
Daily stories of speculative success, ventures, and inspiration

  1. 4H AGO

    Jenna’s Cousin Mia: Part 2

    She's had the organist. Now she wants the Vicar.A Series in 17 parts, by Blacksheep. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.   Mia weakly raised her hand and switched off the shower."That was amazing, Gordy-pie. Organists really are good with their hands!""Not so bad yourself," he panted. "Wow. I enjoyed that immensely! You're quite a lass, Mia.""I'd like to see you play the organ," she said, stepping out of the shower and reaching for a towel."I need to get my breath back first!" He laughed, as Mia began playfully drying him off. "God, you're an eager little beaver aren't you?" "Hee hee. Yes, but what I meant was, I'd like to see you play the church organ. I've not been inside a church for years. Jenna said that St Michael's is cool.""It's a nice church." I wonder what else she's told her? Gordon thought. "Why not come along to the Sunday service? You can see me in action there, so to speak. After the service, you can have a go on the organ if you'd like. Do you play any musical instruments?""Guitar and violin, but I've not practiced for ages.""Ah, so strings are your thing? That's good. It'd be nice to have a violinist in the choir. One of the choristers plays the trumpet. Which keeps him from singing and I'm glad of it as his voice is bloody awful."Mia sniggered. "You're funny, Gordy-pie. I really like you. Are all organists as fun as you?""Nay lass. I'm one of a kind. He pulled her close and kissed her neck and lips. He was an incredible kisser, and she was curious to know more about him."Are you married?""Long divorced," came his reply. "I'm married to the pipe organ, as they say." He wondered if Jenna had mentioned anything about their various liaisons over the past year, and was about to say something, when the bathroom door suddenly opened."Jen! Ever thought of knocking before entering?" Mia gasped, covering herself with a towel."I can't leave you alone for five minutes can I?" She turned to Gordon, who grinned sheepishly at her."Um, hello!""Funny place to have organ lessons, Gordon," Jenna said, as she watched him squirm."Gordy-pie was just showing me how good an organist is with his hands, weren't you?" Mia said, kissing him. "And you know what, he's amazing!""Oh I'm well aware of how good he is," Jenna replied, folding her arms.Sensing disapproval, Gordon attempted to explain. "It just happened. I didn't know your cousin was here," he prattled. "I put the plant pots in the yard, went into the kitchen and she was just there, wearing nothing but a towel!""You don't need to explain yourself, Gordy-pie. We've not done anything wrong," Mia said. "We're both single. Why are you so uptight, Jenna? Is it because we're in the vicarage? Is that like, a sin or something?"Jenna was in no position to claim the moral high ground. "No, no of course not. I was, just a bit surprised, that's all. It's fine. Just, try to be a bit more discreet, Mia. What if Simon had walked in?""Oh I'm sure the good reverend would approve," Gordon smiled, winking at her.The perceptive Mia noticed his gesture and wondered what he was hinting at."Jenna took a deep breath. "Okay, well I'm going to have a coffee. I'll leave you to get dressed. Do you want a drink, Gordon?""A tea would be lovely. I'm parched. Thanks!""I'll have tea as well, please." Mia added.Jenna left the bathroom."She's acting weird," Mia said. "There's something she's not telling me."Oh boy, wait until you find out, Gordon thought. Your mind will be blown."Maybe she's a bit envious!" Gordon said as he picked up his clothes, and wondered where his underpants had gone."Can I keep these, Gordy-pie?" Mia giggled, holding up his white briefs."Think they're too big for you!""I don't want to wear them. I want to keep them under my pillow and sniff them at night.""In that case, they're all yours! But I want your knickers in return!""Fair's fair!" She tossed him her pale pink cotton undies to him."Thanks!""I loved our shower time," Mia said, kissing him again. "And I loved your big cock. You're a sexy man, Gordy-pie.""Gordy-pie hopes Mia-pie can play with his organ again very soon!" the organist replied as they got dressed and headed downstairs.Jenna brought them both a cup of tea as they sat down in the lounge."Gordon, you're not going to put up with her calling you that cringey nickname are you?" she said, handing him the cup."I like it. It's cute," he said, as Mia rested her head on his shoulder."It's childish. If someone had called you that a year ago, you'd have bitten their head off. You used to have a terrible temper.""Ah well that was before I saw the light," he said, sipping his tea. "When you, showed me the way." He smiled at Jenna as she sat opposite them. "For that, you know I am forever grateful," he added."Did you become a born again Christian like Jenna, Gordy-pie?" Mia asked."I've always been a Christian," Gordon replied. "I just sin a lot, that's all. As we all do, right?" He raised an eyebrow at the vicar's wife. "But we keep praying for forgiveness every week, and luckily for us, God is the forgiving sort, eh?"The front door opened and Reverend Morris came in."Good lord, I need a large brandy!" He gasped, tossing the car keys on the table."What I have seen, can't be unseen, and what I've heard, can't be unheard!""Whatever's the matter Simon?" Jenna said, standing up."You were right, Jen. Gladys Wilcox and the churchwarden. They're, at it!""Told you so," Jenna said. "Actual sex? I'm not being ageist but can Gladys manage that at her age?""No. Regular vanilla sex would've been easier to deal with. Actually, I think gerbilling would be easier to deal with. But seeing Norman, naked in her backyard, wearing a pinny and being struck on his arse with a riding crop,”Jenna cleared her throat, trying to silence him, given that they had company." She treats him like a slave and he enjoys it!" The vicar continued, unaware there was an audience. "And there's more. She knows about the storeroom threesome, and you won't believe this, she proudly told me, that sometime during Lent, she performed oral sex on Gordon.""Ahem. Simon, shush, we've got," Jenna cringed. "Wait, what? She gave Gordon oral?"Mia's jaw dropped."Sucked him off whilst he was sat at the church organ! She'd wanted him to be her slave, but he declined. So she set her sights on Norman instead. Well we both know Gordon prefers a younger woman, right?" He turned round, and noticed Gordon sat on the settee, and Mia sat next to him."Oh, good afternoon Gordon!""I brought those plant pots you wanted," the organist meekly uttered.Later,Jenna and Reverend Morris sat on the settee watching an episode of Father Brown, although neither were really paying attention to it."I can't get that image out of my head. Gladys giving Gordon a blowjob and whipping Norman's bare buttocks. I know we've, engaged in some naughtiness, but I never imagined one of the oldest members of the church was into that sort of thing!""Good for her," Jenna replied. "Kinkiness aside, it's nice for her to have Norman as a lodger. I mean, she lives alone and in this day and age, older people can feel vulnerable. I know Gladys misses her hubby a lot.""Oh Bert. Yes. He was dead long before I came to St Michaels. Bishop George told me more about him. He was the organist before Gordon took over. Apparently he was quite a character.""I'm sure he was. And the current organist seems to be going the same way.""Jen, you seem a bit unhappy about Gordon having intercourse with your cousin today. Is that because you're protective of her or because of, well, I know how close you are to him?"Jenna sighed. "Oh Simon. I'm ashamed of myself. I actually felt jealous when I saw the two of them together. How selfish is that? After everything you did for me last year when it was my birthday, and you gladly accepted my dalliances with the other male members of the church. Can you forgive me? I wish to say a prayer of forgiveness."The vicar took his wife's hands in his. "Of course I can, my love. And I understand how you feel. You see, with Mia here, I think you've got something you've never had to deal with before.""What's that?""A rival!"Mia was eavesdropping from the staircase. A mischievous grin formed on her face as she listened."Holy shit, Jenna's had more men than Elton John's had wigs. She had the nerve to have a go at me for seducing Tom. And she's slept with Gordon too? No wonder she looked so tense. Ha! And sweet, Reverend Simon is okay with that? That's not what it teaches in the Bible, surely?"She slipped back to her bedroom."Let us pray together," Reverend Morris said."Father, I return to You with my sins before me. Nowadays, I lack compassion for my brother and sisters, my eyes are clouded with wrongdoings my heart is against. Opposing Your Words, I sinned and done evil in Your eyes. I drained myself off Your kindness and followed my worldly desires. Father, guide me as You are right in Your verdict and justified in Your judgment. Do not leave me astray as I pray for a blissful life with You and a life free of evil. In Your Mercy, I pray.Amen."-(Luke 15:18, Psalm 51:3-4)"I feel better," Jenna said, opening her eyes. She ran a finger down her husband's cheek. "Simon, let's go to bed. Mia's asleep. The guest bedroom is right at the other end of the landing. She won't hear us. Tonight I need my Vicar's touch,”"What a good idea! All this talk of Gladys Wilcox getting her hands on men's dicks, I'd quite like some hands on mine!"A Girl With FantasiesMia lay back on the bed in the darkness, her mind buzzing with the events of the day. Reaching under the pillow, she pulled out the pair of Gordon's briefs."Enjoyed you, Gordy-pie! You were a total sweetie."She sighed, pressing the crotch of the underwear against her nose and inhaling deeply, whilst fingering herself with her other hand. Gordon's undies bore a pleasant, musky, manly scent, a faint mark which she assumed was pre-cum, and a couple of wiry grey pubic hairs. Perfect. Knowing that the organist's

