7 Minutes with God Episodes

7 Minutes with God Episodes

Seven (7) Minutes with God, introduction to God's love series. The place where we do everything in 7 minutes, prayer, praise, worship, a word from God...all in 7 minutes. The power of love, forgiveness and repentance...can't have one without the other..

  1. 10/16/2023

    Love or Lust?

    Love or Lust Sometimes when people come into our lives they appear to God sent only to find out they were sent from the enemy. Are they adding or subtracting, takers or givers? Are they there just for what they can get or are they contributors to your destiny? - [ ] Love is a blessing. It gives life…It adds and multiplies. - [ ] Lust is a curse. It destroys life…It subtracts and divides. - [ ] Love is unselfish loyal and benevolent, sacrificial and giving. - [ ] Lust is selfish, self serving and is the seeker and destroyer of love, life and family. - [ ] Love is something you inherit, it can’t be bought, it’s never on sale. It can’t be explained…so it has to be experienced - [ ] Lust is on sale for the right price and you can lease it for a while… but know this, no matter what you pay…it’s only temporary. - [ ] Love is given from the heart and is forever. Love belongs to family and is the producer of it. - [ ] Lust is given from the flesh and desire and has no regards for who it hurts looking for pleasure…and never has loved nobody. - [ ] Love is an investment…long term and will multiply, it will produce good fruit. - [ ] Lust is a debt. It can cost you everything, leaving you with nothing but disgust, hurt and pain, if you are a victim instead of a partner. - [ ] Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it’s not proud. - [ ] Lust is proud and loves to boast, Lust will use you until you have nothing left and when it’s finished, you are left empty, except for the infection of evil you contracted. - [ ] Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. - [ ] Lust is the lie and the counterfeit of love. - [ ] Love is the truth and the real deal. - [ ] Lust is unfaithful…not committed…not your protector, it will sacrifice you for itself…not a keeper “Am I my brother’s keeper?” - [ ] Love is faithful.. a keeper and protector…a marriage…a commitment God is LOVE…”For God so loved the world that he GAVE his only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16 Satan is LUST…”For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father.” 1 John 2:16. “The thief comes to only to steal, kill and destroy.” Satan is the thief. John 10:10 Love or Lust….now You choose

    19 min
  2. 10/14/2023

    Jesus Prayed for Us

    Seven (7) minutes with God challenge. A place where we are laying down our smartphones and devices for just Seven (7) DEDICATED minutes with God! Why, do you ask because we need to find a way to unify. No matter the demographic, culture, race, sex, origin, political party, denomination, pastor, bishop, who you are following, or everything that divides us. Just Christians and believers coming together for seven minutes at one time ALL in one accord worldwide to pray for the conditions we see in these last days. As you can see the disasters taking place in our country, our government, the weather from fires to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, disasters, wars and rumors of war, homelessness, and hopelessness. Don’t forget our children, the school conditions, their safety, their physical and mental health, for the conditions of our people, praying for peace, joy, and restoration. When are we going to launch? Our first one was on October 7, 2023, at 7 AM. The next ones will be October 14 , 21, and 28 at 7AM your local time. Starting in November we will be praying everyday somewhere at 7AM. Please hear me, I don’t even want you to be on my Podcast from 7 AM to 7:07 AM. I am talking about ALL of us in one accord around the world, wherever you are in your schedule or lives to take seven minutes on that day and dedicate it to God without any devices. Just seven minutes that’s the challenge…going before God letting the Lord know this is bigger than us…no egos, no divisions, no fighting over doctrines, and/or who's in charge because God is in charge... God is our Boss. So, we are submitting our will to the will of God. Are you up for the challenge? We need God! I am challenging everyone to come together with the things that unites us such as our faith and trust in the LOVE of God through Jesus Christ which is our salvation. I’m not even the head of this prayer so you’re not joining with me for me to be over you. We are all submitting ourselves to the authority of the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. So, Jesus Christ is going to be the head of this prayer for seven minutes, he’s going to listen to us and be in our midst. We need to present to him our petition so that God will hear us from heaven and will change our lives in seven minutes at a time. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14. (This is equivalent to 7-7-7.) “Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place”, says the Lord our God. 2 Chronicles 7:15. Our prayers will touch him, touch his heart, touch his throne, and he will answer us. If we come together in unity it will be the fulfillment of a prophecy, a prophetic prayer, that Jesus prayed before he was crucified, and the church was established. Would you meet us, Lord… because we need you. As believers, we are seeking you for seven minutes. As seven is God’s number of perfection, it’s the number that you use when you created the Heavens and the Earth, seven spirits of God, seven churches, seven candlesticks, seven days in the week, and seven last words of Jesus Christ on the cross. (Seven is mentioned in the bible over 700 times.) Lord, we are offering you a seven-minute sacrifice. God, please give us your glory that Jesus prayed about before we heard the kingdom's message to become believers and ultimately your church. At 7AM STOP! Whatever you are doing, and just take seven minutes out of your day to dedicate to God. You will be amazed what this will do for your life, my life and everyone’s life that we care about.Just you and God. Think of how wonderful and powerful it would be knowing there is a multitude of believers committed to praying at 7AM every day in the morning around the world in their own time zone. God promised his people, if you return to me, I will return to you. I will bless you and rebuke your adversaries that you will not lose anything that you have invested in me and the kingdom. All the nations will recognize how much I love you and will call you blessed because of ME. “Seven minutes with God”, in prayer and worship is our sacrifice and offering to him. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24. P.S. Don’t Forget “To tell someone about the challenge”. If you have any questions or need further information, contact us at info@kingdomrights2.org or go to our website kingdomrights2.org under our prayer tab to get more information. We would love to hear from you. NOTE: Please know this challenge is not about money. It is just seven minutes of submitting yourself to God. You are the offering; you are the seed. God is not interested in things, stuff, monetary offerings during this time.

