FluentFiction - Slovak

FluentFiction - Slovak

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

  1. 19 HR. AGO

    From Carnival to Courage: Marek's Snowy Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Carnival to Courage: Marek's Snowy Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-21-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vzduchu Tatranskej Lomnice bolo cítiť zimnú sviežosť. En: In the air of Tatranská Lomnica, there was a sense of winter freshness. Sk: Okolitý les bol pokrytý snehom ako z rozprávky. En: The surrounding forest was covered with snow like something out of a fairy tale. Sk: Fašiangy prilákali mnoho návštevníkov, a ulice ožili hudbou a smiechom. En: The carnival had attracted many visitors, and the streets came alive with music and laughter. Sk: Marek, uprostred toho všetkého, pociťoval vzrušenie i strach. En: Marek, in the middle of it all, felt both excitement and fear. Sk: Stál pred obchodom s turistickým vybavením, odhodlaný zvládnuť zimnú túru, ktorú si so svojimi priateľmi, Ivanou a Petrou, naplánoval. En: He stood in front of a store with tourist equipment, determined to tackle the winter hike he had planned with his friends, Ivana and Petra. Sk: "Marek," ozvala sa Ivana, keď ho našla pri regáloch so zimnými bundami, "máš už všetko? En: "Marek," Ivana called out when she found him by the racks of winter jackets, "do you have everything?" Sk: " Petra sa k nim pridala a povzbudivo sa usmiala. En: Petra joined them and smiled encouragingly. Sk: "Bude to zábava, uvidíš. En: "It will be fun, you'll see." Sk: "Marek, aj keď nebol rád, že si musí požičať vybavenie, prikývol. En: Marek, even though he wasn't happy about having to rent equipment, nodded. Sk: "Áno, ešte potrebujem len mačky a čelovku. En: "Yes, I just need crampons and a headlamp. Sk: Čítal som, aké je to dôležité pre bezpečnosť. En: I read how important it is for safety." Sk: "Petra zdvihla palec. En: Petra gave him a thumbs up. Sk: "To je skvelé, Marek! En: "That's great, Marek! Sk: A nezabúdaj, že to nie je závod. En: And don't forget, it’s not a race. Sk: Spolu to zvládneme. En: We’ll handle it together." Sk: "Po kúpe všetkého potrebného vybavenia sa rozhodli vyraziť na druhý deň ráno. En: After buying all the necessary equipment, they decided to set off the next morning. Sk: Noc bola pokojná, a Marek, unavený prípravou, zaspal s pocitom neistoty aj vzrušenia. En: The night was calm, and Marek, tired from the preparation, fell asleep with a feeling of uncertainty and excitement. Sk: Ráno dorazili na začiatok turistickej trasy. En: In the morning, they arrived at the start of the hiking trail. Sk: Hory boli zahalené v bielom šate, majestátne a fascinujúce. En: The mountains were shrouded in a white outfit, majestic and fascinating. Sk: Cítili, ako im ľadový vietor fúka do tváre, keď začali stúpať. En: They felt the icy wind blowing in their faces as they started climbing. Sk: Marek si pripomínal všetko, čo sa naučil na rýchlokurze. En: Marek reminded himself of everything he learned during the quick course. Sk: Pomaly nadobúdal istotu, keď sa jeho nohy hlboko zapichovali do snehu. En: He slowly gained confidence as his feet sank deeply into the snow. Sk: V polovici cesty, neďaleko od Chatu pri Zelenom plese, prišla nečakaná zmena. En: Halfway through the journey, not far from the Chatu pri Zelenom plese, an unexpected change occurred. Sk: Obloha sa zamračila a zasypal ich prudký sneh. En: The sky turned cloudy and they were engulfed by a heavy snowfall. Sk: Vietor zosilnel a chlad prenikal až ku kostiam.br...

