The Blasters and Blades Podcast

JR Handley
The Blasters and Blades Podcast

Hey, all you crazy sci-fi and fantasy fans! It's time for your daily dose of shenanigans over here at The Blasters and Blades Podcast. We're just a couple of nerdy veterans, and one chaos coordinator here geeking out over our science fiction passions and fantastical fantasies. A place where magic is king, the sky is the limit and space is the place. We ARE the podcast that puts the FUN in DISFUNCTION… without further ado… dive into the insanity with us!

  1. 1H AGO

    Episode 533: The Mist, A Stabby Movie Review

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastWe’ve got another #HorrorMovieReview episode, which we’re dubbing a #StabbyMovieReview. We watched the 2007 adaptation of Stephen King’s The Mist, which was named… wait for it… The Mist. We had fun discussing this, but JR wasn’t as huge of a fan as Clan Stabby. This one was just the hosts, and we opened by talking about our favorite beverages! This was an awesome movie and a fun chat, so what are you waiting for? Seriously, lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!! Click the link and check out this episode. Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorSavage Skies by JR Handley: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% offCheck out the Movie!Movie Link: Movie Trailer Link: Movie Wiki Link: Check out the book: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #the #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #moviereview #review #retroreview #retroreviews #moviereviews #religionquestion #CoffeeBrandCoffee #MovieReview #Review #StabbyMovieReview #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovieReview #TheMist #TheMistByStephenKing #StephenKing #Slasher #SlasherFlick #JamieLeeCurtis #Halloween #FridayThe13th #Jason #TheMask #FreddyKreuger #NightmareOnElmStreet #TheBirds #Hitchcock #PsychologicalThriller #RoomWithAView #NorthByNorthwest #Visceral #HauntedHouse #EldritchHorror #Cthulhu #ElderGods #Lovecraft #OldGods #BlairWitchProject #BradleyTank #AbramsTank #WalkingDead #PregnantPause #UncomfortablePause #RainbowSunFranks #ThePunisher #MelissaMcBride #AndyStahl #MikeHatlen #BuckTaylor #AmbroseCornell #JuanGabrielPareja #Morales #ArrowheadBase #WalterFauntleroy #Donaldson #BrandonODell #BobbyEagleton #JacksonHurst #JoeEagleton #SusanWatkins #HattieTurman #MathewGreer #Silas #KellyCollinsLintz #StephanieDrayton #RonClintonSmith #MrMackey #AminJoseph #BrianLibby #GreggBrazzel #TomSmalley #GinnieRandall #Tess #TiffanyMorgan #Denise #SonnyFranks #ThomasJane #DavidDrayton #Billy #MarciaGayHarden #MrsCarmody #LaurieHolden #AmandaDunfrey #Blondie #AndreBraugher #BrentNorton #TobyJones #OllieWeeks #ColtRevolver #WilliamSadler #JimGrondin #JeffreyDeMunn #DanMiller #FrancesSternhagen #IreneReppler #SamWitwer #PrivateWayneJessup #AlexaDavalos #Sally #NathanGamble #BillyDrayton #ChrisOwen #Norm #RobertTreveiler #BudBrown #DavidJensen #MyronLaFleur Copyright @ The Weinstein Company LLC and Lionsgate Films 2007. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action by the rights holder. The clips used in this movie review were utilized under the Fair Use Doctrine and are transformative in nature.

    1h 31m
  2. 2D AGO

    Episode 532: Jesse James Fain & A Touch of Aether Anthology

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastWe’ve got a bonus episode for you! Today we’re here to talk to Jesse James Fain about his story in the A Touch of Aether, An Urban Fantasy Anthology. We talked about their story Dead Wolf and their love of urban fantasy! It was a fun and nerdy quick chat about all of the reasons why we love all things magical and magic adjacent stories. This was a fun interview, so check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!! Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorA Touch of Aether Anthology Link: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% offFollow Jesse James Fain on social mediaJesse’s Amazon: Jesse’s Website: Jesse’s Twitter: Jesse’s Instagram: Jesse’s Reddit: Jesse’s Substack: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #religionquestion #coffee #tea #coffeeortea #DeadlyFlamesAnthology #DeadlyFlames #BayonetBooks #JesseJamesFain #OutlawAuthor #OutlawAuthorJesseJames #DeadWolf #BigTroubleInLittleChina #TheAdventuresOfBuckarooBanzaiAcrossThe8thDimension #ZuWarriorsFromTheMagicMountain #Hellboy #Bright #TheCrow #The10thKingdom #OnceUponATime #TheBureauOfMagicalThings #Magic #UrbanFantasy #ATouchOfAetherAnUrbanFantasyAnthology #TheLastDragon

