

方說 百病不侵、不藥而愈 Fearless to Disease IG: harvard.fang FB: harvard.fang harvard.fang@gmail.com 高手在民間 - 小鎮醫生的預保健頻道 哈佛診所方光宗院長透過深入淺出、簡單易懂的觀點,分享在生活預防保健的有效手段 _________________________________________________________________ 主持人 / 方光宗 醫師 哈佛診所院長 學經歷 新竹縣關西鎮衛生所主任 哈佛大學公共衛生碩士 陽明大學醫學士 專長 家庭醫學科 / 婦產科 / 小兒科 / 社區醫療 / 公共衛生 / 健康管理 關於 " 百病不侵、不藥而愈" 百病不侵的意思並不是不會生病,而是不會被任何疾病侵害我們的心,讓我們受苦。 不藥而愈的意思是不需要吃中藥、或者西藥,就可以把病所帶來的痛苦改善、療癒。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. FEB 10

    EP04-02: Detecting Diabetes

    Main Content: Introduction: The speaker, Dr. Fang Guangzhong, Director of Harvard Clinic, shares knowledge on preventive medicine in daily life.Continuing from the previous discussion, this session focuses on how to assess the risk of diabetes.Emphasizes the concept that "prevention is better than cure."Traditional "Three Highs" Symptoms: Traditionally, diabetes symptoms include the "Three Highs": excessive eating, excessive drinking, and excessive urination.Excessive eating: Diabetic patients may have a strong appetite and are prone to obesity, but not all diabetics are overweight.Excessive drinking: Diabetics often feel thirsty even after drinking a lot of water, with a higher frequency and volume of water intake than normal.Excessive urination: The frequency, volume, and urgency of urination are significantly higher than usual.Key Point: The "Three Highs" symptoms typically appear in the later stages of diabetes. Discovering the disease at this stage may already be too late.Quote: "The 'Three Highs' symptoms occur in the late stages of diabetes. If you wait until then to realize you have diabetes, it may be too late." Importance of Early Detection: The key to diabetes prevention is early detection rather than waiting for the "Three Highs" symptoms to appear.Even after being diagnosed, some people may ignore the condition or be unsure how to manage it, leading to delayed treatment.Quote: "Some people, even if they know they have diabetes, behave as if they don't. They may not care, not know what to do next, or even if they do know, they might not be able to manage it well." Seeking Help from a Family Doctor: It is recommended to consult a trusted family doctor as a health guardian.Family doctors can help address both minor and major health concerns and refer patients to specialists or hospitals when necessary.With their expertise, family doctors can help determine whether one has diabetes.Quote: "The best way to know is to find a reliable family doctor. We should seek their help for all kinds of health problems." Limitations of Blood Sugar Testing: While self-monitoring blood sugar levels is valuable, interpreting the results requires professional knowledge and experience.High blood sugar does not necessarily indicate diabetes, and normal blood sugar levels do not guarantee the absence of the disease.Quote: "Having high blood sugar does not necessarily mean you have diabetes, and having normal blood sugar does not necessarily mean you don't." Conclusion: This session explored how to assess the risk of diabetes. The next session will discuss how family doctors diagnose diabetes.Key Takeaways: The "Three Highs" symptoms are not early indicators of diabetes: Do not wait for these symptoms to take action; pay attention to other possible warning signs early.Early diagnosis is crucial: The earlier diabetes is detected, the better the chances of controlling the condition and preventing complications.A trusted family doctor is a health guardian: Seeking professional help ensures accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.Blood sugar test results require professional interpretation: Self-monitoring should be approached cautiously, and conclusions should not be made without medical advice. 引言: ◦ 講者為哈佛診所院長方光中醫師,他分享日常生活中預防醫學的知識,並強調「預防勝於治療」的觀念。 ◦ 本次主題延續上次討論,著重於如何判斷自己是否可能罹患糖尿病。 • 傳統的「三多」症狀: ◦ 傳統上,糖尿病的徵兆包括「三多」:吃多、喝多、尿多1。 ▪ 吃多:糖尿病患者可能食慾特別好,容易肥胖,但並非所有糖尿病患者都肥胖1。 ▪ 喝多:糖尿病患者容易口渴,即使喝很多水仍感到渴,飲水頻率與量都較常人多1。 ▪ 尿多:小便次數、頻率與量也比一般人多1。 • 重要觀點:「三多」症狀通常在糖尿病後期才會出現,此時才發現可能為時已晚1。 ◦ 引述: “三多 的 症 狀 是 發 生 在 糖 尿 病 的 後 期 。 你 就 比 較 晚 了 。 所 以 靠 著 山 多 來 知 道 自 己 有 沒 有 糖 尿 病 。 恐 怕 為 時 以 晚 。”1 • 早期發現的重要性: ◦ 早期發現糖尿病的重點在於及早察覺,而非等到出現「三多」症狀1。 ◦ 即使知道自己有糖尿病,有些人可能不重視,或不知如何處理,導致延誤治療1。 ◦ 引述: “有 些 人 即 使 知 道 自 己 有 糖 尿 病 他 也 等 於 不 知 道 • 尋求家庭醫師的協助: ◦ 建議民眾尋求信賴的家庭醫師,作為健康守護者1。 ◦ 家庭醫師可協助解決大小健康問題,若無法處理,則轉介適合的專科醫師或醫院。 ◦ 家庭醫師能以專業知識判斷是否患有糖尿病1。 ◦ 引述: “我 認 為 最 好 知 道 的 方 式 就 是 找 一 個 信 得 過 的 家 庭 醫 師 。 我 們 有 大 小 問 題 都 找 他 幫 我 們 的 忙 。”1 • 血糖檢測的限制: ◦ 雖然自行檢測血糖有其價值,但解讀結果需要專業知識與經驗。 ◦ 血糖高不一定代表罹患糖尿病,血糖不高也不一定沒有糖尿病。 ◦ 引述: “並 不 是 血 糖 高 就 一 定 是 糖 尿 病 , 或 者 血 糖 不 高 就 一 定 沒 沒 有 糖 尿 病 。” • 結語: ◦ 本次探討如何判斷是否患有糖尿病,下一次將繼續討論家庭醫師如何確診糖尿病。 • 重要觀點總結: ◦ 傳統「三多」症狀並非早期指標:勿等到出現「三多」才警覺,應及早關注其他可能徵兆。 ◦ 早期診斷是關鍵:越早發現,越能及時控制病情,避免併發症。 ◦ 信賴的家庭醫師是健康守護者:尋求專業協助,進行準確的診斷與治療。 ◦ 血糖檢測結果需要專業解讀:自行檢測需謹慎,不可自行判斷1。 總結來說,這段內容強調了早期發現糖尿病的重要性,以及尋求專業醫師協助的必要性。單靠「三多」症狀判斷可能太晚,而自行檢測血糖也需要專業的解讀。因此,尋求信賴的家庭醫師進行診斷和治療是較為可靠的方式。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

