Let's talk Marketplace

Ingrid Lommer und Valerie Dichtl
Let's talk Marketplace

More than half of all e-commerce sales are generated on online marketplaces - if that's not reason enough for a regular talk show! Marketplace specialists Valerie Dichtl and Ingrid Lommer take up the challenge. 60 Prozent des deutschen E-Commerce-Umsatzes werden auf Online-Marktplätzen umgesetzt - wenn das kein Anlass für eine regelmäßige Talkshow ist! Die Marktplatz-Spezialistinnen Valerie Dichtl und Ingrid Lommer nehmen die Herausforderung an und quatschen bei "Let's talk Marketplace" frei von der Leber weg über alles, was sie am Plattform-Business fasziniert.

  1. LTM 91: Marketplace Jobs and how to hire new team members

    1 DAY AGO

    LTM 91: Marketplace Jobs and how to hire new team members

    It's December and what do many marketplace people do? They are looking for a new job! Don't believe us? Then take a look at the number of job changes that are circulating in the industry in these weeks. That's why Valerie and Ingrid have dedicated the new episode of their podcast “Let's talk Marketplace” to the topic of jobs and brought Marketplace Universe's HR manager, HR specialist Natalia Dobrova, to the microphone. Together they highlighted why talent scouting is so challenging in the marketplace business, how good and, above all, realistic job descriptions are created, and what these job specifications have to do with the subsequent employment contract. They also discussed the very different work cultures in the US and Europe and the advantages of Marketplace Universe's fast, transparent, and trustworthy job matching. Newsflash: - Black Week broke many records. 60% of purchases occurred on marketplaces, with Amazon leading at 85% of users.   - TikTok has lost its bid to strike down a law that could result in the platform being banned in the United States.  Note from the sponsor Storfund: Liquid capital is a huge issue in e-commerce: with payment periods of 14 to 60 days, merchants often wait weeks for their money – which is then missing to order new goods and grow further. Storfund wants to solve this problem: The company pays the merchant the amount that it has already earned from sales but has not yet received. In return, the merchant pays a fixed fee to Storfund and is immediately liquid again. Storfund is a British company that was founded in London in 2018, but is now also active in the US and Central Europe. The company's services are aimed specifically at marketplace merchants – Storfund has set up integrations with 35 marketplaces, including Amazon, Kaufland and Otto. Find out more at  or in episode 86 of “Let's talk Marketplace”. Chapters: 00:00 The Rise of Online Marketplaces During Peak Season 03:37 Introducing Natalia: Insights from an HR Expert 10:30 Navigating the Job Market in E-commerce 18:35 Building a Strong Marketplace Team 29:22 The Importance of Job Descriptions in Hiring 32:06 Understanding Organizational Structures and Responsibilities 35:33 Balancing Expectations in Job Descriptions 38:38 The Impact of Remote Work on Job Performance 41:14 Cultural Differences in Work Ethics 47:31 The Importance of Job Matching in Marketplaces

    54 min
  2. LTM 90: Wann überholt Shein Zalando?

    DEC 5

    LTM 90: Wann überholt Shein Zalando?

