隨著泰腐熱潮襲捲東南亞地區和好幾個國家的當而, 有些公司在這個時期不斷地提拔新人、還有衝刺旗下的老司機們,也從中屢獲了眾多粉絲的心弦。乘這個機會多辦一點粉絲互動的活動和推出周邊商品也正是再好不過。但在安排這些的過程卻有很大進步空間喔。趕快按下Play鍵收聽吧!
With the amount of huge attention Thailand entertainment industry has garnered in recent years, it is no wonder that agencies and companies would take this chance to organise more fan events and fanmeetings to increase interaction between the artistes and fans. We delve into how one such company functions and what could have been better as the demand for Thai BL continues to grow.
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- Show
- PublishedApril 8, 2024 at 6:59 AM UTC
- Length36 min
- Episode17
- RatingClean