    7 min
  3. 10/03/2023

    Can A Woman Preach? # 8

    Episode 8 Can a woman preach? Can a woman be a pastor or bishop even? This has been a problem from the beginning...the Garden of Eden. We as the church can be so narrow minded just as the Pharisees were when Jesus came to this world. They were so stricken with the word of God as law, they could not see the word of God revealed. In this message (Can a Woman Preach), I touch on how the woman is redeemed by her pain of giving birth to the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, Emanuel. It was not easy for her even though she was carrying the Lord inside of her body. Mary fulfills the long awaited prophecy of the seed that would crush the serpent's head and his offspring. If the woman remains silent, then where is her seed to war against her enemy's offspring to destroy their works. The enemy is trying to silence the woman IN the CHURCH so he can give her a loud voice IN the WORLD. Don't be DECEIVED AGAIN! If you were chosen to bear pain, you're as equally chosen to share in carrying God's glory. In the Old Testament Bible under the law the spirit of God would come on a man...or upon a man. But, in the New Testament for the first time God puts his spirit in a woman and that is Mary. Because of this, through Jesus who was in the womb of the woman, that came out of the woman, went to the cross, resurrected, then came out of the tomb, he ascended to Heaven with The Father, and came back to earth to announce that ALL power was given to him in heaven and in the earth. He breathe on his disciples and told them to receive the Holy Spirit...The Comforter. They later went to Jerusalem to Tarry for the Holy Ghost where about 120 people were present in one room, in unity with one mind and were all individually filled with the Holy Ghost at the same time. The Holy Spirit is available today to ALL who believe and want God to dwell in them. The kingdom is now within you. Women of God ...PREACH UNTIL YOU CAN'T PREACH ANYMORE! Crush the serpent's head! The only way you can do that is by releasing that seed (God's Word) from your MOUTH! Don't let the enemy shut your mouth! PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Follow us on our website: kingdomrights2.org. PODCAST AVAILABLE: On Apple and Android App store. Also on : Apple Podcast, Audible, Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart Radio, SiriusXM, Google Podcast, and our own Kingdom Rights App.

