The Richard Home | 人與事.樓市.溫哥華

The Richard Home | 人與事.樓市.溫哥華

歡迎大家嚟到 The Richard Home Podcast! 80年代尾,跟隨父母移民到溫哥華嘅我, 同好多人一樣, 喺90年代都想返香港闖一闖,點知一闖就闖咗十幾年,然後回流溫哥華, 希望能夠喺度闖出一片天。返到溫哥華後,好多人與事都不再一樣,年紀大咗,畢竟好多嘅事都要重新適應。回流之前承諾給太太嘅,唔會做太空人,即係唔會放低老婆同仔女,然後自己飛返香港做嘢。睇住小朋友長大,同老婆由零開始融入社會,係一件我哋感到非常驕傲嘅事。 對地產一直有興趣, 立志成為一個真係用心做事嘅溫哥華地產經紀。成為持牌經紀之後, 發覺原來大部份人,都認為喺溫哥華買樓同香港一樣,經紀都係寫張合約, 睇吓間屋就過關。其實,當中要留意嘅事,要知嘅資訊,係一啲都唔簡單,只不過坊間唔會有太多人講,所以認為買賣簡單而合理化, 而忽略咗好多非常重要嘅資訊及細節,可蝕底嘅往往變咗係自己。 喺呢個Podcast裏面,我會同大家傾吓溫哥華嘅事,溫哥華嘅情,亦會同大家講加拿大經濟, 溫哥華樓市,以及地產方面嘅知識, 相信有啲可能大家聞所未聞, 但係對你可能極有幫助嘅地產知識及資訊,希望得到你嘅支持! Richard L. Cheung Personal Real Estate Corporation 778-999-0023 Prompton Real Estate Services Inc.


  1. EP5 - 老朋友 - 今集Podcast 特別嘉賓 - Allen Lin


    EP5 - 老朋友 - 今集Podcast 特別嘉賓 - Allen Lin

    我覺得自己好幸運,有好幾個好朋友,都係識於微時,雖然未必成日見面,但係呢種友情係經得起考驗,唔使上Social Media 俾Like, 都可以永遠維繫。 好多人喜歡講從前,因為往往回憶都總是美好的。 我有一個回憶,仲係一個美好嘅回憶, 更加好彩嘅係,呢個回憶,由十年前開始變成一個延續篇。 人生嘅轉變,相信冇人能夠預測得到, 朋友嘅相遇,緣份嘅敘散, 老土啲講,可能要睇上天嘅安排。 今集我好開心能夠請到我嘅一位好朋友,老同學, 講番佢當年從香港到澳洲升學嘅點滴。緣分天注定,可能大家都聽過,我呢位老朋友兼老同學,由去澳洲升學, 再喺當地組織家庭,繼而長居澳洲, 相信佢當日諗都冇諗過。我同佢一個喺加拿大,一個喺澳洲,但友情依舊。 今日一於同大家友情歲月。 I feel incredibly fortunate to have several good friends, many of whom I met in our early days. Even though we may not meet frequently, this type of friendship can withstand any test; it doesn't require social media likes to endure. Many people enjoy reminiscing because memories often tend to be beautiful. I have a memory, and it's a great one. What's even luckier is that this memory has evolved into a continuous story since ten years ago. In today's podcast, I'm thrilled to have invited a dear friend and old classmate to share his journey from studying in Hong Kong to Australia. This old friend of mine went to Australia for his education, established a family there, and has since made Australia his permanent home. My presence in Canada and his in Australia does not diminish the strength of our friendship.

    25 min
  2. EP3 - 沒有夢想,等於鹹魚一條。 今集特別嘉賓 - Frankie Chan


    EP3 - 沒有夢想,等於鹹魚一條。 今集特別嘉賓 - Frankie Chan

    周星馳講過, 人如果沒有夢想, 跟鹹魚又有什麼分別? 這句說話, 就算只不過是電影裏的一句對白,但我相信, 這句說話的震撼力足以影響無數的你我他。 今集 The Richard Home Podcast,邀請了早在八九十年代, 便跟隨父母移民到溫哥華的Frankie,跟我們分享自己的移民經歷及片段。 跟大部份當年從香港移民到加拿大的年青人不一樣的是,他畢業後,選擇繼續留在溫哥華工作, 自此在工作上勇往直前,不怕艱辛,亦不埋怨,曾做過很多不同的行業, 今天,已經是一間按揭公司的老闆。 Frankie亦會跟大家分享一些做按揭前的準備,及分享一些工作上的難忘經驗。 今集內容當中, 我亦分享了一些曾經影響過我的人, 他們的背景及故事,可能完全不相似,但是他們的共通點,就是他們都是很積極面對人生,勇於面對困境的人。 Stephen Chow once said, "If a person has no dreams, what's the difference between them and a salted fish?" Although this line is just a dialogue from a movie, I believe its impact has the power to influence countless individuals, including you, me, and others. In this episode of The Richard Home Podcast, we invited Frankie, who immigrated to Vancouver with his parents back in the eighties and nineties, to share his immigration experience and snippets of his life. What sets him apart from most young people who immigrated from Hong Kong to Canada during that time is that after graduating, he chose to stay and work in Vancouver. Since then, he has been forging ahead in his career, unafraid of challenges and never one to complain. He has worked in various industries and today, he is the owner of a mortgage company. Frankie will also share some preparations for getting a mortgage and some memorable experiences from his work. In this episode, I also shared about some people who have influenced me. Their backgrounds and stories may be completely different, but their commonality lies in their proactive approach to life, facing challenges with courage.

    30 min


歡迎大家嚟到 The Richard Home Podcast! 80年代尾,跟隨父母移民到溫哥華嘅我, 同好多人一樣, 喺90年代都想返香港闖一闖,點知一闖就闖咗十幾年,然後回流溫哥華, 希望能夠喺度闖出一片天。返到溫哥華後,好多人與事都不再一樣,年紀大咗,畢竟好多嘅事都要重新適應。回流之前承諾給太太嘅,唔會做太空人,即係唔會放低老婆同仔女,然後自己飛返香港做嘢。睇住小朋友長大,同老婆由零開始融入社會,係一件我哋感到非常驕傲嘅事。 對地產一直有興趣, 立志成為一個真係用心做事嘅溫哥華地產經紀。成為持牌經紀之後, 發覺原來大部份人,都認為喺溫哥華買樓同香港一樣,經紀都係寫張合約, 睇吓間屋就過關。其實,當中要留意嘅事,要知嘅資訊,係一啲都唔簡單,只不過坊間唔會有太多人講,所以認為買賣簡單而合理化, 而忽略咗好多非常重要嘅資訊及細節,可蝕底嘅往往變咗係自己。 喺呢個Podcast裏面,我會同大家傾吓溫哥華嘅事,溫哥華嘅情,亦會同大家講加拿大經濟, 溫哥華樓市,以及地產方面嘅知識, 相信有啲可能大家聞所未聞, 但係對你可能極有幫助嘅地產知識及資訊,希望得到你嘅支持! Richard L. Cheung Personal Real Estate Corporation 778-999-0023 Prompton Real Estate Services Inc.

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