本期嘉宾:韬韬 收听地图 0:00-1:49|7 号真诚的独白 opening 1:50-2:42|在烧鸟店和大家打个招呼 2:43-20:42|“这世界上能把女权主义 跟你分成二乘二矩阵的人屈指可数” 20:43-24:47|我对激进女权主义的躲避出于躲避“男女对立” 24:48-26:17|重要!支持女性我们最力所能及且行之有效的事是什么 26:18-33:17|直男直女的友谊是可能的吗? 33:18-43:28|女人可太难了:(中国)父权制下女权进退维谷的境地 43:29-48:28|我们对芭比有一些严厉的评价 48:29-53:48|如果还有下辈子,你愿意做女性还是男性? 53:49-55:19|父权制最TOXIC 的产物之一:男性的占有欲 55:20-57:29|男性为什么应该支持女权主义 57:30-1:02:46|为什么我要找一个男人聊女性 1:02:47-1:04:54|7 号更加真诚的独白 close 1:04:55-1:08:03|结尾女权主义学术文章片段阅读时间(原文见shownote) 配乐 liana flores - rises the moon 大五度Major_Fifth - 秋日(ft. Junny@瀚海澜汐) 祁紫檀 - 女子力乐园(原曲+伴奏) 大野雄二 - Epilogue -Sunrise 结尾阅读片段 Lorde, A. (2021). Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference. In J. Arthur & A. Shapiro (Eds.),Campus Wars(1st ed., pp. 191–198). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429038556-22 By and large within the women's movement today, white women focus upon their oppression as women and ignore differences of race, sexual preference, class, and age. There is a pretense to a homogeneity of experience covered by the word sisterhood that does not in fact exist. (P192) …. But our future survival is predicated upon our ability to relate within equality. As women, we must root out internalized patterns of oppression within ourselves if we are to move beyond the most superficial aspects of social change. Now we must recognize differences among women who are our equals, neither inferior nor superior, and devise ways to use each others' difference to enrich our visions and our joint struggles. The future of our earth may depend upon the ability of all women to identify and develop new definitions of power and new patterns of relating across difference. The old definitions have not served us, nor the earth that supports us. The old patterns, no matter how cleverly rearranged to imitate progress, still condemn us to cosmetically altered repetitions of the same old exchanges, the same old guilt, hatred, recrimination, lamentation, and suspicion. For we have, built into all of us, old blueprints of expectation and response, old structures of oppression, and these must be altered at the same time as we alter the living conditions which are a result of those structures. For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. As Paulo Freire shows so well in The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, the true focus of revolutionary change is never merely the oppressive situations which we seek to escape, but that piece of the oppressor which is planted deep within each of us, and which knows only the oppressors' tactics, the oppressors'relationships. Change means growth, and growth can be painful. But we sharpen self-definition by exposing the self in work and struggle together with those whom we define as different from ourselves, although sharing the same goals. For Black and white, old and young, lesbian and heterosexual women alike, this can mean new paths to our survival. We have chosen each other and the edge of each others battles the war is the same if we lose someday women's blood will congeal upon a dead planet if we win there is no telling we seek beyond history for a new and more possible meeting. (P198)