Lyrics of the Lost

Peter and Dave
Lyrics of the Lost

A series of unfair and wildly speculative investigations, critiques and interpretations exposing the hidden meanings of overplayed smooth radio pop songs. Featured in "Top 10 Pop Podcasts on the Planet”. Support the show at Regular segments: Internet Theories, Misheard Lyrics, Listener Comments. Visit to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your smooth pop song of suckiness and you could be on a future episode! (you can also email sound files or text to if that's easier).

  1. k.d. lang's CONSTANT CRAVING has always been the inspiration for naming chocolate and cake shop businesses

    FEB 23

    k.d. lang's CONSTANT CRAVING has always been the inspiration for naming chocolate and cake shop businesses

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Verse 1]Even through the darkest phaseBe it thick or thinAlways someone marches braveHere beneath my skin[Chorus]And constant (Constant)Craving (Craving)Has always (Always)Been (Been)[Verse 2]Maybe a great magnet pullsAll souls towards truthOr maybe it is life itselfFeeds wisdom to its youth[Chorus]Constant (Constant)Craving (Craving)Has always (Always)Been[Post-Chorus]CravingAh-ha, constant cravingHas always beenHas always been[Instrumental Break][Chorus]Constant (Constant)Craving (Craving)Has always (Always)Been (Been)Constant (Constant)Craving (Craving)Has always (Always)Been (Been)[Post-Chorus]CravingAh-ha, constant cravingHas always beenHas always beenHas always beenHas always beenHas always been Jump to section: (00:10) Introduction but no waffling like you get on some podcasts. You know the ones. (01:28) Song title, writers' details, versions etc. (02:06) To the lyrics. - grammar nazis and guacamole and M&Ms (09:37) Cravings versus yearnings (11:26) Downton Abbey (11:53) A lament on consumerism (12:28) Cravats, scones and cats (17:18) Gone with the Wind (17:55) Second verse. 90s optimism? (22:26) Souls and magnetism and Plato (24:12) Religious metaphors (26:10) k.d. is a werewolf (30:09) Artist's account (32:28) The music video (36:05) Other theories from the internet (40:40) Misheard Lyrics (44:27) Notable Trivia (51:00) Farewells and ⁠⁠⁠give us money⁠⁠⁠ Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    52 min
  2. Won't you take me to FUNKYTOWN by Lipps Inc and Pseudo Echo and an energy company and others others

    JAN 15

    Won't you take me to FUNKYTOWN by Lipps Inc and Pseudo Echo and an energy company and others others

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Verse] Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me Town to keep me movin', keep me groovin' with some energy [Pre-Chorus] Well, I talk about it, talk about it Talk about it, talk about it Talk about, talk about Talk about movin' Gotta move on Gotta move on Gotta move on [Chorus] A-won't you take me to Funkytown? Won't you take me to Funkytown? Won't you take me to Funkytown? Won't you take me to Funkytown? [Chorus repeats] [All lyrics now repeat from start] [Outro] Won't you take me down to Funkytown? Won't you take me down to Funkytown? Won't you take me down to Funkytown? Won't you take me down to Funkytown? (Won't you take me to) Funkytown? (Won't you take me to) Funkytown? (Won't you take me to) Funkytown? (Won't you take me to) Funkytown? Take me, won't you take me? Take me, won't you take me? Take me, (won't you take me) won't you take me? Take me, (won't you take me) won't you take me? I wanna go (won't you take me to) to Funkytown I wanna go (won't you take me to) to Funkytown I wanna go (won't you take me to) to Funkytown I wanna go (won't you take me to) to Funkytown Jump to section: (00:10) Introduction but no waffling like you get on some podcasts. You know the ones. (01:13) Song title, writers' details, versions etc. (03:31) To the lyrics (new jingle!). Title, locations and funky definitions (11:18) Lyric by lyric - impressions (13:24) Stagnation and apathy condemned! (14:58) The Good Which of the North from The Wizard of Oz (15:58) Persecution, music genre-bigotry, racism, disco vs prog rock, Footloose, women's liberation, West Side Story (22:09) Chauvinism, disempowerment, AND DRAFT LYRICS UNCOVERED! (23:48) Child-like whining, Kazakhstan entertainment centre (26:28) More autobiographical than he knew (28:25) Alien DNA virus (30:23) Callback to Cher's BELIEVE lyrics and AI robot/cyborg overthrow of humanity (34:23) Theories From The Internet (37:27) Misheard Lyrics (40:47) Notable Trivia. Music video controversy, cover versions and samples (48:48) Farewells and ⁠⁠⁠give us money⁠⁠⁠ Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    50 min
  3. Band Aid's DO THEY KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS? Okay, yes they did, but we didn't know they knew, we're just popstars


    Band Aid's DO THEY KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS? Okay, yes they did, but we didn't know they knew, we're just popstars

