Yahrtzeit Yomi #1370!! א אדר (Shabbos) The Ibn Ezra רב אברהם ב״ר מאיר אבן עזרא אבי הפייטנים (1089 - 1164) ---------------------------------------------- AH FREILICHEN CHOIDESH ADAR RABBOISAI!!!! 🥂🥂🥂 🥳🥳🥳 🤪🤪🤪 Friends, it is noteworthy that the month of Adar is the most yahrtzeit-packed month of the entire year. The natural explanation for this is simply that the month of Adar occurs more frequently than any other month, since there are often two Adars (i.e., in a leap year). On a deeper level, it may be that the month of Adar was ultimately considered meritorious for Klal Yisroel because it contains the yahrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu (see Medrash Esther Rabbah 7:11). So perhaps there is an especial divinely ordained merit to tzaddikim’s yahrtzeits occuring in Adar more than any other month. Nu nu, perhaps. Below is the list of Adar Yahrtzeits which we hope to feature, בעזה״י. To sponsor an edition of Yahrtzeit Yomi featuring one (or more) of the following tzaddikim, please reply to this text!! MAY THE ZECHUS OF ALL THE TZADDIKIM PROTECT US FROM ALL TZAROS, AND MAY HASHEM GRANT US, AND ALL OF KLAL YISROEL, A MONTH OF YESHUOS, NECHAMOS AND BESUROS TOVOS!!! א גוט׳ן חודש רבותי!! ---------------------------------------------------- Adar Yahrtzeits 1. Ibn Ezra, The Shach 2. Rav Avrohom Kalmanowitz, The Beis Yisroel, Rav Berel Soloveitchik 3. The Levush, R’ Binyomin Kotzker, The Aderes 4. Rav Leizer Gordon, Rav Dovid Karliner, Rav Avraham Blumenkrantz 5. Rav Avraham Bing, Boyaner Rebbe 6. Rav Naftali Amsterdam, Rav Dovid Povarsky 7. Moshe Rabbeinu 8. Nitra Rav, Rav Moshe Aaron Stern 9. Rav Zalman Volozhiner, Rav Shmuel Auerbach 10. Avodas HaGershuni 11. Chida, Rashash, The Rogatchaver, Rav Shmuel Brudny 12. Avnei Nezer, Rav Naftuli Halberstam (Bobov) 13. Taanis Esther, Yom Nikanor, Rav Moshe Feinstein 14. Rav Shimon Schwab 15. Rav Chaim Kanievsky 16. Rebuilding of Jerusalem, Pnei Menachem 17. Rav Shimon Sofer, R’ Meir Schuster 18. Yesod V’Shoresh Ha’avodah, Rav Chatzkel Levenstein 19. Rav YC Sonnenfeld, Rav Mordechai Schwab 20. The Bach, Rav SZ Auerbach 21. The Noam Elimelech, Rav YE Spector, Rav Yosef Zevin 22. The Aruch HaShulchan, Rav Reuven Grozovsky 23. Chiddushei HaRim, Rav Rephael Shapiro, Rav Yisroel Grossman, Mountaindale Roshei Yeshiva 24. Rav Elya Boruch Finkel 25. Dayan Fischer 26. Sarah Schenirer, Rav Chaim Brim 27. The Shoel U’meishiv, The Leshem, Rav CP Scheinberg 28. The Machatzis Hashekel 29. Rav Avraham Shaag, Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky, Dr. Joseph Kaminetzky ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk --------------------------------------------------- To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059, or email yahrtzeityomidaily@gmail.com. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a specific Tzaddik (unlisted on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule) is $180. MAY THE ZECHUS OF ALL THE TZADDIKIM PROTECT US FROM ALL TZAROS, AND MAY HASHEM GRANT US, AND ALL OF KLAL YISROEL, YESHUOS, NECHAMOS AND BESUROS TOVOS!!!