Explain Podcast

Explain Podcast

The Podcast Explain is for everyone interested in DNA/RNA sequencing or technology in general. As Iuliia doesn't have a solid background in sequencing, she keeps asking "simple" - even silly at times - questions and Daniel gives his best to make us understand.

  1. Episode 11: MGI DNA Nanoball sequencing


    Episode 11: MGI DNA Nanoball sequencing

    Rolling in circles to make DNA yarns Chapters: 00:00 Bioinformatics Upper Crust Tools 04:04 STAR 05:00 MGI 15:00 Daniels first contact 20:00 Brief Market Overview 22:30 Short read market 26:00 DFG High Costs Sequencing Projects Application 29:20 QuickGen: Introns and Exons 35:00 Conclusion MGI vs Illumina: https://alitheagenomics.com/blog/how-do-rna-seq-results-compare-between-illumina-and-mgi-sequencing-platforms Rolling the circle: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5568012/pdf/nihms894568.pdf MGI vs Illumina legal case: https://www.reuters.com/technology/illumina-ordered-pay-chinese-company-333-million-gene-sequencing-patent-case-2022-05-06/ The basics of MGIs technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gThcHHh4R0w DFG Application: https://www.dfg.de/de/aktuelles/neuigkeiten-themen/info-wissenschaft/2024/ifw-24-30 GTL/WGGC: https://www.gtl.hhu.de/wggc TSM link http://tsm.gtl.hhu.de/ - submit your request and our colleagues will contact you Since 2018, West German Genome Center https://wggc.de/) operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: https://ngs-kn.de/) - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG (https://www.dfg.de/) (No. 407493903)

    37 min
  2. Episode 10: Genome Mapping


    Episode 10: Genome Mapping

    Who needs all bases anyway? Chapters: 00:00 Phasing 08:50 Not Sequencing, really 14:00 Bionano Saphyr Chip 26:00 Nabsys - going electric 29:30 Tools available 39:00 QuickGen with Iuliia: Transposons! Links: Small explainer by CAP: https://www.cap.org/member-resources/articles/optical-genome-mapping-a-tool-with-significant-potential-from-discovery-to-diagnostics What genome mapping can be used for: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/12/3/398 Finding SVs with genome mapping: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41408-024-01059-x Bionano github repos: https://github.com/search?q=bionano&type=repositories&s=updated&o=desc Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com Since 2019, West German Genome Center https://wggc.de/ operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network NGS-CN https://ngs-cn.de/ – network of NGS core facilities in Germany. The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Multimediazentrum at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf https://www.mmz.hhu.de/ Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility ”West German Genome Center” funded by the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen https://www.mkw.nrw/land-foerdert-spitzenzentrum-fuer-genomsequenzierung-nordrhein-westfalen/

    48 min
  3. Episode 9: Single Cell Sequencing


    Episode 9: Single Cell Sequencing

    Chapters: 00:00 Gambling 15:00 Bubbles 30:00 Holes 57:30 One more thing 1:07:00 Finale 1:08:00 Finale of season 1! Eric Chow explaining single cell sequencing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9VFNLLQP8c Overview of things to consider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWUPKrnRvoQ How to analyze single cell data: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HBzgsz8qyk A very good single cell analysis toolkit: https://satijalab.org/seurat/ Explainer for the rough workflow: https://www.technologynetworks.com/genomics/articles/understanding-single-cell-sequencing-how-it-works-and-its-applications-357578 Quick explainer on single cell sequencing: https://www.the-scientist.com/single-cell-sequencing-in-a-nutshell-71048 A method-overview paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s12276-020-00499-2 Comparing BD Parse and 10xGenomics: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33414681/ Pseudotime analysis: https://bioconductor.org/books/3.14/OSCA.advanced/trajectory-analysis.html Since 2018, West German Genome Center (https://wggc.de/) operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: https://ngs-kn.de/) - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (https://medienlab.phil.hhu.de/). Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG (https://www.dfg.de/) (No. 407493903). PS: I do not know how in the Parse approach the cells are treated to let the ligase and DNA enter each cell, but do not let RNA flow out of the cell at the same time. -DR

    1h 11m
  4. Special Episode 3: PhiX / UMIs / QC


    Special Episode 3: PhiX / UMIs / QC

    Getting the most out of Machines Chapters: 00:00 PhiX 14:30 low complexity 19:30 UMIs 32:10 FastQC 43:00 MultiQC 56:40 PycoQC PhiX concentrations for loading a validation run: https://knowledge.illumina.com/instrumentation/general/instrumentation-general-reference_material-list/000001536 Dnatech on why UMIs are used: https://dnatech.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/faqs/what-are-umis-and-why-are-they-used-in-high-throughput-sequencing/ BMH learning on UMIs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRPMsnhIBK0 FastQC for QC of .fastq(.gz) files: https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/ A FastQC report from a „good“ sample: https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/good_sequence_short_fastqc.html multiqc for summarizing QC reports: https://multiqc.info/ UMI-tools for working with UMI data: https://umi-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ pycoQC for Nanopore QC: https://github.com/a-slide/pycoQC Since 2018, West German Genome Center (https://wggc.de/) operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: https://ngs-kn.de/) - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (https://medienlab.phil.hhu.de/). Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG (https://www.dfg.de/) (No. 407493903).

    1h 11m
  5. Episode 8: Nanopore


    Episode 8: Nanopore

    Pushing spaghetti through holes Chapers: 00:00 Intro 11:15 Measuring Ions 17:00 Quality 23:00 Duplex 24:30 MinION 25:15 PromethION 28:20 Methylation 29:00 Direct RNA sequencing 38:25 Basecalling 46:00 Basecalling bias 53:50 Sequencing proteins - Nanopore explainer: https://nanoporetech.com/applications/dna-nanopore-sequencing - Oxsci explaining the technology: https://oxsci.org/pore-over-this-advances-in-dna-sequencing/ - History of Nanopore: https://www.whatisbiotechnology.org/index.php/science/summary/nanopore/nanopore-sequencing-makes-it-possible-to-decode-the - Shmou’s Biology explaining Nanopore sequencing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlluAjhzXqI - A direct comparison of Nanopore and Illumina output: https://medresearch.umich.edu/office-research/about-office-research/biomedical-research-core-facilities/advanced-genomics-core/technologies/next-generation-sequencing - A nice Nanopore QC tool we use: https://hpc.nih.gov/apps/pycoQC.html - How a MinION looks like: https://www.whatech.com/og/markets-research/medical/658327-global-nanopore-sequencing-market-2020 Since 2018, West German Genome Center (https://wggc.de/) operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: https://ngs-kn.de/) - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (https://medienlab.phil.hhu.de/). Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG (https://www.dfg.de/) (No. 407493903).

    57 min


The Podcast Explain is for everyone interested in DNA/RNA sequencing or technology in general. As Iuliia doesn't have a solid background in sequencing, she keeps asking "simple" - even silly at times - questions and Daniel gives his best to make us understand.

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