The Infinite Human Talk Show

Elizabeth Monroy
The Infinite Human Talk Show

About The is emerging on the face of the Earth a New Human an Infinite Human and that human is you! Join Elizabeth Monroy weekly for enlightening discussions, ascension activations, high frequency meditations and new earth visualizations! We will be joined by other blossoming infinite human beings who are shifting the old paradigms of our broken fragmented finite 3D Earth and alchemizing it into an infinite, expansive, unified reality by reclaiming their true divine infinite power within as the co-creators of the New Infinite Earth! We will support you as you evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially and socially shedding the old finite paradigms and belief systems and co -creating a new consciousness renaissance that helps you find your own soul- utions to the many problems facing our world today. Isn't it time to be part of the New Consciousness Renaissance and BE THE CHANGE by reclaiming your birthright as a Divine Angelic INFINITE HUMAN BEING????

  1. 12/16/2024

    The Truth About the 3 Christs & Yeshua's Twin Soul Mary Sophia Magdelena

    Join David Emery and me as we uncover the profound truth about the 3 Christs, the Magdalena, and Yeshua's Twin Soul. Explore the mystical and spiritual significance of Kryst-Mas, a sacred celebration that holds transformative meaning for your spiritual journey. Together, we will delve into ancient wisdom and uncover its relevance to creating a New Earth. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion! 🌟 Topics covered in this video: • Who are the 3 Christs? • The mystical connection of the Magdalena. • Understanding Yeshua's Twin Soul. • The spiritual significance of Kryst-Mas for YOU. 🔔 Subscribe to Infinite Humans Co-Creating a New Earth for more spiritual wisdom, transformative insights, and a journey toward unity consciousness. ✨ Share your thoughts in the comments!     THE 3 CHRISTS: The truth is there existed 3 Christs. Jeshua Sandanda Melchizideck, or J12 was the true 12-stranded avatar. He was indeed a savior, but not in the way religion has distorted it. He did not die on the cross for our “sins” but restored our Mother Earth's template so we can NOW ascend. And yes there was a plan for Yeshua 12 to return at this time but because of his work and the work of all the Indigos who saved our Earth’s template and our entire time matrix from going into full fall the KRYSTAL RIVER FAIL SAFE HOST was able to be activated in 2012. Hallelujah! So now Ascension is possible for ALL who choose! Now We are the Ascending KRYST or Christs assisting Mother Earth and Humanity in its Ascension! Halle-lu-jah! So when you listen to your favorite Christmas carols about angels on high and Mary and the birth of the Christ child know that they are all referring to YOU! And this is truly a time to rejoice for unto you a savior IS born and it is YOU my beloved Divine Infinite Angelic Human Beings!!!! THE 3 JESUS’S (Jesus Actually in Greek means Hail Zeus) - The True name of JESUS or Christ’s was Yesuah Sandanda Melchizedek or J 12 HE WAS THE REAL KRYST because he held 12 DNA strands) The second Christ was Jeshuah 9 Who was of Annunaki design and WAS SUPPOSED TO HELP J12 BUT BETRAYED HIS MISSION (the 9D, mission to re-evolve the Anunnaki/Nephilim towards their 12 DNA strands) The 3rd Christ was mentally manipulated though holographic inserts into believing he was The CHRIST and had to “sacrifice” himself ie get crucified. It was an Annunaki scheme to allow their false Christ Jesuhua 9 to flee to the South of France with Marie Sophia Madeleine.The Twin Soul of Yeshua 12. The Only Christ to ascend bodily was the True Kryst Yeshua 12 though the Arch of the Covenant in the Pyramid of Giza. Unfortunately, he had to leave behind his twin soul who incarnated with him but was married off to the wrong christ Jesuah 9 and her Sophiatic Gnosis along with her divine 12 strands of DNA was used to create the false royal Merovingians bloodlines and keep them alive through inverted blood sacrifices. These false royals have ruled this world for ages. They are the Illuminati Kings and Queens of Europe and the Presidents and captains of industry in America. This is lineage between Mary Magdalene and Jesus 9 is the one mentioned in the Da Vinci Code. This was also an attempt to gain control of the holy gruels or star gates, specifically star gate 12. When Jesuah 9 Fleed with Mary Sophia Magdenlena to the Cathar Krystic Community in the South of France where the 12th Star Gate resides. He tricked many of the Cathars (not all) as he had his wife into believing he was Yeshua 12 the true KRYST. So the impostor Jesus J9 stole Mary Magdalene from the real Jesus (Jesheua 12) to create hybrids with Jesheua's twin flame. Arihabi was a normal human who physically looked like J9 and was the one crucified in his place to divert attention to allow the J9 ( the Impersonator Jesus to escape to the south of France with his stolen Magdalena to serve as an Annunaki breeder. There is however a true magi grail lineage that was created by Yehsua 12 and the Essenses. search queries: the truth about the 3 christs & yeshua's twin soul Elizabeth Monroy David Emery 3 Christs Yeshua Twin Soul Yeshua Kryst-Mas meaning Kryst-Mas spiritual awakening spiritual enlightenment Spirituality spiritual growth new earth consciousness Consciousness Christ consciousness higher self three christs Three Christs of Ypsilanti Magdalena Mary Magdalene Twin Souls soul ascension Mysticism Ascension Enlightenment Inner Truth infinite humans co-creating a new earth