    18 min
  2. 1 DAY AGO

    Solving Mysteries in the Heart of the Slovak Mountains

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Solving Mysteries in the Heart of the Slovak Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-20-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vysokých Tatrách, medzi zasneženými kopcami a mohutnými borovicami, stojí malá horská chata. En: In the high Tatra Mountains, among snowy hills and mighty pine trees, stands a small mountain cabin. Sk: Bola to ideálna skrýša pre tých, ktorí chceli uniknúť do ticha doliny. En: It was the ideal hideaway for those who wanted to escape into the silence of the valley. Sk: Ale teraz, uprostred veľkej snehovej búrky, chata praskala vo švíkoch pod záťažou hostí. En: But now, in the midst of a great snowstorm, the cabin was bursting at the seams under the weight of guests. Sk: Marek bol medzi nimi. En: Marek was among them. Sk: Vzrušený historik, ktorý prišiel do Slovenska, aby sa dozvedel viac o slovenskom folklóre. En: An enthusiastic historian who had come to Slovakia to learn more about Slovak folklore. Sk: Eva, majiteľka chaty, bola známa svojou pohostinnosťou. En: Eva, the owner of the cabin, was known for her hospitality. Sk: Zuzana, tajomná hosť, bola fascinovaná slovenskými legendami. En: Zuzana, a mysterious guest, was fascinated by Slovak legends. Sk: „Bol tu vzácny artefakt,“ povedala Eva, jej oči plné starostí. En: "There was a valuable artifact," said Eva, her eyes full of concern. Sk: „Ale je preč. En: "But it is gone." Sk: “ Búrka zablokovala cestu, nie je odkiaľ poslať pomoc. En: The storm had blocked the road, there was nowhere to send for help. Sk: Marek, so svojim záujmom o históriu, sa okamžite rozhodol pomôcť. En: Marek, with his interest in history, immediately decided to help. Sk: „Musíme zistiť, kde je,“ povedal Marek. En: "We need to find out where it is," Marek said. Sk: „Možno niekto z hostí vie niečo viac. En: "Maybe some of the guests know something more." Sk: “Začal s rozhovormi. En: He started with conversations. Sk: Najprv oslovil Zuzanu. En: First, he approached Zuzana. Sk: „Ty vieš všetko o legendách,“ povedal Marek. En: "You know everything about legends," Marek said. Sk: „Máš nejaké tušenie? En: "Do you have any idea?" Sk: “Zuzana pokrčila ramenami. En: Zuzana shrugged. Sk: „Ja len počúvam príbehy,“ odvetila. En: "I just listen to stories," she replied. Sk: V jej očiach však Marek videl niečo, čo ho prinútilo byť obozretný. En: However, in her eyes, Marek saw something that made him cautious. Sk: Potom prehľadal chatu. En: Then he searched the cabin. Sk: Prešiel malou kuchyňou, kde Eva pripravovala horúcu polievku. En: He went through the small kitchen where Eva was preparing hot soup. Sk: Cítil vôňu kapustového vývaru a chlieb, ktorý sa piekol v peci. En: He smelled the aroma of cabbage broth and bread baking in the oven. Sk: Napätie viselo vo vzduchu. En: Tension hung in the air. Sk: Každý mal strach. En: Everyone was afraid. Sk: Nakoniec Marek narazil na niečo zvláštne. En: Finally, Marek stumbled upon something strange. Sk: V jednej z izieb našiel skrytý prechod, za ktorým boli staré steny drevenej konštrukcie chaty. En: In one of the rooms, he found a hidden passage, behind which were the old walls of the cabin's wooden structure. Sk: Vo vnútri našiel artefakt. En: Inside, he found the artifact. Sk: Bol uložený s veľkou starostlivosťou, ako keby niekto nechcel, aby ho...

