
Partition is an historical podcast that will discuss the 1947 Partition of India and the formation of Pakistan as told by me, Neha Aziz. I was born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1990, and always knew that Pakistan used to be a part of India. However, it wasn’t until my first trip back to my home country in 2017 that I found out the devastating truth at an exhibit at the mall. Learning about partition inspired me to dig into the subject more, especially because I have no recollection of learning about it in school, and neither my parents or relatives ever spoke to me about it. It all started when Britain decided they could no longer afford to control India.They granted them independence and announced that a new country, Pakistan would also be formed. They severed the country in such a way that friends and neighbors became enemies and murderers. All facts said in the podcast are true and accurate, but I will be providing anecdotes and commentary as they relate to my discovery and research of Partition. This year marks the 75th anniversary, and it is high time that this story is revealed to the masses.
Hosts & Guests
So Close To Five Stars!
Wonderfully engaging podcast on the impact of Partition! It would be deserving of five stars, if not for the maddening background music—that of repetitively plucked strings—that plays incessantly behind the speaking of individuals and as a connecting line between segments. This one element makes the series nearly unlistenable. Ultimately, it is absolutely worth listening to. The series is heartfelt, necessary, and long overdue. This specific music choice and its overuse is simply an unfortunate misstep in a successful, beautiful production.
Listen to this podcast!!
I am so grateful for this pocdcast and to be learning more about Partition directly from people and communities affected. Neha is a great narrator and nails both the honest podcaster on this journey with us, and the historian covering devastating events. Please listen and tell your friends.
A terrific view of the emotional terrain of partition
We need more shows that go beyond the facts and in to the impact of politics on real people
Mind blown
I found this podcast after reading Unmarriageable, a retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in Pakistan. I was searching on google, YouTube and apple to get visual and historical context. I was thrilled to find this podcast. I learned so much about the history of India and Pakistan. I’ve always loved world history and was shocked to learn what had never been covered in my education. Thank you for Partition, the podcast!
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Episodes11
- Seasons1
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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