GOD'S SpokenWords

Assumpta Widak
GOD'S SpokenWords

This podcast is all about the Word of God, spoken through me with the help of the Holy Spirit. It should not serve as an additional motivational speech but strongly remind us of who we are in Christ Jesus. Reflecting what HE has called us to do, walking in HIS WILL and POWER. I want every believer to wake up to the reality of who they are in CHRIST JESUS. For each episode, you will have the English and the German version. The English version will be online every first and third Thursdays, the German version every second and fourth Thursdays of the month BE BLESSED

  1. FEB 20

    Life in my Tongue Part II

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue. So, why don't you confess this words with me My Father has written his name on my heart, therefore I don’t abide in previous mistakes. My reality is limited by the boundaries of God‘s word. Therefore no matter the circumstance my Spirit can rejoice in Christs finished work. I walk in the wisdom of God, any situation will not overwhelm me. In seeking counsil, I listen to the believers that God has placed around me. In the assembly of the saints, I meet the body of Christ with compassion and bring encouragement. I walk by faith and not by sight. Christ within me is the force that drives all my decisions. Today, I represent the Messiah by trusting his leading. I am an ambassador of Christ, I walk by faith. Thankfulness and praise are constantly on my lips. As I encounter His beautiful creation today, my gratefulness for him will be heard, because I won’t stop giving thanks. I am an co-heir with Christ and what Christ has done on earth, I shall experience today. I start and finish this day with the mind of Christ. My possibilities are only limited by His will. Today, I take bold steps and bring glory to His name. My mind is in tune with His leading and I cannot be overwhelmed. Today, I glorify my father by producing good fruit. My union with Christ will be evident, even among unbelievers. I am the branch, Christ is the vine - giving up is not an option. I am a disciple of an eternal teacher, I honor Him by producing the fruit that he desires. I am a citizen of heaven, the worlds regulations don’t apply to me. As an heir of his eternal kingdom I operate only by his guidance and do not lean on my own understanding. Christ dwells within me, his thoughts are my thoughts. Today, I walk in all the great things that He has prepared for me. I am blessed when I leave and I’m blessed when I enter. My fathers hand is constantly upon meE.widak

    5 min
  2. FEB 13

    Faith, Trust, Love

    Faith, trust, love— these words stand at the front of my mind. How do we walk in faith if we cannot trust? How do we trust God if we do not feel His love for us? And how can we follow His lead when we are not walking in love, in faith, and in trust? Just as in salvation, faith and trust are essential. Faith was the key that unlocked the work of God’s grace— trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Remember: Faith is both a gift from God and a response to His revelation. It is more than mere intellectual approval; it is a deep, unwavering reliance on God. The Bible tells us to walk by faith, not by sight. In the realm of faith, the intangible becomes tangible. When everything around you doesn’t make sense, trust that God is faithful— trust that His promises and His word remain unchanging. Trust means surrendering our own understanding, letting go of control, and resting in the truth that God is sovereign and good. For what is faith without trust? Belief without reliance is empty. As life unfolds and I study God’s word deeper, I see more clearly the urgent need to trust Him— to let go of our own timing, our own agendas. A life without trusting God is a life already on the path to failure. This year, let us not take matters into our own hands. When God speaks, listen. When He guides, obey without fear. Do not be anxious about the future— for God is your future. Trust in your Father. Remember: trusting is obeying, even when it feels like walking blindly. Isn’t it fascinating— the story of Isaac and the wells he dug? When Isaac dug his wells, two were taken from him. Yet he said not a word, he did not question God’s plan. Instead, he kept digging, he kept believing because he knew what he was searching for. The people who took his wells were part of God’s plan. Isaac recognized the land that God had prepared for him. He named it Rehoboth—a place where God had made room for him, a place where he would be fruitful. In the midst of your trials, your storms, trust God just as Isaac did. Keep digging—dig through the challenges until you feel the peace of your Father within you. He will give you the land where you will be fruitful. Trust the process. Every person, every experience in your life is there for a purpose. Will you trust Him? Will you abide in His faithfulness? Will you live out the prophetic word over your life? Even in the midst of the fiercest storms, His promises remain the same. He is the one setting everything in motion. Do not give up—rise, bounce back, and keep moving forward. Live a life that leaves a legacy—a legacy for generations to come. Remember, you are not living just for yourself; you are living for those who will follow in your footsteps. Like Isaac, who dug wells not only for his own sake but for his entire generation, ask yourself: Will you continue digging? Will you expand your faith? Will you live out the Christ-like faith that dwells within you? Imagine if Isaac had settled where God did not want him— would he have been as blessed? Keep moving. Keep digging. Do not give up, for the power of God is working in you, through you, and for you. You are blessed. Your days are filled with promise. You will never lack. There are no impossibilities for you. You are limitless in potential, a divine creation endowed with God’s power. His leading calls for trust, and trusting means walking by faith— a faith fueled by the love of God, who gave His only begotten Son for you. Walk by faith, trust in His love, and let your life shine as a legacy of His grace.