    15 min
  2. FEB 9

    EP04-01:What diabetes is

    Today, I'd like to talk about what diabetes is. Diabetes, as the name suggests, means there is sugar in the urine, or rather, too much sugar. •Why is there sugar in the urine? Because there is too much sugar in the blood. •Why is there too much sugar in the blood? Because of insufficient insulin function or insufficient insulin quantity. •Why does insufficient insulin function lead to too much sugar in the blood? Insulin's function is to enable tissue cells to use the sugar in the blood as an energy source. When insulin function is insufficient, the utilization of sugar decreases, naturally resulting in excessive sugar in the blood. •Where is insulin produced? Insulin is produced in the pancreas. •Why is insulin insufficient or not functioning well? Primarily due to physical constitution, and not because of eating too much sugar. Therefore, it's not eating too much sugar that causes diabetes. Rather, people with diabetes should not consume too much sugar. Diabetes is fundamentally not a hereditary disease, but it has a familial link. If your parents have diabetes, your chances of getting diabetes are higher than others. The function of the pancreas declines with age, so as long as you live long enough, everyone has a chance of developing diabetes. What happens if you get diabetes? Simply put, you will develop diabetic complications. There are about six major categories of diabetic complications, including those affecting the heart, blood vessels, eyes, liver, and kidneys. Therefore, it is very important to control blood sugar and prevent it from exceeding the normal range. Otherwise, over time, the kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels, and eyes will be like being soaked in sugar water, leading to problems. Most importantly, if you have diabetes, the first thing you must do is know that you have diabetes. Otherwise, everything else is futile. Next time, we'll talk about how to know if you have diabetes. Powered by Firstory Hosting