    22 min
  3. 2D AGO

    Episode 531: The Demon Sleuth Scrolls Series by Dan Jolley

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastToday we had on the Super Duper Professional Nerd, Mister Dan Jolley. This episode was a lot of fun, we got nerdy about the past, present and future of speculative fiction. Maybe some Time Lords were involved, who can really tell. We talked about our shared love of Skyrim and then we talked about his book series The Demon-Sleuth Scrolls. I was curious enough to bookmark it for the audiobook in production! This was a fun interview, so go check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!! Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorMy Luck by Mel Todd: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% off The Demon-Sleuth Scrolls by Dan Jolley: Follow Dan Jolley on social mediaDan’s Amazon: Dan’s Website: Dan’s Facebook: Dan’s Instagram: Dan’s Threads: Dan’s BlueSky: Dan’s Publisher: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #religionquestion #coffee #tea #coffeeortea #CoffeeBrandCoffee #DanJolley #starwars #jedi #georgelucas #lucasfilms #startrek #trekkie #firefly #serenity #browncoat #wheeloftime #wot #robertjordan #brandonsanderson #gameofthrones #got #grrm #georgerrmartin #ChroniclesofNarnia #CSLewis #FalstaffBooks #TheDemonSleuthScrolls #ProfessionalNerd #Voltron #Stargate #StargateSG1 #StargateAtlantis #StargateUniverse #Fallout #FalloutNewVegas #Fallout1 #Fallout2 #Fallout3 #Fallout4 #Triceratops #Trex #TyrannosaurusRex #Tyrannosaurus #LandBeforeTime #LandOfTheLost #Runes #Magic #Crime #Murder #Skyrim #Precrime #MinorityReport #MurderSheWrote #Nord #Imperial #Lynx #SerialKiller #Pansexual #DrWho #Whovian #Horns #Devil #WeepingAngels #Sethid

    1h 17m
  4. 4D AGO

    Episode 530: Flight of the Kingfisher by Chloe Garner

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastToday we had a doozie of a food cast episode! We talked nerdy about space westerns, before transitioning over to talk about the speculative fiction that made us! Then we talked about Madam Chloe Garner, Queen of the Fantastical, First of Her Line, about her new series, The Carbon Chronicles. Well, we started with book one, The Flight of the Kingfisher! This was a fun interview, so go check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!! Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorDiving Into the Wreck by Kristine Kathryn Rusch: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% offThe Flight of the Kingfisher Series by Chloe Garner: Follow Chloe Garner on social mediaChloe’s Amazon: Chloe’s Website: Chloe’s Twitter: Chloe’s Facebook: Chloe’s Facebook Group: Chloe’s Bookstore: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #religionquestion #coffee #tea #coffeeortea #CoffeeBrandCoffee #ChloeGarner #CowboyBebop #Cowboys&Aliens #TheMandalorian #TheDarkTower #starwars #jedi #georgelucas #lucasfilms #Supernatural #WynonnaEarp #Phoenix #Smaug #TheHobbit #JRRTolkien #SpyroTheDragon #Spyro #Skylanders