    9 min
  3. FEB 6

    The Faith of God

    The Faith of God I wonder… what life would be like without faith. I wonder how believers would stand, how they would rise, How we would walk through trials and tribulations—Without the the Faith of God. But, Isn't it beautiful to have a Father Who thought of everything, Who set it all in place, So we could walk in it? Isn't it powerful to know that we have the faith of Christ—the God kind of faith? Yet, too often, we let our flesh take the lead. We let doubt whisper louder than truth. We let fear creep in, forgetting— Forgetting that Christ has already overcome the world. Forgetting that with Him, we don’t just survive— We overcome, for we operate with the overcomer mentality. Believers, hear me— No matter the storm, No matter the weight of the world pressing against you. We are never at a disadvantage. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 says that “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. So, when life happens When trials come When that opportunity passes you by When that miracle you prayed for didn’t come when you expected it When it seems like you are having an avalanche of disappointments Don`t be disturbed For we have the faith of  God God`s Faith is what makes the difference. We are never at a disadvantage. Mark 11:22 says, "Have the faith of God." But what does that mean? It means in the midst of your storms, have the faith of God and know that the sun shines after the storm. In the midst of your problems and challanges, have the faith of God and know that a solution is on it’s way. It means that no situation ends without me coming out the Victor It is not about the faith you generate; it is about the faith God in us The faith of God is not about what you believe. It’s about what He believes, and He believes in his Word. So, believers, step into what God believes. Because there is no limit to His faith. The only limits that exist Are the ones we place on ourselves. But God’s faith— God’s faith breaks chains. God’s faith tears through walls. God’s faith speaks light into darkness, Life into dead places. God’s faith brings peace in the face of a storm God’s faith brings joy in the middle of bad news For with God, nothing is impossible. Mary didn’t argue with the angel. She didn’t analyze or hesitate. She simply believed, Because she knew— What was about to happen Wasn’t based on her faith, But on God’s. Hebrews11:11 says Sarah “judged Him faithful who had promised.” God made a promise. And if it was His promise, Then it would take His faith to fulfill it. Not Sarah’s. See, as believers, we don’t receive faith. We receive Christ. And He—He is the author and finisher of faith. Just like salvation, We didn’t receive holiness or righteousness as separate gifts. We received Jesus. And in Him, righteousness became ours. In Him, holiness became ours. In Him, faith is not something we strive for— It’s something we walk in. The faith of Christ— It makes man function like God. It moves mountains. It calls things that are not as though they were. It does the impossible. In circumstances that defeat common men, His faith defeats those circumstances Hebrews 11:3 says, “Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.” Faith comes by the word— The Word being Jesus Christ. Everything God spoke into existence came by faith. Faith is authored by the Word, And the Word is alive in us. So the next time life happens, The next time doubt knocks at your door, The next time the storm rages— Remember this: You don’t just have faith. You have the faith of God. God`s faith in you. And what could not defeat Christ— Can never defeat you. So stand tall. Speak bold. Walk in faith. Not your faith, but His. Because with God on your side, Victory is not just a possibility— It’s the only outcome.

