Internal Affair

Chris McCann
Internal Affair

You’ve done all the right things in life, building a successful career, home, and social life. But still, something is missing. Your inner voice is getting louder and you can’t ignore the sense that you’re being called to something deeper. Join me on the Internal Affairs Podcast as we redirect our focus away from the material world of status and superficialities and unlock our inner wisdom, exploring the basic truths about who we are and why we are here. Together, we are creating a community of wholeness and support, where all are welcome to search inside yourselves. It's an inside job!

  1. 04/29/2022

    Soul Dive Ep 42: A "ONE Consciousness" Deep Conversation with Jeff Krisman

    “Just being able to connect with people is such powerful technology itself,” explains Jeff Krisman, host of ONE Consciousness Podcast. Recently, host Chris was a guest on Jeff’s podcast, where they deep dove into Chris' spiritual journey, both personally and professionally. Now, Chris shares that episode on Soul Dive, giving valuable insight into becoming aligned with your true self and connecting with others. Jeff and Chris discuss the value of going back to your childhood to understand what you should do as an adult. Whether you played basketball, collected baseball cards, or read books, you can find the aspects of past activities that made you feel like yourself. Maybe you enjoyed feeling like a leader? Perhaps you found comfort in analyzing topics? You can connect to your true nature and find personal fulfillment no matter what you discover. As Chris explains, the goal is to “effort” less rather than constantly be someone you’re not. Tune into this week’s episode of Soul Dive for a fascinating conversation about introspective self-work. Learn more about what it means to be human, the true definition of discipline, and how we all need to allow ourselves to be seen. Links Learn more about Jeff Krisman: Podcast: Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂 Quotes “When I have the opportunity to work with others, it’s not to have the answers but to help facilitate self-discovery, because what's true for me may not be true for you.” [Chris] (10:48 - 10:57) “Discipline is listening. And listening is more than just the aspect of listening to a sentence. It’s feeling your body and noticing what's going on.” [Chris] (18:12 - 18:30) “We spend so much time in our heads that many of us lose track of noticing what feels right. And so there's a significant opportunity for us—given the state of the world and where we are and these opportunities that we have for real expansion and growth and connection—to notice where in our body it feels right. And over time, it becomes muscle memory, right? Where it's like, “Okay, here goes Chris being Chris again,” I'm thinking with my head, or I'm not present in that way. And then it becomes more of a habit. And just noticing...what's right, allows for me… to settle back in, even if just for a moment.” [Chris] (34:20 - 35:02) “You have an obligation and responsibility to express gratitude to all the other sentient beings and life events around us, knowing that we are all in this together.” [Chris] (44:27 - 44:41) “It can be much more simple. Just being able to connect with people is such powerful technology itself.” [Jeff] (49:08 - 49:15) “I think about how much has been built in the western world, the creation of these various technologies and very complex civilizations. And yet, so much of this has been on the backs of humans who weren't capable or willing to feel how they are and allow themselves to be seen.” [Jeff] (50:59 - 51:21)

    1h 3m
  2. 04/25/2022

    A "ONE Consciousness" Deep Conversation with Jeff Krisman

    “Just being able to connect with people is such powerful technology itself,” explains Jeff Krisman, host of ONE Consciousness Podcast. Recently, host Chris was a guest on Jeff’s podcast, where they deep dove into Chris' spiritual journey, both personally and professionally. Now, Chris shares that episode on Soul Dive, giving valuable insight into becoming aligned with your true self and connecting with others. Jeff and Chris discuss the value of going back to your childhood to understand what you should do as an adult. Whether you played basketball, collected baseball cards, or read books, you can find the aspects of past activities that made you feel like yourself. You can connect to your true nature and find personal fulfillment no matter what you discover. As Chris explains, the goal is to “effort” less rather than constantly be someone you’re not. Tune into this week’s episode of Soul Dive for a fascinating conversation about introspective self-work.  Quotes • “When I have the opportunity to work with others, it’s not to have the answers but to help facilitate self-discovery, because what's true for me may not be true for you.” [Chris] (10:48 - 10:57) • “Discipline is listening. And listening is more than just the aspect of listening to a sentence. It’s feeling your body and noticing what's going on.” [Chris] (18:12 - 18:30) • “We spend so much time in our heads that many of us lose track of noticing what feels right. And so there's a significant opportunity for us—given the state of the world and where we are and these opportunities that we have for real expansion and growth and connection—to notice where in our body it feels right. And over time, it becomes muscle memory, right? Where it's like, “Okay, here goes Chris being Chris again”, I'm thinking with my head, or I'm not present in that way. And then it becomes more of a habit. And just noticing...what's right, allows for me… to settle back in, even if just for a moment.” [Chris] (34:20 - 35:02) • “You have an obligation and responsibility to express gratitude to all the other sentient beings and life events around us, knowing that we are all in this together.” [Chris] (44:27 - 44:41) Links Learn more about Jeff Krisman: Podcast: Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂 ► WORK WITH ME and learn how to find your own answers! ► SUBSCRIBE TO THE SOUL DIVE PODCAST: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Anchor: ► LET'S CONNECT: Personal Instagram: Personal LinkedIn: Slack:

    1h 3m
  3. 02/23/2022

    Creative Alchemy with Davide DeAngelis

    Davide DeAngelis is a spirit technologist, visual alchemist, and creator of the Starman Tarot where he helps others reveal and align the natures of reality to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Davide worked with David Bowie on artwork for the albums Outside and Earthling, as well as collaborating on an installation for the Venice Biennale (where do we come from, where do we go?) and an exhibition in London’s Cork Street. In today’s episode, Davide takes host Chris McCann through a card reading in hopes of exploring and discovering more about his inner self. According to Davide, tarot cards don’t predict your future. Rather they are there to help guide you towards a question or conversation that your soul needs to have regarding situations in the past, future, or present. It is then up to the reader to interpret how these cards bring meaning into their lives. When we give meaning to our experiences, we can better connect to both our physical bodies and spirits. Tune into this week’s episode of Soul Dive to hear Davide give Chris an in-depth Starman tarot card reading. Learn more about overcoming restrictions, finding value in your experiences, and how to use the cards to ask questions and start conversations that propel your journey to enlightenment forward. Quotes • “Every day is kind of like a fluid exploration of creativity.” (08:19-08:23) • “You're someone who has come from a tremendous restriction and because of that, you have the ability to be with a restriction and find liberation which is a powerful gift.”  (12:48-13:13) • “What’s interesting about the cards is that they're just archetypal pointers towards something that opens up a conversation or question.” (15:53-16:05) • “Unless something has the capacity within itself to translate into a real-life situation, then it doesn't have much value.” (16:30-16:45) • “The natural way of being is to be completely connected to spirit and totally present on the Earth.” (28:25-23:35) Links Learn more about Davide DeAngelis: • Instagram: @davidestarman • Website: • Creative Power System ► APRIL 2022 SoCal GATHERING  ► WORK WITH ME  ► SUBSCRIBE TO THE SOUL DIVE PODCAST: Spotify Apple Podcasts Anchor

    1h 4m
  4. #39 Making Space for Spiritual Guidance with Hosts Chris & Christina


    #39 Making Space for Spiritual Guidance with Hosts Chris & Christina

    "Things are starting to line up energetically. They are working behind the scenes to start bringing people to you,” says spiritual leader and co-host Christina King. In this episode, Christina guides Chris into an inner exploration of himself. Christina provides an agenda to help Chris and herself fully understand Chris’ mental blocks and challenges. This agenda includes natural elements, spiritual elements, and the explanation of an energetic suck. Chris opens up about one of his deep rooted insecurities: asking people for help. He explains that asking for help is something he needs to build up to, not something that comes to him naturally. After sitting down with Dr. Dan, the teacher of a spirit circle Chris used to attend, he realized that helping people is what teachers are trained professionally to do. He found himself letting Dr. Dan help him through his spiritual blocks and experiences. This positive interaction with asking for help has led Chris to understand teachers will help you transcend and evolve in many ways, including spiritually. Tune into this week’s episode of Soul Dive for a conversation with co-hosts Chris McCann and Christina King about Chris's inner spiritual exploration. Learn more about determining what energy is yours, how teachers can help you transcend, and the importance of acts of service. Quotes • “Things are starting to line up energetically. They're working behind the scenes to start bringing people to you.” (03:39-03:49 | Christina) • “When we find the right teachers, often times they help bring an understanding to what we're experiencing and it allows for us to transcend. It allows for us to evolve faster.” (11:54-12:00 | Chris) • “Part of this energetic work is me having a better feel for what actually belongs to this physical body and what exists outside of me.” (21:29-21:39 | Chris) • “Why do you think people go to the sea? They all go because there's something in the power of the sea that people want to swim in.” (32:30-32:36 | Christina) • “You tend to attract people who want to hang on to you, so that you can pull them forward with you.” (1:20:53-1:21:00 | Christina) Links Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂 ► WORK WITH ME and learn how to find your own answers! ► FREE LIVE TRAINING: Every third Sunday ► WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: ► LET'S CONNECT: Personal Instagram: Personal LinkedIn: ► SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SOUL DIVE PODCAST: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Anchor:

    1h 28m
  5. #38 Maintenance for the Mind with Hosts Chris & Christina


    #38 Maintenance for the Mind with Hosts Chris & Christina

    After a summer of intense inner-work, co-host Chris McCann couldn’t help but wonder if he felt obligated to always have something to improve on. In today’s episode, hosts Chris and Christina take a step back from focusing on spiritual work to allow space for them to be what they are: human. While taking some time off may feel derailing, it is often what the mind needs. Rather than forcing yourself into any practice, it is important to surrender and allow your natural intuitions to lead you where you are meant to be.  Not only does active recovery allow for us to reevaluate our position and needs, but it also propels our spiritual journeys forward. Tune into this week’s episode of Soul Dive to learn more about the importance of recognizing the small signs, trusting in yourself, and allowing yourself the space to take a break. Quotes • “By taking a break from yourself, you’re actually gifting yourself more for the future.” (02:40-02:49 | Christina) • “You really have to trust in yourself because you can’t understand everything.” (19:32-19:36 | Christina) • “Little coincidences are glorious reminders to acknowledge that we're on a good path.” (23:25-23:45 | Chris) • “All these ancient ways that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years are the perfect antidote to this collective amnesia that we're suffering.” (42:27-42:43 | Chris) • “Even though you say you're an outsider, don't act as if you are an outsider.” (47:51-47:55 | Christina) Links Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂 ► WORK WITH ME and learn how to find your own answers! ► FREE LIVE TRAINING: Every third Sunday ► WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: ► LET'S CONNECT: Personal Instagram: Personal LinkedIn: ► SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SOUL DIVE PODCAST: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Anchor: Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂

    53 min
  6. #37 Reconfiguring What Is Important to You with Hosts Chris & Christina


    #37 Reconfiguring What Is Important to You with Hosts Chris & Christina

    “All these fires that are happening, it's gonna take a while to put them out. And you are going to be heavily involved in that,” says co-host Christina King. Today, Christina creates a spiritual agenda for co-host Chris in hopes of better understanding his mental state. Chris shares the current challenges he is facing and Christina offers helpful insights about the trajectory of Chris’s spiritual journey. Chris shares a new motto he has found relatable recently: be the captain of your own ship. Chris explains that if anything goes wrong in his life, it is his responsibility to fix the problem. Christina chimes in and says that he already embraces this motto because of his background in team leading. She encourages him to understand that looks can be deceiving and that he is embracing being the captain of his own ship, just differently than he envisioned. Tune into this week’s episode of Soul Dive for a conversation with co-hosts Chris McCann and Christina King about navigating Chris’s internal path. Learn more about the reconfiguration of Chris’s life, what Christina’s visuals tell us about Chris’s future, and why horses make amazing therapy animals. Quotes • “I've got to take some mushrooms and figure out what's going on here and give myself some space.” (0:09:17-0:09:22 | Chris) • “All these fires that are happening, it's gonna take a while to put them out. And you are going to be heavily involved in that.” (0:14:45-0:14:56 | Christina) • “If anything goes wrong, it's completely my fault. And something that's been coming through for me is be the captain of your own ship.” (0:27:05-0:27:12 | Chris) • “There are certain people that need to be connected with you. And so they're going to stick around.” (0:53:13-0:53:22 | Christina) • “I mean, sleep is crucial. And there are magical things that happen when you do sleep.” (1:10:18-1:10:23 | Christina) Links Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂 ► WORK WITH ME and learn how to find your own answers! ► FREE LIVE TRAINING: Every third Sunday ► WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: ► LET'S CONNECT: Personal Instagram: Personal LinkedIn: ► SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SOUL DIVE PODCAST: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Anchor: Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂

    1h 18m
  7. #36 The Purpose of Humanity with Hosts Chris & Christina


    #36 The Purpose of Humanity with Hosts Chris & Christina

    With all of the chaos and uncertainty of the world, it is oftentimes difficult to find meaning. In the search for self-enlightenment, host Chris McCann had to face the toughest question: why does humanity deserve to exist? To his surprise, the answer is easier explained than expected. All material things are made up of frequencies and vibrations that not only affect us on an individual level, but also on a global scale. In a world that can often feel fractured and lonely, people desire to feel seen. Having others notice us makes us feel important and increases our sense of purpose. According to Chris, simply allowing people to be seen could potentially be enough to change the vibration of civilization and make way for positive change that saves humanity. Tune into this week’s episode of Soul Dive for a deep conversation about humanity. Learn more about the importance of being your own champion, ways to increase your vibration, and how to surrender to the human experience, so you can find purpose within your own life. Quotes • “We have to work on saving ourselves and putting our own oxygen mask on before attempting to assist and save other people, let alone the planet.” (20:53-21:02 | Chris) • “Everything that exists in a material sense is really just frequency energy and vibration that's being observed. So every human that's out there, regardless of their own self-opinion, someone else somewhere out there determined that they are worthy of existing because they’re being observed.” (23:52-24:18 | Chris) • “Taking a moment to ask someone how they are is almost enough to begin to change the vibration of our civilization.” (25:10-25:22 | Chris) • “Humans weren't the first to exist, we're just the current game.” (30:07-30:10 | Christina) • “Sometimes there's some karma that needs to be worked. But if you work it out, then you're just making space for more growth and more evolution.”  (54:59-55:07 | Chris) Links Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂 ► WORK WITH ME and learn how to find your own answers! ► FREE LIVE TRAINING: Every third Sunday ► WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: ► LET'S CONNECT: Personal Instagram: Personal LinkedIn: ► SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SOUL DIVE PODCAST: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Anchor: Visit And Subscribe To My "Chris McCann" YouTube Channel:👇👍🙂

    58 min
  8. #35 Taking Care of Yourself First with Natasha Singh


    #35 Taking Care of Yourself First with Natasha Singh

    "I can't deal with every little thing that they throw my way," says artist Natasha Singh. Natasha, a close friend of Christina's, admits the difficulty of being a single parent while living with her teenage son and mother. Natasha explains her busy day-to-day life and how little time she has to relax by herself. Although writing has been an outlet for Natasha's frustrations, she often finds herself staying up unhealthily late to enjoy rare moments of quiet. Through understanding the root of Natasha's anxiety, Chris and Christina give Natasha tangible solutions to incorporate at home. From sharing breathing exercises to identifying activities for Natasha's loved ones to enjoy without her, Chris and Christina remind Natasha that the best way to take care of others is to take care of yourself. Tune into this week's episode of Soul Dive for a conversation with Natasha about family and self-care. Through an exploration of Natasha's relatable family dynamics, learn how to create boundaries, how to carve out time for yourself and how to "put your stake in the sand and say, ‘Okay, I've had enough.’" Quotes • “It's like art releases the steam from your life. While it can't alleviate all your pressure, it can definitely help.” (12:35-12:46) • “My only outlet was to put everything out on paper because at least then I could verbalize my thoughts a little bit. And it didn't feel like a cyclone in my head.” (15:01-15:12) • “Give yourself 60 seconds of that. 60 seconds of breathing. Breathing first and then writing, and begin to exercise that muscle. I don't think it'll take too long for you to reestablish that time in a way of you taking care of yourself.” (29:05-29:24) • “I can't deal with everything. I can't deal with every little thing that they throw my way. I cannot.” (40:56-41:02) • “When you've had enough, you will put your foot down and put your stake in the sand and say, ‘Okay, I've had enough.’” (44:15-44:22) • “But as parents, particularly now, we have a responsibility to get our children out into the world and part of a community and to begin to re-appreciate that human-to-human interaction.” (51:05-51:18) Links Learn more about Chris and Christina: Check out our episodes on YouTube: Join Our Highest Good Facebook Group:

    1h 4m

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You’ve done all the right things in life, building a successful career, home, and social life. But still, something is missing. Your inner voice is getting louder and you can’t ignore the sense that you’re being called to something deeper. Join me on the Internal Affairs Podcast as we redirect our focus away from the material world of status and superficialities and unlock our inner wisdom, exploring the basic truths about who we are and why we are here. Together, we are creating a community of wholeness and support, where all are welcome to search inside yourselves. It's an inside job!

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