  2. 1D AGO

    Jenna’s Cousin Mia: Part 1

    Jenna's teenage cousin turns up at the vicarage.A Series in 17 parts, by Blacksheep. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.  It was the second Sunday after Trinity. Over at St Michael's vicarage, the morning eucharist had finished and Reverend Morris and his wife Jenna were discussing the upcoming events in the church calendar. "Josh gets ordained next month, so that'll be a fun occasion. Big party over at his place. He's so excited for that day to come. It's been remarkable how he's come out of his shell. When he joined our church as curate a year ago, he was so nervous and shy. Now look at him." Reverend Morris said. "He's a real asset to the church," Jenna replied, sipping a coffee, as she read through the church newsletter. "I like to think that I, helped build up his confidence a bit.""Oh you certainly did, I'm sure," the vicar said, oblivious to what his wife was referring to. "Now, apart from that big event, there's not much happening in July. I'm adding the study of the Book of Exodus in the services. Last year's summer study of Genesis went down a treat,”The sound of the doorbell interrupted him."I wonder who that can be?" Reverend Morris said, hurrying out of the living room. "If it's Gordon, he's early. He said he would call round at 2."He opened the front door. A slim young woman around eighteen or nineteen, stood on the doorstep. Brunette hair that was in pigtails. Huge brown eyes like Bambi. She was dressed in a low cut pink peasant top, tight cow-print shorts and ballet shoes. By her side was a suitcase and hold-all."Hello. Can I help you?" Reverend Morris said."Um," the woman began, in a nervous voice. "Mr., um, Reverend Morris. Is, Jenna in? I'm Mia, her cousin.""Oh really? Gosh, well do come in, you're very welcome! You look loaded up there, let me give you a hand." He ushered her inside and carried her luggage."Jen! You've got a visitor!"Jenna looked up and her eyes widened. "Mia?""Hello CJ," Mia said, with a sheepish grin.Reverend Morris blinked."Cousin Jenna," Jenna replied."Ah," He understood."What are you doing here? Last I heard you were at Salford uni.""It's a long story," Mia sighed, as Reverend Morris gestured for her to sit on the settee. "Um, I quit.""Oh no," Jenna said. "What happened?""Oh Jen, it was awful. I just couldn't settle into university life at all. I made a mistake choosing that Art and Design course. It wasn't for me. The lectures stressed me out, but worst of all was the bullying." She dabbed at imaginary tears in her eyes with a tissue. "Nine months and I just couldn't cope with it any longer, so I jacked it in."Jenna was about to say something, but her husband cut in."You poor thing. God, if there's one thing I hate, it's bullying. Sad that it occurs in all walks of life. A nasty part of human nature."Noticing the reverend had been completely taken in by Mia's story, Jenna cleared her throat. "What did your parents say?"There was an awkward pause."You haven't told them, have you?""Are you serious Jen? Mum will go nuclear if she finds out. I'm just not ready to deal with that, yet. She was so proud when I got in that place. Dad will be more understanding but, look, I have a favor to ask. Can I stay with you for, a bit? I used up my last bit of cash on the train fare. I'm broke and I have nowhere to stay. I can't face going back to my parents. They'll treat me like a kid. Please? I won't be any bother. I'll do housework for you, I'll,”"Of course you can stay!" Reverend Morris smiled. "Our vicarage is always available to those who need it. We have a spare bedroom." He turned to Jenna. "We had Bishop George staying with us during Lent, remember? I'm sure your cousin can't be a worse lodger than him. She looks like she's gone through a tough few months."Powerless to refuse, Jenna reluctantly agreed. Oh Simon, you sweet, naive man. You have no idea what you're letting yourself in for! She thought."Oh you mean it? I can stay? Oh; thank you so much, Reverend!""Simon. You can call me Simon!" Reverend Morris replied. "It's nice to finally get to meet you, Mia. I know you and Jenna drifted apart a bit when your parents moved, but it's so nice when relatives reunite, isn't it?" the reverend said as he went to pick up the luggage."If only everyone could be as nice as you and Jenna!" Mia gushed.Jenna pulled a face at her cousin and whispered to her. "You are so dead, cousin!""Right, well, I'll introduce you to your new room!” Simon said as he returned holding all the bags. “This way! I'll carry your stuff for you." Reverend Morris carried up the suitcase and hold-all."Your hubby is a total gent," Mia whispered to Jenna."Oh, you might be able to fool him, but you're not fooling me," Jenna replied. "As soon as he's gone out later, you are going to tell me everything."Reverend Morris led Mia upstairs and down the long landing. Mia walked right by his side looking something between an infatuated schoolgirl gazing at her crush and a timid little lamb sticking close to the shepherd. At eighteen, Mia was very aware of the effect she had on men. Her Bambi eyes, teamed with the brunette hair, gave her an innocent look that convinced boys and men alike that she couldn't possibly know what effect she was having on them. But she knew quite well, and she loved the things she could get by putting her skills to good use."Here we are," Reverend Morris said, opening the bedroom door at the end. "It's not massive, but it's got a pleasant view overlooking the garden."Mia walked in. The room was nicely decorated. Instead of the usual neutral color scheme of magnolia, the walls were painted in very pale blue, with white ceiling and a sandy colored carpet. Instead of curtains, a white window blind, as was the current trend. A single bed, chest of drawers and ladder desk and chair made up the furniture."I don't know why I painted this room blue, it always looks so cold, and it doesn't really match the carpet. No wardrobe, but there's a full chest of drawers and the bed is a divan, with two storage compartments you can put your bits and bobs in. There's a hook on the back of the door if you need to hang some clothes up.""Oh I love it!" Mia said, smiling at him. "It's like being at the beach. The floor is sand and the walls are the sea. It's so restful and appealing. Really brings out my creative side. I think I could do lots of painting and drawing in here.""I'm glad you like it. Jenna and I want you to feel comfortable and safe here. Charity is so important to Christians like us.""Oh yes, I understand Rev, um, Simon. And I am so grateful. Um, do I have to start going to church? I mean I was raised in a Christian home but I sort of drifted,” Mia said, giving him a coquettish look.""Ha, no worries! We're not going to force you to attend a Sunday service or anything so relax. Whether you're a believer or not, everyone is catered for in our vicarage. We don't judge.""Jenna told me that your church is a nice one," Mia said, gazing at the reverend. He's rather average in looks but this guy is a total sweetie I can tell. Not an ounce of malice in him. Jenna's really landed on her feet with this one."She's right! St Michael's is a lovely place of worship. I'm very honored to be its vicar. Of course it wasn't always like that, but I like to think that I've really turned things round and made a difference. I credit Jenna for helping me in, many ways," he continued, and Mia noted the pause.Wonder what he means by that? She thought.He continued. "I took over in 2019 after the sudden death of the previous vicar, Reverend Smith. Talk about being thrown in at the deep end. Only a few months later, the pandemic happened. What a stressful time that was."Mia nodded patiently."Sorry, I'm prattling on! I'll leave you to get sorted out. I talk too much. Always in sermon mode,”"That's alright, Simon. I'm sure your sermons are really interesting." Mia said, flattering him some more."Ah well, haven't heard too many snores in the aisles of late.""I really appreciate you helping me like this," Mia said, sitting on the bed. "I just don't know how I was going to cope. And I want to pay my way. I suppose I'll have to apply for Universal Credit. What with the cost of living crisis and everything. Not sure if there are any jobs going in this town? I don't know this area at all and I can't drive,”"One step at a time, Mia. let's get you settled in first.""I really do want to work. Is there anything I could do at your church?"Reverend Morris scratched the back of his head and sat down next to her."Well, it's mostly volunteer work there, which is no good when you need an income, oh wait a minute, Norman the churchwarden mentioned that the church hall needs a cleaner, 10 hours a week. It's only a five minute walk from here. We had one of the Sunday school teacher's lads doing it, but I confess he rarely turned up and was about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I was disappointed in Jordan, as the pay was pretty good for an entry-level job.""I'll do that job! I'd love to do that!" Mia said. "Oh please say yes!""Hmm, well let me talk it over with Jenna first, and Norman. Cleaning is a bit boring. You'd be required to put out chairs and tables too. They're only lightweight folding ones, so no dangerous lifting of heavy stuff or anything. But Norman will be able to tell you more about what's involved. We have a lot of functions held in the hall, not just church stuff. Monday is badminton class. Tuesday it's the over-60s hot yoga. Wednesday is the midweek eucharist, so it's tea and coffee morning. Thursday and Friday you get two days off as nothing happens then. Saturday is the local amateur dramatics group. Oh and Sunday, the most important day of all, is the main service at church, and a social gathering afterwards.""Oh I just love cleaning up," Mia said. "Tidiness is good for mental health you know. It keeps your mind occupied." She slid a bit closer to him."You're really enthusiastic aren't you?" Well If your