    15 min
  3. 2 DAYS AGO

    Unveiling Secrets: A Triumph in the Frozen Ruins of Spiši

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Secrets: A Triumph in the Frozen Ruins of Spiši Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-19-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Zimný vietor prepadal cez starobylé ruiny v Spiši, ktorý bol pokrytý snehom ako biela perina. En: The winter wind swept through the ancient ruins in Spiši, which was covered with snow like a white quilt. Sk: Matej sa nechal uniesť vzrušením a kráčal opatrne medzi kamenistými zvyškami dávnej minulosti. En: Matej was carried away by excitement and walked carefully among the stony remnants of ancient times. Sk: Jeho ruky sa chveli, ale nie len od chladu. En: His hands trembled, but not just from the cold. Sk: Pred týždňom si bol istý, že tu nájde niečo významné. En: A week ago, he was certain that he would find something significant here. Sk: Niečo, čo by mohlo zmeniť jeho kariéru. En: Something that could change his career. Sk: Jeho kolegovia, najmä Lukáš, však boli skeptickí. En: His colleagues, especially Lukáš, however, were skeptical. Sk: „Nie je tu nič, čo by stálo za ten chlad,“ povedal Lukáš stále mrzuto. En: "There's nothing here worth the cold," Lukáš said grumpily. Sk: „Toto miesto už bolo preskúmané toľkokrát. En: "This place has been explored so many times." Sk: “Jana, tichá a pracovitá, na rozdiel od Lukáša, prejavila viac podpory Matejovým ambíciám. En: Jana, quiet and diligent, unlike Lukáš, showed more support for Matej's ambitions. Sk: „Keď si myslíš, že tu niečo je, mali by sme to skúsiť,“ povedala svojim jemným hlasom. En: "If you think there's something here, we should give it a try," she said in her gentle voice. Sk: Matej vedel, že teraz alebo nikdy. En: Matej knew it was now or never. Sk: Zima však bola nemilosrdná. En: However, the winter was relentless. Sk: Samotný nástroj, ktorý držal, bol klzký a studený. En: The very tool he held was slippery and cold. Sk: No jeho rozhodnutie bolo pevné. En: But his decision was firm. Sk: Pokračovali s Janinou pomocou, trúdiac sa vrakom a rozhrabávajúc zem zmrazenej krajiny. En: With Jana's help, they continued trudging through the wreckage and digging through the frozen earth. Sk: Po mnohých hodinách únavnej, no nesmierne starostlivej práce si konečne všimol niečo, čo upútalo jeho pozornosť. En: After many hours of tiring but extremely careful work, he finally noticed something that caught his attention. Sk: Vo svetle poobedňajšieho slnka, ktoré sa odrážalo od snehu, sa objavila malá časť kovu. En: In the light of the afternoon sun, reflecting off the snow, a small piece of metal appeared. Sk: Matejovo srdce sa rozbúchalo. En: Matej's heart raced. Sk: Bol takmer neschopný dýchať. En: He was almost unable to breathe. Sk: „Mám to! En: "I've got it!" Sk: “ zvolal Matej, a jeho vzrušenie sa rozlievalo k Janinej chuti na okamžitú pomoc. En: shouted Matej, and his excitement spilled over to Jana's eagerness to help immediately. Sk: Lukáš, teraz neskrývajúc svoj záujem, pribehol bližšie. En: Lukáš, now unable to hide his interest, came closer. Sk: Ale bolo ťažké tú relikviu vyhrabať. En: But it was difficult to excavate the relic. Sk: Mrazivá zem bola tvrdá ako kameň, ale s odhodlaním a trpezlivosťou sa im podarilo uvoľniť kúsok starobylého artefaktu. En: The frozen ground was as hard as stone, but with determination and patience, they managed to free a piece of the ancient artifact. Sk: Bola to zlatá spona,...