    „Das ist keine Welle und auch kein Tsunami, das ist ein Anstieg des Meeresspiegels!“ Das sagt der renommierte Handelsexperte Professor Dr. Gerrit Heinemann über den rasanten Aufstieg der chinesischen Factory-to-Consumer-Companies wie Shein und Temu. Denn selbst eine riesige Welle geht irgendwann wieder zurück - die chinesischen Player hingegen sind nach Europa gekommen, um zu bleiben. In dieser Podcast-Folge diskutiert Gerrit mit Ingrid und Valerie, welchen Kardinalfehler deutsche Brands gemacht haben, warum sich Shein vermutlich über die EU totlacht und warum Shein nachhaltiger ist als ökozertifizierte westliche Brands. Außerdem sprechen sie darüber, wie Brands auf Shein reagieren sollten und warum Gerrit in dem Aufsteig Sheins einen staatlich geförderten Wirtschaftskrieg Chinas Westen sieht. Jepp, eine echte Tacheles-Folge. Newsflash: -        The Platform Group hat den insolventen Luxusuhren-Anbieter CHRONEXT übernommen. -        TikTok Shop soll noch im Dezember in Spanien starten. -        MediaMarktSaturn erweitert sein Retail Media-Angebot um In-Store-Ads. Hinweis unseres Sponsors Base.com Wer nach Osteuropa internationalisieren möchte, trifft dort auf eine andere marktplatz-Landschaft als in Westeuropa. Und braucht damit andere Marktplatzintegrationen! Helfen kann die E-Commerce SaaS-Lösung Base.com: Die Plattform hat sich auf Marktplatzintegration und die Automatisierung von E-Commerce- Marktplatzprozessen wie Auftragsabwicklung und Bestandsverwaltung spezialisiert und kann Anbindungen zu über 250 Marktplätzen anbieten. Das Unternehmen wurde im polnischen Breslau gegründet und kann mit besonders vielen Anbindungen zu Marktplätzen in der CEE-Region punkten. Mehr dazu unter https://ww.base.com oder in Folge 85 von „Let’s talk Marketplace“. Kapitel: 00:02 Einführung in das Thema 02:50 Vorstellung des Gasts 10:16 Newsflash 25:08 Aufstieg chinesischer Firmen wie Shein 30:33 Gründe für Sheins Erfolg 37:29 Sheins Öffnung zum Marktplatz 40:04 Reaktion von Brands 44:33 Know-how und On-Demand-Produktion

    50 min
  3. LTM 89: It’s Quadrant Time! The most relevant B2C-marketplaces for Consumer Electronics in Europe

    NOV 28

    LTM 89: It’s Quadrant Time! The most relevant B2C-marketplaces for Consumer Electronics in Europe

    For the new episode 89 of “Let's talk Marketplace”, Ingrid took on the role of podcast guest: She presented her new marketplace quadrant “Consumer Electronics” in detail. For example, she explained where the database comes from and why the electronics industry is so special. After all, the quadrant boasts an impressive 58 marketplaces! She also discussed the leading providers and the most important local heroes in some markets. Valerie, for her part, took the opportunity to introduce Ingrid as an external guest: What are you best at in the marketplace environment? What is a fun fact about you? And what exactly does Marketplace Universe do? And why are the women in the industry so important to her? So if you want to get to know Ingrid and Marketplace Universe better AND learn more about the most relevant B2C marketplaces for Consumer Electronics in Europe, this episode is for you! You can find the new Marketplace Quadrant for Consumer Electronics on our website. Newsflash: - The French player Fnac Darty has taken over its Italian insolvent competitor Unieuro.  - Perplexity has launched an AI-based shopping assistant in the US that can be a taste of things to come with AI-powered marketplaces.  - French retail groups Mulliez and Les Mousquetaires have forged a major retail media alliance.  - According to a Kearney study, Amazon sellers made a loss of 258 million euros in 2023 because of Black Friday.   Chapters: 00:00 Introduction and Black Week Challenges 03:00 Founding a Company: The Bureaucratic Struggle 05:59 Empowering Female Founders in E-Commerce 08:56 Marketplace Universe: Our Mission and Vision 18:00 Marketplace Universe: Connecting Sellers and Brands 26:05 Newsflash 30:03 The Evolution of Consumer Electronics Marketplaces 40:57 Local Heroes in Consumer Electronics 44:58 Chinese Marketplaces and their Impact