  3. 2D AGO

    Erica’s Man: Part 2

    A Friend Had No Idea What Her Daughter Wanted for Her MysteryTe.  Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories"Of course! I'd love to come her 18th celebrate with you all!"It was the only response to the invitation. Emma was the daughter of teacher friend of mine, Alice, who I'd worked with a few years ago but kept in touch with after moving schools. I'd actually taught Emma in one of my first classes and as a friend of the family, had been invited to a small-ish gathering at their house for her 18th. Normally, they'd have had a bigger party, my friend had said, but with Covid still spreading, they were having a few family friends round to the garden on the Saturday evening before Emma headed out that night with her friends. Erica had immediately ruled herself out. At 6 months pregnant with our second child, she had a bump as big as most at the time of birth, and was finding it very uncomfortable, so standing around in the garden for a couple of hours wasn't really an option. She didn't really know the family all that well either as I'd left the school not long after meeting Erica so she hadn't really gotten to know my friends from there, and had used my previous visits as time to spend time with her family or visit her own friends.The day of Emma's 18th arrived and Erica kissed me goodbye at the door. I wouldn't be back late but it did mean she'd have to do bath and bed tonight for our boy.The journey was about thirty five minutes, and I was greeted at the door by Alice's husband, a nice guy named Rob, who I had been running with a few times in the past before I'd met Erica and moved away.He asked how I was and Erica and our little one as I followed Rob through the house to the garden, collecting a can of lemonade on the way through, as I would of course be driving home.I fired a glance around the garden, looking for Alice or Emma, and couldn't help noticing a group of younger girls I didn't recognise near the back. They were all fairly slim and good looking, but there were a couple with their backs to me, one in a black dress and one in a flowery blue dress, whose legs held my eye for a little longer. It made sense there'd be a few of Emma's college friends there, and I was glad there'd be some eye candy for the evening!I saw Alice first, quickly moving to accept a big hug from my old friend. She looked nice, in a black top and a long khaki coloured skirt, but she'd never been someone I'd thought of as anything other than a friend, and the hug was purely warmth and friendliness. It was the first time I'd seen her since about six months before the pandemic, so there was over two years worth of hugs packed into one! After breaking the hug, she welcomed me, asked about the family, and then shouted Emma over.Following the gaze of my friend as she called her daughter, I finally recognised Emma, as the girl in the black dress with the long, toned legs turned and gave a huge smile. She rushed over and flung her arms round me in a huge hug, thanking me so much for coming. Despite being a long time family friend, I couldn't help but notice Emma had become a beautiful young lady. Her long blonde hair framed a gorgeous face and her smile was enough to light up the garden on its own. She had stayed very fit over the last couple of years. Not a surprise for a girl who had been running since primary school and who I knew still competed in triathlons. Her long legs were stunning and very toned thanks to her fitness regime, and I could only imagine she had a flat, toned stomach beneath her small, but perky looking t**s. I had to very deliberately stop myself from letting my eyes drift back down to her pale chest as I wished her a happy birthday and handed her a card, commenting how much she'd grown up. We both laughed that it was no wonder, given that she had been just fifteen when I'd last seen her.She gushed that she was so pleased I'd been able to come and had been worried I wouldn't be able to as she knew Erica was pregnant. I smiled and told her I wouldn't have missed it, although I could only assume she was being polite... after all what eighteen year old is really worried if a family friend almost double her age was going to be at a birthday gathering?Emma excused herself after some small talk as another young girl I didn't recognise arrived. I couldn't help but appreciate that she hadn't become the sort of girl who screams shrilly when any friend appears, and I did note she genuinely had seemed more excited to see me than this new friend. Maybe she really was glad to see me after all.I spoke to Alice a short while longer before she too went to mingle with the guests. Luckily by then I'd spotted another former colleague and headed to say hello.As I neared my old friend I felt a hand on my arm and turned to find a pretty young girl with dark hair, done up into a fancy style. She was the one in the blue dress I'd noticed earlier with Emma, and as she spoke I recognised her as another former pupil of mine, Molly, who'd been Emma's best friend through school and evidently still was."Hi, Sir," she said, smiling and brushing her hair back behind her left ear, a glass of prosecco in hand. Again, I had to very deliberately stop myself from letting my gaze linger on her cleavage, a bit bigger than Emma's... perhaps a C. I thought, with a tiny hint of lace from her white bra just poking clear of the blue material... before I realised I had failed miserably and snapped my eyes back to her now slightly blushing face.I smiled back, a little awkwardly and with the heat rising slightly in my own cheeks as I knew I'd been caught staring at her pale, nubile little titties. "Hi, Molly. No need to call me Sir any more! How are you? It's lovely to see you!"Molly beamed at me, again touching her hair back behind her ear, before expressing her surprise that I recognised her so quickly, and then blushing a little again as I quipped that of course I could never have forgotten! I commented that she had become a lovely young woman, realising as she blushed again that my eyes had roved her whole body as I said it, lingering on her long legs and perky chest.Luckily I managed to take back control of my eyes at this point, reminding myself I'd taught Molly when she was younger, and continued the conversation without staring any further. I did, however, clock a few light touches on my arm, and a few more brushes of the hair, as she described her college course and told me about how college had been affected by the pandemic. Normally I'd be mentally reveling in these little signs, hoping they'd lead to a closer encounter, but I must be mistaken. Molly couldn't be showing any attraction. I'd taught her years before and with her slightly younger than Emma, I was even closer to double her age. It simply wasn't possible... was it?I soon moved on as Molly returned to the group of girls at the back of the garden, sitting down with Jessica, another former colleague who'd been good friends with Alice. She was quite a bit older than myself, and than Alice for that matter, and must be nearing retirement soon, I mused as we chatted.I sat with Jessica for quite a while, broken up with short trips to collect us both more soft drinks (she had driven too) and a trip to the buffet filled with party food, before enjoying a short, amusing speech by Rob about his now adult daughter. I had enjoyed watching both Emma and Molly over the course of the evening. Both had grown into very attractive young ladies and I've never been one who could resist watching attractive ladies.After a while, I excused myself to nip inside to the bathroom. Heading inside and upstairs, I relieved myself and washed my hands, turning from the sink and almost jumping out of my skin to find the door open and Emma stood in the doorway."Jesus, Emma!" I gasped. "I'm so sorry, I thought I'd locked the door!""You did," she whispered, stepping inside and closing it again behind her, turning the lock without taking her eyes from my face.My hands paused on the towel I'd been drying my hands on. "What's...?" was all I got out before Emma interrupted me."We don't have a lot of time," she said, stepping forwards to stand right in front of me. "I've known for years I wanted you to be my first. I've always known it was just a silly schoolgirl crush but I also know I have to take a chance." She smirked. "I also know I caught your eyes on me before. A couple of times!" Her expression changed, becoming a little more serious. "You are the right one to do it." She paused, looking into my eyes, just a few centimetres from my face. "Will you?"I simply stood for a few seconds, unable to speak, partly with shock, but also partly wrestling with myself, knowing this shouldn't be such a tempting request... the just eighteen daughter of my friend, in the bathroom of their house, with the whole family and several friends just outside, but also well aware that blood was vacating my brain and heading to my rapidly growing cock.Emma leaned in and kissed me, and all reason fled my mind. I hungrily kissed her back, her arms wrapping around my neck as mine reached her waist. Emma was wasting no time, with so many potential disasters looming if we were caught, and her tongue entered my mouth, wrestling with my own as her left arm moved down now to take my right hand and place it on her arse.The decision made and the line already crossed, I shifted my hand slightly downwards to grasp the back of her thigh below the line of her dress, and hooked the dress over it as I stroked back up to her now uncovered backside, pleasantly shocked to discover she had no knickers on as I now shifted so both hands grasped her toned arse.Emma pulled away form the kiss and grinned as I lifted me eyebrow questioningly. "Nothing to slow us down," she whispered, and I massaged the cheeks as she kissed me again. I explored her backside with my hands, reaching around the cheeks, bring my fingers closer to where her thighs must meet, and t