    15 min
  4. 3 DAYS AGO

    Capturing Spring's First Breath: Adventure in Tatranský Park

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Capturing Spring's First Breath: Adventure in Tatranský Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-18-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Vôňa čerstvého snehu a sýty chlad vo vzduchu naznačovali, že zima ešte nepustila Tatranský národný park zo svojho pevného zovretia. En: The smell of fresh snow and the dense chill in the air suggested that winter had not yet loosened its firm grip on the Tatranský národný park. Sk: Lukáš, Elena a Marek kráčali lesnou cestou. En: Lukáš, Elena, and Marek were walking along the forest path. Sk: Skupinka sa vydala na zimné dobrodružstvo, aby zachytila prvé známky jari prenikajúce skrz bielu prikrývku. En: The group set out on a winter adventure to capture the first signs of spring breaking through the white blanket. Sk: "Je to krásne, však? En: "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sk: " zvolala Elena a oči jej žiarili radosťou pri pohľade na majestátne zasnežené vrcholky hôr. En: exclaimed Elena, her eyes shining with joy at the sight of the majestically snow-covered mountain peaks. Sk: "Súhlasím, ale nezabudni, že nie sme tu len kvôli výhľadu," odvetil Marek so smiechom a štuchol Lukáša do boku. En: "I agree, but don't forget, we're not here just for the view," replied Marek with a laugh, nudging Lukáš in the side. Sk: "Náš umelec tu má dôležitú úlohu. En: "Our artist here has an important task." Sk: "Lukáš sa len nervózne usmial. En: Lukáš just smiled nervously. Sk: Jeho cieľom bolo urobiť dokonalú fotografiu roztápajúceho sa potôčika. En: His goal was to take the perfect picture of a melting brook. Sk: Fotografia, ktorá možno získa cenu a možno zapôsobí aj na Elenu. En: A photograph that might win an award and perhaps impress Elena too. Sk: Ale ako to povedať bez toho, aby sa cítil trápne? En: But how to say it without feeling awkward? Sk: Možno nikdy. En: Maybe never. Sk: "Pozri, Lukáš! En: "Look, Lukáš!" Sk: " Elena ukázala na malý potôčik. En: Elena pointed at the small brook. Sk: Tenký pramienok vody sa pomaly prebúdzal k životu, prekonávajúc ľadové cencúle. En: A thin trickle of water was slowly waking to life, overcoming icy icicles. Sk: Skupina došla na miesto, kde stromy ustúpili cestičke vedúcej k potôčiku. En: The group arrived at a spot where the trees gave way to a path leading to the brook. Sk: Lukáš starostlivo pripravil svoju fotografickú výbavu, no na zamrznutej zemi sa šmýkalo a hľadať správny uhol bolo ťažšie, než očakával. En: Lukáš carefully prepared his photographic equipment, but it was slippery on the frozen ground, and finding the right angle was more difficult than he had expected. Sk: "Potrebujeme tvoju pomoc, Elena," povedal Marek hravo. En: "We need your help, Elena," said Marek playfully. Sk: Lukáš sa snažil nevyzerať nervózne, keď Elena prišla bližšie. En: Lukáš tried not to look nervous as Elena came closer. Sk: "Ako mám stáť? En: "How should I stand?" Sk: " spýtala sa s úsmevom. En: she asked with a smile. Sk: Zvažujúc svoje možnosti, Lukáš predstieral, že sa sústredí na fotoaparát. En: Considering his options, Lukáš pretended to focus on the camera. Sk: Nechcel nič pokaziť, no prítomnosť Eleny mu sťažovala sústredenie. En: He didn't want to mess up, but Elena's presence made it hard to concentrate. Sk: V tom sa pod ním potkla noha a on sa potriasol smerom k studenej vode. En: Then, his foot slipped, and he staggered toward the cold water. br...

    16 min
  5. 4 DAYS AGO

    Finding Balance: Love, Health, and Ambition on Obchodná Street

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Balance: Love, Health, and Ambition on Obchodná Street Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-17-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V kaviarni na rohu Obchodnej ulice v Bratislave sa Marek a Ivana pravidelne stretávajú. En: In the cafe on the corner of Obchodná Street in Bratislava, Marek and Ivana meet regularly. Sk: Marek je mladý architekt, talentovaný a v práci veľmi usilovný. En: Marek is a young architect, talented and very diligent in his work. Sk: Ivana, jeho priateľka, je jeho oporou. En: Ivana, his girlfriend, is his support. Sk: Pozná jeho ambície, ale tiež vie, že Marek niečo prehliada. En: She knows his ambitions but also knows that Marek is overlooking something. Sk: Na zdravie Mareka. En: To Marek's health. Sk: Marek je však tvrdohlavý. En: Yet, Marek is stubborn. Sk: Je zima a sneh pokrýva mesto. En: It's winter, and snow covers the city. Sk: Vo vnútri kaviarne to vonia čerstvou kávou a teplo sa šíri miestnosťou. En: Inside the cafe, it smells of fresh coffee, and warmth spreads through the room. Sk: Marek, so zameraným pohľadom, prechádza pracovné schémy na svojom notebooku. En: Marek, with a focused gaze, goes through work schematics on his laptop. Sk: Ivana sedí oproti nemu, sleduje ho a snaží sa nájsť správnu chvíľu. En: Ivana sits across from him, watching and trying to find the right moment. Sk: Vedľa nich je veľké okno, cez ktoré pozerajú na padajúce snehové vločky. En: Next to them is a large window through which they watch the falling snowflakes. Sk: „Marek, kedy si naposledy navštívil lekára?" Ivana sa opatrne pýta, dúfajúc, že rozhovor neskončí hádkou. En: “Marek, when was the last time you visited a doctor?” Ivana cautiously asks, hoping the conversation won't end in an argument. Sk: „Neboj sa, Ivana, cítim sa dobre. Len momentálne mám veľa práce,” odpovedá Marek, bez toho, aby dvíhal oči od obrazovky. En: “Don't worry, Ivana, I feel fine. I just have a lot of work right now,” replies Marek, without lifting his eyes from the screen. Sk: Ivana nesúhlasne pokrčí nos. En: Ivana wrinkles her nose in disagreement. Sk: Vie, že Marek mal nedávno niekoľko mdlob. En: She knows that Marek recently had a few fainting spells. Sk: Raz to bolo dokonca počas dôležitej pracovnej schôdzky. En: Once it was even during an important work meeting. Sk: Ale Marek to odmieta priznať. En: But Marek refuses to admit it. Sk: O niekoľko minút neskôr sa Marek zrazu zamotá a padá zo stoličky. En: A few minutes later, Marek suddenly becomes dizzy and falls off his chair. Sk: Šokovaná Ivana k nemu hneď pribehne a volá o pomoc. En: A shocked Ivana immediately rushes to him, calling for help. Sk: Zrazu je kaviareň v pohybe a všetci smerujú k Marekovi. En: Suddenly, the cafe is in motion, and everyone is heading towards Marek. Sk: Marek je už pri vedomí, ale vystrašený. En: Marek is already conscious but frightened. Sk: Nikdy nevie, kedy to príde znova. En: He never knows when it might happen again. Sk: „Marek, to už stačí. Musíme ísť k lekárovi," trvá na svojom Ivana, jej hlas pevný. En: “Marek, that's enough. We need to go to the doctor,” insists Ivana, her voice firm. Sk: O niekoľko dní sa obaja, držiac sa za ruky, ocitnú v lekárskej ordinácii. En: A few days later, both of them, holding hands, find themselves in the doctor's office. Sk: Po dôkladnom vyšetrení lekár oznamuje, že Marek trpí...

