Supernatural Circumstances
“Supernatural Circumstances” is a groundbreaking podcast hosted by award-winning paranormal researcher Morgan Knudsen (Haunted Hospitals & Paranormal 911) and true crime podcaster Mike Browne (Dark Poutine Podcast). In this captivating series, they investigate true supernatural cases, analyzing the factors that contribute to extraordinary phenomena, and delve into the fascinating exploration of consciousness. From life after death exploration to quantum creatures and sudden psychic abilities, they bring their expertise to the table, featuring interviews with eyewitnesses, scientists, law enforcement, academic parapsychologists, and field researchers. Prepare for an intriguing exploration of the unexplained in this energetic, fascinating, and mind-blowing podcast that leaves us all questioning what we thought we knew!
Hosts & Guests
Intelligent Conversation
If you’re looking for thoughtful, intelligent conversation about the paranormal, this is the place. Deeply researched and erudite but entertaining and informative. Probably the most thought provoking discussion of any podcast I’ve heard. Great stuff, Morgan and Mike!
Simply the Best!
Guests are extraordinary. Meghan adds her own research and experience in every interview. Mike is the voice of the listener. Simply fascinating.
Awesome show for those interested in the paranormal and in-depth supernatural folklore. Morgan Knudsen paranormal expertise combined with Mike Browne bring a wonderful balance of storytelling.
- Channel
- CreatorMike Browne & Morgan Knudsen/Curiouscast
- Years Active2021 - 2025
- Episodes80
- RatingClean
- Show Website
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