Cosmic ASSplorations podcast

Feva Kristina
Cosmic ASSplorations podcast

Exploring our most authentic flow through the pleasure & play of astrological energies & archetypes.

  1. FEB 16

    BEING LIFE'S MUSE w/ EMMA MARSHALL (creative alchemist)

    Watch this episode on Youtube. Today we weave with the luminous Emma Marshall—a brand alchemy & conscious leadership mentor, international retreat facilitator, poet, musician, and a fiercely soft woman whose presence is a transmission in itself. Emma guides women into building brands that pulse with truth, resonance & deep impact—while getting paid to be fully, unapologetically themselves. 🌺 🌺 🌺 In this ASSplorations, we dive into; 👁️‍🗨️ What it means to build a life of freedom, empowered sovereignty & artistry. 👁️‍🗨️ The biggest struggles people face when sharing their gifts—and how to break free. 👁️‍🗨️ The intersection of creativity, spirituality & business—because YES, they belong together. 👁️‍🗨️ The art of listening from the heart, surrendering to your natural rhythms & dancing with the Muse. 👁️‍🗨️ Breaking free from the voices of others telling you who/how you should be. 👁️‍🗨️ Creating the world where we can disagree, hold different opinions & still love/respect each other. 👁️‍🗨️ Re-claiming autonomy over our bodies & our sexuality. 👁️‍🗨️ What makes someone an artist? 👁️‍🗨️ How to support & nourish your creativity so it/you can thrive. 🌺 🌺 🌺 ✨ INVITATION INTO LIFE’S MUSE–a creative journey of Soul Artistry through the Gene Keys activation ✨ ✨ 🗝️✨ If this conversation lit something up inside you—if you’re craving a deeper connection with your creative genius, your artistry, your soul’s true rhythm… then Life’s Muse is the juicy field of exploration for you. ✨ 🗝️✨ A 9-week profoundly transformative immersion into: 🦋 Unshakable trust in your unique self-expression. 🦋 Creative rituals that root you deeper into your radiance & magnetism. 🦋 The energetic blueprint of your purpose & life's mission through the frequencies of your souls evolutionary path that your Gene Keys profile so beautifully guides you through. 🦋 Somatic, tantric, artful & devotional practices that rewire your nervous system & subconscious field for flow, trust, ease & pleasure. 🦋 Turning your life into a delicious reflection of art—without force, fear, or overthinking. 💫 ⁠Doors are open⁠; we begin Feb 28 & will weave together weekly through March & April. 3 🦋 Ready to infuse your work, relationships, creativity & daily flow with more play, presence & artful creation? 🌹 Life's MUSE is ⁠here⁠. ____________________________ 🜂 Connect with Emma: 🌺 🜂 Flirt with me via insta: ⁠@Feva Kristina • cosmic ASSplorations⁠ 🜂 ⁠Book a Cosmic ASSence Session⁠ (tantric astrology, human design, gene keys, akashic records, creative embodiment, energy work & ritual) 🜂 ⁠Alchemical Soul Service Mentorship⁠ (your personal 3-/6-month cosmic revolution) 🌺 Much luv, Feva Kristina

    1 hr
  2. JAN 16


    “The essence of the Gene Keys is the transformation of the suffering of our past into the Gifts of the future.” ✨ 🗝️ ✨ If you’ve been around my cosmic block, you’re heard me brag about Gene Keys time n time again - AND IT’S FOR A REALLY MAGNIFICENT REASON! If you’re rolling your eyes thinking, “Ugh, not yet another New Age bull#shiet”, I get it - I had this same thoughts before actually experiencing the transformational poetry of this transcendental work of art, capturing the Universal Knowledge. In this powerful transmission, I am joined by the one & only Nour Elsaqa, my Egyptian Libra sis who’s been such an ally on this journey into the most romantic & dramatic depths of our divine humanness. Nour is another multifaceted Mani Geni, working with a variety of powerful tools like hypnotherapy, breathwork & energy healing to anchor more joy, generational healing & ecstatic levels of love onto this planet.  She’s also a total Gene Keys obsessie, and in this episode, you might just start to understand why we’re so deeply captivated by this living wisdom that we believe is a true guiding light in these great times of transition on planet Earth. 🗝️✨🗝️✨🗝️ In this episode, we reveal: - What even are the Gene Keys + why should you care about them? - Practical ways to weave Gene Keys into your daily life—like a cosmic GPS for self-discovery, relationship healing, leaning into your purpose, gaining clarity on your life’s mission & chasing off that pesky “I’m so stuck” syndrome. ✨🗝️✨🗝️✨🗝️✨ ✨✨✨ Sign-up for my FREE 2-day Masterclass series: Ritualize your life w/ the Gene Keys (online, Feb 1-2): ✨✨✨ Get your FREE Gene Keys profile:  ✨ Connect with Nour:  >>> Start your 5-week Activation Sequence journey under Nour’s guidance ✨ Play with me:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ @Feva Kristina • cosmic ASSplorations ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (watch this episode in video) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book a Cosmic ASSence session⁠⁠ (tantric astrology, human design, gene keys, akashic records, creative embodiment, energy work & ritual) Alchemical Soul Service MENTORSHIP (your personal 3-/6-months cosmic revolution)