    16 min
  6. 5 DAYS AGO

    Blooming Hope: A Winter's Tale from Bratislava's Market

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Blooming Hope: A Winter's Tale from Bratislava's Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-16-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Na okraji Bratislavy, kde kopce jemne obkresľuje inovať, leží farma Jozefa. En: On the outskirts of Bratislava, where the hills are gently outlined by frost, lies Jozef's farm. Sk: Jeho srdce bije pre zem, pre zeleninu, ktorú tu pestuje. En: His heart beats for the land, for the vegetables he grows there. Sk: Mierna zima prikryla pole tenkou vrstvou mrazu. En: The mild winter covered the field with a thin layer of frost. Sk: Marek a Katarína už cestou na trh cítili teplo svojich šálov a rukavíc. En: Marek and Katarína already felt the warmth of their scarves and gloves on their way to the market. Sk: Obloha bola jasná, ale studená. En: The sky was clear but cold. Sk: Trh bol útulný, stojany stáli blízko seba, ako by chceli chrániť ľudí pred vetrom. En: The market was cozy, the stalls stood close together as if wanting to protect people from the wind. Sk: Ľudia sa túlili v teplých kabátoch, dýchali paru do studeného vzduchu. En: People huddled in warm coats, breathing steam into the cold air. Sk: Jozefov stánok bol jednoduchý, ale jeho vášeň žiarila aj tak. En: Jozef's stall was simple, but his passion shone through nonetheless. Sk: "Musím vymyslieť niečo výnimočné," premýšľal Jozef. En: "I need to come up with something special," Jozef thought. Sk: Bolo len pár dní do Valentína. En: There were only a few days until Valentine's Day. Sk: Rozhodol sa skombinovať zimnú zeleninu s malými kvetmi. En: He decided to combine winter vegetables with small flowers. Sk: "Možno sa niekto zastaví, keď uvidí niečo nové," uvažoval. En: "Maybe someone will stop when they see something new," he pondered. Sk: Keď prišla sobota trhového dňa, priestor zíval prázdnotou viac než obvykle. En: When Saturday market day arrived, the space yawned emptier than usual. Sk: Počasie ľudí odrádzalo. En: The weather discouraged people. Sk: Jozef začal pochybovať. En: Jozef began to doubt. Sk: Potom sa objavili Marek a Katarína. En: Then Marek and Katarína appeared. Sk: Ich zvonivý smiech a odhodlanie rýchlo rozohnali jeho pochmúrnu náladu. En: Their ringing laughter and determination quickly dispelled his gloomy mood. Sk: "Jozef, to je skvelý nápad! En: "Jozef, this is a great idea!" Sk: " zvolala Katarína, keď videla kombináciu zeleniny a kvetov. En: exclaimed Katarína, when she saw the combination of vegetables and flowers. Sk: "Podeľme sa o to s ostatnými! En: "Let's share it with others!" Sk: " dodal Marek. En: added Marek. Sk: Začali rozprávať ostatným o krásnych darčekových balíčkoch, ktoré Jozef pripravil. En: They began telling others about the beautiful gift packages that Jozef had prepared. Sk: Týmto síce nenaplnili celý trh, ale pohli ľadom. En: Though they didn't fill the entire market, they did break the ice. Sk: Prišli noví ľudia, ktorí chceli vidieť tie originálne narodeninové nápady. En: New people came, wanting to see those original birthday ideas. Sk: Jozef sa usmieval. En: Jozef smiled. Sk: "Vďaka vám sa mi podarí udržať farmu do jari," povedal vďačne. En: "Thanks to you, I will manage to keep the farm running until spring," he said gratefully. Sk: S podporou komunity a chuťou vymýšľať nové veci Jozef pochopil, že aj v zime kvitne jeho budúcnosť.br...

