Episode 64 – The Reich and the Risorgimento
At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the victorious allied powers restore Central Europe to its pre-war status: a bunch of small, semi-independent German and Italian states, dominated by more powerful neighbors. But the idea of nationalism, spread by Napoleon’s armies, is a genie you can’t put back in the bottle. In the German Confederation, 38 tiny countries try to establish their legitimacy, but are overshadowed by the Austrian Empire in the south and the Kingdom of Prussia in the north. Without a clear path to political nationalization, German intellectuals instead focus on building a unified German culture. In Italy, revolutionaries like Giuseppe Mazzini openly call for Risorgimento – a resurgence of Italian national identity. Drawing their inspiration from ancient Rome, these young revolutionaries will spend an entire generation battling to overthrow their Austrian overlords while avoiding French domination. SUBSCRIBE TO RELEVANT HISTORY, AND NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! Relevant History Patreon: https://bit.ly/3vLeSpF Subscribe on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/38bzOvo Subscribe on Apple Music (iTunes): https://apple.co/2SQnw4q Subscribe on Any Platform: https://bit.ly/RelHistSub Relevant History on Twitter/X: https://bit.ly/3eRhdtk Relevant History on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Qk05mm Official website: https://bit.ly/3btvha4 Episode transcript (90% accurate): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r7N2KkmrRtrPBJliHzEkkKlmEsGtk8c8NzWI03eRn7A/pub Music credit: Sergey Cheremisinov - Black Swan SOURCES: David Blackbourn, The Long Nineteenth Century: A History of Germany 1780-1918 – https://www.scribd.com/document/261666797/Long-Nineteenth-Century-History-of-Germany-1780-1918-the-David-Blackbourn Tim Chapman, The Risorgimento: Italy 1815-71 – https://read.amazon.com/?asin=B003SNK19G&ref_=dbs_t_r_kcr Gordon A. Craig, Germany 1866-1945 Friedrich Engels, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany – https://archive.org/details/germanyrevolutio00enge_0 Erich Eyck, Bismarck and the German Empire Giuseppe Garibaldi, Autobiography of Giuseppe Garibaldi – https://archive.org/details/autobiographyofg0003gari/page/4/mode/2up Giuseppe Mazzini, Address to Pope Pius IX, On His Encyclical Letter – https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=YURTAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP4&hl=en Jürgen Osterhammel, The Transformation of the World, A Global History of the Nineteenth Century – https://www.everand.com/read/261688401/The-Transformation-of-the-World-A-Global-History-of-the-Nineteenth-Century Alan Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs: The Life and Times of Emperor Francis Joseph – https://archive.org/details/twilightofhabsbu0000palm Pope Pius IX, Non Semel (Italian) – https://www.vatican.va/content/pius-ix/it/documents/allocuzione-non-semel-29-aprile-1848.html Mike Rapport, 1848, Year of Revolution Denis Mack Smith, The Making of Italy, 1796-1870 – https://archive.org/details/makingofitaly1790000mack/page/n3/mode/2up Denis Mack Smith, Modern Italy, A Political History Nick Svendsen, The First Schleswig-Holstein War 1848-50 – https://www.everand.com/read/402302021/The-First-Schleswig-Holstein-War-1848-50