    51 min
  4. LTM 88: Von der Blackbox zum Partner - Wie ebay Die Marken umwirbt

    NOV 21

    LTM 88: Von der Blackbox zum Partner - Wie ebay Die Marken umwirbt

    In dieser Episode von "Let's talk Marketplace" tauchen Valerie und Ingrid mit Lisa Haak, Head of Seller Community und Brand Relations bei eBay, tief in das Thema Markenstrategien auf eBay ein. Lisa teilt spannende Einblicke, wie eBay sich von der berüchtigten „Blackbox“ zu einem vertrauenswürdigen Partner für Marken entwickelt hat. Von autorisierten Händlern über B-Ware und Secondhand bis hin zu Retail Media – eBay bietet Marken heute ein echtes „Buffet“ an Optionen. Lisa verrät außerdem, warum Marken wie Dyson oder Bosch Vorreiter sind, wie das neue Markencockpit den Durchblick verschafft und was es mit Pre-Loved-Produkten auf sich hat. Außerdem teilt Lisa ihren Lieblings-Business-Hack: Sie wurde durch ihren Partner großer Eintracht Frankfurt-Fan und hat festgestellt, dass ein bisschen Smalltalk über Fußball wahre Networking-Wunder bewirkt – gerade in männerdominierten Branchen. Also, bei der nächsten Konferenz? Einfach mal nach dem SSV Jahn Regensburg fragen. 😉 Newsflash: Amazon Fresh wird in Deutschland eingestellt, stattdessen kooperiert Amazon jetzt mit dem Lieferdienst Knusper. TEMU wagt sich an Lebensmittel und plant das Gleiche auch für Europa – spannende Entwicklung oder verpufft es wie Amazon Fresh? Amazon Haul: Der Billigklon für alles unter 20 Dollar ist in den USA live. Meta kassiert eine EU-Strafe von 797 Millionen Euro wegen Bevorzugung des Facebook Marketplace. Information zu unserem Partner Storfund Wer kennt es nicht? Die Peak-Season läuft, die Verkäufe boomen, aber das Geld vom Marktplatz kommt erst in Wochen. Da greift Storfund unter die Arme. Der Finanzdienstleister zahlt dir deine Umsätze sofort aus – keine Wartezeiten, keine Cashflow-Sorgen. Storfund schließt die Lücke zwischen Verkauf und Auszahlung durch die Marktplätze, sodass du liquide bleibst, um Ware nachzubestellen oder ins Wachstum zu investieren. Für Händler, die schnell nachbestellen müssen, ohne Out-of-Stock zu gehen, kann das eine echte Rettung sein. Interesse? Mehr Infos gibt's hier. Information zu unserem Partner Taxdoo: Steuern – ein Thema, das keiner so richtig mag, aber jeden betrifft. Gerade wenn du grenzüberschreitend verkaufst, kann die Umsatzsteuer schnell zum Stolperstein werden. Hier kommt Taxdoo ins Spiel: Die Plattform automatisiert deine Umsatzsteuer-Prozesse und sorgt dafür, dass alles fristgerecht und rechtssicher abläuft. Taxdoo erfasst alle Verkäufe, Gebühren und Zahlungen deiner Marktplatz-Accounts und wertet sie aus. Taxdoo macht es dir leicht, auf Marktplätzen wie eBay, Amazon und Zalando zu verkaufen, ohne im Steuer-Dschungel zu versinken. Und wenn mal was schiefläuft? Taxdoo hilft nicht nur bei den aktuellen Meldungen, sondern bringt auch vergangene Monate in Ordnung. Mehr Infos gibt's hier. Kapitel: 00:15 – Begrüßung & warum Fußball Smalltalk im Business rettet 02:17 – Vorstellung von Lisa Haak und ihr Weg zu eBay 14:29 – Newsflash: Lebensmittel, Amazon Whole und Meta-Strafe 25:16 – Warum eBay früher als „Blackbox“ galt und wie sich das geändert hat 33:00 – Autohändler, B-Ware und Secondhand: eBays Marken-Buffet 46:28 – Markencockpit: Insights und Kampagnensteuerung für Marken 52:22 – Tipps für den Einstieg auf eBay & warum Durchstarterprogramme sinnvoll sind 57:04 – Abschied und Vorschau

    58 min
  5. LTM 87: Strategies for Successful Vendor Negotiations feat. Martin Heubel

