FluentFiction - Slovak

FluentFiction - Slovak

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

  1. 5 HR. AGO

    A Spark of Hope in Bratislava's Christmas Glow

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Spark of Hope in Bratislava's Christmas Glow Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-22-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Bratislava bola plná života. En: Bratislava was full of life. Sk: Vianočný trh žiaril svetlami, zatiaľ čo vzduchom sa niesla vôňa vareného vína, perníkov a pečených gaštanov. En: The Christmas market glowed with lights, while the air was filled with the aroma of mulled wine, gingerbread, and roasted chestnuts. Sk: Mráz jemne štipal na tvári, ale nikomu to nevadilo. En: The frost gently nipped at the face, but no one minded. Sk: Všetko pôsobilo čarovne. En: Everything seemed magical. Sk: Marek stál v rade na varené víno. En: Marek stood in line for mulled wine. Sk: Bol oblečený v teplom kabáte s čiapkou, no jeho srdce bolo naplnené zimou a melanchóliou. En: He was dressed in a warm coat with a hat, yet his heart was filled with cold and melancholy. Sk: Každý rok trávil Vianoce podobne, pocit samoty bol jeho stálym hosťom. En: Every year he spent Christmas similarly, the feeling of loneliness was his constant companion. Sk: Po pravici zrazu začul veselý smiech. En: Suddenly, on his right, he heard cheerful laughter. Sk: Zvedavo sa otočil a zbadal Zuzanu, usmievavú ženu, ktorej oči žiarili radosťou nad príchodom Vianoc. En: Curiously, he turned and saw Zuzana, a smiling woman whose eyes shone with the joy of Christmas approaching. Sk: "Ahoj," pozdravila ho Zuzana. En: "Hello," Zuzana greeted him. Sk: "Čakáš na varené víno? En: "Are you waiting for mulled wine? Sk: Tiež patria k mojim najobľúbenejším," dodala s úsmevom. En: It's also one of my favorites," she added with a smile. Sk: Marek prikývol, cítil sa trocha neisto. En: Marek nodded, feeling a bit uncertain. Sk: "Áno, aspoň niečo, čo zahreje," odpovedal stručne. En: "Yes, at least something to warm up," he replied briefly. Sk: Nebol si istý, či má chuť na rozhovor, ale Zuzanin entuziazmus bol nákazlivý. En: He wasn't sure if he was in the mood for a conversation, but Zuzana's enthusiasm was contagious. Sk: "Milujem tieto trhy. En: "I love these markets. Sk: Vianoce sú ideálny čas pre nových priateľov a dobrú náladu," povedala Zuzana a Marek sa začal cítiť o trochu lepšie. En: Christmas is the perfect time for new friends and good cheer," said Zuzana, and Marek started to feel a bit better. Sk: Postupne sa rozhovor viac rozvinul. En: Gradually, the conversation developed more. Sk: Zuzana kládla otázky, ktoré boli jednoducho osobné a Marek sa pristihol, že odpovedá. En: Zuzana asked questions that were simply personal, and Marek found himself answering. Sk: Rád počúval jej rozprávanie o meste, o malých radostiach života. En: He enjoyed listening to her talk about the city, the small joys of life. Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodli prejsť k veľkému vianočnému stromčeku, ktorý svietil uprostred námestia. En: Finally, they decided to head to the large Christmas tree that shone in the middle of the square. Sk: "Pamätám si, keď som bol chlapec, Vianoce boli plné smiechu a tepla. En: "I remember when I was a boy, Christmas was full of laughter and warmth. Sk: Rodina bola spolu, a to boli najlepšie chvíle," zveril sa Marek. En: The family was together, and those were the best moments," Marek confided. Sk: Jeho hlas bol nostalgický a pohľad sa zdvihol k hviezdam, ktoré nad ním jemne žiarili. En: His voice was nostalgic, and he looked up at the stars gently...