  4. 3D AGO

    Erica’s Man: Part 1

    The Wedding Night. My Wedding Night turned out to be more than I bargained for! by MysteryTe.  Listen to the Podcast at Steamy StoriesWe got married in August, and the day was perfect. Everything that needed to go well, did. The weather was beautiful, the food was delicious, and the party was amazing. Most of all, my bride, Erica, was perfection. She always is, of course. She's 28, slim, slightly above average height, with small but pert breasts and a pretty face. Her legs are firm and toned, and so is her bum. That day, she seemed to transcend beyond her normal gorgeousness though, leaving me stunned. Her long strawberry blonde hair held in waves and her dress... I'd never seen a more breath-taking sight as when she walked down the aisle. The DJ finished at half past midnight, and our guests began to make their way to their rooms in the hotel. After almost everybody left, there were a few of us still up, namely my wife's younger sister Alice, my brother and his wife, Erica's brother Alan, and a female guest he had been working on unsuccessfully all night! As it reached 2am, the last of us decided to make our way up to bed. I, of course, was very ready to head to the bridal suite, as I was looking forward to finally removing that beautiful dress from my new wife. Alan offered to walk the other guest back to her room, and my brother and sister-in-law took their leave.At last it was just me, Erica and Alice. We all headed upstairs together. Alice's suite was next to ours so she walked upstairs with us. As we were about to say goodnight, she pulled a thoughtful face, before asking, "I hadn't thought about the buttons. Would you mind if I came in and perhaps your new hubby can help undo them for me?"I looked at the back of the dress. There were a lot of buttons, as there were on the back of Erica's bridal gown. In fairness, there was no way Alice would be able to unfasten them all herself. "It's ok with me," I answered, looking to Erica for guidance. Normally I'd have been all for this. Alice is five years younger than my wife at 23, but similar in build and not dissimilar in looks, but with slightly larger breasts and a rounder, very pert bum. Helping her to remove her dress would offer me the opportunity to get a good look at her shapely legs and that bottom. She was also looking stunning today, a vision as chief bridesmaid. Plus, she obviously needed help, but I was very much looking forward to removing my new wife's gown!"Of course it's fine!" Erica laughed. She and Alice had always been close, and I knew she'd respond the way she did. I unlocked the door and we all headed into our gorgeous bridal suite. The large bed took up the majority of one half of the room, but the rest of the suite was plenty big enough, with a table and chairs in one corner, a sofa by the wall and of course a large dressing table by another.As the door shut, Alice suggested that actually we should both help Erica with her buttons first. I was about to argue, as I had plans for her, as soon as I could get enough buttons undone, but she continued, pointing out it would allow Erica to get herself ready. She gave me a pointed look at that, and I saw Erica nod out of the corner of my eye, so I bit my tongue and we set to work unbuttoning all ninety-something of the buttons on the dress.I started at the top, and as I revealed more and more of my new wife's back, the inevitable happened and I felt the blood start to redirect to my cock. It was a little awkward, knowing that Alice, who was unbuttoning on her knees right next to me, could almost certainly see the bulge in my pants growing. Still, this was my wedding night, so I contented myself with the thought that with Alice's help, Erica would be out of the dress twice as fast.Sure enough, soon Alice and I met in the middle. We both grasped for the last button, and her hands closed around mine. She quickly pulled away, grazing my erection as she did so. Looking up at me, she blushed and must have seen me do the same as she giggled and murmured an amused, "sorry," as she stood up and turned around.Erica looked around as I undid the last button, and seeing Alice had her back to us, stepped out of the dress and turned to face me. Braless, her pert breasts showed rock hard nipples, telling me she was as horny as I was. Her wedding lingerie was a beautiful pair of almost see-through lacy panties and a similarly lacy garter, which caused my erection to strain against my pants again."You look beautiful," I whispered, and she smiled back, before pressing herself against me so I could feel her hard nipples against my chest, and planting a long, sensuous kiss on my lips.As she stepped away again, I noticed her panties were growing a dark, moist patch at the front and I almost pulled her back towards me, until she reminded me, "Sort Alice's dress out now. I'll just get ready in the bathroom."As she turned away, I turned my attention to her sister, waiting patiently by the sofa with her back to us. Looking at her dress, a long, pale blue, I was glad to see that while there were plenty of buttons, there were nowhere near as many as on Erica's. I started from the bottom this time, working my way up and Alice silently stretched her arms out in front of her. As I came up to her bottom, the dress started to open up, allowing me a perfect view of her pert, round arse. The buttons kept going and I was able to enjoy the unfolding view of her bum framed with pale blue, lacy thong panties. I kept unbuttoning, revealing her also braless back. She groaned in satisfaction as the tight dress loosened, and then caught me by surprise as she leaned right forwards, pressing her arms against the arm of the sofa. I had to step forwards to unfasten the last couple of buttons, and my crotch pressed against her bum. I was relieved to realise my cock had at least drooped to a semi, although it began to twitch again as it nestled between her cheeks. I could only hope she couldn't feel it.The last button came loose just as Alice straightened back up, and the entire dress fell to the floor around her. She jerked around and as I stepped quickly away I couldn't help seeing beautiful, perky breasts fully on show, rock hard nipples poking out above a flawless body, toned and slim with a couple centimetre gap I couldn't help noticing between her thighs. She stared at me for couple of seconds, before she slowly but deliberately covered her breasts. I stammered an apology.She smiled and chuckled. "It doesn't matter. We're family now. I'll go and tell Erica I'm out of my dress." A quick glance to my crotch told her I was fully erect again, and she smiled to herself as she lowered her arm to her side, showing me her breasts, before she stepped around me and headed to the bathroom. I assumed Erica would give her a towel or something to go back to her room in, and I began to undress, laying my jacket on the sofa and removing my shoes, before taking off my tie and unbuttoning my top buttons, making myself comfortable for Erica's return.Erica came out of the bathroom quickly, closing the door behind her. She kissed me and then stepped back, holding something behind her back. I admired her almost naked body for a second, and then asked what she had behind her back."All in good time," she responded, before directing me to take a chair from under the table and sit on it in the middle of the room, facing away from her. I did as I was told, and was almost immediately blindfolded. "Won't be a second," she whispered, and a few seconds later I heard her open the bathroom door, and shortly afterwards the room door opened briefly and then closed again. Alice must have left. Idly I wondered what she'd used to cover up.Sat in darkness, I could only wait for what would happen next. My erection strained in anticipation. Soon, I felt Erica's lips against mine, as she kissed me, long and deep. She whispered to me to keep my hands by my side, as her hands roamed my body, first unbuttoning my shirt, before moving to the clasp of my belt. She undid this and unbuttoned my pants, before pulling them down. I lifted my feet and she removed them, before pulling off my socks. She stood again between my legs and then climbed atop to straddle me. Her breasts pressed against my face and I sucked and licked her hard nipples as she ground herself against my rock hard cock. Her lacy panties and my boxers did nothing to hide the fact her pussy was sopping wet as she slid back and forth.After a minute or so, Erica climbed off again and immediately pulled at my boxers, revealing my thick, eight inch erection. My cock was throbbing with the need for her, and she duly obliged, climbing back on top of me and guiding my cock smoothly into her drenched pussy. She slid on easily, moaning loudly in pleasure as my whole eight inches entered her, and then started to grind and circle, a method she always used when she was desperate for orgasm but wanted me to last longer, as it provided minimal friction for me. I could feel her panties had been moved to one side rather than removed completely, which, if anything, was even more of a turn on, having seen her in those lacy knickers earlier. I returned my attention to her nipples, as having them sucked while she rode me was a sure-fire way of bringing her to climax. Sure enough, after only a few seconds I felt her tense and she moaned loudly as she came hard, clinging to me and kissing me hard.After a few breathless seconds, she climbed back off me, easing herself off my cock now soaked in her juices. I reached up to remove the blindfold, eager to continue. Just as I reached, she grabbed my hand. "Not yet," she whispered into my ear, and I let my hand return to my sides. A couple of seconds later, I felt her hands on my legs, pushing them apart. She crawled between them and her hand closed around the bottom of my cock. Her other hand cupped my testicles as she guided my length down and I felt her warm, wet mouth enclose the head,