    1h 23m
  5. 5D AGO

    Episode 529: Reiter’s War, A Comic Book Kickstarter by T.E. Butcher

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastToday we have on a fellow Army veteran, T.E. Butler to pimp his new #Kickstarter campaign. It’s a long title, but Reiter’s War, An Armored Warrior Panzerter Comic Experience sounds like a lot of fun with some kick butt art! We talked about his nerdy pedigree, our shared Army experiences and finally the universe where these comics take place. This was a fun interview, so go check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!! Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorReiter’s War, An Armored Warrior Panzerter Comic Experience Kickstarter by Tyler Butcher: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% offFollow Tyler Butcher on social mediaTyler’s Amazon: Tyler’s Website: Tyler’s Twitter: Tyler’s Facebook: Tyler’s Instagram: Tyler’s Discord: Tyler’s TikTok: Tyler’s LinkTree: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #religionquestion #coffee #tea #coffeeortea #CoffeeBrandCoffee #TylerButcher #starwars #jedi #georgelucas #lucasfilms #startrek #trekkie #firefly #serenity #browncoat #wheeloftime #wot #robertjordan #brandonsanderson #gameofthrones #got #grrm #georgerrmartin #ChroniclesofNarnia #CSLewis #Gundum #Robot #Tank #Tanker #CavScout #19D #MechAssault #BattleTech #DragonLance #DungeonsAndDragon #D&D #DandD #BlaineLeePardoe #HarryTurtledove #GunsOfTheSouth #DragonRidersOfPern #AnneMcCaffery #MargaretWeis #TimeCop #Trex #TyrannosaurusRex #Tyrannosaurus #Jean-ClaudeVanDamme

    1h 11m
  6. 6D AGO

    Episode 528: The Revenant and the Cult Series by Herman Hunter

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastWe had on author Herman Hunter today and it was a ton of fun! We stayed on track, mostly, but we talked nerdy and nostalgic. Then we swapped over to talking about his series, The Revenant and the Cult. Definitely sounds like it’d be a fun read! Speaking of fun, I had a blast conducting this interview, so go check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!! Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorThe Empire of Bones Series by Author: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% off The Revenant and the Cult by Herman Hunter: Follow Herman Hunter on social mediaHerman’s Amazon: Herman’s Website: Herman’s Twitter: Herman’s Facebook: Herman’s YouTube: Herman’s Newsletter Subscription: Herman’s Minds: Herman’s Gettr: Herman’s Gab: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #religionquestion #coffee #tea #coffeeortea #CoffeeBrandCoffee #HermanHunter #IndependenceDay #BattleLosAngelos #MarsAttacks # Hook #Jumanji #TheFifthElement #AckAck #WillSmith #gritty #JeffGoldbloom #CommanderKira #Platoon #MajorLeague #TAPS Tom Cruise #SeanPenn #GeorgeCScott #KevinBacon #DeepCover #DrStrangeLove # MiracleOn34thStreet #SpaghettiWestern #LoneRanger #LostInSpace #WillRobinson #Netflix #MultiPass #RobinWilliams #IronAge #IronAgeMedia #LordOfTheRings #LotR #JRRTolkien #Legend #RononDex #StargateAtlantis #conan #ConanTheBarbarian #Spinosaurus

    1h 12m
  7. FEB 28

    Episode 527: Fisticuffs For All, Hand-To-Hand Combat In Fiction!

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastWowzer, right in the kisser! Today we’re digging into hand-to-hand combat in speculative fiction. We traded blows and barbs, talked shop and fought it out until the buzzer sounded. And we mostly stayed on the topic of fiction when not telling lies and war stories! This time we’ve got Dan Kemp, Doc Spears, Jesse James Fain and Reginald Lewis on to talk nerdy with us. This was a fun interview, so check out this episode. Lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!! Join us for a fun show! We're just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Fan) (Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorJoint Task Force 13 Series by Three Ravens Publishing: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% offFollow Dan Kemp on social mediaDan’s Amazon: Dan’s Website: Dan’s Twitter: Dan’s Facebook: Dan’s Instagram: Follow Doc Spears on social mediaDoc’s Amazon: Doc’s Website: Doc’s Facebook: Doc’s Instagram: Forge Tactical Facebook Page: Forge Tactical Website: Galaxy’s Edge Website: Galaxy’s Edge Fan Club: Follow Jesse James Fain on social mediaJesse’s Amazon: Jesse’s Website: Jesse’s Twitter: Jesse’s Instagram: Jesse’s Substack: Follow Reginald Lewis on social mediaReginald’s Amazon: Reginald’s Website: Reginald’s Twitter: Reginald’s Facebook: Reginald’s Instagram: Referenced in this episode!Brandon Sanderson on fighting: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #religionquestion #coffee #tea #coffeeortea #DanKemp #DocSpears #JohnSpears #JesseJamesFain #OutlawAuthor #OutlawAuthorJesseJames #ReginaldLewis #TheMatrix #MortalKombat #TheOne #JetLee #WarCraft #KingArthurLegendOfTheSword #GuyRichie #TheLastAirbender #TheRaid #MisterNobody #Extraction #WilliamEwartFairbairn #EricAnthonySykes #Shanghai #ShanghaiMunicipalPolice #Fairbairn #Applegate #OSS #WWII