    1h 22m
  3. 07/22/2024

    WHEN LIFE TESTS THE SHIET OUT OF YOU aka Saturn School of Life w/ ELINE WIGESTRAND (breathwork guide)

    "Slow is the new Deep." - Eline Wigestrand 🐞 I’m stoked for you to meet my one & onlyyyyyy Norwegian wifey Eline Wigestrand. Besides being a total badass (double) Virgo bish & my soul-mate gurrrrl-friend, she is an epic networker, a natural leader, 2/4 Manifesting Generator boss-girl who also knows how to CHILL, REST & PLAY like a proper moss-girl.  She’s also the most brilliant breathworker I’ve ever experienced & a co-founder of a female breathwork gang Pustekollektivet, based in Norway. When I tend to fly high into the land of abstract ideas & spiritual concepts, Eline has the skill to translate them into tangible examples & bring them to life in all the practical ways. AND OH DO WE LUV THAT!! Now, this just happens to be one of the main lessons we are collectively learning with Saturn in Pisces (started in March 2023, ending in May 2025), which is mine & Eline’s personal Saturn Return as well. *Check in which sign Saturn is in your natal chart. If you were born between 1994 & 1996, chances are, you’re also in your Saturn Return. However, whether you’re riding these deeply transformative waves of Saturn Return with us or not, this episode will defo put some of the the challenging, "everything is falling apart", "halp - life is testing me" moments into perspective + offer some activating ways to deal with these precious life phases. 🐞🐞🐞 THIS EPISODE IS FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO... …find it challenging to "grow up" & become an adult (cause what da hell does that even mean?!?). …sometimes "like" to complain & play the victim card. …have big bright visions, but can’t always see the way there. …tend to give up too quickly when things get "too hard". …are seeking freedom & questioning what that even means (for you & the society). …want to understand your Saturn Return (from chaotic 20s to "scary" 30s) initiations. …are here for the practical spirituality, not the spiritual fluff. …tend to get impatience & feel unsure about your life direction. …tend to get caught up in your insecurities & doubt yourself - your skills, your timing, your trust in the Universe, the world & yourself. …made (or want to make) your passion projects or your own healing path a career/service. …don’t want to do it all alone. …feel resistance towards the current systems & digital platforms, and want to find a new, more aligned way to share your truth. …want to embody more of your integrity & self-honesty in all areas of your life. …are willing to explore the hard/"dumb"questions no one else dares to ask. ...came to be some kind of leaders in this changing, challenging times. …are willing to experiment with your expression & direction + desire more playfulness in the every-day, mundane, "boring" aspects your life. …desire more supportive & balancing structure (at work, free time, in relationships etc.). …are meeting your edge through romantic connections. 🐞🐞🐞 Meet Eline: Pustekollektivet: 🐞 Play with me:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  @Feva Kristina • cosmic ASSplorations ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ My playground: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book a Cosmic ASSence session⁠ (tantric astrology, human design, gene keys, akashic records, creative embodiment, energy work & ritual) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠COSMIC DRAMA CLUB MENTORSHIP⁠ (your personal 3-/6-months cosmic revolution) 🐞 Much luv, Feva Kristina

    1h 14m
  4. 07/09/2024


    I almost chose not to publish this episode. Sometimes when I sit down to record my solo musings, I feel like I can wander so far & wide that it can be hard for people to follow. I also share so openly & unfiltered that it feels really raw sometimes to share it with the world. In full honesty, almost every solo episode I make, my inner critic comes in to sprinkle some harsh criticism & tries to make me insecure about what I shared. It makes me wonder if it's even valuable for people, if it makes sense, if what I'm sharing is even valid etc. You probably know the script, as this Inner Critic archetype is one most of us get visited by at least occasionally. But you see, it comes down to a choice... What will I do with these stories that I tune in at the moments of trying to release sth vulnerable that I made/revealed? What will I CHOOSE to do with these little voices? How will I respond? At this point, I know the stories of this inner critic well enough to know they are simply invitations into wider self-compassion, deeper self-mastery, softening of the ego & surrendering to the flow of love that I feel wants to speak through me. It's a skill that came with practice. It's a journey of connecting, learning, "failing", messing it up, getting lost, reconnecting, claiming, CHOOSING! So here I am, letting myself be vulnerable in this sharing, trusting that those who of you who are meant to come in touch with these messages will receive their purpose in a way that is just right for you at this point. Or maybe it will come back & make sense somewhere down the line. :) 🌹 Main topics & themes: • the power of your CHOICE • the importance & transformative mirroring magic of community, getting together for a purpose & fun • opening the heart, choosing love, letting the protective walls around your heart soften & release • COSMIC PLEASURE aka the cosmic aspect of self-pleasure practices • reclaiming the New Age • the art of setting boundaries (with work, in relationships, energetically etc.) • from pain to purpose • magic is real AKA the evidence of powerful synchronicities • prayer 🌹 Play with me:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  @Feva Kristina • cosmic ASSplorations ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Moar: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book a Cosmic ASSence session⁠ (tantric astrology, human design, gene keys, akashic records, creative embodiment, energy work & ritual) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠COSMIC DRAMA CLUB MENTORSHIP⁠ (your personal 3-/6-months cosmic revolution) 🌹 Much luv, Feva Kristina

