Chinese (Corona) Karaoke & learning Chinese with Brad

聽眾好! 這是我唱歌頻道系列之一,這裡唱的是國語歌曲! 中文字博大精深、中華文化淵遠流長,而全世界最多人說的語言是.... 什麼? 噹啷~如果今天說「全世界都在說中國話」不為過呀! 平日對外華語教學之餘,也希望藉由此頻道能盡微薄之力,讓更多人認識到中文的美!還望聆聽指教! 感恩! Hi Brad here! A Taiwanese, 'n I'm what's called Hakka, my roots are in Taiwan. This's one of several (Corona) karaoke series by me where I sing various Chinese songs 'n I'd also teach very simple Mandarin Chinese within the episode when/if time permits! I hope this very Chinese series would also draw more non-Chinese attention to appreciate the beauty of Mandarin Chinese! Thanks for dropping by, feel free to share, subscribe and most importantly stay tuned! Cheers! Powered by Firstory Hosting
- 1 Episode
聽眾好! 這是我唱歌頻道系列之一,這裡唱的是國語歌曲! 中文字博大精深、中華文化淵遠流長,而全世界最多人說的語言是.... 什麼? 噹啷~如果今天說「全世界都在說中國話」不為過呀! 平日對外華語教學之餘,也希望藉由此頻道能盡微薄之力,讓更多人認識到中文的美!還望聆聽指教! 感恩!
Hi Brad here! A Taiwanese, 'n I'm what's called Hakka, my roots are in Taiwan. This's one of several (Corona) karaoke series by me where I sing various Chinese songs 'n I'd also teach very simple Mandarin Chinese within the episode when/if time permits! I hope this very Chinese series would also draw more non-Chinese attention to appreciate the beauty of Mandarin Chinese! Thanks for dropping by, feel free to share, subscribe and most importantly stay tuned! Cheers!
Powered by Firstory Hosting
- CreatorBrad
- Episodes1
- RatingClean
- Copyright© Brad
- Show Website