    1h 20m
  8. FEB 26

    Episode 526: The Last Starfighter Movie Review

    The Blasters & Blades PodcastAhh, the long awaited #MovieReview… we’re here to talk about #TheLastStarfighter! First, we talked about 80s nostalgia and moved on to discuss this amazing film. We had a phenomenal crew on deck to get nerdy with friends. We hope that you have fun with us and join the discussion in the comments section! What are you waiting for? Seriously, lend us your eyes and ears, you won't be sorry!!Co-Hosts: JR Handley (Author) (Grunt)Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt)Madam Stabby Stab (Uber Horror Nerd)We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling!Support the Show: Our LinkTree: Today's SponsorAlien Days Anthology by Castrum Press: Coffee Brand Coffee Affiliate Support the Show: Discount Code: PodcastGrunts Coupon Code Gets you 10% offCheck out the Movie!Movie Link: Movie Trailer Link: Follow Jana S Brown on social mediaJana’s Amazon: Jana’s Website: Jana’s Facebook: Follow Matthew Jasso on social mediaMatthew’s Twitter: Matthew’s Facebook: Follow Melissa McShane on social mediaMelissa’s Amazon: Melissa’s Website: Melissa’s Facebook Group: Follow Michael LaVoice on social mediaMichael’s Amazon: Michael’s Website: Michael’s LinkTree: #scifishenanigans #scifishenaniganspodcast #bbp #blastersandblades #blastersandbladespodcast #podcast #scifipodcast #fantasypodcast #scifi #fantasy #books #rpg #comics #fandom #literature #comedy #veteran #army #armyranger #ranger #scififan #redshirts #scifiworld #sciencefiction #scifidaily #scificoncept #podcastersofinstagram #scificons #podcastlife #podcastsofinstagram #scifibooks #awardwinningscifi #newepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastaddict #the #podcast #scifigeek #scifibook #sfv #scifivisionaries #firesidechat #chat #panel #fireside #moviereview #review #retroreview #retroreviews #moviereviews #religionquestion #CoffeeBrandCoffee #MovieReview #Review #JanaSBrown #JenaRey #MattJasso #MatthewJasso #MelissaMcShane #MichaelLaVoice #TheLastStarfighter #LorimarProductions #UniversalPictures #NickCastle #JonathanRBetuel #GaryAdelson #EdwardODenault #DanOHerlihy #KingBaggot #CarrollTimothyOMeara #CraigSafan #LanceGuest as #AlexRogan #BetaAlexRogan #RobertPreston #Centauri #DanOHerlihy #Grig #CatherineMaryStewart #MaggieGordon #NormanSnow #Xur #KayEKuter #AmbassadorEnduran #BarbaraBosson #JaneRogan #ChrisHebert #LouisRogan #DanMason #LordKril #VernonWashington #Otis #JohnOLeary #RylanBursar #GeorgeMcDaniel #Kodan1stOfficer #CharleneNelson #RylanTechnician #JohnMaio #FriendlyAlien #AlBerry #RylanSpy #ScottDunlop #TentacleAlien #PeterNelson #JackBlake #PeggyPope #Elvira #MegWyllie #GrannyGordon #EllenBlake #ClaraPotter #BrittLeach #MrPotter #BunnySummers #MrsBoone #OwenBush #MrBoone #MarcAlaimo Copyright @ Universal Pictures LLC 1984. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action by the rights holder. The clips used in this movie review were utilized under the Fair Use Doctrine and are transformative in nature.

    1h 55m
out of 5
7 Ratings


Hey, all you crazy sci-fi and fantasy fans! It's time for your daily dose of shenanigans over here at The Blasters and Blades Podcast. We're just a couple of nerdy veterans, and one chaos coordinator here geeking out over our science fiction passions and fantastical fantasies. A place where magic is king, the sky is the limit and space is the place. We ARE the podcast that puts the FUN in DISFUNCTION… without further ado… dive into the insanity with us!

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