    13 min
  7. 6 DAYS AGO

    Matej's Heartfelt Quest: The Perfect Valentine's Gift

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Matej's Heartfelt Quest: The Perfect Valentine's Gift Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-15-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Matej sa prechádzal po trhoch v mestskom závoji. En: Matej was strolling through the markets in the city veil. Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, plný vôní škorice a ružového korenia. En: The air was chilly, filled with the scents of cinnamon and rose pepper. Sk: Ľudia sa tlačili okolo stánkov, každý hľadal niečo zvláštne. En: People crowded around the stalls, each searching for something special. Sk: Matej mal dnes zvláštny cieľ. En: Matej had a special purpose today. Sk: Mal nájsť darček na Valentína pre svoju partnerku. En: He had to find a Valentine's gift for his partner. Sk: Pre Mateja nebolo ľahké vybrať darček. En: For Matej, choosing a gift wasn't easy. Sk: Trh bol plný možností – šperky, kvety, sladkosti. En: The market was full of options—jewelry, flowers, sweets. Sk: Ale všetko sa mu zdalo obyčajné. En: But everything seemed ordinary to him. Sk: Chcel niečo jedinečné, niečo, čo by vyjadrilo jeho city. En: He wanted something unique, something that would express his feelings. Sk: Bol si neistý. En: He was uncertain. Sk: Pristúpil k stánku s ručnými výrobkami. En: He approached a stall with handmade products. Sk: Každý predmet bol krásny, no Matej stále váhal. En: Each item was beautiful, yet Matej still hesitated. Sk: Spomínal si na momenty, ktoré zažil so svojou partnerkou. En: He recalled moments he had experienced with his partner. Sk: Raz na lavičke v parku hrala pieseň, ktorú obaja milovali. En: Once on a bench in the park, a song played that they both loved. Sk: To bola chvíľa, ktorá ich spojila ešte viac. En: It was a moment that bonded them even more. Sk: Matej sa náhle zastavil. En: Matej suddenly stopped. Sk: Jeho pohľad sa uprel na malú hudobnú skrinku. En: His gaze fell upon a small music box. Sk: Bola drevená, ručne vyrezávaná, a hrala práve tú pieseň. En: It was wooden, hand-carved, and played precisely that song. Sk: Matej pocítil váhanie. En: Matej felt hesitation. Sk: "Je to správne? En: "Is this the right choice?" Sk: " pýtal sa sám seba. En: he asked himself. Sk: Mal pred sebou mnoho možností, ale jeho vnútro mu našepkávalo, že práve toto je tá pravá. En: He had many options ahead of him, but his intuition whispered that this was the right one. Sk: Rozhodol sa veriť svojim pocitom. En: He decided to trust his feelings. Sk: Kúpil hudobnú skrinku. En: He bought the music box. Sk: Na Valentína, keď ju odovzdával, bol nervózny. En: On Valentine's Day, when he presented it, he was nervous. Sk: Ale keď sa jeho partnerka usmiala a objala ho, vedel, že urobil správnu voľbu. En: But when his partner smiled and hugged him, he knew he had made the right choice. Sk: Bola dojatá a pieseň v skrinke vo vzduchu znela ako ich tichá hymna. En: She was moved, and the song from the box sounded in the air like their silent anthem. Sk: Matej získal novú dôveru vo svoje rozhodnutia. En: Matej gained new confidence in his decisions. Sk: Uvedomil si, že krása vzťahov nespočíva v materiálnych veciach, ale v spoločných zážitkoch a spomienkach. En: He realized that the beauty of relationships doesn't lie in material things, but in shared experiences and memories. Sk: V ten deň bol mestský závoj menej...