  5. 3D AGO

    Beverly’s Ride: Part 2

    I help a female classmate with a ride to school and get surprising senor longo. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.   Saturday, March 25, 1961. I worked, as usual, until one and then drove home for lunch before I mowed the lawn and raked leaves for another hour, finishing at 4:30 so I could shower and take a short nap before dinner and dressing for a “party.” I knew that was a waste of time, but I had to maintain appearances. I had told Mom I was going to a party. I thought of it as a white lie because I knew there would be a lot of really close dancing and celebrating taking place. However, I couldn’t reveal that we’d be naked at the time. I left the house just a few minutes before eight, pulling into Beverly’s driveway just ten minutes later. I was laughing as Beverly opened the door in yet another revealing nightgown, or whatever it was she was wearing. All I knew was that my clothes hit the floor in an instant as I bent her over the couch for our first f**k of the evening. “Richard, you didn’t use a condom!” “Not to worry; I’ll be out and into your mouth long before I’m ready to spurt.” I was true to my word on that, pulling out just minutes later and spinning Beverly around and onto her knees. She cleaned my cock of her succulent juices before sucking me dry; at least until our next time. We were lolling around lazily a few minutes later when she asked if I recalled what she had said about who owned and managed the camp she had attended. “Sure,” I replied. “Didn’t you say that it was run by several synagogues in the area?” “That’s right and some of them are much more liberal than mine is.” “Okay.” I tried to sound confident as I did every day in class, but truthfully, I was confused. “I mentioned that because while my parents will only allow me to date and eventually marry an orthodox Jew, lots of the other girls’ parents allow their daughters to date boys of any religion.” “Okay,” I said, knowing that my uncertainty was more obvious as I said it. Mostly, I was wondering where this conversation was going. “After all we’ve been through this weekend, I thought it might be cruel to just cut you loose without any sex on the horizon for you. Would you believe that you know a few of the other girls who were at the camp with me?” “Yeah, that makes sense, I guess.” “Not all of them were sexually active, but one was even more involved than I was.” “Wow, that’s hard to believe, but I’ll take your word for it.” I still had no idea where this was going, but I already told you that I’m not very good with women. “One of the things I love about you, Richard, is that you can be so naïve when it comes to women.” “That’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” “Yes, it certainly is. So, let’s see if you can guess who I’m talking about.” “Okay, there’s Beverly Rich, but I know she has a boyfriend so I doubt it’s her. There’s Judith, but I can’t believe it’s her, either. She always acts like she’s got a stick up her ass.” Beverly laughed like crazy, even as she agreed with me. “Sandra has a boyfriend, too, as do Wendy and Pam and Michelle. The only one I can even think of is Carol. She’s always friendly, but she doesn’t exude sex like some of the other girls in our class.” “Yeah, some of them act like genuine sluts, but it’s just an act with most of them. I have to tell you that I’ve invited this girl to join us tonight. I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open. Will you do that?” “Okay.” This time I was more than sure that I was in for a good time tonight. I only failed to realize how good and what new sexual frontiers I would break tonight. Beverly had me lie in the center of her double bed as she began to suck me to hardness. It wasn’t long before I felt two tongues on my organ. Just that realization was enough to push me to rock hardness in spite of just cumming a few minutes ago. Then I felt a pair of slender legs straddle my body. There were two hands on my cock, supporting it as I began to enter what seemed to be the tightest hole I could have imagined. It was lubricated, but it didn’t feel like Beverly’s cunt. Instinctively, I moved my hands up to grasp a small set of tits; much smaller than Beverly’s. Still, massaged them and twisted her nipples, hearing her groan for the first time. I knew then who I was screwing, but I still didn’t understand the tightness until Carol leaned forward to kiss me. “Fuck me, Richard. Fuck my ass and finger my cunt. Oh, dear God, I’m going to cum so f*****g hard.” Carol’s body convulsed wildly as she experienced what seemed to be a seriously major orgasm. When it comes to women, I can be a bit slow on the uptake, so it was several seconds before I processed what I had heard. Did she say “fuck my Ass?” Was that where my cock was now; buried in Carol’s tight ass? Looking down I saw her vacant cunt and her ultra-tight sphincter wrapped tightly around my never-harder organ. Seeing how she had cum and was about to even harder again, I drove into her with increasing strength and speed. I had never even dreamed of such sexual nirvana, but here it was and I was actually part of it. Carol came again and then another two times before I literally exploded into her ass. I was exhausted and the clock only red 8:42. I looked up at Beverly as I asked her, “Why?” “Easy enough, Richard. You and Carol are both friends of mine and I know that anything we do will end tonight because of my parents’ beliefs. Neither of you are dating, at least not seriously, so I thought you’d like a helping hand at getting together. You’re both horny as hell and I know you’re already good friends, so I took a shot at playing matchmaker.” What Beverly said made a lot of sense, but I needed to hear from Carol and I did as soon as my wilted cock fell from her anus. “You’re probably thinking that anal sex is really filthy.” Actually, that’s exactly what I was thinking. “It would be if I hadn’t taken two enemas before coming here tonight. I’ll do that whenever we date, assuming that we actually do, and if I can’t, then you’ll still be free to fuck my cunny, my c**t. My ass is different in that it’s not self-lubricating like my cunt is, so I’ll be sure to use plenty of lubricant whenever we date. I know that I don’t have much in the tit department, but you can play with them whenever you want. Okay, not in school, but before and after and anytime we’re dating. The same goes for my c**t. “You see, I spent most of my time at camp with the Negro chefs. My c**t is really tight; too tight to accommodate them, so we used my ass instead and I found that I loved it. We like each other, Richard, but we’ll never be in love, so we can enjoy each other until we do find love. Is that okay with you?” “It sure as hell is! That sounds just great to me, so I assume that we can have a date next Friday night.” “Sure, and you can take me to and from school so you’ll at least get a b*****b every day.” Beverly laughed as she told Carol she had already promised that. “Okay, you can have both of us blow you and you can finger two cunts, too; maybe even fuck both of us.” “It sounds great. I already have permission from my parents to give Beverly a ride every day because of the rapist I’ve red about in the paper. I do have one question. Where on earth did you learn to speak the way you do. I never thought I’d ever hear a woman use the word ‘cunt.’ Beverly answered first. “That’s from camp. Between the girl counselors and the Negro cooks, the language was pretty fucking raw. Words like ‘fuck’ and ‘cunt’ and ‘asshole’ were used dozens of times every day. I had to be extra careful once I returned home and I know that Carol had the same problem. Besides, you’ve never been in the girls’ room at school. The language there is really rough.” I nodded. My experiences in the boys’ room were exactly the same. I’d never heard either of my sisters say anything, but I didn’t spend twenty-four hours a day with them, either. Beverly had brought a warm soapy washcloth to clean my cock once we had finished talking. Carol had begun kissing me and, I had to admit, she was pretty damned good at it. Soon, Beverly was sucking my cock while Carol and I made out and, after about fifteen minutes, they switched places. Fuck! Sex with two women at once was pretty damned spectacular. We continued that way all night. I did cum six times, but each of them came at least eight, and probably more. I gave Carol a ride home and she sucked my cock all the way. Her family’s home was on the way and I had a great idea what was in store for me next Friday evening. We could always figure out what we wanted to do at school during the week. Mom, of course, asked how the party was so I told her it wasn’t really a party, just a group of five guys and seven girls, some Coke and chips, and some snacks courtesy of Beverly’s mother. “We danced some and played Parcheesi and watched some TV, although I didn’t watch, and I did get a date for Friday night with Carol Gold.” Is she kind of skinny with light brown hair?” “Yeah, Mom, but in case you haven’t noticed, that pretty much describes me, too. Anyway, we were talking and found we had a lot in common so I asked her out. We’ll figure out what during the week. It’ll probably be a movie if there’s anything decent playing.” “Maybe you’ll get lucky and there will be some horror movie in one of the theaters,” my dad said. “Geez, Harold; you have a one-track mind. Leave him alone. He’s never had much of a social life so he’s entitled to one now. Don’t you think?” I was sure Dad did, but he also knew better than to argue with Mom. He was sure to lose, just as he did many times in the past. I spent Sunday doing