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Paul Young] It's Christmas time There's no need to be afraid At Christmas time We let in light and we banish shade [Boy George] And in our world of plenty We can spread a smile of joy Throw your arms around the world At Christmas time [George Michael & Simon LeBon (Duran Duran)] But say a prayer Pray for the other ones At Christmas time it's hard But when you're having fun [Simon LeBon, & Sting] There's a world outside your window And it's a world of dread and fear [Sting, & Simon LeBon] Where the only water flowing Is the bitter sting of tears [Bono, & Sting] And the Christmas bells that ring there Are the clanging chimes of doom [Bono] Well, tonight thank God it's them Instead of you [Boy George & Others] And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time The greatest gift they'll get this year is life (Oooh) Where nothing ever grows, no rain or rivers flow Do they know it's Christmas time at all? [Marilyn & Glenn Gregory] Here's to you [Paul Young] Raise a glass for everyone [Marilyn & Glenn Gregory] Here's to them [Paul Young] Underneath that burning sun [Paul Young, Marilyn & Glenn Gregory] Do they know it's Christmas time at all? [Chorus: All] Feed the world Let them know it's Christmas time again [Chorus repeat forever, fade out] Jump to section: (00:10) Christmas introduction but no waffling like you get on some podcasts. You know the ones. (01:30) Song title, writers' details etc (03:21) Christmas jokes - Band Aid edition (11:22) To the lyrics (new jingle!). Disclaimers and excuses for what's to come (14:18) Band Aid, Band Aid 20, Band Aid 30, Band Aid 40, and the orphaned Band Aid II (15:46) Getting into the lyrics proper. Christian nations and English perspectives or lack thereof (17:22) Christmas fears, dubious phobias and spiking statistics (28:49) Plenty (31:37) Thoughts and prayers and othering (33:58) 80s pop riches and guilt (35:40) dread, fear, and the sting of tears (39:50) Christmas bells (40:49) It's them or us? Empathy flow-chart. Famine and civil war (44:43) Ebola (46:12) Snow in Africa. Ebola rap! (52:07) Africa has no jungles, rain, or rivers, or maybe it has the largest ones (53:16) Do they know? Can they Know? The music video. Reflections. (57:33) Theories From The Internet. Lots of arguing people. AI gets it wrong (01:00:54) Notable Trivia. Queen & apartheid, Halloween parody, Russell Brand, cover versions, Ray Hadley (01:04:55) Misheard Lyrics. (01:09:00) Farewells and ⁠⁠⁠give us money⁠⁠⁠ Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    1h 11m
  4. The Cars who's gonna DRIVE you home tonight if I ditch you here and your dad's not available?


    The Cars who's gonna DRIVE you home tonight if I ditch you here and your dad's not available?

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Verse 1] Who's gonna tell you when it's too late? Who's gonna tell you things aren't so great? [Chorus] You can't go on, thinking nothing's wrong, (mumble) Who's gonna drive you home tonight? [Verse 2] Who's gonna pick you up when you fall? Who's gonna hang it up when you call? Who's gonna pay attention to your dreams? Yeah, who's gonna plug their ears when you scream? [Chorus repeats] [Verse 3] Who's gonna hold you down when you shake? Who's gonna come around when you break? [Chorus repeats x2] last with extra emphasis: Oh, you know you can't go on thinking nothing's wrong (mumble) Who's gonna drive you home tonight? Jump to section: (00:12) Very short introduction with bingo but no waffling like you get on some podcasts. You know the ones. (01:09) Song title, writers' details, Irish and pirate accents (02:06) The Cars, and cars, and driving cars, and singing to cars, and AI, and driving people (with or without their agreement) (06:50) To the lyrics. Support networks and who is this being sung to anyway? (10:57) These cucks go on about how the man is the problem YET AGAIN with all the woke stuff. Plus darts and Nintendo (17:57) Or he could be a nice guy (19:10) Infantilism ... and a bunch of new lyrics uncovered (29:32) Is it an exam? Also mention of the poor old guy Dave destroyed (40:43) The music video (45:53) Theories From The Internet (55:53) Notable Trivia (59:40) Misheard Lyrics (01:04:21) Farewells and ⁠⁠give us money⁠⁠ Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    1h 6m
  5. BREAK MY STRIDE by Mattew Wilder AND Unique 2 AND Blue Lagoon AND Unique II and many more


    BREAK MY STRIDE by Mattew Wilder AND Unique 2 AND Blue Lagoon AND Unique II and many more