    7 min
  4. 10/02/2023

    Can a Woman Preach #7

    Episode 7 Can a woman preach? Can a woman be a pastor or bishop even? This has been a problem from the beginning...the Garden of Eden. We as the church can be so narrow minded just as the Pharisees were when Jesus came to this world. They were so stricken with the word of God as law, they could not see the word of God revealed. In this message (Can a Woman Preach), I touch on how the woman is redeemed by her pain of giving birth to the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, Emanuel. It was not easy for her even though she was carrying the Lord inside of her body. Mary fulfills the long awaited prophecy of the seed that would crush the serpent's head and his offspring. If the woman remains silent, then where is her seed to war against her enemy's offspring to destroy their works. The enemy is trying to silence the woman IN the CHURCH so he can give her a loud voice IN the WORLD. Don't be DECEIVED AGAIN! If you were chosen to bear pain, you're as equally chosen to share in carrying God's glory. In the Old Testament Bible under the law the spirit of God would come on a man...or upon a man. But, in the New Testament for the first time God puts his spirit in a woman and that is Mary. Because of this, through Jesus who was in the womb of the woman, that came out of the woman, went to the cross, resurrected, then came out of the tomb, he ascended to Heaven with The Father, and came back to earth to announce that ALL power was given to him in heaven and in the earth. He breathe on his disciples and told them to receive the Holy Spirit...The Comforter. They later went to Jerusalem to Tarry for the Holy Ghost where about 120 people were present in one room, in unity with one mind and were all individually filled with the Holy Ghost at the same time. The Holy Spirit is available today to ALL who believe and want God to dwell in them. The kingdom is now within you. Women of God ...PREACH UNTIL YOU CAN'T PREACH ANYMORE! Crush the serpent's head! The only way you can do that is by releasing that seed (God's Word) from your MOUTH! Don't let the enemy shut your mouth! PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7 min
  5. 09/25/2023