    1h 7m
  2. 12/09/2024


    The Heroic Pathway is your pathway of integration of ALL your many bio-spiritual identities - until - one day - in one shiningly explosive instant - you emerge back in Source - as YOU - the YOU you never left. David Emery We will be speaking with David Emery in a two-part series about his upcoming book Beyond Biblical and what our true Galactic History has to do with YOU in the NOW! We have all heard the phrase History Repeats itself. Well you have no idea how much. We have been taught that history is something that happened in the past. It is lists of dates and men who carved out our HIS-tory. What we were not taught is that our true history has been reset many times to keep it hidden while a false history has been set into place and programmed into our mind through indoctrination centers we call higher education. David Emery is here to share with us our hidden history. Why is this so important and what does the past have to do with our future or our NOW? Dave Emery David Emery, Senior Fellow at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality was born in Ireland a little after the Second World War but moved to England at the age of seven. His youth was captivated by three things; history, mystery and tennis and after university he became a national and international tennis pro and then a fitness-trainer. 25 years later he was a teacher of English and History at various levels and now he is a writer. David has written a number of books from children’s stories to historical novels and is now currently writing his latest entitled, ‘Beyond the Biblical’. He calls it ‘the history we were never told about!’ A frequent popular guest of NewEarth Horizon’s Lazarus Initiative, David became a senior fellow of the NewEarth University in 2022 to share his important body of work (writings / teachings) which align with NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. He is now delighted to present you with a unique online Workshop based on his latest historical research.

    56 min
  3. 12/02/2024

    Mucusless Diet Part 2: Top Tips by Prof. Spira to HEAL THYSELF

    Mucus and pus-forming foods are the cause of toxicity in the body and all health problems! Join Prof. Spira to discuss how you can cure all di-s ease and find your way back to radiant health! In this insightful episode, discover the principles and benefits of this revolutionary dietary approach. Learn how to optimize your health, boost your immune system, and achieve higher vitality. Don't miss this insightful conversation! Prof.Spira's links: In this war of frequencies and on your journey of ascension, the most important job you have is to purge yourself of the lower frequencies that bind you to the path of sorrow, death, decay, and the prison matrix. This is how you can embody the higher frequencies of unity, oneness, life, and joy! This is the true journey of ascension. Religious dogma has us separate our body from spirit. But it is in the transmutation of our carbon-based body into a KRYSTALA "KRYST" body that true ascension occurs as we reconstruct our 12 strands of DNA. Distortions, reversals, AI overlays, and parasites reside in these lower frequencies and keep you tied to the old timelines and our prison matrix. Many do not understand the relationship of organic parasites in your gut to the shadow creators and AI parasites that feed off of your pain and misery, but they are deeply connected and key in keeping you a prisoner in the lower frequencies. When you eat a diet rich in mucus-producing foods, you create an environment of candida and mucoid plaque. This is a breeding ground for pus and muscus where parasites breed and thrive. By changing your diet, you can free yourself from the death cycle and take on the higher frequencies of joy, LIFE, and freedom! Host: Elizabeth Monroy is an international author, film director, producer, and visionary artist. Her genres include Children's books such as The Magical Mist, which empowers children's creativity; Romance Novels like The Chronicles of MerWorld, about the rise and fall of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexual Alchemy; and her latest book The Infinite Human, an ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite HumanBeings, Star Seeds, Twin Souls, and the Co-creators of the Infinite New 5D Earth Guest: Join Prof. Spira, an author, musician, founder of Mucus-Free Life LLC, and one of the most sought-after experts on Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet, for an inspiring look at how you can heal your gut and your life and catapult your ascension towards the path of joy and radiant health! Join us on this spiritual journey. Subscribe now! Amazon author's page: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Linkedin: Tictok Your Search Queries: mucusless diet mucusless diet healing system mucusless diet food list mucusless diet recipes the mucusless diet mucusless diet healing system summary mucusless diet plan mucusless diet foods what is a mucusless diet? Arnold Ehret mucusless diet Prof. Spira Elizabeth Monroy

