Quantum Leap Your Sales

Mariel Diaz
Quantum Leap Your Sales

Quantum Leap Your Sales is a weekly podcast for purpose-driven high-ticket coaches who use enrollment calls as the primary vehicle for selling their coaching program. The two main pillars of this approach are the psychology and energy of sales combined with very targeted sales coaching. Internal alignment creates external results. When an enrollment coach is able to show up on a call with a solid mindset, mastery of their energy field, and heart-centered sales strategies, enrollments start to skyrocket if the coach is truly an expert at their craft. The net result is a program that is filled with dream clients who you wake up excited to work with every day. Join Sales, Marketing and Mindset Coach, Mariel Diaz, as she dives deep into topics such as vibrational frequency, peak performance mindset, and the subtleties of a stellar sales call.

  1. 09/28/2021

    How to Legally Protect Your High-Ticket Coaching Business with Sarah Waldbuesser

    In this episode, Mariel interviews Sarah Waldbuesser, Attorney & Founder of Destination Legal, about how to legally protect your high-ticket coaching business. Mariel and Sarah discuss 5 tips that will help you ease your mind so you can focus your energy on serving your clients.     Tip 1: Use contracts   Tip 2: Use terms of purchase for online courses, membership sites, and groups  Tip 3: Protect your website - privacy policy  Tip 4: Protect your website - terms of service and disclaimers   Tip 5: How to know when to apply for a Trademark     "Legal can be a mindset issue. If it feels scary to you, you need to change your mindset and view it as part of growing a business because it is just what business owners do. If you start that way and show the universe that you are taking your business seriously, the universe will respond."  - Sarah Waldbuesser    About Sarah:  Sarah Waldbuesser, Esq., is an attorney for coaches and online business owners. After several years at a law firm and a few career jumps, she ended up falling in love with online business and loves helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams in a smart and protected way. She is also a wife and mama, traveler, and food and wine lover.  When not at her computer, she loves hanging with her kiddos, having wine with friends, flying around the globe, and connecting with other online business owners.     Link to Sarah's legal checklist: www.destinationlegal.com    If you’re ready to enroll more perfect fit clients into your high-ticket coaching program book your free breakthrough call here: marieldiaz.com/connect

    41 min
  2. 09/21/2021

    Scale Your Coaching Business with Systems and Strategy

    In this episode, Mariel interviews Stephanie Veraghen and Renia Castillo about how to use systems and strategy to scale your coaching business.     Stephanie and Renia have created the “Get Your Shit Together” Intensive to help coaches to turn their mess into magic so they can scale their coaching businesses. To learn more and apply go to: https://realignyourstrategy.com/gyst/    You can also check out their quiz here: https://realignyourstrategy.com/quiz/    “No matter where you’re at in your business, you don’t need to carry any shame about being behind or feeling like you should be someplace else. There’s a tendency to feel like you’ve done something wrong and haven’t put together a magic formula that someone else has and that’s not the case.”  - Stephanie Veraghen   About Stephanie Veraghen:  Stephanie’s extensive operations and training background in restaurant management serving as the Assistant General Manager of an upscale steakhouse, paired with an A.S. degree in Graphic Design have allowed her to become a multifaceted business coach with a thorough understanding of how all parts of an organization operate. While working in the hospitality industry, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Advertising/Public Relations from the University of Central Florida. After completing her program she went to work with New York Times Best-Selling Author, Sally Hogshead where she served as the Director of Possibilities (operations). There, she fell in love with the coaching, speaking, and personal growth and development field. From there, she struck out on her own and now supports authors, speakers, coaches and entrepreneurs in building their businesses. Through her work with her clients, she realized the importance of soft skills. This led her to pursue her degree from Atlantic University in Transpersonal Psychology, specializing in Leadership and Conflict Transformation, which integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. She’s also a certified life coach and HeartMath® Resilience Trainer, teaching workshops where people learn simple techniques for dealing with challenging people and situations using the wisdom of their hearts.      About Renia Carsillo:  Renia Carsillo helps values-driven brands align their marketing strategy with their impact strategy. After beginning her career as a bank VP, she decided to leave the suits behind and built her first business with nothing but a 2008-era Facebook page. Since that small beginning, Renia has worked with brands as large as 3M and as small as her neighborhood electrician to bring brand strategies to life online and offline. Through it all, Renia learned that the number one problem most companies face (whether large or small) is a lack of cohesive digital strategy. It is with that understanding that, in early 2018, she turned her focus to sustainability, people-driven strategies to create the Do Better Digital ™ framework. Through impact-minded digital strategy, her team helps founders find sustainability in their brand growth strategies. This unique approach helps early 7-figure companies scale without sacrificing their impact goals or opting into what Renia likes to call “bro marketing” tactics that feel manipulative and give the marketing industry a bad name.    If you’re ready to enroll more perfect fit clients into your high-ticket coaching program book your free breakthrough call here: a href="marieldiaz.com/connect " rel="noopener...