    8 min
  4. JAN 30

    Life in My Tongue Part I

    Life and death lie in the power of the tongue. Why don't you confess these words with me? Today, I operate as God's best, my body is functioning in full health, my mind is producing brilliant ideas and thoughts, my soul is walking in the peace of His Spirit. I am blessed with infinite opportunities from God, and I take advantage of those opportunities I take charge of every circumstance around me, since I carry the atmosphere of the Spirit around me, miracles abound  wherever I go. Wherever I step into, situations rearrange itself to the right way. Encounters with me will bring righteousness, peace, and joy because of the atmosphere of God's Spirit around me. I walk in the victories of God's blessings. I walk with the awareness that no matter what men do to me, I win always. Every storm is calmed by my presence, the overcomer's mentality is fully activated today. I'm a speaking and testifying witness of the beauties of God's goodness, the greatness of God is found in every conversation I will have today. Through my words, people will encounter the power, love and abilities of God. His testimonies will abound through my lips I affirm that I'm storm proof, I'm built to withstand every storms, crisis, attacks or situations designed to put me down. I have Jesus in me, therefore I can't sink, I can't be overwhelmed. Whatever cannot defeat Christ, cannot defeat me I pray more, I pray without ceasing, I pray without getting weary. Prayer is my habit and will be found on my lips all day long. Today, my first reaction to an news I receive will be words of prayer, I am committed to a lifestyle of prayer because I believe in it's power

    4 min
  5. JAN 23

    Here to Say Thank You

    I Am Here to Say Thank You I am here to say thank you—not for the things you give, but for who you are. I praise and magnify your holy name. Daddy, you are good in all your ways, and trustworthy is your name. I am here to say thank you for your unconditional love—a love I could never earn. Yet, while we were still sinners, you chose to die for us. I worship you, not for the bread you give, but for the bread of life that you are. You are the source of my strength, my joy, and my peace. In you, I find my perfect rest. You are the Father who never sleeps or slumbers. You watch over me, protecting my going out and my coming in. You see all, you know all—even before it happens. I am here to say thank you, Daddy. You have made my heart your home. You know me better than I know myself. I am your prized possession, your royal priesthood, your holy nation. Thank you, Baba, for always leading me by your Spirit. You are Alpha—the Beginning, Omega—the End, and the God of everything in between. Wherever I go, there you are. In my weakness, you make me strong. I am not sufficient in myself, but my sufficiency is in you, Father. I am here to say thank you. By you, Daddy, I can run through a troop. By you, Father, I can leap over a wall. You are my confidence, my teacher, my guide. You have trained my hands for battle and my fingers for war. You are my fortress, my high tower, my deliverer, my shield, and my refuge. My soul will bless you. My soul will sing your praises. My mouth will shout for joy! I will never forget your benefits. You have forgiven all my sins and healed all my diseases. You have redeemed my life from destruction and crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies. You satisfy my soul with good things and renew my youth like the eagle’s. I am here to say thank you, Daddy. For some trust in chariots and others in horses, but I will remember the name of the Lord my God. Thank you. Baba