    16 min
  4. 11/04/2024

    The Restoration of the Divine Mother part 2

    We are blessed with the wise words of Mary Costello who joins us for the second part our journey with The Restoration of the Divine Mother. She brings us great news about the return our divine eternal mother, the collapsing of the old artificial timelines, the restoration of the order of LOVE and how women will give birth to the New Earth from the divine golden womb. We have entered a time where the old finite world of the dark masculine’s domination is collapsing and it is up to the women who can embody the eternal mother to lead the way and lay the foundation of the new earth created on the true timeline of the Krystala spiral of LIFE. This is a time when women must heal from our traumatized past, our mother wound and the pain of having to dowse our light to survive in a broken world. It is time for us to turn our creative healing powers inward to heal first ourselves and then use our creativity to co-create a beautiful new world for all to thrive in! Our radiant sparking bodies are creating a world without end collapsing the old dead-end timelines. It is time to stop following our mind programs of waiting for a man to be the hero that saves us from ourselves or giving away all our energy to those around us. We need to embody the divine mother and nurture OUR own divine inner child within. We need to stop creating needy people, stop to feeding the problem and start using our powerful creative imagination to imagineer a new earth! Mary Costello LINKS

    55 min
  5. 10/21/2024

    LIVE A MUCUS- FREE LIFE ! The Key to Radiant Health

    In this war of frequencies and on your journey of ascension the most important job you have is to purge yourself of the lower frequencies that bind you to the path of sorrow, death, decay and the prison matrix. This is how you can embody the higher frequencies of unity, oneness, life and joy! This is the true journey of ascension. Religious dogma has us separate our body from spirit. But it is in the transmutation of our carbon based body into a KRYSTALA KRYST Body that true ascension occurs as we reconstruct our 12 strands of DNA. Distortions, reversals, AI overlays, and parasites reside in these lower frequencies and keep you tied to the old timelines and our prison matrix. Many do not understand the relationship of organic parasites in your gut to the shadow creators and ai parasites that feed off of your pain and misery but they are deeply connected and key in keeping you a prisoner in the lower frequencies. When you eat a diet rich in mucus-producing foods you create an environment of candida and mucoid plaque. This is a breeding ground for pus and muscus where parasites breed and thrive. By changing your diet you can free yourself from the death cycle and take on the higher frequencies of joy, LIFE and freedom! Join Prof. Spira is an author, musician, founder of Mucus-free Life LLC, and one of the most sought-after experts on Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet for an inspiring look at how you can heal your gut, your life and catapult your ascension towards the path of joy and radiant health!