    58 min
  5. 05/14/2024

    A PATH TO MIND-BLOWING INTIMACY w/ EMMA SOPHIE (Luscious Liberation Tantrika)

    𓋹 "I let life come to me." - Emma Sophie Ready for the juiciness of dancing through the realms of cosmic pleasure, divine love-making, blooming self-love & soul-shaking intimacy? I know I say this for each Cosmic ASSplorations podcast episode, but IT IS WHAT IT IS - and it is THAT! 𓆃 I have a heart-pounding delight to connect with the jaw-dropping lover-girl priestess Emma Sophie (Luscious Liberation) - a relationship & intimacy mentor for men & women who are ready to write their most legendary love story. She guides people to remember & reclaim the sacredness of their sexuality, embodying their true essence & have mind-blowing intimacy with themselves, their lovers & life as a whole. And I mean, this is what Cosmic ASSplorations is all about. 𓆃 Jump in to ASSplore; *transmission with Emma starts at 5min How to call in that which you desire/need? Why do we need to learn about love & sexuality, when it's something so natural to our essence? How to stop outsourcing your pleasure to your partner? Sex as an adult form of attachment. When 'pleasure' becomes your persona. Should love & sex be separate? A journey of supporting the body to trust you again. How to apply Tantra to your relationships & your every day life. Relationship shadows, conflicts & what does it mean to show up with truth, authenticity & honesty in your relationships? "Ok, I learned to trust myself, but can I trust you?" 𓆃 Wondering how to activate & embody COSMIC PLEASURE that amplifies your magnetism, catapults your confidence, softens you into a profound levels of trust & surrender & squirts MAGIC all over your life? Yes, that is all possible, and there is this not-so-secret-anymore energy within you that truly unlocks this potential & life force potency inside of you... I am introducing... COSMIC PLEASURE ACTIVATION > that essential offering that brings new levels of aliveness into your life & helps you shed the heaviness of all that you are not, so that your TRUE SELF can shine through. Join a waitlist with a special pre-launch offer: 𓋹𓋹𓋹 Have a Luscious Liberation with Emma Sophie: Emma's Pussy & the Podcast 𓋹 Play with me:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  @Feva Kristina • cosmic ASSplorations ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Moar: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Book a Cosmic ASSence session (tantric astrology, human design, gene keys, akashic records, creative embodiment, energy work & ritual) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠COSMIC DRAMA CLUB MENTORSHIP (your personal 3-/6-months cosmic revolution) 🌹 Much luv, Feva Kristina

    1h 7m
  6. 01/02/2024

    living in a tantric community #3

    After leaving Bali & returning to Europe in June 2023, I spent my summer in a lil tantric community in the Swedish country-side called Ängsbacka. It's a very special vortex of exhilarated growth, and that's exactly what it offered - especially within the realms of relationships & health. It was a summer of close community life, rain, volunteering, dancing, singing, loving, crying, orgasming, drinking tea, praying, picking blueberries, running naked through the forest, bathing in lakes, having TREE-somes, attending a bunch of temple nights & spanking workshops, experimenting with polyamory, receiving new blueprints of relating, riding through some panic attacks & dealing with some tricky infections. Join me for this saucy ride through my summer of 2023. In full honesty, it got a bit saucier than I intended. ;) P.S.: My muse Eva Skledar & I recorded an episode for her podcast while we were at the community together. If you speak Slovene, you can go deeper with us here: ⁠on sisterhood, polyamory & living in a tantric community⁠. 🌹♥️ Play with me:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  @Feva Kristina • cosmic ASSplorations ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Moar: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Book a cosmic ASS session (astrology, human design, akashic records, tarot readings)⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠3- or 6-months 1:1 mentorship⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Cosmic ASS Library (online courses)⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🌹 Much luv, Feva Kristina

    1h 22m


Exploring our most authentic flow through the pleasure & play of astrological energies & archetypes.

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