    16 min
  2. 14 HR. AGO

    Renewing Traditions: A Christmas Reunion in Bratislava

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Renewing Traditions: A Christmas Reunion in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-21-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V zasneženej Bratislave, uprostred sviatočnej atmosféry, sa Slovenská národná galéria ligotala ako drahocenný klenot. En: In a snowy Bratislava, amidst the festive atmosphere, the Slovenská národná galéria gleamed like a precious jewel. Sk: Bola zima a Vianoce sa blížili. En: It was winter, and Christmas was approaching. Sk: V tejto čarovnej budove, plnej umenia a krásy, sa mali stretnúť Marek, Zuzana a Janka. En: In this magical building, full of art and beauty, Marek, Zuzana, and Janka were supposed to meet. Sk: Marek bol najstarší a vždy mal rád umenie. En: Marek was the oldest and always loved art. Sk: Bolo pre neho dôležité zachovať ich rodinnú tradíciu. En: It was important for him to preserve their family tradition. Sk: Každé Vianoce, keď boli ešte deti, rodičia ich brávali do galérie. En: Every Christmas, when they were still children, their parents would take them to the gallery. Sk: Ale teraz, keď vyrástli, už to nebolo také jednoduché. En: But now, as they've grown up, it wasn't so simple anymore. Sk: Zuzana, praktická a zaneprázdnená stredná sestra, mala svoju prácu a Janka, slobodná duša, mala svoje vlastné plány. En: Zuzana, the practical and busy middle sister, had her job, and Janka, the free spirit, had her own plans. Sk: „Musíme sa stretnúť,“ povedal Marek, keď telefonoval so sestrami. En: "We have to meet," said Marek when he called his sisters. Sk: „Galéria je pre nás dôležitá. En: "The gallery is important to us. Sk: Spomeňte si na tie časy, keď sme sa tam spoločne smiali. En: Remember those times when we laughed there together?" Sk: “„Marek, ja naozaj nemám čas,“ zamumlala Zuzana. En: "Marek, I really don't have time," mumbled Zuzana. Sk: „A Janku možno ani nezaujíma, čo sa deje. En: "And maybe Janka doesn't even care what's going on." Sk: “No Marek bol odhodlaný. En: But Marek was determined. Sk: Presvedčil ich, aby prišli na Štedrý deň. En: He convinced them to come on Christmas Eve. Sk: Myslel si, že ak sa stretnú v galérii, staré spory sa rozpustia ako sneh. En: He thought that if they met at the gallery, old disputes would melt away like snow. Sk: Vošiel do veľkých dverí Slovenskej národnej galérie a pozrel sa okolo seba. En: He entered the large doors of the Slovenská národná galéria and looked around. Sk: Celé miesto bolo zdobené svetielkami a vencami. En: The whole place was decorated with lights and wreaths. Sk: Vzduchom sa niesol pach škorice z malého stánku, kde ponúkali punč. En: The air was filled with the scent of cinnamon from a small stand offering punch. Sk: Keď Zuzana a Janka konečne prišli, Marek ich viedol k svojmu obľúbenému obrazu. En: When Zuzana and Janka finally arrived, Marek led them to his favorite painting. Sk: Všetci traja stáli pred obrovským plátnom, ktoré zobrazovalo slovenské hory pokryté snehom. En: All three stood before a huge canvas depicting the Slovak mountains covered in snow. Sk: „Pamätáte si ten deň, keď sme šli na Chopok? En: "Do you remember the day we went to Chopok?" Sk: “ spýtal sa Marek, usmievajúc sa. En: Marek asked, smiling. Sk: Niekoľko chvíľ sa smiali a spomínali, ale potom prišla tichosť. En: They laughed and reminisced for a few moments, but then silence came. Sk: „Vieš, Marek, nie je to...

