This Is Not Church Podcast

This Is Not Church podcast offers a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of the intersections between deconstruction, activism, spirituality, and the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as vital issues like Black Lives Matter and First Nations' rights. Hosted by passionate individuals who are dedicated to fostering open and inclusive conversations, this podcast delves into the complex journey of deconstructing one's faith, while simultaneously embracing and advocating for the rights and stories of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as the fight for racial justice within the Black Lives Matter movement and the preservation of First Nations' cultures and rights. With a focus on examining the evolving landscapes of faith and identity, "This Is Not Church" provides a safe and informative space for listeners to engage with narratives of self-discovery, resilience, and transformation, ultimately encouraging a more empathetic and understanding society.
Ballsy Christian Honesty
Educated Christians with the guts to say and question anything. Thought provoking work that helps broaden my idea sphere and thinking.
Thought-provoking, encouraging, and challenging!
I have thoroughly enjoyed this podcast since its inception. Jon and Nat not only share honest and often funny conversations with each other, they do a brilliant job of bringing out the best in their guests. And the range of views and expressions of faith/spiritually in their guests is refreshing! I don’t think I’ve heard an episode yet from which I haven’t come away feel enriched mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or all three. Keep up the great work, guys! ~~~Joni
Amazing cast of human healers.
Love the honesty & sincerity!
More people & podcasts are talking these days about the things Jesus taught (in the 4 gospels), but there are a few of his teachings that almost never get serious coverage. Several references (EXCLUDING the “rich young ruler”) are made in Luke about selling all of one’s possessions & giving to the poor and then this teaching is shown to be taken seriously by the time we get to the book of Acts (end of chapters 2 & 4). Another powerful & often neglected paradigm-changing (IF taken at face value) teaching of Jesus is found in Mt. 6:24; Lk. 16:13-14). This has been called the “Two Masters teaching”, one being God/Love and the other/opposite one being money. What would Christianity look like, both inside its confines and to the world at large, if these teachings were given much more serious consideration and application? Take a leap of faith and dive deep into these teachings! ✌🏼
- CreatorThis Is Not Church
- Years Active2021 - 2025
- Episodes240
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.
- Show Website
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