    4 min
  6. 12/26/2024

    Anchored in Joy

    Proverbs 12:25 says: Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. "Have you ever felt like your heart was weighed down, like you couldn’t stand up under the pressure of worry and anxiety? It’s not always the enemy who places this weight; often, it’s the worry we carry ourselves. But here’s the truth: the enemy of joy is anxiety. When our hearts stoop under that weight, it’s a sign—they can also be lifted. Emotion is a choice. Yes, a choice! You can decide how you want to feel. And the key to that choice lies in the words you speak to yourself. For the switch to happened, we have to always speak the right words to our mind, our heart. Think about it: your heart is fed through your mind. What you dwell on in your thoughts plants seeds in your heart. Will you let those seeds grow into anxiety, or will you choose the perfect peace of Christ? Only the word of God will make your heart glad. For it is very difficult to think about God in the midst of your anger and still be angry. You will have to actively block God`s words. Acts 18 teaches us the power of words. Words have the ability to place a yoke on our hearts. The Pharisees’ teachings burdened people with unsound doctrine. In the same way, the wrong words—spoken by others or by ourselves—can weigh us down. So, here’s the question: what have you been listening to? Who have you allowed to speak into your life? Uncertainties come from words. Confusion isn’t always from the enemy;  As much as we have the joy of the Lord in salvation, we must protect it. Wrong teachings and lies unsettle our minds and confuse our hearts. When you find yourself stooping, check: Are you saying the things God says about you? Or are you speaking the opposite? When we says things or hear things which are contrary to the word of God, it will suppressed the joy of the lord in you.  You will found yourself stooping, depress, anxious.  . But the good news is this: when you align your words with God’s truth, joy is restored. Galatians 1:6-9  also warns us about the dangers of perverting the Gospel. It is not only what you speak to yourself, but also feeding yourself with the true Gospel of Christ. When we listen to words that pervert God’s truth, joy becomes difficult to sustain The heaviness in the heart of man will come by words of men.  (47:08)The gladness of God is in our hands and we should be every intentional about what we hear. As believers we have to interact with the things that bring joy. Fill your ears and mind with the true Gospel—it has a healing effect on both mind and body. The Joy of God which we have is constant, yet it can be suppressed. The suppression will lead to a point where you think you don`t have the joy of the lord at all. Hence, be careful about the people you have around you.  The words of people can become poison in your heart. Our joy must be protected. If we follow the system of this world, we will never be joyful. There will be always something we want to have or achieve. There is not an end of the fleshly desires.  But as believers, our end is Christ Jesus, he is the beginning, the anchor of our joy.  In him and him alone my search for joy and happiness has ended. Remember, God is always good, no matter the outcome of the situation. Let your heart till be filled with Joy. If we are led by the spirit the works of the flesh will not be found in us. Being led by the Spirit means also being led of  joy. Isa 61:1-3 tells us that, The man without Christ is one that is bruised. The man without Christ is one that is broken hearted. But the Gospel brings liberty of the captive. The vengeance of God is to bring comfort to the broken hearted, those that mourn. The vengeance is not a revenge rather is the comforting of the souls of men. The comfort is the Gospel, and the appearance of Gospel is the appearance of Joy.  When dead makes the heart stoop, the Gospel binds the heart. It repairs the broken hearted.

    9 min
  7. 12/19/2024

    Take No Thoughts

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed by thoughts racing through your mind? The kind of thoughts that seem to shout louder the more you try to silence them? Are you anxious about the future? Are you worrying to much you can`t quite put into words Are your thoughts playing a mind game with you? Stop overthinking, rather step into God’s perfect peace and Joy. Saturate your mind with the word of God. Remind yourself of what the Word of God has said about anxiety or worrying. We all know and quote this verse quite often; Phi 4:4-6: Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. But what does it mean to be careful for nothing? Does that mean I should ignore the worries that I have, or denied them? Well, the word Be careful means anxiety, worry,  over thinking. When the bible say to be careful for nothing, is referring to: Do not over think. Take no thoughts. Apostle Paul is telling us to stop overthinking. To the one who always worries, do not worry. To the one who over thinks, stop over thinking. Jesus also told us in Metthew 6:25, to take no thoughts, not to be worried. What we should do Instead is to rejoice, rejoice, I say again rejoice. For, the one that rejoices is the one that doesn`t overthink. Overthinking is one of the key thief of joy. The reality is, not many bad things happened. Rather we overthink it and elevate it. As believers, we have to be content, then contentment expresses itself as rejoicing. Apostle Paul says in ph 4:11 that;  in  Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. He is content and in his contentment is where his rejoicing is found. So, the overthinker can`t be content. For the way we think affects the way we rejoice. Wrong thinking produces wrong belief, wrong belief produces wrong speaking, wrong speaking produces the wrong results. So, believers, we have been called to a life to contentment, both in riches and having nothing. We should always rejoice, for our chief joy is Christ and not the things we possess. The opposite of overthinking is rejoicing. Rejoicing is an instruction from the Lord. For us to rejoice constantly, we have to take our mind away from  worrying and placed it in someone else. So, where should our focus be? How should our thoughts be? We shouldn’t be the people who worry constantly about tomorrow. Instead, we walk in the assurance of Christ. Our focus shouldn`t be in worrying rather on a Person who is Jesus Christ. Isaiah: 26:3 says: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. How does God keep a man? by his heart, his mind. What does the heart or mind do, it stays on God. How does he heart stays on God, by trusting in God. The keeping powder of God can only be fully expresses when we stay on God, keeping our trust in him. God can only keep our hearts. The perfect peace is not something you have to look for in the place of prayer,  rather we put our trust in him.  Think of your mind like a compass. When it’s fixed on God, it points toward peace. But when distractions pull it away, it loses direction. Trust is what keeps it steady. When we put our trust in him, it now empowered, his ability to keep us in his perfect peace. I first have the first action to keep my trust in him, then the perfect peace would show itself. We refuse to keep our hearts on other things, like problem, worries, dispute, argument, unforgiveness. Rather we keep it on God. I will keep my heart on Christ.  Be careful for nothing is not to keep your head empty, rather to fix your thoughts on the one who holds your perfect peace. What about Apostle Paul, writing from the prison and telling the people of Philipper to rejoice. When it make no sense for him to rejoiced, he is still found rejoicing . Rejoice, I say again rejoice. There is no reason you can`t walk in the joy of the lord.