    16 min
  3. 1 DAY AGO

    Heartfelt Confession Amidst Winter Art in Bratislava

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heartfelt Confession Amidst Winter Art in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-21-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Jozef a Mária stály pred majestátnym Art Museom v Bratislave. En: Jozef and Mária stood in front of the majestic Art Museum in Bratislava. Sk: Bolo vianočné obdobie, mesto plné ozdôb a svetielok, zahaľujúce všetko očarujúcim duchom zimy. En: It was the Christmas season, the city was full of decorations and lights, wrapping everything in the enchanting spirit of winter. Sk: Múzeum zvonku vyzeralo veľkolepo, obklopené jemným snehom. En: The museum looked magnificent from the outside, surrounded by a gentle layer of snow. Sk: "Poďme dovnútra," povedala Mária s úsmevom. En: "Let's go inside," said Mária with a smile. Sk: Milovala umenie a históriu, vždy hľadala nové miesta plné kultúrneho obohatenia. En: She loved art and history, always seeking new places filled with cultural enrichment. Sk: Jozef súhlasil, hoci jeho srdce bilo o niečo rýchlejšie. En: Jozef agreed, though his heart was beating a bit faster. Sk: Tento víkend mal zvláštny význam. En: This weekend held special significance. Sk: Mal v pláne tejto žene ukázať, čo k nej cíti. En: He planned to show this woman what he felt for her. Sk: Vošli do múzea. En: They entered the museum. Sk: Vnútri to bolo teplé, vôňa sušených pomarančov a škorice sa niesla vzduchom. En: Inside, it was warm, with the scent of dried oranges and cinnamon wafting through the air. Sk: Dekorácie ladili s umeleckými dielami, svetlo jemne osvetľovalo každý detail. En: The decorations complemented the artworks, light softly illuminating each detail. Sk: Tiché šepoty návštevníkov vytvárali intímnu atmosféru ideálnu pre hlboké rozhovory. En: The quiet whispers of visitors created an intimate atmosphere, perfect for deep conversations. Sk: Jozef a Mária prechádzali sálami, obdivujúc staré maľby a sochy. En: Jozef and Mária strolled through the halls, admiring old paintings and sculptures. Sk: Mária sa zastavovala pri každom exponáte, s láskou študujúc jeho históriu. En: Mária stopped at each exhibit, lovingly studying its history. Sk: Jozef sledoval, nadšený jej vedomosťami a vášňou. En: Jozef watched, thrilled by her knowledge and passion. Sk: Prisahal si, že vo chvíli, keď nastane ten správny čas, sa otvorí. En: He promised himself that at the right moment, he would open up to her. Sk: Konečne došli k špeciálnej výstave. En: Finally, they reached a special exhibition. Sk: Dominoval jej nádherný obraz zimnej krajiny. En: It was dominated by a beautiful painting of a winter landscape. Sk: Snehové vločky spadali mäkko na drevený most, pod ktorým tiekla zamrznutá rieka. En: Snowflakes softly fell onto a wooden bridge, beneath which flowed a frozen river. Sk: Scéna bola pokojná a plná ticha, len ako ich vlastné city. En: The scene was calm and serene, much like their own feelings. Sk: Jozef cítil, že je čas. En: Jozef felt it was time. Sk: "Mária," povedal opatrne, odkladajúc rukavice. En: "Mária," he said cautiously, taking off his gloves. Sk: "Je niečo, čo ti chcem povedať. En: "There's something I want to tell you. Sk: Už dlho v sebe nosím tieto city." En: I've been carrying these feelings for a long time." Sk: Mária sa otočila, očami chytila ​​jeho pohľad. En: Mária turned around, her eyes meeting his gaze. Sk: Jozefove ruky boli...

