Routes Through Pokemon

Hunterfield Institute
Routes Through Pokemon

The journey of a father and daughter as they explore the Pokemon video game series and connected media, much of it for the first time.

  1. Routes Through Pokemon - Detour 03

    5D AGO

    Routes Through Pokemon - Detour 03

    This week Ruby catches a new Pokemon and I cure a cow in Crystal while we also evolve a handful of Pokemon. Then we catch up with Rosella's journey in Pokemon Crystal and we have Flame joining in on the player side as he has started a game in Pokemon Silver. Afterward, Flame continues with us as we explore the last seven chapters of the Pokemon Adventures Manga Vol. 10. Stay tuned after the show to join Murasaki as he ventures out from Celadon City on his very own Pokemon Adventure. What is covered: Rosella makes her way to Cianwood Gym and encounters Suicune and Eusine Silver starts a game in Silver and has already made his way through three gyms. Ruby finds a new Pokemon in the National Park Shea Locke cures the Miltank in Pokemon Crystal Pokedex Entries: Noctowl Golbat Quagsire Skiploom Gloom Kadabra Pokemon Adventures Manga Vol. 10 Adventure 123: Debonaire Dragonair Adventure 124: Scrappy Skarmory Adventure 125: Misdreavus Misgivings Adventure 126: Jumping Jumpluff Adventure 127: Miltank Melee Adventure 128: Indubitably Ditto Adventure 129: Great Girafarig Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: Now, we're back to the Anime and it's a big one, everyone. We only cover 6 episodes this time because we find Ash attempting two more gym battles AND we wrap up season 4 and start season 5! We're getting a start on the final Johto season, everyone! Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 12m
  2. RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 18

    MAR 11

    RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 18

    Frank Future travels back in time to discuss with us a movie where a boy travels forward in time. Before that, we cover a game of hide 'n' seek with Pikachu and other Pokemon. Once that's wrapped up, though, we talk about the Pokemon 4Ever movie which dabbles in time travel which is a favorite topic of discussion between Frank and I. But does this movie do it well? How is the overall plot? Does it have the most emotional scene in Pokemon yet? Maybe we'll answer these questions as we discuss the 4th Pokemon film. Stay tuned after to catch up with Violet as she visits Misty and encounters a standoff between the stranger and two members of Team Rocket. What is covered: Anime Episodes: Pikachu Short: Pikachu's PikaBoo Pokemon 4Ever: Celebi - Voice of the Forest Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: 7 Episodes, a short, and a movie? Looks like it is time for another detour episode to see where Rosella and Serenity Sola are now. Plus, we'll be taking a look at the last half of the Pokemon Adventures Manga Vol. 10. What is Suicune up to and can Crystal track it down? Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 54m
  3. RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 17

    MAR 4

    RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 17

    This week we have another exciting evolution on the team which leads to misunderstandings and then we get an awesome race in the sky, meet a celebrity, there's a rock Pokemon that game accurately learns Surf, and we wrap up this round of Anime episodes with a Pokemon from the NEXT region! Stay tuned after the episode as Violet, Trevor, and Hanako finally reach Cerulean City where they cross paths with a mysterious stranger. Who is this person and why are they off to the Cerulean City Gym? What is covered: Anime Episodes: Episode 201 (442): Current Events Episode 202 (443): Turning Over a New Bayleef Episode 203 (444): Doing What Comes Natu-rally Episode 204 (445): The Big Balloon Blow-Up Episode 205 (446): The Screen Actor's Guilt Episode 206 (447): Right On, Rhydon! Episode 207 (448): The Kecleon Caper Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: Alright! TIME for another movie. This Route Through Time will cover the Pikachu Short "Pikachu Pikaboo" and then Pokemon 4Ever: Celebi - Voice of the Forest! And perfectly named Frank Future will be joining us again for the show! Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 27m
  4. Routes Through Pokemon - Detour 02

    FEB 25

    Routes Through Pokemon - Detour 02

    We have another Detour for you this week. Ruby and I spent some time leveling up and evolving Pokemon. But we also catch up with how far Serenity Sola has progressed in her journey through Crystal AND we bring in Rosella as she catches up to her mother. Then Flame comes back as we begin Vol 10 of the Manga where we meet our new protagonist, Crystal. She is known as the Capturer and she likes to kick Pokeballs apparently. Her path ends up taking its own detour and she even meets a legendary Pokemon. Stay tuned after the show to catch back up with our new character, Murasaki, and his stunning new Pokemon. What is covered: Serenity and Rosella Journey Through Pokemon Crystal We see Rosella catch up by working her way through the first 2 gyms. Ilex Forest Day Care Center Goldenrod City and Whitney's Gym The National Park Sudowoodo! Pokedex Entries: Meganium Typhlosion Feraligatr Pidgeotto Flaaffy Staryu Pokemon Adventures Manga Vol. 10 Adventure 117: Slugging It Out with Slugma Adventure 118: Three Cheers for Chikorita Adventure 119: A Flaaffy Kerfuffle Adventure 120: Surrounded by Staryu Adventure 121: Off Course with Corsola Adventure 122: Querulous Qwilfish Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: After another little detour we dive back into the anime with only 7 episodes this time. We'll be looking at season 4 episode 42-48. Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 20m
  5. RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 16