  6. 4D AGO

    Beverly’s Ride: Part 1

    I help a female classmate with a ride to school and get surprising senor longo. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.   Thursday, March 23, 1961. It was the days of doo-wop diners and drive-in movies. Poodle skirts and saddle shoes.My mom was having one of those “oops” babies; one of those pregnancies that come totally unplanned, which this definitely was. I’m Richard, 18 and a high school senior, and because Mom had to spend the next four months in bed, I was able to drive her car to school rather than take the school bus. After reaching the school and realizing that I was early I drove through some of the parallel streets behind it, looking for friends who were “walkers” who might want a ride. That’s how I ran into Beverly; not literally, of course. She was walking one Thursday morning in late March as she always did when I approached, asking if she’d like a ride. Like me, Beverly was a senior, but we were polar opposites. I was tall and thin; actually skinny; well over six feet with a protruding Adam’s apple that gave me a nickname ever since we had red the Washington Irving story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” way back in ninth grade English. Ever since then I’d had been called “Ichabod” due to my resemblance to the Disney character we had also seen on TV.In contrast, Beverly was short; barely five feet; and to be kind, I’d call her buxom. We were friendly acquaintances as were most of us in the senior class, but hardly close personal friends. Beverly accepted my offer of a ride, which was no surprise, but once in the car, she slid across the front seat of Mom’s ’58 Ford until she was practically in my lap. That was not only a surprise; it was actually shocking, but what would I do about it? It was chancy, I knew. There would be one of three results. I was pretty sure that she’d let me kiss her, but what would she do when I put her hand on my cock? First, she might just stroke it, and; if she did; I’d have it out and into her hand in a flash. Second, she could just pull her hand away. Finally, she could just haul off and slap me. I was praying for number one, obviously. I pulled over after about a quarter mile where I could tell that there was nobody to be seen, ahead or behind us, and on neither side, too. Once the engine was off, I leaned down and gave her a kiss. Her response was better than I had hoped. Her mouth opened and her tongue was pushed into mine in a flash. I wasted no time getting to the moment of truth. I had pulled my cock up so there was room for it to expand and harden. Using my left hand, I took her right and placed it on my organ. Yes! She began to stroke it firmly as she pressed her lips into mine forcefully and her tongue became even more active. My hands were busy with her blouse’s buttons and soon I had her bra pushed up over her fleshy mounds. My hands massaged them as my fingers pinched and tweaked her nipples. Meanwhile, Beverly continued to rub my cock through my slacks. I stopped the massage momentarily so I could open my belt and slacks. Beverly’s hands dug immediately into my briefs, pulling my cock and balls out and tucking the elastic band under my large swollen testicles. Now Beverly attacked my organ with surprising strength and energy. Her hands were moving swiftly as I began to feel it. “Beverly, if you keep that up, I’m going to make a terrific mess. I’m gonna cum all over the place.” I thought she might stop, but she continued as she quickly removed her lips from mine, wrapping them tightly around my glans, and just in time, because I blew mere seconds later. Beverly eagerly swallowed all of it; well, most of it, anyway. There were several drops on her cheeks and chin. Beverly was licking her lips when I grabbed my cock, pulling it with my tightly wrapped fist as I told Beverly, ”There’s a bit more here, if you’re interested.” Not surprisingly, she was. Every time I pulled a droplet from my hole, she was there to lick it, savoring the taste and texture in her mouth and on her tongue. Finally, I was done, so I wrapped myself up and returned to kissing her and tweaking her nipples. Once she was warmed up physically, I lifted her skirt and drove my fingers under her panties and into her cunt. “Oh, God, Richard. Do it! Fuck me with your fingers. That’s it. Use another finger in me, please! Make me cum! Please! Make me cum!” Now I had two fingers in her and she was dripping wet. Any more, and her skirt would be ruined. Suddenly, she arched her back and her body rose from the seat. Her hands gripped my head as she kissed me frantically, her tongue driving deeply into my mouth, as she came with incredible force. Some thirty seconds later, she came to rest. Checking her watch, she told me, “I have just enough time to go home and change if you’ll take me. Don’t worry. My parents are away for a long weekend. Maybe you’d like to come by tonight and fuck me.” I started the car and turned around, following her directions to her house. She ran in, stripping out of her skirt as she ran. Less than five minutes later she was back in the car and we were on our way to school. “You probably think I’m an incredible slut.” I was just about to say “no” when she continued. “All I think about is sex. F*****g and sucking, over and over, is all I want to do. I don’t care if you just use me for sex. That’s what I want. I know we’ll never date seriously. My parents will only allow me to date someone who is an Orthodox Jew, just like us. But I don’t care if it’s just this weekend. I want your cock, and I want it badly. Can you take me home after school today? I have two condoms, but we’ll need more, lots more, if you want to do it tomorrow and Saturday.” What the hell! That sounded just fine to me. An entire weekend of unbridled sex! What an incredible find for a socially inept guy like myself. I’d never know the reason, but while I was always confident and outspoken in class, I was usually totally tongue-tied when it came to girls, or young women, whatever you might want to call them. I knew from locker room talk that several of my friends were sexually active. I wasn’t so naïve that I believed all of the talk, but several of my classmates had some of the finest looking and hottest girls as their long-term girlfriends. They were all confident athletes, and, unlike the “big talkers” they rarely talked about their relationships with their girlfriends. I also knew that two brothers; no longer students; had married their girlfriends after knocking them up. They had all dropped out of school, a powerful statement about the depth of their stupidity. I told Beverly that I’d have to check with my mom; if she needed me to run any errands for her. If not, I’d be in her bed in a heartbeat. We parted once I had parked in the high school lot, heading for our lockers until lunch when all of the seniors would meet to eat and chat. I had often sat with girls as well as my guy friends, so nobody would be surprised to find Beverly and me at the same table. We were joined by two girls and one male; all top-drawer students like me. Oddly, all three girls were Jewish while the other male and I were Christians. Our table talk dealt mostly with academic issues; the upcoming Advanced Placement exams in English, Calculus, French, and Physics as well as the state exams in Physics and Advanced Algebra, which Beverly and one of the other girls were taking. Also, on our minds, was the Senior Prom, which was just two months away, for which I still didn’t have a date. We all rose to leave, but Beverly and I lingered behind the others for a few seconds. “I phoned my mom and she doesn’t need me at home so I told her I was going over to a friend’s house to review some calculus issues. She just told me to be home by 5:30 so we’ll have at least an hour and a half.” “That’s great,” she whispered. I’ll bet I can get you to cum at least twice and at least that many for me. I’ll meet you at your car. Okay?” I agreed and, once I was sure we were the last to leave I pushed my hand up the back of her skirt and my fingers into her cunt. I f****d her with them for about thirty seconds until she shook as the spasms of a powerful orgasm ripped through her body. The timing was perfect as the cafeteria workers were coming to clean and sanitize the tables and chairs. The custodians would then place the chairs on the tables so they could clean and mop the large floor. As seniors, we had the final lunch period all to ourselves. I had a hard time concentrating on my afternoon classes, except Advanced French which usually required all of my attention. I had a big advantage over my fellow students, though. One of my neighbor’s mother and grandmother were born in France as was his step-father who had actually fought for the French Resistance during World War 2. He didn’t like to talk about it very often and I had often thought that was understandable. What kind of person would want to brag about killing, even in a major war? I had gone to my friend’s house when he had moved in while we were both in fourth grade and recognized immediately that his parents were French. He attended a nearby parochial school at the time and since ninth grade he’d been at a regional Catholic high school even though he openly admitted that he was no great student. “I think they’re only interested in my parents’ money.” That was how he explained it. I could understand. His mom had a top-level job for a big French designer, supposedly a major force in creating high-end women’s clothing. At least, that’s what my mother and sisters had told me. His step-dad was an engineer; the kind who made roads and bridges. I had spoken French; real French; not like what I heard every day in class, with his mother and grandmother, improving my pronunciation, grammar, and accent. Surprisingly, and I’m sure