    16 min
  4. 1 DAY AGO

    Holiday Magic in the Heart of Bratislava

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Holiday Magic in the Heart of Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-20-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Bratislavské mrakodrapy sa v zime stávajú útočiskom pre tých, čo hľadajú teplo, útulnosť a kúsok vianočnej mágie. En: The skyscrapers of Bratislava become a refuge in winter for those seeking warmth, coziness, and a bit of Christmas magic. Sk: Presne tak to vnímal i Marek, keď vošiel do obchodného centra pod jednou z vysokých veží. En: That's exactly how Marek felt when he entered the shopping center beneath one of the tall towers. Sk: Už týždne rozmýšľal nad darčekom pre svoju sestru Veroniku. En: For weeks, he had been thinking about a gift for his sister Veronika. Sk: Chcel niečo, čo by ju potešilo, čo by vyjadrilo jeho umeleckú dušu a lásku k nej. En: He wanted something that would delight her, something that would express his artistic soul and love for her. Sk: Marek bol architekt, no v srdci umelcom. En: Marek was an architect, but in his heart, an artist. Sk: Nikdy nemal dosť času na maľovanie, ale túžba bola stále živá. En: He never had enough time for painting, but the desire was still alive. Sk: Kráčal rýchlo, ľuďmi zaplnenými chodbami centra. En: He walked quickly through the people-filled corridors of the center. Sk: Vianočné svetielka žiarili všade okolo neho a hmýrilo sa to vôňou vareného vína a perníčkov. En: Christmas lights shone all around him, and the smell of mulled wine and gingerbread filled the air. Sk: Uvažoval, či má riskovať a využiť dlhšiu obednú prestávku na hľadanie toho správneho darčeka. En: He wondered if he should take the risk and use a longer lunch break to find the right gift. Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodol. En: In the end, he decided. Sk: Pracovné povinnosti môžu počkať. En: Work obligations could wait. Sk: Keď vkročil do malého butiku so zaujímavými umeleckými dielami, okamžite ho zaujala jedna maľba. En: As he stepped into a small boutique with interesting art pieces, one painting immediately captivated him. Sk: Bola plná jemných farieb a zobrazovala bratislavské staré mesto zasnežené na prvý pohľad jednoduchým, ale precíznym štýlom. En: It was full of soft colors and depicted Bratislava's old town covered in snow, in a style that was simple at first glance but precise. Sk: Dokonale vystihovala Veronikin vkus. En: It perfectly captured Veronika's taste. Sk: Marek vedel, že už teraz mešká na dôležitú schôdzku s klientom. En: Marek knew he was already late for an important meeting with a client. Sk: Rozhodol sa rýchlo. En: He made a quick decision. Sk: Kúpil maľbu a vydal sa rýchlym krokom späť k výťahu. En: He bought the painting and headed back to the elevator with a quick step. Sk: Nemohol si pomôcť, ale cítil sa spokojný. En: He couldn't help but feel satisfied. Sk: Veronika bude milovať tento darček. En: Veronika would love this gift. Sk: Keď dorazil do kancelárie, jeho šéf, Jozef, už nervózne pochodoval pred Marekovým stolom. En: When he arrived at the office, his boss, Jozef, was already nervously pacing in front of Marek's desk. Sk: Marek sa ospravedlnil a vysvetlil, prečo meškal. En: Marek apologized and explained why he was late. Sk: "Chcel som nájsť niečo zvláštne pre sestru," povedal úprimne. En: "I wanted to find something special for my sister," he said honestly. Sk: Očakával výčitky, ale namiesto toho Jozef prikývol a pousmial sa. En: He expected a reprimand, but...

    14 min
  5. 2 DAYS AGO

    Bratislava Reunion: Bridging Worlds and Hearts

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Bratislava Reunion: Bridging Worlds and Hearts Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-20-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V zime, keď Bratislava bola zahalená do bieleho snehu a svetlá mesta sa leskli ako hviezdy, Marek a Zuzana sa stretli na vyhliadkovej plošine UFO. En: In the winter, when Bratislava was covered in white snow and the city's lights glittered like stars, Marek and Zuzana met at the UFO observation deck. Sk: Bolo to miesto, ktoré obaja milovali už od detstva. En: It was a place they both had loved since childhood. Sk: Teraz, po dvoch rokoch, keď Marek pracoval v Kanade, sa tu stretli znova. En: Now, after two years with Marek working in Canada, they were meeting here again. Sk: Točil sa vietor a vzduch bol sviatočne mrazivý. En: The wind was swirling, and the air was festively chilly. Sk: Marek, oblečený v hrubom kabáte, nervózne pozeral na veľkú rieku Dunaj, ktorá ticho plynula pod ním. En: Marek, wrapped in a thick coat, nervously looked at the large Danube River flowing silently beneath him. Sk: "Ako sa drží mama s otcom? En: "How are mom and dad holding up?" Sk: " opýtal sa Marek ticho. En: Marek asked quietly. Sk: Zuzana, so šálom omotaným okolo krku, sa na neho pozrela. En: Zuzana, with a scarf wrapped around her neck, looked at him. Sk: "Sú v poriadku, snažia sa. En: "They're okay, doing their best. Sk: Ja im pomáham," povedala. En: I help them," she said. Sk: V jej hlase bola miešanina hrdosti a únavy. En: Her voice held a blend of pride and fatigue. Sk: Na chvíľu sa nechali obklopiť tichom. En: For a moment, they were enveloped in silence. Sk: Mestské svetlá žiarili a zdobili siluetu hradného vrchu. En: The city lights shone and adorned the silhouette of the castle hill. Sk: "Chýbal si mi," prerušila Zuzana ticho, pozerajúc sa na brata. En: "I missed you," Zuzana broke the silence, looking at her brother. Sk: "Bolo to ťažké. En: "It was hard. Sk: Ale som hrdá, že si tam, kde si. En: But I'm proud that you're where you are." Sk: "Marek sa obrátil, oči plné pocitov, ktoré nechcel ukázať. En: Marek turned, his eyes full of emotions he didn't want to show. Sk: "Zuzana, prepáč mi," povedal. En: "Zuzana, I'm sorry," he said. Sk: "Chýbali mi Vianoce, narodeniny, všetko. En: "I missed Christmas, birthdays, everything. Sk: Chcem to zmeniť. En: I want to change that. Sk: Chcem byť tu viac. En: I want to be here more." Sk: "Zuzana sa pousmiala. En: Zuzana smiled. Sk: "Vidíš túto vyhliadku? En: "Do you see this lookout? Sk: Kedysi sme sa sem báli ísť, pamätáš? En: We used to be scared to come here, remember?" Sk: " Jemne sa zasmiala. En: She laughed gently. Sk: "Vždy som videla, kam patríš. En: "I always saw where you belonged. Sk: Si ako tento most, spájaš svet," dodala. En: You're like this bridge, connecting worlds," she added. Sk: Vo chvíli, keď obaja stáli na kraji vyhliadkovej plošiny, sa všetko zdalo jednoducho jasné. En: In that moment, as they stood on the edge of the observation deck, everything seemed simply clear. Sk: Marek začal chápať, čo je naozaj dôležité. En: Marek began to understand what truly mattered. Sk: "Budem viac doma. En: "I'll be home more. Sk: Budeme spolu sláviť tieto Vianoce a potom prídem každý štvrťrok," sľúbil Marek. En: We'll celebrate this Christmas...

