
Tyler Ho & Enrique Concor

兩位懷抱夢想和抱負,雖然收入不穩定,卻充滿熱情與勇氣的青年,共同創辦了一檔名為 Bros Bond 的播客節目。 這對活力十足的搭檔,在節目中討論各種令人耳目一新、腦洞大開的話題,從留學生活、恐怖故事,到為了生活是否應該開設 OnlyFans,台灣人與外國人組合帶來的文化碰撞,激發出無數新鮮火花。同時,也分享了他們一路上的心態調適,最終找到現在稱為「家」的新歸屬。 由泰勒和安攜手為您帶來歡笑與精彩內容, 讓我們一起享受這段快樂時光吧! - A passionate duo with literally no job and no stable income discusses a dazzling spectrum of topics, ranging from life living abroad to the spookiest scary stories to starting Onlyfans to adjusting and settling in a new place now called home—genuinely fantastic listening hosted by Tyler Ho and Enrique Concor. Let’s enjoy some real silly goose time together. Powered by Firstory Hosting

  1. Master Class EP【好萊塢動畫大師 Chris Mitchell】S3


    Master Class EP【好萊塢動畫大師 Chris Mitchell】S3

    Master Class EP【好萊塢動畫大師 Chris Mitchell】S3  你有沒有好奇過那些好萊塢超強動畫角色是怎麼設計出來的?今天就是你的幸運日!在這集特別的加碼篇中,泰勒和和安邀請到 Chris Mitchell,一位擁有超過 30 年好萊塢動畫經驗的大師,同時也是知名學校加州藝術學院的教授。 Chris 不只分享了滿滿的角色設計秘訣,還和我們聊了許多他參與過的作品幕後趣聞,包括 蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙 和 大英雄天團 等超大製作!🎥✨ 從如何抓住角色靈魂的實用技巧,到讓人忍不住爆笑的產業秘辛(是的,裡面有些驚爆故事),這集內容充滿創意、幽默,還有你意想不到的驚喜! Chris的大師課內容豐富實用 ✨ 國際大師授課:35年實戰經驗、CalArts資深講師 🔥 破億角色揭祕:解構《大英雄天團》《蜘蛛人》《小小兵》等超級IP 🛠️ 角色設計SOP:好萊塢標準流程,打造難忘角色 💡 賦予角色靈魂:透過故事提升層次,觸動觀眾 🎨 14+1實戰練習:14個小作業+1個大作業,創造專屬角色 📂 業界祕辛公開:工作流程、業內洞察、職涯準備一次搞懂! 重點來了:使用我們的 專屬折扣碼「brosbond350」,還能再享 $350 折扣,適用於 Chris 即將開課的課程!🎉 還在等什麼?快來收聽,一起玩轉動畫世界,拿下這波超值優惠吧!🚀🎙️ 課程專屬連結: Chris Mitchell’s Instagram: SAT. Knowledge Matsers’ Instagram: - Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: - Bonus EP【Hollywood Animation Master: Chris Mitchell】S3  Ever wondered what it’s like to design characters for some of the biggest animation hits in Hollywood? Well, today’s your lucky day! In this special bonus episode, Tyler and Concor sit down with Chris Mitchell, a legit animation master with over 30 years of experience in the Hollywood animation industry and a professor at the prestigious CalArts. Chris doesn’t just drop knowledge bombs on character design—he also spills some juicy behind-the-scenes tea from his time working on projects like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and Big Hero 6. 🎥✨ From tips on nailing character development to hilarious industry stories (yes, some eyebrow-raising moments included), this episode is packed with creativity, humor, and all the vibes you didn’t know you needed. Oh, and here’s the cherry on top: with our exclusive discount code “brosbond350,” you get an additional $350 off Chris’s upcoming master course! 🎉 So tune in, geek out, and grab that discount before it’s gone! 🚀🎙️ Course link: Chris Mitchell’s Instagram: SAT. Knowledge Matsers’ Instagram: Powered by Firstory Hosting

