NihaoChinese|Learn Chinese with Clover

Clover Tao
NihaoChinese|Learn Chinese with Clover

Follow me on YouTube: @nihaochinesenet Book a free trial lesson on our website: Hello everyone, my name is Clover. I am a professional and native Chinese teacher. I love reading and writing. In this channel, you will hear more real Chinese instead of grammar explanation. I will probably not explain everything but just read it to give you more chances to immerse yourself in this language.

  1. Level 4: 你会爱上机器人吗?Will you fall in love with a robot?


    Level 4: 你会爱上机器人吗?Will you fall in love with a robot?

    你会爱上机器人吗? 假如有一个机器人完全是按照你的喜好制造的,他/她会为你做饭,帮你做家务,每天逗你开心,他/她了解你所有的需求,能满足你的所有要求,而且长得还很帅或者很漂亮,完全就是你的梦中情人,你会爱上他吗? 但是他/她可能没有心跳,没有人类的正常需求,不用吃饭,不用上厕所,也不需要睡觉。但是他会唱歌,也可能会跳舞,甚至上知天文,下知地理,你不会的事情问一下他就可以了。但是他/她可能没有荷尔蒙,不知道他/她会不会让你心动呢? 或者他/她可以成为很好的朋友?也可能是一个很危险的人物,如果他被病毒入侵了。你期待拥有一个机器人吗?Follow me on YouTube:nihaochinesenet I wrote this article after watching a German film “Ich bin dein Mensch”, Chinese name"我是你的人”. It's a very fascinating movie, I recommend you to watch it! English Translation: Will you fall in love with robots? If there was a robot that was built exactly according to your preferences, he/she would cook for you, help you do the housework, make you happy every day, he/she knew all your needs, could meet all your needs, and he/she was handsome or beautiful, and he/she would be your dream lover, would you fall in love with him/her? But he or she may have no heartbeat, no normal human needs, no need to eat, go to the bathroom, and no need to sleep. But he can sing, maybe he can dance, even know astronomy, know geography. If you don't know something, just ask him. But he/she may not have hormones, I wonder if he/she will make you feel? Or he/she could be a great friend? He could be a very dangerous person, if he's infected by a virus. Are you looking forward to owning a robot?

    2 min
  2. 04/01/2024

    Level 5: 悯农 (mǐn nóng)The Peasant's Lot / The Pity Peasant

    Hello大家好,今天给大家读一首古诗。This is a really famous poetry in China. When we just started our school, this was the first poetry we need to learn. 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。chú hé rì dāng wǔ, hàn dī hé xià tǔ 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。shuí zhī pán zhōng cān, lì lì jiē xīn kǔ. Mordern Chinese meaning: 农民在正午烈日的暴晒下锄禾,汗水从身上滴在禾苗生长的土地上。又有谁知道盘中的饭食,每颗每粒都是农民用辛勤的劳动换来的呢?这首诗是要告诉我们要珍惜自己的食物,不要浪费粮食。Follow me on Youtube: nihaochinesenet English translation: 锄禾日当午,chú hé rì dāng wǔ (A farmer )Hoeing the grass under the noonday sun, 汗滴禾下土。hàn dī hé xià tǔ His sweat drips on the ground beneath the seedling. 谁知盘中餐,shuí zhī pán zhōng cān Who knows that the meal in the dish, 粒粒皆辛苦。lì lì jiē xīn kǔ Every single grain of rice means hardwork. word by word translation: 锄chú,动词,除草。 Verb, hoe, get rid of the grass from crops by a hoe, hoeing. 禾hé,名词,禾苗 。Noun, seedling, the small crops. 日rì,名词,太阳。Noun, the sun. 当 dān 介词, 当……时。Preposition, when, while. 午wǔ 名词, 中午。Noun, midday, noonday. 汗 hàn, 名词,汗水。Noun, Sweat. 滴 dī, 动词,滴落,掉下来。Verb, drip, Drip down. 禾 hé, 名词, 禾苗。Noun, seedling, the small crops. 下 xià, 方位名词,下面。Position noun, under, down. 土 tǔ , 名词, 泥土。Noun, the soil, earth, the ground. 谁 shuí,人称代词,谁。Personal Pronoun, Who. 知zhī,动词,知道。Verb, know. 盘 pán, 名词,盘子。Noun, dish. 中 zhōng,方位名词,中间,在……里面。Position noun, in, in the middle of……. 餐 cān,名词,饭食。Noun, the meal. 盘中餐,盘子里的食物,碗里的饭食。the meal in the dish 粒lì,量词,谷物的数量。 Quantifier, grain, a grain of ...... 粒粒,every grain of 皆 jiē,副词,都。adverb, all. 辛xīn,形容词,辛苦。adjective, hard. 苦 kǔ,形容词,辛苦,痛苦。Adjective,painful. 辛苦,adjective, laborious.

