Melissa Curran CEO and Founder of the Modern Mind Group is in Season 2 of the podcast which is all about Emotioneering Business Results. Her guest today is Rhonda Y. Williams, an award-winning leadership development expert,coach, international speaker, and author. Some key stand-out quotes - "Let's stop assuming that leaders know how to behave" "Empathy is now the prevailing theme for in-demand leadership skills" With over two decades of leadership experience, Rhonda now uses the principles of emotional intelligence to help leaders define an action-oriented path to well-being,happiness, productivity, and success. Rhonda believes hope is not a strategy and the desired manifestations show up in our lives when we gain clarity, courage, and consistency. Rhonda holds a double master’s degree in nursing and business administration and her professional experience includes executive-level roles as Chief Nursing Officer and hospital Chief Executive Officer. Having served at the C-Suite level, Rhonda is now committed to helping women of color ascend to executive, c-suite and board-level roles.Authentic and transparent, Rhonda is known as “The Stress-Free Leader” because she is unapologetic about helping you design a leadership life you love. She is a 4x author and her published books include:• Are You Out of Your ______ Mind? A Modern Guide to Successfully Surviving Infidelity?• The Dream Life Roadmap: 10 Essential Factors for Creating Your Dream Life, and• The UCR Advantage: How to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence, Fast!• The Stress-Free Leader: 5 Types of Stressed-Out Leaders and How to Be Stress-FreeRhonda is the founder and chief vision officer of the Dream Life Leadership Academy where she coaches leaders and organizations to unlock their leadership superpowers by transitioning to stress-free leading and fine-tuning their emotional intelligence. Their latest service, The Leadership Above the Grind Mentoring and Coaching Academy provides support for leaders globally as they pursue the path of greater results and less stress. Rhonda is the host of The Coffee with Rhonda Show & Podcast where coaches and thought leaders share personal insights, strategies, and resources to help you learn to lead above the grind.Experience life with your full mind, body, and spirit. Set sail and set course, navigating all obstacles that emerge. Embrace each experience and continually add navigational tools to your Journey of Life toolbox. When you do, you are truly leading & living. Rhonda Y. Williams, MBA, MSN, RNDream Life Leadership Academy, LLC.Free Gift – eBook: Website: Email: Facebook: LinkedIn: Podcast: The Coffee with Rhonda Show We loved having Rhonda on the podcast as we know her deep knowledge and expertise on the subject of leadership provide so much value. We are so grateful Rhonda could join us and share her golden nuggets of leadership with us. We hope you enjoy the show. Welcome to the Emotioneering podcast - created by the Modern Mind Group - We are Emotioneering Human Performance, Not Engineering it! People Operations & Performance Consultants - Helping your team emotioneer record-breaking results Coaching | Training | Consultancy Also, an Accredited CPD Training Provider offering courses in Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Communication and Mental Health