    38 min
  2. EP22【Live Podcast 台南】S3


    EP22【Live Podcast 台南】S3

    在這一集特別的《邦德兄弟》最終集,我們首次在台南與現場觀眾一起錄製!我們談到了夢想、感情,並與現場的粉絲們度過了一段難忘的時光。而且,我們帶回了粉絲最喜愛的環節:現場Brosbond React,充滿了驚喜和笑聲。快來加入我們,一起為這個難忘的經歷劃上完美句號吧! 這也標誌著第三季的結束,我們已經迫不及待地想在下一季中更強勢回歸了,大家!泰勒跟和安會賣力地奔跑,持續地創作,帶給大家更優質的節目! - Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - In this special BROSBOND finale, we recorded live with an audience in Tainan for the first time! We talked about dreams, relationships, and had an unforgettable time with our fans. Plus, we brought back a fan-favorite segment: Brosbond React, filled with surprises and laughter. Join us as we put a perfect end to this incredible experience! This also marks the end of Season 3, and we can't wait to come back even stronger in the next one. Tyler and Concor will keep running, creating, and bringing you an even better show! Powered by Firstory Hosting

    44 min
  3. EP20【你跟我媽睡了?! You Slept with My Mom?!】S3


    EP20【你跟我媽睡了?! You Slept with My Mom?!】S3

    在這集瘋狂的 BROSBOND 第4季第20集中,泰勒和和安 將會讀出並回應一些最瘋狂的故事。以 「你跟我媽睡了?!」 為標題,大家就知道這集會多麼刺激有料了吧~ 這集來自各路的驚奇故事包括 「我爸不認得我」、「你跟我媽睡了?!」 和 「啊所以我們有要生孩子嗎?」 等精彩故事。快點準備好,來一起享受他們無濾鏡的評論。別錯過—收聽這場混亂和只有 泰勒和和安才能帶來的精彩節目吧! - Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - In this episode of BROSBOND, Tyler and Concor dive into some of the craziest stories ever. With a title like "You Slept with My Mom?!", you know it’s going to be a wild ride. Get ready for their unfiltered reactions and takes on stories like "My Dad Didn't Recognize Me", "You Slept with My Mom?!", and "Are We Gonna Have Kids or Nah?". Expect laughs, gasps, and everything in between. Don’t miss out—tune in for the chaos and commentary only Tyler and Concor can deliver. Powered by Firstory Hosting

    30 min
  4. 🎃 EP19【Peggy的告白:我是哈他的身材沒錯 - 萬聖節特輯 Peggy’s Confession: I Do Like His Body - Halloween Special 】S3 🎃


    🎃 EP19【Peggy的告白:我是哈他的身材沒錯 - 萬聖節特輯 Peggy’s Confession: I Do Like His Body - Halloween Special 】S3 🎃

    【寶島眼鏡舊鏡回收計畫】即日起至2025/3/31,帶舊鏡框來寶島眼鏡回收,配任一付FORECO系列即可享配1付送1付!配到好只要2480元起!下載APP升級鏡片還可現折$500,更多資訊>> —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 🎃 EP19【Peggy的告白:我是哈他的身材沒錯 - 萬聖節特輯 Peggy’s Confession: I Do Like His Body - Halloween Special 】S3 🎃 在這集萬聖節特輯中,盛裝的邦德兄弟大老遠跑到台北,邀請了 YouTuber Peggy Chen 一起錄製,要來聊聊萬聖節文化,還有她的戀愛故事。Peggy 大方分享了自己如何在交友軟體上遇見現任男友,原本只是想找點樂子,結果卻發展成為現在穩定經營的感情。為了替這集加點辣,她還揭露了床第間的小秘密!準備好一起感受萬聖節的氛圍,和Peggy & Brosbond來場難忘的對話吧! - Peggy’s YouTube: Prggy’s Instagram: Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - 🎃 Peggy’s Confession: I Do Like His Body - Halloween Special 🎃 In this Halloween-themed episode, we're joined by YouTuber Peggy Chen for a dive into Halloween culture, spooky stories, and her unexpected dating journey. Peggy spills the tea on meeting her current boyfriend through a dating app, where things started casual but took a surprising turn. To spice up a little, Peggy shares some of her secrets in the bedroom. Get ready for laughs, gasps, and Halloween vibes in this unforgettable chat with Peggy! Powered by Firstory Hosting