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Verse 1] Last night, I had the strangest dream I sailed away to China In a little rowboat to find ya And you said you had to get your laundry clean Didn't want no one to hold you, what does that mean? And you said [Chorus] Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride Nobody gonna slow me down Oh no, I got to keep on moving Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride I'm runnin' and I won't touch ground Oh no, I got to keep on moving [Verse 2] You're on a roll and now you pray it lasts The road behind was rocky But now you're feeling cocky You look at me and you see your past Is that the reason why you're runnin' so fast? And she said [Chorus repeat] [Bridge] (Never let another girl like you) Work me over (Never let another girl like you) Drag me under (If I meet another girl like you) I will tell her (Never want another girl like you) Have to say, oh [Chorus repeatx2] (Whoa) [Chorus repeatx2] Jump to section: (00:12) Very short introduction with mixed metaphors but no waffling like you get on some podcasts. You know the ones. (00:40) Song title, writers' details, and details of the hit cover versions, along with a bad impression of German Reggae (05:01) Creation story with studio conflicts and criminality (07:20) To the lyrics. Dream conversations versus dream songs (08:30) Is it THE STRANGEST dream? Motorboating (11:30) Dave takes us through the key dream symbols and what they mean (15:21) Madonna movies predict this song (18:25) Is the song racist? (20:32) Filthy laundry and receptivity to hugs (22:58) Lack of a music video (24:17) Attempts to break up with Matthew (27:00) Australian language issues (28:16) Cartoon references, grounding yourself, Olympic walking races (29:53) Racism with Italians? (30:52) Matthew still struggling to take the hint, but getting vindictive (33:52) Where does the dream end? Is there any substance? Inception, Total Recall, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (37:22) The song predicts the current 2024 USA presidential race? (41:55) The Boston Marathon Bombings?! (43:19) Theories From The Internet (50:18) Notable Trivia (54:26) Misheard Lyrics (58:32) Farewells and ⁠give us money⁠ Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    1 hr
  6. SMOOTH by Santana featuring Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty and Rick Astley of NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP


    SMOOTH by Santana featuring Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty and Rick Astley of NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Verse 1] We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I (Do I) A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy [Pre-Chorus] I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand [Chorus] Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you [Verse 2] We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (To say it) Inside, we both know what's been going on (Going on) We know the game, and we're gonna play it [Pre-Chorus] And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see [Chorus repeat x2] [Post-Chorus] Ooh (Give you up) Ooh-ooh (Give you up) Ooh-ooh Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up) Ooh-ooh Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up [Bridge] We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (To say it) Inside, we both know what's been going on (Going on) We know the game, and we're gonna play it [Pre-Chorus] I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand [Chorus repeat x3] Jump to section: (00:12) Very short introduction with bad accent and a bit of waffling but nowhere near the amount you get on some podcasts. You know the ones. (00:49) Interruption (01:14) Song title, writers' details, horribly bad long-winded joke with pay-off that wasn't worth the wait (04:00) The fashion, the hair, the judging of a book by its cover. Every mother's dream. To the lyrics! (04:39) The rules, plain speaking, settling for less and for control (13:33) Is it about political spin and media ethics? (17:53) Is it a boy's own spy adventure? (25:14) Slapstick lyrics? (26:30) The low budget music video and the feature-length movie version (36:31) Other theories from the internet (42:13) Notable trivia (46:30) Shocking twist: Santana breaks back in (49:03) tribute from Lano & Woodley (50:05) Misheard lyrics (55:12) Farewells and give us money Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    57 min
  7. Nelly Furtado's I'M LIKE A BIRD except not a penguin or emu, just the ones that can fly but I won't crap on your car or anything, that's not what this is about


    Nelly Furtado's I'M LIKE A BIRD except not a penguin or emu, just the ones that can fly but I won't crap on your car or anything, that's not what this is about

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Verse 1] You're beautiful, that's for sure You'll never ever fade You're lovely, but it's not for sure That I won't ever change [Pre-Chorus] And though my love is rare Though my love is true [Chorus] I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away I don't know where my soul is (Soul is) I don't know where my home is And baby, all I need for you to know is I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away I don't know where my soul is (Soul is) I don't know where my home is All I need for you to know is [Verse 2] Your faith in me brings me to tears (Oh) Even after all these years, years And it pains me so much to tell That you don't know me that well [Pre-Chorus] And though my love is rare Though my love is true [Chorus repeat] [Bridge] It's not that I wanna say goodbye It's just that every time you try To tell me, me that you love me (Oh-oh) Each and every single day I know I'm gonna have to eventually Give you away [Break] And though my love is rare, rare, rare And though my love is true, yeah Hey, I'm just scared That we may fall through Yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah, yeah [Chorus repeat, like 4 times] [Outro] I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away I don't know where my soul is (Soul is) I don't know where my home is And baby, all I need for you to know is I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away I don't know where my soul is (Soul is) I don't know where my home is Jump to section: (00:12) Very short introduction with bad joke and a bit of waffling but nowhere near the amount you get on some podcasts. You know the ones. (01:37) Song title, writers' details, stupid conversation about how to speak an awkward date format, leading to more conversation about 'The Rapture' and end of the world. (03:27) Vampires ahoy! To the lyrics! A checklist of vampirism. Possibility of being a superhero or being raptured (11:55) The undead, forest spirits, Spiderman. The impact of evolution or natural selection on moths and Nelly Furtado's beetle (14:12) The music video (16:14) The theory of tattoo regret. (25:56) How can we be sure Nelly ISN'T a bird? (30:40) Nelly Furtado's poor classification of species (33:59) Casual break-up and sad, incel takes (37:17) You can't face 'The Sound of Music' (40:33) Where is your soul? (42:53) Other theories from the internet, including incels (49:07) Notable trivia and build your own parody song (51:49) Misheard lyrics from the internet (55:01) Farewells Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    57 min
  8. Cliff Richard's WIRED FOR SOUND and for crime fighting in shopping malls, road safety and brain washing


