Today, I want to dive into the topic of language learning, something that has been a significant part of my life for the past three years. As someone learning English as a second language, I’ve faced many challenges, and one of the hardest has been keeping my motivation alive. Motivation in language learning can be tough to sustain, especially if you’re someone without many hobbies or specific interests. We’ve often heard that learning a language should be a means to achieve a goal. Setting a goal can be also challenging unless there is an external motivation—like passing an English exam or attending a business meeting with a foreign company—if you are filled with curiosity, learning motivation can be more pure and authentic, such as reading books, having conversations with various people, or playing sports. That is most beautiful triggers to start learning a language. I’ve spent a lot of time wondering about my own motivation. My English isn’t perfect, but then again, perfection isn’t necessary to lead a life. I’m not preparing for an entrance exam or a job interview, so what is the purpose of learning English for me? Do I need to cultivate hobbies or interests to keep going? These questions lingered in my mind for quite some time. Recently, I’ve started to uncover the answer. It turns out that my motivation isn’t tied to hobbies or specific interests. Instead, it stems from something fundamental: my need for self-expression. And let me clarify, not everyone feels this impulse. Some people don’t feel the need to express themselves deeply, and that’s perfectly okay. Let’s call them Group A. Then there’s Group B—people like me—who feel a strong desire to express themselves to make life easier or more comfortable. Today, I want to speak directly to Group B. Throughout history, humans have developed countless ways to express themselves. From art, music, and fashion to cooking, dancing, and photography, the avenues are endless. For me, the most meaningful forms of self-expression have always been writing and speaking. When I think back to my childhood, I remember I loved writing letters to friends during class and creating a monthly newspaper for my classmates. I loved watching Japanese comedy and crafting stories through my words. Even in my professional life in Japan, writing proposals and delivering presentations were central to my work. Connecting these dots, it’s clear that writing and speaking are not just skills but fundamental parts of who I am. They’re my most intense desires and sources of fulfillment. This realization was a breakthrough for me. That means, As long as I feel incomplete or limited in expressing myself in English, I’ll continue learning. For me, it’s not about finding external motivations like hobbies; it’s about refining my ability to convey thoughts and ideas. The joy of discovering a more interesting way to say something or being moved by someone else’s words is enough to keep me going. This journey of self-expression through language has been breathtaking and, in many ways, surprising. Realizing that my motivation lies in something so intrinsic has brought me clarity and peace. If you’re in Group B, like me, and sometimes feel the need to express yourself, I hope this episode resonates with you. Language learning isn’t just about practical goals; it’s also about finding ways to connect with yourself and the world. Thank you for joining me today. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Feel free to share your experiences with language learning and what motivates you. Until next time, keep learning and keep expressing yourself. Bye for now!