    12 min
  8. FEB 14

    Love and Survival: A Valentine's Day in the Bunker

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love and Survival: A Valentine's Day in the Bunker Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-14-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Pod silným snehom stála malá lesná chatka. En: Under the heavy snow stood a small forest cabin. Sk: Pod ňou viedli tajné schody do bunkra. En: Beneath it, secret stairs led to a bunker. Sk: Bunker bol vystavaný z betónu a plnili ho núdzové zásoby a staré generátory. En: The bunker was built from concrete and filled with emergency supplies and old generators. Sk: Ticho vnútri prerušoval len mierny bzukot elektriny. En: The silence inside was broken only by the gentle hum of electricity. Sk: Matej, Zuzana a Ladislav trávili Valentín v tomto chladnom príbytku. En: Matej, Zuzana, and Ladislav spent Valentine’s Day in this chilly abode. Sk: Hoci vonku zúrila zima, teplo priateľstva zahrievalo ich srdcia. En: Although winter raged outside, the warmth of friendship heated their hearts. Sk: Zuzana sa usmievala na Mateja, ale vnútri skrývala tajomstvo. En: Zuzana smiled at Matej, but she hid a secret inside. Sk: Tajomstvo, ktoré túžila povedať, no bála sa. En: A secret she longed to tell but was scared to. Sk: Zrazu sa Matej zrútil na zem. En: Suddenly, Matej collapsed to the ground. Sk: Jeho tvár zbledla, a srdce mu začalo biť nepravidelne. En: His face turned pale, and his heart began to beat irregularly. Sk: Zuzana vykřikla. "Matej! Čo sa deje?" En: Zuzana screamed, "Matej! What’s happening?" Sk: Ladislav vedel, že čas je vzácny. En: Ladislav knew that time was of the essence. Sk: "Musíme konať rýchlo," povedal odhodlane. En: "We have to act quickly," he said determinedly. Sk: "Nemáme veľa lekárskych zásob." En: "We don’t have many medical supplies." Sk: V bunkri mali len základné vybavenie. En: In the bunker, they had only basic equipment. Sk: Zuzana vedela, že musia niečo improvizovať. En: Zuzana knew they had to improvise something. Sk: Pozrela na Ladislava. En: She looked at Ladislav. Sk: "Skúsim niečo, čo som videla na kurze prvej pomoci. En: "I’ll try something I saw in a first aid course. Sk: Môže to fungovať." En: It might work." Sk: Ladislav ju podporil. En: Ladislav supported her. Sk: "Máme jednu šancu. Pomôžem ti, Zuzana." En: "We have one chance. I’ll help you, Zuzana." Sk: Zuzana vzala hlboký nádych. En: Zuzana took a deep breath. Sk: Potom začala konať. En: Then she began to act. Sk: Zo svojich vedomostí sa pokúsila stabilizovať Matejov stav. En: Using her knowledge, she tried to stabilize Matej's condition. Sk: Ladislav jej podával všetko, čo potrebovala. En: Ladislav handed her everything she needed. Sk: Spoločne držali Mateja pri vedomí. En: Together they kept Matej conscious. Sk: Hodiny ubiehali pomaly. En: The hours passed slowly. Sk: Napätie v bunkri by sa dalo krájať. En: The tension in the bunker was palpable. Sk: Nakoniec sa stav zlepšil. En: Finally, Matej's condition improved. Sk: Matej začal pravidelne dýchať. En: He started breathing regularly. Sk: Zuzana si uľahčene sadla vedľa neho. En: Zuzana sat down next to him with relief. Sk: Lapala po dychu a cítila vďačnosť. En: She was gasping for breath, feeling grateful. Sk: "Dokázali sme to!" povedala a zo srdca jej padla veľká ťarcha. En: "We did it!" she said, and a great...

    16 min

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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English. This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with. Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica? Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

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