    NOV 14

    LTM 87: Strategies for Successful Vendor Negotiations feat. Martin Heubel

    At the end of the year, many vendor negotiations with Amazon are on the agenda – and these are truly no walk in the park! Because Amazon, of course, has its own interests in mind – not those of the brands. But if you go into the talks well prepared, you have a better chance. Martin Heubel – formerly a vendor manager at Amazon himself and now an independent Amazon consultant – explains in this podcast episode with Valerie what is important in the negotiations. For example, he reveals who should and should not participate in the talks and when, which key figures should underlie the talks and where they can be obtained. He describes the approach and tricks of vendor managers and reveals specific methods that can be used to ountert hem. Newsflash: -     Shein grew by 68 percent in Europe in 2023, with sales of 7.86 billion euros. -     Amazon is starting its Black Week earlier than usual on November 21. -     Amazon has adjusted its requirements and deadlines for products with the Prime logo for the Christmas season. Note from the sponsor ChannelEngine: ChannelEngine is a marketplace technology service provider that was founded in the Netherlands in 2013. It is now active throughout Europe, in the USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore and Dubai. ChannelEngine acts as a marketplace integrator and provides marketplace middleware: Brands and retailers can use it to connect to more than 950 different online marketplaces and social media platforms worldwide. It also offers automated processes for product listings, product ranges, management and fulfillment as well as repricing. ChannelEngine thus makes it easier for its customers to grow faster and more easily on marketplaces. More information is available here or in our webinar with ChannelEngine. You will find the record here Note from the sponsor Taxdoo: On November 1, the Amazon VAT-compliant service provider Avalara terminated its contractual relationship with around 30,000 European Amazon sellers. Those affected by this must act immediately: otherwise, they will certainly fall behind with their November returns in countries such as Spain, France, Italy and Poland. So it's time to choose a new provider, for example the tax tech expert Taxdoo. The good news is that with an existing ID, the change can actually be made within a few weeks, and returns for November can still be made. Taxdoo offers a comprehensive platform for online merchants who have to carry out legally compliant and efficient Value Added Taxreporting and accounting - including for marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay or Zalando. More at Taxdoo or via Jonny Hofberger. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:55 Amazon continues to clear out vendors 05:55 Annual Review Meetings Overview 10:07 Newsflash 21:33 Strategies for Successful Vendor Negotiations 33:31 Understanding True Costs of Serving Amazon 34:41 Sales Growth and Profitability Metrics 36:06 Market Share and Category Visibility 40:31 Investment Decisions and Co-op Marketing 42:11 Performance Analytics and ROI 44:05 Setting the Agenda for Negotiations 47:27 Escalation Strategies in Negotiations 54:30 Data Sources for Vendor Negotiations

    59 min
  6. Let’s talk Marketplace 86: 3rd quarter reports round-up a.k.a. is that light at the end of the tunnel?

    NOV 7

    Let’s talk Marketplace 86: 3rd quarter reports round-up a.k.a. is that light at the end of the tunnel?

    Amazon impressive, Etsy miserable, eBay somewhere in between – that's how you could summarize the fresh quarterly figures. In this episode 86, Ingrid and Valerie take a closer look at the figures that Amazon, eBay, Zalando, About You and Etsy presented for the third quarter. Because: If the cautious forecasts that the e-commerce economy is slowly picking up again have proven to be true, then this should be reflected in the figures. The two analyze how successful Amazon's efforts to reduce costs have been, how important revenue from the retail media business is now for Amazon and eBay, and why Etsy is struggling so much with declines in GMV and buyer numbers. They also take a look at the margins at About You in its B2C and B2B business, as well as the strikingly good liquidity of the platform, and they try to take apart Zalando's juggling of numbers. Newsflash: - The EU has launched formal proceedings against Temu because it has concerns that Temu is not effectively preventing the sale of illegal or counterfeit products. - Shein has launched its C2C second-hand platform “Shein Exchange” in Germany. - At the Marketplace Convention last week, Temu refused to answer questions on stage; in a separate breakout room, however, the representatives were a bit more open.   Note from the sponsor bestSolutions: The service level agreements of marketplaces and their compliance can be a real challenge for brands and sellers. At Zalando, for example, the SLAs are 36 pages long and specify detailed delivery times and deadlines for the processing of returns. With an experienced logistics company, brands and manufacturers can face these challenges with confidence: bestSolutions can handle both their own online store logistics and B2B logistics. bestSolutions specializes in fashion logistics and is very familiar with the requirements of marketplaces such as Zalando, About You and Amazon. If you're interested in exploring how bestSolutions can support your brand's logistics, Ute Weickel-Oudot is your contact person. Note from sponsor plentyOne: PlentyOne is a German e-commerce service provider offering a complete solution for your omnichannel business – with a very strong focus on marketplaces. It covers the entire sales process across more than 150 sales channels and is suitable for manufacturers and brands of all sizes worldwide. In 2023, more than 116 million orders with a GMV of 9.8 billion euros were processed via the platform. In the coming months, PlentyOne plans to focus on expanding its innovative channel layer technology: this will ensure more efficient, standardized marketplace connections and relieve brands and retailers of complex system processes. More at https://www.plentymarkets.com Note on Marketplace Universe Jobs & Talents: Marketplace Universe has created something new: marketplace people who are looking for new challenges can store their profile in the Talent Pool. Companies looking for employees for their marketplace business can be matched with them by Marketplace Universe. There are also job ads in the Marketplace Universe newsletter and on the website. Find out more at https://marketplace-universe.com/jobs/   Chapters 00:00 Welcome and introduction 02:59 Marketplace Universe and its independence 06:11 Working with partners and customers 15:14 Newsflash 20:54 Marketplace trends and challenges 23:48 Third quarter data and statistics 25:41 Amazon: A strong quarter 32:01 eBay: Positive developments despite challenges 34:39 Etsy: Decline in the third quarter 35:41 Zalando: Strategic changes and growth 40:22 Marketplace trends and outlook for Q4