    15 min
  6. 2 DAYS AGO

    Finding Courage and Friendship Beneath the Christmas Lights

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Courage and Friendship Beneath the Christmas Lights Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-19-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Vianočné svetlá žiarili po chodbách gymnázia, kde študenti netrpezlivo čakali na prázdniny. En: The Christmas lights shone along the corridors of the gymnázia, where students eagerly awaited the holidays. Sk: V triede sa učili fyziku. En: In the classroom, they were learning physics. Sk: Voľné chvíle Jozef trávil pozorovaním Márii, ktorá sedela vpredu. En: In his free moments, Jozef spent his time observing Mária, who sat at the front. Sk: Bol to deň plný vzrušenia, no Jozef sa cítil nervózne. En: It was a day full of excitement, but Jozef felt nervous. Sk: Chcel sa poďakovať Márii, ktorá vždy pomáhala ostatným, ale nevedel, ako na to. En: He wanted to thank Mária, who always helped others, but he didn't know how. Sk: Počas hodiny učiteľ hovoril o gravitácii, keď z ničoho nič Mária začala kašľať. En: During the lesson, the teacher was talking about gravity when, out of nowhere, Mária started coughing. Sk: Jej tvár sa objavila červená, a všetci v triede zbadali jej ťažkosti. En: Her face turned red, and everyone in the class noticed her distress. Sk: "To je Mária! En: "That's Mária!" Sk: " vykríkol Tomáš, keď zbadal, že sa nevie nadýchnuť. En: exclaimed Tomáš as he saw that she couldn’t breathe. Sk: Jozef okamžite vedel, že ide o astmatický záchvat. En: Jozef immediately knew it was an asthma attack. Sk: O chvíľu sa jeho srdce začalo búšiť. En: His heart started racing. Sk: Nechcel sa dostať do centra pozornosti. En: He didn't want to become the center of attention. Sk: Pamätal si ale, že videl Máriin inhalátor na jej lavici, v jej malom modrom peračníku. En: But he remembered seeing Mária's inhaler on her desk, in her small blue pencil case. Sk: Toto bola jeho šanca. En: This was his chance. Sk: S pocitom, že nie je cesty späť, postavil sa a srdce mu bilo ako bubon. En: With a feeling that there was no turning back, he stood up, his heart pounding like a drum. Sk: So všetkým odvahou sa predrali cez lavice a otvoril modrý peračník. En: With all the courage he could muster, he pushed through the desks and opened the blue pencil case. Sk: Vytiahol inhalátor a podal ho Márii, ktorá stále lapala po dychu. En: He pulled out the inhaler and handed it to Mária, who was still gasping for air. Sk: Mária použila inhalátor a jej dýchanie sa pomaly vrátilo do normálu. En: Mária used the inhaler, and her breathing slowly returned to normal. Sk: Celá trieda mlčky sledovala túto scénu. En: The whole class silently watched this scene unfold. Sk: Keď Mária znovu stabilne dýchala, otočila sa k Jozefovi so slzami v očiach. En: When Mária was breathing steadily again, she turned to Jozef with tears in her eyes. Sk: "Ďakujem, Jozef," povedala ticho, ale s veľkým pocitom úľavy. En: "Thank you, Jozef," she said quietly, but with great relief. Sk: V tejto chvíli Jozef vedel, že musí prekonať svoju hanblivosť. En: In that moment, Jozef knew he had to overcome his shyness. Sk: "Nie je to nič," povedal Jozef, jeho hlas trochu trasľavý, "chcem ti len poďakovať za všetko, čo robíš pre nás všetkých. En: "It's nothing," Jozef said, his voice a little shaky, "I just want to thank you for everything you do for all of us. Sk: Ty vždy pomáhaš, a ja chcem byť tvojím priateľom. En: You always help, and I want to...

