceship Earth and the role of the web of life? What lessons can we draw from nature’s logic on how our Spaceship Earth operates? Together with specialists in the field of virology, microbiology and biochemistry we will take a journey into an unknown world of interesting insights. Combining insights and working towards cross disciplinary solutions and the essential questions we might have been overlooking. And who knows we might discover one or two innovative applications along the way. Brought to you by Masters of Beautiful Achievements Alexander Prinsen - Marc van Bemmel -

    1h 19m


Welcome to the Masters of Beautiful Achievements Podcast. In each episode Alexander Prinsen talks with guests about how natural science (physics, biology and green chemistry) drives innovation and business models.

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