    FEB 18

    RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 16

    We cover another 8 Episodes this week and find ourselves in a swarm of NOT bug Pokemon, we have a hilarious comedic adventure of a Wobbuffet, and we take a good look at Brock and his relationships with girls, the gang, and his Golbat. Then, after the episode, Violet and Hanako need a little more help. So here comes Violet's other favorite person. What is covered: Anime Episodes: Episode 193 (434): The Dunsparce Deception Episode 194 (435): The Wayward Wobuffet Episode 195 (436): Sick Daze Episode 196 (437): Ring Masters Episode 197 (438): The Poke-Spokesman Episode 198 (439): Control Freak! Episode 199 (440): The Art of Pokemon Episode 200 (441): The Heartbreak of Brock Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: After a marathon of 16 episodes we think it is time for a break. So next week we are going to catch up with Serenity Sola on her journey through Crystal so far and Rosella has joined her on her own journey. Then we will have Flame back on to talk about the first 6 chapters of Vol. 10 of the Pokemon Adventures Manga. - Also, this Saturday, I'll be posting on X @hunterfieldins as I watch Pokemon 4Ever for the first time in preparation for that recording. Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 49m
  6. RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 15

    FEB 11

    RTP Adventures - Gold and Silver Part 15

    This week we start off where we left off last time, Ecruteak City. And we get another idea from the game! Very exciting. From there Noctowl outsmarts some Murkrow, we find rainbow lights that appear every 12 years, we meet the worst bear ever, and then we get a trilogy of episodes with an old friend! We then wrap everything up with three Pokemon that run like the wind. After that, we find out what happened to Violet after dropping off a cliff. Ouch. What is covered: Anime Episodes: Episode 185 (426): Trouble's Brewing Episode 186 (427): All That Glitters! Episode 187 (428): The Light Fantastic Episode 188 (429): UnBEARable Episode 189 (430): Moving Pictures Episode 190 (431): Spring Fever Episode 191 (432): Freeze Frame Episode 192 (433): The Stolen Stones! Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: How was that nice chunk of Anime episodes? Well, guess what? We have eight more for you next week as well! Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 47m
  7. Routes Through Pokemon - Route 13

    FEB 4

    Routes Through Pokemon - Route 13

    After our little detour, Ruby and I journey through Gold, Silver, and Crystal toward Olivine City to...not take on the next gym? We do get to explore a Lighthouse, though, meet multiple sick Pokemon, run into Suicune, evolve some Pokemon, and learn to Fly. And yes, we take on not one gym, but two! And after the episode your demands are met. We go back to Violet. Not only that, though, because Violet also gets to reunite with her favorite pink-haired friend!!! ;) What is covered: Gold, Silver, and Crystal: Route 38 Moomoo Farm Route 39 Olivine City The Lighthouse Route 40 Route 41 Cianwood Pokedex Entries: Cleffa Weepinbell Yanma Magnemite Mankey Meowth Tauros Miltank Farfetch'd Shellder Corsola Chinchou Jolteon Espeon Umbreon Mantine Bulbasaur Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: Now that we've conquered two gyms we have a long haul through the anime. And we start that journey with EIGHT episodes of the anime! Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 6m
  8. Routes Through Pokemon - Detour 01

    JAN 28

    Routes Through Pokemon - Detour 01

    We've got a new format this week as Ruby and I detour from the expected route from Ecruteak. We Surf all over and uncover a crazy Team Rocket plot. We also meet our first Shiny Pokemon and see our third character from the Red, Blue, and Yellow games (the first 2 being Oak and Bill.) We also have a new guest: Serenity Sola. She shares her experience with Pokemon as she begins her journey through Pokemon Crystal. Then Flame comes back to talk more Pokemon Advenutres Manga which starts off with Gold and Silver at the Lake of Rage. But then that plot detours back to Kanto where we catch up with Red, Yellow, and even Blue! Then, stay tuned after the show for the next part of the story...where we apparently already had enough of Violet and decide to introduce yet another character. What is covered: Gold, Silver, and Crystal: Route 42 Mt. Mortar Part 1 Mahagony Town Part 1 Route 43 Lake of Rage Team Rocket HQ Pokedex Entries: Gyarados (Shiny!) Voltorb Marill Girafarig Shuckle Lapras Charmander Pokemon Adventures Manga Vol. 9 Chapter 112: Raise the Red Gyarados Chapter 113: Delibird Delivery - 1 Chapter 114: Delibird Delivery - 2 Chapter 115: Forretress of Solitude Chapter 116: Rock, Paper...Scizor Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: It's time for Ruby and I to head the correct direction from Ecruteak to find and face off against the 5th Gym!...and maybe the 6th one too... Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.

    1h 33m


    The journey of a father and daughter as they explore the Pokemon video game series and connected media, much of it for the first time.

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