After our little detour, Ruby and I journey through Gold, Silver, and Crystal toward Olivine City to...not take on the next gym? We do get to explore a Lighthouse, though, meet multiple sick Pokemon, run into Suicune, evolve some Pokemon, and learn to Fly. And yes, we take on not one gym, but two! And after the episode your demands are met. We go back to Violet. Not only that, though, because Violet also gets to reunite with her favorite pink-haired friend!!! ;) What is covered: Gold, Silver, and Crystal: Route 38 Moomoo Farm Route 39 Olivine City The Lighthouse Route 40 Route 41 Cianwood Pokedex Entries: Cleffa Weepinbell Yanma Magnemite Mankey Meowth Tauros Miltank Farfetch'd Shellder Corsola Chinchou Jolteon Espeon Umbreon Mantine Bulbasaur Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share you love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: Now that we've conquered two gyms we have a long haul through the anime. And we start that journey with EIGHT episodes of the anime! Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.