    1 min
  3. 03/22/2024

    HSK2(level 2) A day of Xiaoming小明的一天 daily routine

    小明的一天 小明早上七点起床,然后刷牙,洗脸,七点半吃早饭,然后八点去做地铁。八点半到公司,九点上班。 九点到十二点小明需要努力工作。十二点开始吃午饭,他午饭吃蛋炒饭,喝一杯咖啡。下午一点又开始工作,下午三点半是下午茶时间,他休息一会儿,吃一个苹果。然后五点下班。 回到家后,他开始准备晚饭,他晚饭吃西红柿炒鸡蛋和米饭,然后喝点儿粥。之后他开始躺在沙发上上网,玩手机,看短视频。 八点半他开始去洗澡,洗完澡看会书,他就准备睡觉了。晚安啦!Follow me on Youtube: nihaochinesenet English Version: A day of Xiaoming Xiaoming gets up at seven o 'clock in the morning, then brush teeth, wash face, eat breakfast at 7:30, then take the subway at 8 o 'clock. Xiaoming arrive at the office at 8:30 and starts to work at 9:00. Nine to twelve o 'clock Xiaoming needs to work hard. Lunch begins at twelve. He has egg fried rice and a cup of coffee for lunch. At one o 'clock in the afternoon he started work again, and at three thirty in the afternoon it was tea time, and he took a short break to eat an apple. Then I get off at 5:00. When he arrived at home, he began to prepare dinner, he had scrambled eggs with tomatoes and rice for supper, and then some porridge. After dinner, he started lying on the couch surfing the Internet, playing on his phone and watching short videos. At eight thirty, he began to take a shower and read books for a while after shower. He is ready to go to bed. Good night!

    2 min
  4. HSK1 (Level1) Reading and Listening Practice_Stories of Xiaotao


    HSK1 (Level1) Reading and Listening Practice_Stories of Xiaotao

    This story is based on HSK1 sentence patterns and vocabulary 小桃8岁了,她上小学一年级,她家有四口人,爸爸,妈妈,哥哥和她。她还有一只猫和一只狗。她的猫叫喵喵(miao1 miao),她的狗叫阿黄(a huang2)。猫是白色的,狗是黄色的。小桃有很多爱好,比如唱歌、画画、弹吉他。但是她最喜欢的是书法(shu1 fa3 colligraphy),她每天都要练习写毛笔字。她的字写得很好。 小桃平时很忙,从周一到周五每天都要上课,下课后还要写作业,上兴趣班。周末不上课的时候,爸爸妈妈有时候会带她出去玩,他们经常去郊游,爸爸开车带她去爬山或者去湖边散步。 小桃喜欢吃很多东西,比如饺子,面条,包子还有她的最爱糖葫芦。糖葫芦很甜很好吃。但是不能多吃,因为会牙疼。 小桃最喜欢穿白色的衣服,尤其是夏天,她的裙子都是白色的。 小桃有两个很好的朋友,一个叫欢欢,另一个叫芳芳。他们都是8岁,在同一个年级nian2 ji2 (grade),但是不同班级(ban1 ji2) class. 他们经常在一起写作业,做游戏。 现在很多小孩子都喜欢打游戏,但是小桃不喜欢,她喜欢看书,听音乐。她比较喜欢安静的活动。 小桃平时8点半睡觉,但是有时候作业太多,写不完,她只能十点睡觉。妈妈觉得这样很不好,但是没办法,现在小孩子压力很大。 小桃每天走路去上学,因为她家离学校不远。她不喜欢坐公交车,因为需要等车,又不舒服。 Follow me on YouTube: nihaochinesenet or book a lesson on English Version: Xiao Tao is 8 years old. She is in grade one of primary school. There are four people in her family, father, mother, brother and her. She also has a cat and a dog. Her cat's name is miao1 miao and her dog's name is a huang2. The cat is white and the dog is yellow. Xiao Tao has many hobbies, such as singing, drawing and playing guitar. But her favorite was calligraphy (shu1 fa3 colligraphy), where she practiced writing brush characters every day. Her handwriting is very good. Xiao Tao is usually very busy. She has to attend classes from Monday to Friday, after class she has to do homework, interest classes. When there is no class on weekends, her parents sometimes take her out to play, they often go for an outing, her father drives her to climb a mountain or go for a walk by the lake. Xiao Tao likes to eat many things, such as dumplings, noodles, steamed buns and her favorite snacks sugar gourd. Sugar gourd is very sweet and delicious. But don't eat too much, because it will hurt your teeth. Xiao Tao likes to wear white clothes most, especially in summer, her skirts are all white. Xiao Tao has two very good friends, one is called Huanhuan, the other is called Fangfang. They are both 8 years old and in the same nian2 ji2 (grade), but different (ban1 ji2) class. They often do their homework and play games together. Nowadays many children like playing games, but Xiao Tao doesn't. She likes reading books and listening to music. She prefers quiet activities. Xiao Tao usually goes to bed at 8:30, but sometimes there is too much homework to finish, she can only go to bed at 10:00. Mom thinks it's bad, but there's no way. Kids are under a lot of pressure these days. Xiao Tao walks to school every day, because her home is not far from school. She doesn't like taking the bus because she has to wait for it and it's uncomfortable.