    10 min
  3. 04/12/2022

    EP3-11 高血壓能不吃藥嗎

    上一次我們談到高血壓可能斷根嗎? 簡單的說,如果高血壓是因為另外一個疾病所帶來的,而那個疾病治療好了,高血壓也就跟著好了,是可以斷根的。 但是絕大多數的高血壓並不是這樣,所以絕大多數的高血壓是不能斷根的。 也就正因為不能斷根,所以我們的目標就不是要讓高血壓斷根,而是要怎麼樣好好地控制高血壓。 今天我們來談高血壓可能不吃藥嗎?簡單地說,可能,什麼意思呢?就是如果不吃藥就能夠把血壓控制好,當然就可以不吃藥。也就是說用非藥物的方式就能夠把血壓控制在正常範圍,不要因為控制不好而帶來併發症,那麼就可以不吃藥。為什麼會有人?提出這個問題,說高血壓可能不吃藥嗎? 我猜想一個很重要的原因就是擔心藥吃多了會傷肝傷腎,這倒是一個我認為應該矯正的概念,怎麼說呢?因為我覺得高血壓的藥物恐怕要擔心的不是吃多了會傷肝傷腎。而是不吃才可怕,才會傷肝傷腎。 這話怎麼說呢?因為如果不按照醫囑按時的服藥,造成高血壓居高不下、引起高血壓的併發癥,高血壓併發症有六大類:心臟、血管、腦、眼睛、肝臟、腎臟。 換句話說,不吃藥才會傷肝傷腎啊。 Podcat 頻道 : 百病不侵 https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1600275983 本節目由衛生教育向上協會發起人方光宗醫師主持,我們的一個健康願望,讓每個人能夠了解最簡單健康的生活方式、再傳承下去,社會將變得愈來愈有活力,預防醫學就從現在做起。 各大 Podcast 平台請搜尋: 百病不侵,歡迎分享以按讚訂閱,感謝您們的鼓勵讓我們更有動力。 衛生教育向上協會 ( HEIS ) 粉絲專頁,歡迎追蹤 https://www.facebook.com/heis.harvard IG: harvard.fang https://www.instagram.com/harvard.fang/ Powered by Firstory Hosting

    7 min
  4. 04/08/2022

    EP3-10 高血壓可能斷根嗎

    今天我們來談一談,高血壓可能斷根嗎? 答案是: 可能也不可能。 高血壓有兩大類: 一大類是因為另外一個病造成的高血壓,而那個病如果解決了,高血壓就好了、就斷根了。 但是絕大多數的高血壓並不是因為另外一個病造成的高血壓,這樣子的高血壓就不可能斷根。 什麼叫做另外一個病造成的高血壓呢?舉個例子來說, 我們,腎上腺長了一個瘤,而這個瘤會分泌腎上腺素,腎上腺素過多會造成血壓偏高。 所以如果是因為長了一個瘤造成的高血壓,這個瘤把它拿掉沒有了,瘤也就沒有了過多的腎上腺素,血壓也就不高了。 但是絕大多數的高血壓不是這個樣子,所以絕大多數的高血壓是不能斷根的,也正因為如此高血壓的目標不是短根而是控制。因為不控制的話,就會造成高血壓的併發症, Podcat 頻道 : 百病不侵 https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1600275983 本節目由衛生教育向上協會發起人方光宗醫師主持,我們的一個健康願望,讓每個人能夠了解最簡單健康的生活方式、再傳承下去,社會將變得愈來愈有活力,預防醫學就從現在做起。 各大 Podcast 平台請搜尋: 百病不侵,歡迎分享以按讚訂閱,感謝您們的鼓勵讓我們更有動力。 衛生教育向上協會 ( HEIS ) 粉絲專頁,歡迎追蹤 https://www.facebook.com/heis.harvard IG: harvard.fang https://www.instagram.com/harvard.fang/ Powered by Firstory Hosting

    6 min


方說 百病不侵、不藥而愈 Fearless to Disease IG: harvard.fang FB: harvard.fang harvard.fang@gmail.com 高手在民間 - 小鎮醫生的預保健頻道 哈佛診所方光宗院長透過深入淺出、簡單易懂的觀點,分享在生活預防保健的有效手段 _________________________________________________________________ 主持人 / 方光宗 醫師 哈佛診所院長 學經歷 新竹縣關西鎮衛生所主任 哈佛大學公共衛生碩士 陽明大學醫學士 專長 家庭醫學科 / 婦產科 / 小兒科 / 社區醫療 / 公共衛生 / 健康管理 關於 " 百病不侵、不藥而愈" 百病不侵的意思並不是不會生病,而是不會被任何疾病侵害我們的心,讓我們受苦。 不藥而愈的意思是不需要吃中藥、或者西藥,就可以把病所帶來的痛苦改善、療癒。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

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