  7. 6D AGO

    Church Girls

    Sexuality and Sanctity Collide: 2 stories of church girls discovering their passion.From posts by Cassper and neocontrolsthesystem. Listen to the Podcast at My First Time.David and Eve.Love and lust caged by religion finally finds a way.By CassperDavid is 19 and Eve is 18, both raised by devout Christian parents.It was a beautiful Saturday evening, David had just finished helping his Dad in church and now he was home watching some television.Suddenly there was a knock on the door, he went to check who it was."Hey David," the girl at the other side of the door said with a smile."Hey Eve, what's up?" He asked stepping away from the door way. "Come in." "Is your mum home? My mum said to give her a message," she said as she walked in.David's eyes darted toward the bump at the back of her dress, even in this large dress her ass couldn't be hidden.He'd know her since they were kids, they used to be inseparable but over time they grew up and things changed a bit. His feelings of love had matured into lust, he knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help thinking this way of her."Oh God," he thought."I'll let her know you're here, make yourself comfortable," he said darting off to find his mum."Mum!"A few minutes later David's mum and Eve were talking and David was sitting there pissed cause now he couldn't continue watching television, he had to wait.In a short while they were done and Eve was ready to leave."Eve, say hi to your parents for me.""Yes Mrs. Wilson."David, did you know that there's a youth retreat coming up pretty soon? It’s gonna be fun, are you coming?" Eve blurted out loud."Youth retreat, you say?" David's mum cut in."Yes, organized by the church for people between 18 to 22, He'll get to meet lots of people our age there." Eve answered with a smile across her face."Yeah, I was gonna tell you about that." He lied, Eve had tried to get him to go before now but failed."Really?" She asked David."He'll go, I've been trying to find a way to get him to make new friends, all he does is sit at home all day watching TV. I think this might be good for you him." David's mum said turning to Eve."Okay, I'll let the Deacon in charge know that he'll be coming along," Eve said.David just stood there as his fate was decided, he knew he couldn't talk his way out of this one. Once it involved the church, his mum was all for it."Alright, bye dear." David's mum said as she went back inside."Guess I'll be seeing you," Eve said to David grinning from ear to ear."Yeah, no thanks to you."She laughed, "it's not so bad, you'll have me to keep you company." She said giving him a tight hug before he walked her out the door.Oh how he wanna to grab his ass, he'd only touched it in his imaginations. Their parents had made efforts to separate them as they grew so they wouldn't "fall into temptation", but David was already knee deep and sinking.Eve had always been like this, playful and fun to be around, most especially with him. He thought there was more to it but a part of him dismissed it as a result of the fact that they had been friends since they were kids, but a part of him wanted that to be a lie.David's mum was really happy, she'd lied when she said she wanted David to make new friends, in truth she wanted some alone time with her husband. She hadn't had an orgasm in forever and her body was aching for a hard, loud, sweating sex session with her husband. David would be in the way of that and he had to go.A couple of days later David was sitting by a bonfire, listening to the words of the song "Amazing Grace" being sang by some kids, accompanied by two guitars. He loved how they sounded, he closed his eyes for a second then felt someone grab his arm and rest their head on it.The person sighed, "Beautiful, isn't it?" It was Eve."I guess. Why don't you join them, you could teach them a thing or two." He said as he turned to look at her."Is that flattery I hear? You've always been better than me," she squeezed his arms tighter."I doubt that, I've always admired how you sing, it's like hearing the voice of Angels."She laughed at his flattery, "so is that all?""All what?" He asked."Is that all you like about me. Am I just a voice or, ?" She replied inquisitively.David paused, he didn't want to mess this up. He thought for a second."I think you're beautiful, smart, a pain in the ass, " they both laughed."The most kind hearted person I've met so far. A go-getter, you really don't know when to give up, the fact that I'm here is proof of that.""True," she smiled."And that is just a few of many of the reasons why I like you, so no your voice is not the only thing." He concluded."Maybe I over did it with the ending," he thought."Come here," she said as she pulled his arm, dragging him away from the bone fire."To where?" He asked not resisting her.She stopped, looked him in the eye. "To get what I want."Eve took David to a room in the area where the Deacons normally lodged."How did you, ?""Being the daughter of a Pastor has its perks." She interrupted.She locked the door, then walked slowly to him and placed her hands on his shoulders.He went for her lips, they held on to his, he couldn't believe this was happening this fast, God knows he'd fantasized about this forever.His hands ran down the small of her back toward her protruding back side. He had never felt anything so soft, he squeezed on them and her tongue crept into his mouth and met his.She kissed him passionately, her hands firmly on his neck, his hands perusing the entirety of her ass.She broke from the kiss as she moaned, breathing in hard. He watched her as he savored the sweet aftertaste of her cherry pink lips.She went for his neck kissing at his jugular region, he loved it."David I want you, do you want me?""Do you have to ask? Yes, hell yes. Since forever."She reached for his shirt and pulled it off and did the same for herself. Her boobs were not that big but beautiful none the less, at least he thought so. What she lacked in boobs she made up for in ass, succulent, sumptuous ass.She took of her bra and pushed him to the bed, she straddled him on the bed and resumed kissing him. David was feeling his dick make a tent in his pants, it wanted out. He felt the sweet touch if her nipples on his bare chest and his dick twitched at the thought of her impaled on his dick.He pulled her up moving her nipples to his mouth and sucked with gusto, she moaned and began to play with the other one. His tongue flicked the tip of the nipples rapidly and she loved it, she began to hump his tent.Then she stopped him, "I want it to be you David, I've never done this before." Still humping his crotch."Me neither," David said, she smiled."I want to taste you, sit on my face." He whispered.Boy was she glad she just had a bath before now.She came down from the bed and slowly pulled down her sweat pants, revealing her black panties which were stretched by her big ass."I want to see it," she said biting her lip.He obliged and pulled down his pants, trying not to kill the mood by rushing. His dick stiffened as it broke free, "oh," there was excitement in her tone.Pulling down her panties and exposing her cleanly shaved mound she walked toward the bed and grabbed his hard cock, put her mouth around it and sucked on it. "Oh God." David exclaimed.The warmth of her mouth enveloped his member as she sucked with passion, grabbing the shaft of his dick as she worked.He put his hand on her head and closed his eyes, "yes."She was very careful not to bite or graze him with her teeth, he was matching her pace.She slurped on his dick, sucked and bobbed her pretty head on his raging hard cock, savoring the taste of his precum.Then she took him in, she gagged and took her mouth off, jerking his dick with the wetness from her mouth and her hands."Oh yes, don't stop that." Then she stopped."Not yet." She said and she climbed onto the bed and sat on his face, he held her up with his arms at first.The smell of cunt filled his nostrils, he let her fall on his face and dug in, her cunt tasted new, he'd never had c**t before, but he was sure that liked this one.He played around with her clit, her moans of ecstasy affirming him that he was doing it right.He lapped on the juices from her wet slit, grabbing her thick ass as he did."Oh, David," she moaned breathlessly.His tongue found her clit and sucked firmly, she bucked her hips and he spanked her hard, the sound echoed through the room."Ah; Yes."He stuck his tongue in her c**t, then started tongue fucking her, her moans became louder and she began to f**k his face, her ass bouncing with her."Yes, David I love that. Just like that. She begged.He reached for her clit."Oh God, yes. Don't stop, don't stop. Ah."She grabbed her boobs and played with her nipples as she ground her hips, pushing his tongue deeper into her warm velvet c**t.It drove her mad, she wanted more. She was dripping wet, the smell of her juices filled the room."Oh, David, David. I want you to fuck me. Please." She swallowed saliva and began to take in deep breaths.She got off him and lay in the bed, he knelt on the bed and she spread her legs wide, ready for his throbbing cock.He went for it, the wetness from his saliva and her juices let him slide his bare cock right in.Although it took over minute and she seemed to feel pain but didn't want his to stop, he finally got three-quarters of his length in, she didn't bleed.He stayed still in her for a few seconds feeling the tight grip of her virgin cunt on his cock."Your dick feels so good," she said looking at him straight in the eye.He started to move into her, slowly. Gaining momentum with every thrust. The slippy sloppy wetness of her vagina made squishing sounds as he prodded her."Oh yes. David yes, yes!" She had never felt this way before, pain mixed with so much pleasure. She didn't want this to end, she'd dreamed about this forever and now it was finally happening. "I could die right now," she thought."You feel so good too," he finally said as