    3 min
  5. HSK2 (Level 2) Reading and Listening Practice Part 2


    HSK2 (Level 2) Reading and Listening Practice Part 2

    This story is based on HSK2 sentence pattern and vocabulary 小桃的故事continue....上次的考试小桃考得很好,题都做完了,得了第一名。 妈妈很高兴,所以给她做了很多好吃的,有鸡肉、鱼、蔬菜,还有她最爱吃的西红柿炒鸡蛋。妈妈说吃鸡蛋对身体好,有营养。 这个周末,哥哥生病了,因为天气太冷了。所以爸爸让他多喝热水,好好休息,不要喝茶。妈妈经常忘记东西,今天早上她找不到自己的手机了,小桃帮她在电脑旁边找到的。 哥哥比小桃大六岁,他很喜欢唱歌,也喜欢下象棋。他经常和朋友一起去唱歌。他唱歌唱得很好听。这个学期(semester),他们班来了一个新的英语老师,长得很漂亮,姓王,叫芳芳。 今天下班后,妈妈买了一些苹果,苹果两块五一斤,比昨天便宜。天气真冷,明天可能会下雪。妈妈让小桃多穿点衣服。哥哥就是衣服穿得太少才生病的。晚上,妈妈做了米饭,粥和白菜豆腐。妈妈说小桃吃得太少了,应该多吃一点。妈妈做饭做得很好吃,爸爸比妈妈做得更好吃。所以爸爸应该经常做饭。 听妈妈说,小桃的表哥有女朋友了,长着两个大眼睛,皮肤很白,非常爱笑,是个很好的女孩儿。表哥今年25岁了,在银行上班,长得也很帅,个子一米八,所以他们真是郎才女貌。 妈妈说他们每个星期都去电影院看电影,因为表哥的女朋友很喜欢看电影,很有意思,他们这个周末还想去。 这个星期天气很好,每天都是晴天,但是很冷。快过年了,爸妈每天都有很多事情要做,要买很多年货。虽然商店里的东西不便宜,但是质量还不错。妈妈给小桃买了一件外套,两百多,小桃很喜欢。 新年就要到了,小桃全家准备去广东旅游,因为广东是南方,很暖和,冬天有二十多度。他们已经定好了飞机票。 北京快要下雪了,时间过得真快,一年又要过去了,希望明年会更好! 西红柿炒鸡蛋:scrambled eggs with tomatoes 营养:nutrition 表哥:cousin from mothers’ side 个子:height 年货:stocking 白菜豆腐:toufu with cabbage 就是。。。才:…. Is just that…., because…. 郎才女貌:idiom, a perfect match between a man and a girl (the beauty and the geek) English version: The last exam Xiaotao did very well, the questions are done, won the first place. Her mother was very happy, so she cooked a lot of delicious food for her, including chicken, fish, vegetables, and her favorite scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Mother says eating eggs is good for the body and it's nutritious. This weekend, my brother got sick because the weather was too cold. So his father told him to drink more hot water and have a good rest instead of drinking tea. Mother often forgets things, this morning she couldn't find her mobile phone, Xiao Tao helped her find it next to the computer. Xiaotao's brother is six years older than Xiao Tao. He likes singing and playing chess. He often goes singing with his friends. He sings beautifully. In this semester, a new English teacher came to his class. She was very beautiful. Her surname was Wang and her name was Fangfang. Today after work, my mother bought some apples, apples are 2.5 yuan half kg, cheaper than yesterday. It's so cold that it might snow tomorrow. Mother asked little Peach to put on more clothes. My brother got sick from wearing too few clothes. In the evening, my mother made rice, porridge and cabbage with tofu. Mother said little peach eat too little, should eat a little more. Mother cooks very well, and father cooks better than mother. So dad should cook often. Listen to the mother said, Xiao Tao's cousin has a girlfriend, with two big eyes, very white skin, very love to smile, is a very good girl. Cousin this year 25 years old, working in the bank, long is also very handsome, tall one meter eight, so they are really a match. My mother said that they go to the cinema every week, because my cousin's girlfriend likes to go to the cinema very much, it is interesting, and they want to go again this weekend. The weather was fine this week. It was sunny every day, but very cold. The New Year is coming, my parents have a lot of things to do every day, to buy a lot of New Year goods. Although the things in the shop are not cheap, they are of good quality. Mother to small peach bought a coat, more than two hundred, small peach very like. The New Year is coming, Xiao Tao and his family are going to travel to Guangdong, because Guangdong is the south, very warm, more than twenty degrees in winter. They have booked the plane tickets. Beijing is going to snow, time flies, a year is going to pass, I hope next year will be better!