    28 min
  5. EP17【開趴到ㄎㄧㄤ掉! We Party Till We’re Gone!!】S3


    EP17【開趴到ㄎㄧㄤ掉! We Party Till We’re Gone!!】S3

    本集節目由 【NTCH國家兩廳院】贊助播出 《群浪/Crowd 》購票傳送門: 《狂履/Cracaça》購票傳送門: 今天節目Tyler 和 Concor 將深入狂歡、夜店和跳舞的瘋狂世界!他們要來分享一些夜店故事,還有搞笑的搭訕經歷。但這還不是全部喔 — 這集會帶來全新的嘗試!他們將觀看並現場評論來自國家兩廳院的舞蹈演出預告片,包括 Gisèle Vienne 的前衛舞作《Crowd/群浪》以及 Marco da Silva Ferreira 的《Carcaça/狂履》。敬請收聽/收看,享受充滿趣味故事的同時,搶先一睹當代舞蹈的風彩吧! - Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - In today's episode, Tyler and Concor dive into the wild world of partying, clubbing, and dancing! They’ll share their craziest clubbing stories, along with hilarious tales of pick-up lines and flirting adventures. But that’s not all—this episode features something brand new! They’ll be watching and reacting to trailers from NTCH, including the cutting-edge dance shows by Gisèle Vienne and by Marco da Silva Ferreira. Tune in for an exciting mix of fun stories and a sneak peek into the world of contemporary dance! Powered by Firstory Hosting

    26 min
  6. EP16【宗教是我的事業! Religion is My Business】S3


    EP16【宗教是我的事業! Religion is My Business】S3

    【無盡的喜悅之路:點亮靈魂的8大支柱】 準備好讓心靈開趴了嗎?來看看兩位重量級心靈導師 — 達賴喇嘛和屠圖大主教的對談,外加3位共同講師的加持,帶你探尋幸福的真諦!這套課程囊括8大支柱、9個冥想練習、10堂課程,一步步讓你的心靈免疫力UP UP!讓你在逆境中保持穩如泰山,順境時越來越有滋有味! 更多課程介紹在這裡: 現在加入早鳥預購幾乎是半價!結帳時輸入BrosBond粉絲專屬折扣碼【BROSBOND】,再現折250元喔! (折扣碼限單人方案,有效期至 11/14!不要錯過~) - EP16【宗教是我的事業! Religion is My Business】S3 在這一集特別的 Brosbond 節目中,我們邀請到特別來賓羅卓仁謙,一起深入探討佛教的精髓。羅卓仁謙曾經當了九年的僧侶,他將分享自己在修行中的心路歷程、所獲得的智慧與面臨的挑戰。我們將深度討論如何在修行佛法的過程中克服慾望與情慾。這是一場充滿啟發性的對話,不容錯過,充滿智慧、真實經驗與深刻的反思。 - 來賓資訊: Instagram 《生鮮時書線上課》 Youtube《禪師不打坐》 Podcast《禪師不打坐》 Instagram:@mars.kuma - Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - In this very special episode of Brosbond, we welcome an extraordinary guest, 羅卓仁謙, to explore the profound world of Buddhism. Having spent 9 years as a monk, he shares his spiritual journey, the insights gained, and the challenges faced along the way. We dive deep into the practice of overcoming desire and lust while walking the path of Buddhism. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation filled with wisdom, real-life experiences, and thoughtful reflections. Powered by Firstory Hosting

    34 min

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
11 Ratings


兩位懷抱夢想和抱負,雖然收入不穩定,卻充滿熱情與勇氣的青年,共同創辦了一檔名為 Bros Bond 的播客節目。 這對活力十足的搭檔,在節目中討論各種令人耳目一新、腦洞大開的話題,從留學生活、恐怖故事,到為了生活是否應該開設 OnlyFans,台灣人與外國人組合帶來的文化碰撞,激發出無數新鮮火花。同時,也分享了他們一路上的心態調適,最終找到現在稱為「家」的新歸屬。 由泰勒和安攜手為您帶來歡笑與精彩內容, 讓我們一起享受這段快樂時光吧! - A passionate duo with literally no job and no stable income discusses a dazzling spectrum of topics, ranging from life living abroad to the spookiest scary stories to starting Onlyfans to adjusting and settling in a new place now called home—genuinely fantastic listening hosted by Tyler Ho and Enrique Concor. Let’s enjoy some real silly goose time together. Powered by Firstory Hosting

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