    14 min
  7. 3 DAYS AGO

    Marek's Daring Christmas Showstopper: Laughter and Love

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Daring Christmas Showstopper: Laughter and Love Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-19-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Vianočné ozdoby sa leskli na girlandách zavesených po celej telocvični strednej školy. En: Christmas decorations glistened on the garlands hung all over the gymnasium of the stredná škola. Sk: Vianočná nálada prenikala vzduchom, keď sa všetci študenti a učitelia zhromaždili na každoročnú talentovú šou. En: The Christmas spirit permeated the air as all the students and teachers gathered for the annual talent show. Sk: Na pódiu visela obrovská papierová vločka, ktorá dodávala vzduch chladivý dotyk zimy, aj keď bola telocvičňa teplá. En: An enormous paper snowflake hung on the stage, adding a chilly touch of winter, even though the gym was warm. Sk: Marek stál za oponou, držiac sa za brucho, a cítil, ako mu adrenalín prúdi cez žily. En: Marek stood behind the curtain, holding his stomach, feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Sk: Jeho plán bol jednoduchý, ale riskantný. En: His plan was simple, yet risky. Sk: Rozhodol sa pobaviť všetkých spolužiakov tým, že sa prezlečie za Mikuláša. En: He decided to entertain all his classmates by dressing up as Mikuláš. Sk: Ale jeho červený kostým bol obrovský, a Marek vedel, že to bude boj udržať ho pohromade. En: But his red costume was enormous, and Marek knew it would be a struggle to keep it together. Sk: Improvizoval ho pomocou starej ceruzky, lepiacej pásky a dvoch veľkých bezpečnostných špendlíkov. En: He improvised, using an old pencil, adhesive tape, and two large safety pins. Sk: Ale nešlo len o udržanie kostýmu. En: But it wasn't just about keeping the costume intact. Sk: Po celý čas mal pred očami obraz Jany, dievčatá, na ktorú nemohol prestať myslieť. En: All the while, he had the image of Jana, the girl he couldn't stop thinking about, in his mind. Sk: Chcel ju rozosmiať, chcel, aby si ho zapamätala. En: He wanted to make her laugh; he wanted her to remember him. Sk: "Ach, Marek," povedal Peter, jeho najlepší kamarát, ktorý stál vedľa neho, snažiaci sa neprepadnúť smiechu, keď videl, ako jeho priateľ bojuje s prevlekom. En: "Oh, Marek," said Peter, his best friend, standing next to him, trying not to burst into laughter seeing his friend battling with the disguise. Sk: "To je trochu šialené, vieš? En: "This is a bit crazy, you know?" Sk: ""Viac šialenstvo, viac zábavy," odpovedal Marek vesele, pričom si utiahol umelú bielu bradu. En: "The more madness, the more fun," Marek replied cheerfully, tightening the fake white beard. Sk: Vedel, že to čo robí, má svoje riziká. En: He knew that what he was doing had its risks. Sk: Riaditeľka školy, pani Nováková, bola známa svojou prísnou povahou. En: The school principal, pani Nováková, was known for her strict nature. Sk: Vzduch sa naplnil napätím a potom sa zotmelo na pódiu. En: The air filled with tension, and then the stage went dark. Sk: Svetlá zasvietili a dav urobil ticho. En: The lights came on, and the audience fell silent. Sk: Bol čas. En: It was time. Sk: Marek vyšiel na pódium so širokým úsmevom, no jeho srdce bilo ako zvon. En: Marek stepped onto the stage with a broad smile, but his heart was pounding like a drum. Sk: Hneď ako sa postavil do stredu, začal predvádzať svoj vianočný tanec sprevádzaný veselou hudbou. En: As soon as he stood in the center, he began performing his Christmas dance accompanied by merry...