    47 min
  7. Let’s talk Marketplace 85: How to start on new marketplaces FAST feat. Base.com

    OCT 31

    Let’s talk Marketplace 85: How to start on new marketplaces FAST feat. Base.com

    Time to market is a much-used term – and at the same time such an important criterion in the marketplace business. A realistic timeframe for a new start in the marketplace business is usually 6 to 9 months. If you already sell via marketplaces and “only” connect another one, you might make it in 6 to 8 weeks.  The Czech solution provider Base.com says: We can do the integration in 5 days! That sounds so amazing that Ingrid and Valerie invited Base.com CEO Radek Klouda to their podcast. In episode 85 of “Let's talk Marketplace,” he outlines the approach of a ready-made and automated integration platform, a kind of “drag-and-drop integration.” The three also discuss why data exchange is so important, how AI helps to accelerate listings and translations, why Base.com has a free starter version and why Base.com “only” covers the technical part of the integration despite everything. Newsflash: - Amazon has outlined the requirements for its upcoming 'Low-Cost Store' in the U.S - its answer to Temu. - Allegro introduced a buy box on 1 October. - Kazakh fintech giant Kaspi.kz has acquired Turkish marketplace generalist Hepsiburada 1.1 billion dollars. Note from the sponsor eBay: Do you already know eBay's Pro Trader program? This business booster is aimed at eBay sellers who are somewhere between beginners and professionals or whose shop sales are not developing as they would like. The program includes, among other things, 3 months of personal advice from eBay experts with specific practical tips, 6 months of premium customer service, better visibility through the WOW! program and targeted voucher promotions, as well as detailed analysis of shop performance and support in planning tailored marketing activities. Sellers who have not participated in the Pro Trader program in the last 12 months can apply. You can find more information about the Pro Trader program here. Note from the sponsor Channable: Channable offers a solution that can map trade on almost all platforms – including marketplaces, of course. Products can be managed, advertised, sold and analyzed across channels and teams. This means that the marketplace team, the e-commerce team, the social media team, and performance marketing all work with the same software. The solution focuses on automation. Interested?  Then listen again to episode 82 of “Let's talk Marketplace”: Tom Maier, Head of New Business DACH at Channable, is a guest and discusses with Ingrid when a full-service solution makes sense and when a best-of-breed approach is better. Or you can visit Channable. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 06:01 Exploring Base.com's Services and Solutions 18:27 Newsflash 27:00 Discussion on Time to Market Strategies 32:03 The Five-Day Approach to Market Entry 36:03 Product Data Readiness and its Importance 39:56 Pricing Structure and Subscription Models 42:09 Category Focus and Product Types 48:03 Logistics and Customer Service Integration

    54 min
  8. Let’s talk Marketplace 84: Was passiert, wenn du deine Marktplatz-SLAs nicht einhältst, und andere Logistik-Geschichten