    When It's All Said And Done #1

    Welcome to our 1st official Kingdom Podcast. This message is in two parts, "When It's All Said and Done. Reference Scriptures: Ezekiel‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭27‬ ‭(NIV)‬‬, Jeremiah 23: 1-4 (NIV) and John‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭(NIV)‬. This episode speaks on how we must be careful especially leaders who feel called to lead God's people. We must be accountable and love God more than anything...including MONEY! God called us so he will hold us accountable. Although John the Baptist came from the priestly tribe of Levi which was considered the righteous and holy, he witnessed thing growing up as a Pastor's Kid (PK) and walked away from the church (Temple) and went to the Jordan River and started preaching the message of REPENTANCE! In our church culture, he would be considered a backslider.... a sinner. The priests were the equivalent of high profiled Bishops, Pastors, and Evangelicals of prominence we see today. They questioned John's rights and authority to preach and baptize because as the religious leaders they were considered the God authority on earth in reference to preaching and teaching the people. Baptizing was not in their scope of things concerning how ministry should be done. They wanted to shut him down, therefore, they called him a "devil" in hopes of deterring the people from following him. Many people believed his message, teachings and were baptized. They understood how much John knew about their misappropriation of the tithes and offerings and their authority over the people. Growing up as a child in ministry he knew their hands were dirty along with their minds. They had no love nor compassion for the same people who made them wealthy. They unapologetically abused their authority and the people. The priest (pastors) had the people in a state of desperation seeking for the next word or message from God, this was their only hope because the Pharisees (the priests, pastors) were too obsessed with themselves and their needs and greed. They were blinded by God because of their selfishness and love for money. In the book of Revelation, they are called, "Greedy Dogs!" John the Baptist simply served the people who he witnessed that had been taken advantage since he was a little boy growing up in the temple. John's father was a Levitical Priest from the tribe of Moses in which is the Tribe of Levi, John's mother was a Levite as well. John's father and mother were considered to be past the age to have a child so, John was their miracle baby. The circumstances surrounding how John was born and raised had everything to do with him understanding he belonged to God. He was raised by elderly parents who had every intention of their son fulfilling the purpose in which he was born. It is believed that John left the Church when his parents died, leaving behind the inheritance that came with being a Levitical Priest. His inheritance was among those who he now exposed. He calls the priests, “Vipers" meaning those who were born by way of eating their way out of their mother...killing her to live. In other words, what John was saying is, they don't love God or his people, they love themselves and money! They would do anything to maintain their lifestyles and positions of authority, even if they had to kill Jesus! Imagine the courage that it took for John to say this to people that he once held in high regards and respect. John knew how the pastors operated behind the scenes and they feared John. John not having dirt on his hands, could be the very catalyst to expose them, ultimately causing them to lose their followers and their income via (Tithes and Offerings) that provided them such lavish lifestyles. Sadly, Satan has deceived many of our leaders to worship money and justify their actions in the name of Jesus of God. When It's All Said and Done, we cannot take anything from this world. 1 Timothy 6 (NIV): "For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it." The day will come when we will stand before God to give an account of the life we lived. In which we will be judged whether good or evil. Don't get caught like the rich man who thought he had it all. He worked hard, he was successful, he was rich, had a large bank account and all of the things money can buy. He called his friends and said don't worry about your problems "I gotcha" let's celebrate, eat, drink and be merry. That night the death angel was sent to him to take him out of this world. Luke 12 (NIV) "God said to him, You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?" When you lay up riches for yourself and have no riches in God, when your time comes to leave this world, you discover that in eternity you will be poor in destitute. Mark 5 (NIV) " For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? All of his riches and accomplishments couldn't save him. Many pastors have left this world and were unable to tell us when the death angel came. The lavish lifestyle they lived had no value or meaning when it was time for them to leave this world and answer to God. Jesus said, " But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. Luke 13 (KJV). In eternity "HELL" is the holding place until your court date before going to the White Throne Judgement which is in the Supreme Court of God. Understand this, Hell is a pit stop and the Lake of Fire is the final destination for Satan, the fallen angels and all the followers and rebellious against the will of God. God shut me down in the desert and nurtured me. He would not allow me to speak to crowds, only to the hand-picked He had chosen. In the wilderness I've learned, that God Is God and besides Him there is no other! Now God sends me out to WARN His people, simply because He loves us! I am not sent to the RIGHTEOUS but the SINNERS. We are in the Last Days. We need a REVIVAL...an Old Fashion Holy Ghost filled TENT REVIVAL! No GAMES....No CONS! Just The Presence and Glory of God to Heal and Save His People. We need to go to Work! Make no mistakes about my journey, NO ONE CAN STOP ME! Before destruction comes there is warning! To those who know me and of me...I have never taken a bribe to preach and has never preached for money. God has always provided for me without manipulating His people or fleecing His sheep. Therefore no one could control what I preached or say...like me or hate me, my hands are clean of the Devil's pie! I'm coming like John, Isaiah, Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Apostles...in the Name of JESUS! The Force is with us! I have always been different and chosen by God to do just this...preach without restrictions or political influence. I pray for our leaders and our country for love and unity. The kingdom is righteous...not political. "Give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar." --Jesus Christ. So, Let's Do This!!!!! I will be teaching a new and complete Bible study series on " The Misappropriation of the Anointing, the Tithes, the Offerings, the Calling and God's People." We will upload messages weekly. Tell somebody about us and what we are doing. We are seeking DISCIPLES more than MEMBERS. Not the righteous, we don't want perfect people, we want the willing heart and repented heart that wants to serve God....workers for the kingdom. Let's take back our communities by saving those who the devil has been using to destroy it. They will be some of the greatest witnesses and workers for God's kingdom. To those who can feel in their hearts when they hear God's Word, that something is happening and is about to happen. In your very heart, spirit, and soul that you supposed to be a part of this movement, then let us pray for you. Then Come on Family...Let's Go!!!! Pastor Joseph Brice---Kingdom Rights Don't forget to download our app available via Apple and Android. Podcast available on Apple Podcast, Audible, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora SiriusXM, and Google Podcast. Contact us for prayer and whatever God place on your heart. Let us know if you just got saved and desire to get busy and work for the kingdom. Only we can save our Nation through the truth and Power of God...in Jesus’ name! Follow us on our website: Kingdomrights2.org.

    45 min

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Seven (7) Minutes with God, introduction to God's love series. The place where we do everything in 7 minutes, prayer, praise, worship, a word from God...all in 7 minutes. The power of love, forgiveness and repentance...can't have one without the other..

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