    52 min
  6. 09/23/2024


    THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS RENAISSANCE There is emerging on the face of the Earth a New Human INFINITE HUMAN and the human is YOU! Elizabeth Monroy “Creation is the eternal nature of source and when embodying creation we embody our eternal nature. Deep healing and connection come from this embodiment. When sharing creation we reflect and share that connection through Art… When others interact with authentic art coming from this connection it can be felt and often triggers the same connection within the listener/viewer. That is the deepest and strongest reason for the path of Artistry to unfold and is a calling that must be fulfilled.” Aquashii Over five hundred years ago, painters, poets, writers, philosophers, humanitarians and alchemists steered our world out of the Dark Ages and into the Light of the Renaissance. This “rebirth” of classical wisdom gave way to Neoplatonic thought. In Ancient Greece, Plato taught that the purpose of all Art was to reflect infinite beauty, truth, and wisdom. That all artists should first seek to attain this world of perfection within, then transmit it through their Art. This age was filled with beauty, creativity, and the idea that each human possesses a divine spark of the Infinite Creator within. Great Artists expressed this divine creative spark through their artwork, literature, science, architecture, inventions which they left for all the world to behold. Love, freedom, and the search for the Infinite Truth were the defining values of the Renaissance. According to Marsilio Ficino, “Love is the Work of God in the World.” These were the ideals striving to break through the Dark Machiavellian World of conspiracies, and blood baths. Like our world today, the Light of Truth is breaking through the lies and deceptions that have held humanity hostage. The power goes to those who awaken from the dream spell! Those who first awaken will be the Creators of the New Consciousness Renaissance and will co-create our future. The New Infinite Earth Builders will be the artists, painters, poets, writers, healers, inventors and visionaries who are not distracted by the current narratives running on our finite 3D Earth. These spiritually mature Infinite Human Beings will not wait for someone or something outside of themselves to “take care of things, but will roll up their sleeves and create a world they want to live in! The New Earth will be populated by Infinite Human Beings who have freed themselves from the scripted dramas and finite illusions of the 3D World and can tap into their creative Spirt!! This New Consciousness Renaissance, unlike the past one, will not be based on ancient scriptures, documents, bibles, tablets and external sources of information which can be co-opted to misdirect individuals from the Truth. Rather, it will be founded on each person’s direct connection to Infinite God Source within. The information will come from INFINITE SOURCE within born from the soul, and heart. They will be, as

    54 min
  7. 09/09/2024


    A powerful SHIFT has occurred due to the 888 Lion’s Gate portal through Siris B producing a massive influx of energy to our planet, colossal solar flares pushed the Schumann Resonance to a new level! This is a joyous occasion for our Mother Earth who has entered a whole new frequency!  The New Earth is here! The Krystal River Fail Safe Host is taking hold and the KRYSTALA Spiral is reaching massive amounts of quantum coupled with the Nomi Wave which has cleared the fallen angelic’s demonic trumpet pulses and is allowing us to move into a new octave cycle of uplifting positive energy! These next eight years we will have the opportunity to co-create the kind of world we want to LIVE by aligning with INFINITE SOURCE and the KRYSTALA spiral of LIFE! It is a rare opportunity to make all your dreams come true and they WILL come true! Many of us will be called to co- create and participate in NEW EARTH communities. These will be strategically  positioned  hubs around our Mother Earth where we will serve as the Guardians of our Mother Earth maintaining the extremely high frequencies. They will become the prototype communities of the New Earth where people will come to be healed, to learn, co create  and to restore their divine blueprint! These will be true Krystic cloisters that will serve to stabilize and disperse the incoming frequencies helping our Mother Earth in her ascension and restoration of her divine blueprint.  The First wave of Volunteers are The FOUNDER RACES  highly genetically encrypted divine infinite angelic beings who volunteered to come to this Time Matrix to BE THE CHANGE and help to make our Mother Earth and our entire UNI-verse transmute its darkness and re-align with the KRYSTALA path of ASCENSION  moving onto the KRYSTALA Spiral of LIFE. These highly evolved beings have been hidden in and out of time for their own safety and are waking up now from their comatose state of unawareness. These are the leaders who will create leaders, the founders of the New Earth. But it ALL begins and ends WITHIN YOU!

    54 min


About The is emerging on the face of the Earth a New Human an Infinite Human and that human is you! Join Elizabeth Monroy weekly for enlightening discussions, ascension activations, high frequency meditations and new earth visualizations! We will be joined by other blossoming infinite human beings who are shifting the old paradigms of our broken fragmented finite 3D Earth and alchemizing it into an infinite, expansive, unified reality by reclaiming their true divine infinite power within as the co-creators of the New Infinite Earth! We will support you as you evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially and socially shedding the old finite paradigms and belief systems and co -creating a new consciousness renaissance that helps you find your own soul- utions to the many problems facing our world today. Isn't it time to be part of the New Consciousness Renaissance and BE THE CHANGE by reclaiming your birthright as a Divine Angelic INFINITE HUMAN BEING????

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