    10 min
  8. 12/12/2024

    Purity in Christ: Beyond Our Deeds

    Purity in Christ: Beyond Our Deeds Purity—a word we often hear, especially when it comes to sexual purity. But let's pause for a moment. The world tells us purity is about being clean, untouched, unblemished by anything bad. It’s about actions, about looking good from the outside. But is that really what it's about? In truth, the standard of purity for us believers is not defined by the world, but by Christ. So, what does the Bible say about purity? What must we do to be pure? Where does our purity even come from? And, perhaps the most important question: Can we go to God even when we don't feel pure? We know from scriptures that God is pure, His eyes, His words—everything about Him is holy, perfect, without fault. There is no confusion, no contradiction, or compromise in God. Everything He does is good. Now, here's something you need to know: You were created to reflect His image, to live in a pure and unbroken relationship with Him. Our purity doesn't come from what we do—it comes from God. It is a gift, given to us because of Christ’s sacrifice. In Ephesians 2:13, Paul writes: "But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." That’s right—Jesus reconciled us to God, making us pure through His sacrifice. Purity, then, isn't about being faultless by the world’s standards. It’s about being faultless in Christ. Our works—our prayers, fasting, and worship—can’t make us pure or more pure. It is less about our deeds, rather about the righteousness we have obtained in Christ Jesus. For the word of God says our righteousness are like filthy rags. We are pure because He has made us pure. It’s not something we earn or achieve; it's a gift, given to us through His Spirit. We are now God`s workmanship created unto good works. Before Christ, we were separated from God, filled with impurity, keeping us away from God. The sin of one man renders us unfit to enter into God`s presence. But the sacrifices of one man renders us our purity, being like our Father. Now, we are fit to enter into God`s presence. In fact, the Holy one now lives in us.  We have put off our old man, and have put one our new man in Christ Jesus. Now that we know we're pure in Christ, the question becomes: How do we live in that gift of purity? Galatians 5:16 gives us the answer: "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." The battle is between the flesh and the Spirit. Walking in purity is not something we can do on our own—it’s the Spirit of God in us that leads us. Psalm 119:9 reminds us: "How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word." We have to retain God`s words in our heart. Knowing the word of God is about intentionality. We should approach the word of God with reverence and honor. The more time we spend with God, in His word, the more we are transformed into the image of Christ. Don't let feelings of impurity keep you from God. Think of the story of the prodigal son. He wasn’t pure when he returned, but his father welcomed him with open arms. You don’t have to feel pure to come before God because purity has already been given to you through Christ’s sacrifice. Your fasting, your prayer, your worship—these don’t make you more righteous. Purity is a matter of the heart. Why do you pray? Why do you fast? If it’s to make yourself more pure, you're missing the point. You do these things because God loves you and has already made you pure. God looks at your heart, not your deeds. So, my brothers and sisters, stop trying to become pure on your own. The more to try to do things by your own strength, the more you will fall into sin. The more you allow God to lead you in everything you do, seeking him with the right motive, the more you will walk in the gift and the blessings of God`s purity in you. Let God lead you. Trust Him, walk with Him, and you will live in the fullness of the purity He has already given you.

    9 min


This podcast is all about the Word of God, spoken through me with the help of the Holy Spirit. It should not serve as an additional motivational speech but strongly remind us of who we are in Christ Jesus. Reflecting what HE has called us to do, walking in HIS WILL and POWER. I want every believer to wake up to the reality of who they are in CHRIST JESUS. For each episode, you will have the English and the German version. The English version will be online every first and third Thursdays, the German version every second and fourth Thursdays of the month BE BLESSED

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