    Cliff Richard's WIRED FOR SOUND and for crime fighting in shopping malls, road safety and brain washing

    Play along at home with the lyrics: [Introduction] I like small speakers I like tall speakers If they've music they're wired for sound [Verse 1] Walking about with a head full of music Cassette in my pocket and I'm gonna use it Stereo Out on the street, you know Ohohohohohohoho, oho [Verse 2] Into the car, go to work and I'm cruising I never think that I'll blow all my fuses Traffic flows Into the breakfast show Ohohohohohohoho, oho Oh, oh, oh [pre-Chorus] Power from the needle to the plastic AM, FM, I feel so ecstatic now It's music I've found And I'm wired for sound I was small boy who don't like his toys I could not wait to get wired for sound [Verse 3] I met a girl and she told me she loved me I said: "You love me, then love means You must like what I like My music is dynamite" Ohohohohohohoho, oho She said: "I'm not a girl you can put on at a standby I am a girl who demands that her love is amplified Switching to overdrive" Ohohohohohohoho, oho Oh, oh, oh [Chorus] Power from the needle to the plastic AM, FM, I feel so ecstatic now It's music I've found And I'm wired for sound Power from the needle to the plastic AM, FM, I feel so ecstatic now It's music I've found 'Cause I'm wired for sound I like small speakers (I like small speakers) I like tall speakers (I like tall speakers) If they've music, they're wired for sound I like small speakers (I like small speakers) I like tall speakers (I like tall speakers) If they've music, they're wired for sound I like small speakers (I like small speakers) I like tall speakers (I like tall speakers) If they've music, they're wired for sound [spoken] I like small speakers I like tall speakers Wall speakers Most of all I like Loud speakers Jump to section: (00:12) Very short introduction with relaxed vibes (01:39) Song title, writers' details, background info from Rik of The Young Ones, lavatories, Take On Me, Mike and the Mechaincs (03:26) To the lyrics - immediately misheard. Dune? (05:17) Love and misunderstood audio technology. (08:13) More mishearing. Inclusivity, and more misunderstood audio tech. (12:12) Cliff knows the future of audio tech (but still unsure of the present). AM talk radio (16:46) Religion or drugs? (18:00) Cliff fights his past and the criminal underworld (21:30) Crammed lyrics and grammar (22:33) Cliff's cautionary road safety messages (32:55) Infantile understanding of love (37:30) Overdrive (40:37) Sunglasses and mental health. The music video: Skating ability what does Avril Lavine tell us? Is it a crime-fighting TV pilot? or perhaps a post-apocalyptic cult? (56:32) Other theories from the internet (59:19) Misheard lyrics from the internet (01:02:50) Saving lives (01:05:02) Farewells Would you like to appear (well, vocally) on the show? Do you have a pop song or ear-worm from the SMOOTH FM genre that’s infested your mind and needs to be investigated? Visit this page ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your specific smooth song of suckiness. You could be on a future episode! (you can always email sound files or text your thoughts to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ if that's easier). Cheers! Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc @LyricsPodast ... and we're on all your favourite podcasting platforms. Sound clips are included for educational reference, criticism, satire and parody in fair use. Clips remain the property of the respective rights holder and no endorsement is implied. All information and opinion is performed and expressed in-character and does not reflect reality or genuine commentary on any persons (living or dead), bands or other organisations, or their works, and is not recommended listening for anyone, anywhere.

    1h 6m
    out of 5
    4 Ratings


    A series of unfair and wildly speculative investigations, critiques and interpretations exposing the hidden meanings of overplayed smooth radio pop songs. Featured in "Top 10 Pop Podcasts on the Planet”. Support the show at Regular segments: Internet Theories, Misheard Lyrics, Listener Comments. Visit to record us your own voicemail hot-take on your smooth pop song of suckiness and you could be on a future episode! (you can also email sound files or text to if that's easier).

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