    4 min
  6. HSK2 (Level 2) Listening and Reading Practice (Part 1)


    HSK2 (Level 2) Listening and Reading Practice (Part 1)

    小桃的故事Continue (This story is based on HSK2 sentence patterns and vocabulary) 小桃有很多梦想,长大后她想去环游世界(huan2 you2 shi4 jie4 travel around the world),所以现在她很用功地读书(study hard)。 小桃每天6点起床,因为她7点要去学校上课。她很喜欢运动,所以很少生病。她喜欢打羽毛球和踢足球。她现在一米四几,她希望自己能长到一米六几。她的爸爸是一名医生,工作很忙,有时候周末也要上班。她的妈妈是一名小学老师,有很多的学生。 她的爸爸喜欢看报纸,有时候看到开心的地方,还会读给她听。妈妈喜欢唱歌,她会唱很多歌。 小桃的房间是淡蓝色的,因为她喜欢天空的颜色,可以思考很多问题。她喜欢每天晚上躺在床上看书,也喜欢看小说,她最喜欢的小说是西游记。 周末有空的时候,她们一家人会去外面饭馆儿吃饭。小桃最喜欢吃小笼包和西红柿炒鸡蛋,爸爸最喜欢吃饺子,妈妈最喜欢吃蔬菜。爸爸还喜欢喝绿茶,午饭后,他经常喝一杯绿茶。这个周末,妈妈打算去给小桃买衣服,因为以前的衣服太小了,不能穿了。 小桃最近在学骑自行车,妈妈给她买了一辆新的自行车,是红色的,她很喜欢,每天下午放学后都要骑一会儿。小桃很喜欢看动画片,但是妈妈不让她每天看,有时候作业太多,也没时间看。快要考试了,小桃要好好学习了哦! If you would like to learn more, follow me on YouTube: nihaochinesenet or book a lesson on English Version: Xiao Tao has many dreams, she wants to travel around the world when she grows up, so now she studies hard. Xiao Tao gets up at six every day, because she has to go to school at seven. She likes sports very much, so she seldom gets sick. She likes playing badminton and football. She's four feet tall now, and she wants to be six feet tall. Her father is a doctor. His work is very busy. Sometimes he goes to work on weekends. Her mother is a primary school teacher and has many students. Her father likes to read the newspaper, and sometimes when he sees something happy, he will read it to her. Mother likes singing. She can sing many songs. Xiao Tao's room is light blue, because she likes the color of the sky and can think about many problems. She likes reading in bed every night. She also likes reading novels. Her favorite novel is Journey to the West. On weekends, when she had free time, her family would eat out at a restaurant. Xiao Tao likes to eat Xiaolongbao and scrambled eggs with tomatoes, father likes to eat dumplings, mother likes to eat vegetables. My father also likes to drink green tea. After lunch, he often drinks a cup of green tea. This weekend, mother is going to buy clothes for Xiao Tao, because the old clothes are too small to wear. Xiao Tao is learning to ride a bike recently. Her mother bought her a new bike. It is red. She likes it very much. Xiao Tao likes watching cartoons very much, but her mother doesn't let her watch them every day. Sometimes she has too much homework and has no time to watch them. The exam is coming, Xiao Tao should study hard!

    3 min


Follow me on YouTube: @nihaochinesenet Book a free trial lesson on our website: Hello everyone, my name is Clover. I am a professional and native Chinese teacher. I love reading and writing. In this channel, you will hear more real Chinese instead of grammar explanation. I will probably not explain everything but just read it to give you more chances to immerse yourself in this language.

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