    OCT 24

    Let’s talk Marketplace 84: Was passiert, wenn du deine Marktplatz-SLAs nicht einhältst, und andere Logistik-Geschichten

    Jeder Marktplatz hat seine eigenen SLAs, also seine Service Level Agreements, und diese Vorgaben einzuhalten, ist manchmal eine gigantische Herausforderung - vor allem bei der Marktplatz-Logistik. Da müssen Versandzeiten eingehalten werden oder Fristen, innerhalb derer Retouren bearbeitet werden müssen. Gelingt dies nicht, rutscht das Angebot schnell im Ranking nach hinten und der Händler oder die Marke verliert ihre Sichtbarkeit, weiß Ute Weickel-Oudot. Sie ist Sales-Managerin beim Fulfillment- und Logistikanbieter bestSolutions und Gast in dieser Podcast-Folge. Und sie hat Andreas Kuffner mitgebracht, der beim Full-Service-Anbieter Gute Marken Online für das Business Development zuständig ist. Gemeinsam mit Valerie und Ingrid sprechen sie über die Wichtigkeit belastbarer Prognosen und den regelmäßigen Austausch zwischen Kunde und Dienstleister. Sie tauchen ein in die Tiefen der internationalen Marktplatzlogistik und unterschiedliche Retouren-Kulturen und in die Herausforderungen der Logistik im Weihnachtsgeschäft. Newsflash: -        Amazon ist angeblich still und leise mit dem Bau ein stationäres Supercenters beschäftigt – allerdings weiß bisher niemand, wo es entsteht. -        Backmarket hat zum Zehnjährigen Business-Zahlen vorgelegt, unter anderem, dass 1.800 Einzelhändler und 15 Millionen Kunden den Marktplatz für Refurbished-Ware nutzen. -        Amazon ändert ab dem 15. Januar 2025 seine Regeln für die FBA-Erstattung auf den europäischen Märkten.   Hinweis des Sponsors Storfund: Flüssiges Kapital ist ein Riesenthema im E-Commerce: Bei Zahlungsfristen von 14 bis 60 Tagen warten Händler oft wochenlang auf ihr Geld - das dann fehlt, um neue Ware zu bestellen und weiter zu wachsen. Dieses Problem will Storfund lösen: Das Unternehmen zahlt den Händler die Summe, die sie mit Verkäufen schon verdient, aber noch nicht auf dem Konto haben, sofort aus. Der Händler zahlt dafür eine Fixgebühr an Storfund und ist direkt wieder liquide. Storfund ist ein britisches Unternehmen, das 2018 in London gegründet wurde, mittlerweile aber auch in den USA und Zentraleuropa aktiv ist. Mit seinen Services richtet sich das Unternehmen speziell an Marktplatz-Händler - Storfund hat Integrationen zu 35 Marktplätzen eingerichtet, darunter auch Amazon, Kaufland und Otto. Mehr dazu unter https://storfund.com/de/ oder in 14 Tagen in Folge 86 von „Let’s talk Marketplace“. Da ist Storfund zu Gast, gemeinsam mit einem Händler, der den Finanzservice bereits nutzt. Chapters: 00:35 Einführung und Vorstellung der Gäste 12:32 Newsflash 19:55 Marktplatz Logistik bei Gute Marken Online 25:37 Einführung in die Logistik von Best Solutions 27:09 Herausforderungen der Retouren im Mode-E-Commerce 34:07 Planung und Forecasting in der Peak Season 39:42 Internationale Logistik und ihre Herausforderungen

    47 min


More than half of all e-commerce sales are generated on online marketplaces - if that's not reason enough for a regular talk show! Marketplace specialists Valerie Dichtl and Ingrid Lommer take up the challenge. 60 Prozent des deutschen E-Commerce-Umsatzes werden auf Online-Marktplätzen umgesetzt - wenn das kein Anlass für eine regelmäßige Talkshow ist! Die Marktplatz-Spezialistinnen Valerie Dichtl und Ingrid Lommer nehmen die Herausforderung an und quatschen bei "Let's talk Marketplace" frei von der Leber weg über alles, was sie am Plattform-Business fasziniert.

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