Purity in Christ: Beyond Our Deeds Purity—a word we often hear, especially when it comes to sexual purity. But let's pause for a moment. The world tells us purity is about being clean, untouched, unblemished by anything bad. It’s about actions, about looking good from the outside. But is that really what it's about? In truth, the standard of purity for us believers is not defined by the world, but by Christ. So, what does the Bible say about purity? What must we do to be pure? Where does our purity even come from? And, perhaps the most important question: Can we go to God even when we don't feel pure? We know from scriptures that God is pure, His eyes, His words—everything about Him is holy, perfect, without fault. There is no confusion, no contradiction, or compromise in God. Everything He does is good. Now, here's something you need to know: You were created to reflect His image, to live in a pure and unbroken relationship with Him. Our purity doesn't come from what we do—it comes from God. It is a gift, given to us because of Christ’s sacrifice. In Ephesians 2:13, Paul writes: "But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." That’s right—Jesus reconciled us to God, making us pure through His sacrifice. Purity, then, isn't about being faultless by the world’s standards. It’s about being faultless in Christ. Our works—our prayers, fasting, and worship—can’t make us pure or more pure. It is less about our deeds, rather about the righteousness we have obtained in Christ Jesus. For the word of God says our righteousness are like filthy rags. We are pure because He has made us pure. It’s not something we earn or achieve; it's a gift, given to us through His Spirit. We are now God`s workmanship created unto good works. Before Christ, we were separated from God, filled with impurity, keeping us away from God. The sin of one man renders us unfit to enter into God`s presence. But the sacrifices of one man renders us our purity, being like our Father. Now, we are fit to enter into God`s presence. In fact, the Holy one now lives in us. We have put off our old man, and have put one our new man in Christ Jesus. Now that we know we're pure in Christ, the question becomes: How do we live in that gift of purity? Galatians 5:16 gives us the answer: "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." The battle is between the flesh and the Spirit. Walking in purity is not something we can do on our own—it’s the Spirit of God in us that leads us. Psalm 119:9 reminds us: "How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word." We have to retain God`s words in our heart. Knowing the word of God is about intentionality. We should approach the word of God with reverence and honor. The more time we spend with God, in His word, the more we are transformed into the image of Christ. Don't let feelings of impurity keep you from God. Think of the story of the prodigal son. He wasn’t pure when he returned, but his father welcomed him with open arms. You don’t have to feel pure to come before God because purity has already been given to you through Christ’s sacrifice. Your fasting, your prayer, your worship—these don’t make you more righteous. Purity is a matter of the heart. Why do you pray? Why do you fast? If it’s to make yourself more pure, you're missing the point. You do these things because God loves you and has already made you pure. God looks at your heart, not your deeds. So, my brothers and sisters, stop trying to become pure on your own. The more to try to do things by your own strength, the more you will fall into sin. The more you allow God to lead you in everything you do, seeking him with the right motive, the more you will walk in the gift and the blessings of God`s purity in you. Let God lead you. Trust Him, walk with Him, and you will live in the fullness of the purity He has already given you.