    45 min
  3. 09/14/2021

    How to Create Rapid Change in Your Life and Business

    Have you ever found yourself struggling to stay positive when you’re facing a life or business problem? Whenever you’re faced with a challenge it is tempting to focus on the problem in an attempt to solve it. Believe it or not, this is the worst way to solve a problem because what you focus on expands.     When you focus on a problem the problem, it actually grows. Instead, you want to train yourself to focus most of your energy on the solution. In this episode, Mariel walks you through a process to train your mind to focus less on problems and more on solutions.      Call to mind a life or business problem:     Replay the past 24 hours – look at your thoughts, feelings, actions, energy, conversations with others – how much of your energy has been focused on the problem, and how much has been focused on the solution? Try to give each one a percentage.  Approach this with self-love, curiosity, and compassion. You can’t change what you’re not aware of. When you become aware of your habitual mental patterns you are empowered to create change.  Remember what you focus on expands.  Ask yourself: What am I feeding my energy to? Is this the most helpful way to direct my energy? Brainstorm solutions.  Highlight 1-3 solutions you can focus your energy on. Identify concrete actions for each solution. Repeat inventory from step 1 throughout the day – look at your thoughts, feelings, actions, energy and ask yourself “right now, am I more focused on the problem or the solution?” Interrupt the pattern of mental looping by saying “STOP” to yourself. Then give your mind something else to focus on. Celebrate your wins – look for the micro-wins – every time you catch yourself in a pattern it is cause for celebration because you cannot change what you are not aware of.     “If you want to create rapid change in your business and in your life learn how to focus 90% or more of your energy on the solution and just 10% or less of your energy on the problem.”  - Mariel Diaz    If you’d like to learn how to enroll more perfect clients into your high-ticket coaching program, book your free breakthrough call here: marieldiaz.com/connect

    15 min
  4. 09/07/2021

    Set Impact Based Goals to Make More Sales

    Have you ever felt frustrated as another month goes by and you still haven’t reached your monthly revenue goal in your high-ticket coaching business? This is common for high-ticket coaches. Well-meaning mentors encourage you to stretch your financial vision of what is possible. This enthusiasm can be contagious and cause you to set goals that are past your financial set point. When you repeatedly set goals like this and don’t reach them, your core beliefs get activated and a sense of failure can ensue. This sets off a cycle of negative thoughts, feelings, and actions that end up pushing you even further away from your goal.    In this episode, Mariel discusses making the switch to setting impact-based goals. Setting impact-based goals will reduce resistance, elevate your energy and make it easier to perform well on your sales calls so you can enroll more clients. It is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with making money. Money is energy and it is a magnifier of the energy of the person who is making it. It is very possible to make a big difference in this world with your work and make a lot of money. However, when you focus on impact-based goals, you’ll experience less resistance because impact-based goals keep you rooted in your intuition and connection to Source/Spirit/God/The Universe which then collaborates with you to draw in the clients you are uniquely designed to serve.     “When you are focused on impact-based goals you will be more connected to your intuition, your potential clients will feel it on your sales calls and will be much more likely to enroll if they are a good fit for your program.”  - Mariel Diaz     If you’d like to learn how to enroll more perfect clients into your high-ticket coaching program, book your free breakthrough call here: marieldiaz.com/connect

    10 min
  5. 08/31/2021

    How to Reset Your Mindset After a Difficult Sales Call

    Have you ever had a bad sales call that threw you off for the rest of the day? It is very common for coaches to carry energy with them from one sales call to the next. This can be great when you get an enrollment and you’re taking high-frequency energy with you into the next call. However, it can create problems when you are taking low-frequency energy from a bad call into your next sales call.   In this episode, Mariel walks you through a few steps you can follow to reset your mindset after a difficult sales call. Although the focus of this episode is using this practice after a sales call, you can use this practice to reset your mindset with pretty much anything whether it is life or business-related.     Step 1: Vent – spend 5-10 minutes dumping the mental/emotional trash  Step 2: Identify key themes to explore – in your journal or with a coach  Step 3: Shake the energy off – move your body  Step 4: Condition a positive state by:  A) Remind yourself how amazing you are  B) Gratitude list – be specific and FEEL it  C) Write down your wins – look for the micro-wins  D) Work with affirmations – positive statements to yourself about yourself  Step 5: Trust in Source/Spirit/Universe/God    Try this practice the next time you need to reset your mindset. You can expand or contract it to fit the amount of time you have available.     “If you don’t take the time to shake off the energy from a bad sales call, you will take this energy with you into your next call and sabotage your sales.”  - Mariel Diaz    If you’d like to learn how to master your mindset so you can make more sales, book your free breakthrough call here: marieldiaz.com/connect

    19 min
out of 5
26 Ratings


Quantum Leap Your Sales is a weekly podcast for purpose-driven high-ticket coaches who use enrollment calls as the primary vehicle for selling their coaching program. The two main pillars of this approach are the psychology and energy of sales combined with very targeted sales coaching. Internal alignment creates external results. When an enrollment coach is able to show up on a call with a solid mindset, mastery of their energy field, and heart-centered sales strategies, enrollments start to skyrocket if the coach is truly an expert at their craft. The net result is a program that is filled with dream clients who you wake up excited to work with every day. Join Sales, Marketing and Mindset Coach, Mariel Diaz, as she dives deep into topics such as vibrational frequency, peak performance mindset, and the subtleties of a stellar sales call.

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