  8. FEB 27

    Camping In Ireland: Part 2

    A tale of firsts, set on a rainy camping trip, among young friends.Based on a post by Josh stone, in 2 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at My First Time. They stood in the dunes, feeling the sensation returning slowly to their clammy bodies. She grasped the two ends of the massive sheet together, behind his shoulder blades. Then she stood up on tiptoes slightly, and his thumbs slipped slightly into under the elastic of her pants. She gave a sigh, relaxing into his embrace, and he instinctively pushed her wet knickers down, feeling as they rolled over on themselves as they slipped down her ass. He followed by pulling her wet tee shirt up over her shoulders, where she tugged it over her head, and tossed back by the bags. She stepped carefully one leg out of the wet panties, returning to the warmth of his arm and pulling him even closer as she did so. Her gentle murmur as his hands felt the shape of her hips and thighs spurred him on, piquing his interest in this new adventure, this new and unusual setting. The absence of wet fabric quickly allowed her pelvis to dry and her body warmth gradually increased. But His wet boxers were still a problem. Intimacy in the open air. Their bodies relaxed into one another as they dried out within their towel, and he felt her goose bumps disappear from her legs. She pushed his boxers down, allowing their bodies to have full contact as they warmed up together. She lifted her head towards him, and they kissed for the first time since they had left her tent. He felt a sudden jolt of passion as her free hand reached down his belly and holding his contracted and rippled sack of balls. She continued to fondle his sack gently, and felt warmth return to his crotch. He was glad she wasn’t giving attention to his shriveled wet pecker, which would need much more warmth an blood flow, to resume even a normal flaccid size. It wasn’t even worthy of being called a cock, when shriveled this tiny. He was preparing an embarrassed explanation for his tiny tally whacker, but it was welcome surprise for him that the awakening of his desire to know every intimate corner of her body, to feel his release at her demand and within her. Had somehow convinced his unconscious brain to re=prioritize rations of blood flow and retention to his promising phallus. His hands reached her breasts, feeling her nipples hard once more. She moaned as he rolled one between his finger and thumb, the bottom of her breast cupped in his hand as she massaged his balls. Her warmth and dexterity both relaxing and tensing him in turn. They both felt as his cock stirred to her touch, her other hand released the towel and surrounding his shaft, as he swelled. They stopped to spread the picnic blanket from her bag on the gentle hill of the dune behind them. They found a slight ravine where they could recline and be somewhat concealed by the several dunes, in every direction. She beckoned for him to join her as she lay on her side, and he lay beside her. Hands were on hips, and kisses deepened. It was as though they were again cocooned in her tent the night before. They were completely warm suddenly, the coastal breeze seemed to pass over their heads and they enjoyed the refuge of these sand ravines. Both were deeply turned on by the range of senses that had been awoken. Her breath began to quicken as she felt his erection press against her mons. She bent her upper knee and planted her foot to rest, creating an open crotch for him, and he felt as her body tensed slightly when his fingers wandered towards her most private place. Trying not to spoil a moment she had been enjoying so much, she had hoped he would not notice her anxiety, but knew all too soon that he had. Their kiss ended, his hands moved reassuringly to her shoulders, following her lead. "Nigel; I've never," She whispered. "I'm. I am enjoying this so much. But I've never done this before" Her face flushed red as she revealed this most intimate truth to the man she had only really met 24 hours ago. He put a hand gently to her face, looking into her deep brown eyes. "Libby; This is new to me, too." He confessed. "I really have no conscious idea what I'm doing. Our bodies, though, seem to be working in a magical sync, like they’ve done this since the dawn of creation." Wry smiles grew on both of their faces as the reality of the situation dawned. "I was so nervous I would mess things up, I really like you" he said eventually. "I want to explore with you". "Me too" she replied "You've been giving me such pleasure, I assumed you had been with loads of people before.” They kissed, then she added’ “I want to learn what makes you feel good". And so began a time of great learning for both of them. Their inhibitions lifted as they allowed themselves to be honest, to open up, to allow their most deeply-held feelings out to one another. She traced every inch of his rippled, lean torso, feeling his ribs rise and fall calmly before circling his navel, running her fingers through his salty hair, his pubic hair. He guided her as she stroked his cock, exploring it carefully with her eyes as well as her hands. She felt as he neared the brink of orgasm; then brought him back from the edge with his words helping her to understand this most secret of connections. She kissed him tenderly, on his arms, his chest, his cock, her lips gently enveloping the tip, tasting his precum, feeling him harden in her mouth. She licked his length, learning how a change of pace or pressure affected him physically, hearing from him what felt good. It was beautiful for both of them, a symbol of trust, and a marker of a new chapter in their lives, their relationship. This was not simply about orgasm, about release, it was also about connection. He was not ready to collapse, not yet. So he withdrew from her mouth, telling her about how sensual it was, how much pleasure she had given him. He felt her hip bones with eager hands, brought hands to her ass, felt the way textures changed. He put his hands on her thighs, felt as she moved onto her back, her legs opening, relaxing. He felt the softness of her inner thigh, how it became softer and softer as his hands neared her groin. She told him how much she wanted him to touch her, showed him how to touch her clitoris. He felt her wonderful heat again as his finger, wet with her moistness, explored delicate folds of skin. He had never seen a woman's vagina before, not in real life. He saw the way her labia darkened as he touched her, felt as her clitoris seemed to retract and then harden as she touched him. She was so open to him, so relaxed, her breathing deep and her chest was rising visibly. As he placed a finger at the entrance to her hot moist cunt, she groaned, urging him to explore inside her. His finger slipped more easily inside than he remembered from last night, her legs rising slightly as he felt her vaginal walls envelop his hungry finger. Another finger slid inside, and she told him to move them against each other inside her. As her hips rose further, she pulled her knees to her chest, and he felt the strong muscles at the entrance to her c**t open up, encouraging his fingers, deeper and deeper. He felt more horny in that moment than he could ever remember feeling before, as he saw her bulging vulva, wet with excitement, and so clearly trusting him to give her pleasure. She was nearing orgasm, her breaths were shallower and her guidance less necessary. It was so exciting to be outside together. He was desperate, suddenly; to be even more intimate. He dipped his head between her legs and gingerly licked her clitoris, trying to emulate what his fingers had done at first. His fingers were still deep within her, and he felt her tighten around him as his tongue began to explore her tiny nub. She guided him once more, telling him to lick around her inner labia, her clitoris too sensitive to be the sole focus of his attentions. He saw as she began to play with her nipples, felt her reach for his cock. But she surprised him. Instead of stroking him as before, she moved her body round, lying flat on her back and taking one of his legs and pulling over her torso, then sliding up so her c**t was directly under his mouth. Then she put her hand behind his head, and guiding it down to her vulva. As he focused on his oral adventure between her thighs, he felt the exquisite feeling of her taking his turgid cock in her mouth; as he licked her clitoris. It was the softest and most stimulating thing either of them had ever felt. There was absolute trust in both of them as they pleasured each other, her tongue and lips winding around his cock, as hard as it had ever been. His tongue licked her whilst his arms wrapped around her ass, and his hands parted her labia, feeling her wetness combined with his saliva running down his hand, between her legs and between the cheeks of her perfectly-formed ass. She felt as he inserted his fingers once more, and he felt as her cunt began to ripple, to contract around him, her panting building to a crescendo as she took him deeper into her mouth. They were in a sort of magical rhythm where both tension and a deep calm overcame any inhibition that might have previously existed. His fingers squirmed as her spasms grew, she felt wave after wave of pleasure dominating her body. “Oh, Nigel! Oh, Nigel. You’re Amazing!” was heard by the birds in the area, but no one else. As she was in her climatic bliss, his ability to hold back got weaker and weaker. He felt as the crown of his cock felt a soft place in her mouth, the warmth of her kisses overwhelming him. He felt as his balls contracted, felt as his orgasm built, not immediately like when he touched himself, but almost in slow motion. And then it arrived. “Libby, here it comes, ah, ah!” he shouted. He exploded in her mouth, releasing a guttural, almost primal shout as he came. She felt as he pulsed between her lips, tasted his semen for the first time. “Oh, my f

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