    17 min
  8. 3 DAYS AGO

    In the Lab of Friendship: How Jozef Found His Spark

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: In the Lab of Friendship: How Jozef Found His Spark Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-18-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V tajomnom laboratóriu, kde sa vianočné svetielka vonku zrážali so snehovými vločkami, Jozef stál nad experimentálnym stolom. En: In the mysterious laboratory, where Christmas lights outside collided with snowflakes, Jozef stood over the experimental table. Sk: Blížila sa školská súťaž a on bol plný obáv. En: The school competition was approaching and he was full of worries. Sk: Cítil, že tentoraz musí uspieť. En: He felt that this time he had to succeed. Sk: Cielom bolo vytvoriť úžasný chemický projekt, ale Jozefovi chýbala sebadôvera. En: The goal was to create an amazing chemical project, but Jozef lacked self-confidence. Sk: Zuzana, jeho najlepšia priateľka, vošla do laboratória s úsmevom. En: Zuzana, his best friend, entered the laboratory with a smile. Sk: Vždy vedela, ako Jozefovi zlepšiť náladu. En: She always knew how to lift Jozef's spirits. Sk: "Jozef," povedala povzbudivo, "máme na to. En: "Jozef," she said encouragingly, "we've got this. Sk: Spolu to dokážeme zvládnuť. En: We can handle it together." Sk: "Práve keď začali pracovať, do laboratória vstúpil Emil. En: Just as they started working, Emil entered the laboratory. Sk: Bol očarujúci a sebavedomý, ako vždy. En: He was charming and confident, as always. Sk: Emil bol súper, ktorý pri každej súťaži dominoval. En: Emil was a competitor who dominated every competition. Sk: Jozef pocítil, ako sa mu stuhol žalúdok. En: Jozef felt his stomach tighten. Sk: Musel prekonať nielen Emila, ale aj svoje vlastné pochybnosti. En: He had to overcome not only Emil but also his own doubts. Sk: Zuzana a Jozef trávili hodiny v tmavom laboratóriu. En: Zuzana and Jozef spent hours in the dark laboratory. Sk: Práca bola náročná, hlavne keď zrazu došlo k poruche dôležitého zariadenia. En: The work was demanding, especially when an important device suddenly malfunctioned. Sk: "Čo teraz? En: "What now?" Sk: “ zamyslel sa Jozef zúfalo. En: Jozef thought desperately. Sk: Zuzana ho povzbudila: "Možno bude lepšie požiadať o pomoc. En: Zuzana encouraged him: "Maybe it would be better to ask for help." Sk: "Spočiatku Jozef váhal. En: At first, Jozef hesitated. Sk: Bál sa, že ak niekoho požiada, bude to vyzerať, že nie je schopný. En: He was afraid that if he asked someone, it would seem like he wasn't capable. Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodol dôverovať Zuzane. En: In the end, he decided to trust Zuzana. Sk: Spoločne začali vymýšľať, ako problém vyriešiť. En: Together, they started to brainstorm how to solve the problem. Sk: Tú noc, pred súťažou, prišlo k prekvapivému momentu pochopenia. En: That night, before the competition, there was a surprising moment of understanding. Sk: Jozef so Zuzanou prišli na spôsob, ako projekt zlepšiť. En: Jozef and Zuzana came up with a way to improve the project. Sk: Pracovali tvrdo a výsledok bol impozantný. En: They worked hard and the result was impressive. Sk: Ráno súťaže bolo v škole rušno. En: The morning of the competition was busy at the school. Sk: Jozef stál pred porotou a predviedol dokončený experiment. En: Jozef stood before the jury and presented the completed experiment. Sk: Reakcia poroty bola pozitívna. En: The jury's reaction was positive.br...

    15 min

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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

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