Continuum Audio

American Academy of Neurology
Continuum Audio

Continuum Audio features conversations with the guest editors and authors of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. AAN members can earn CME for listening to interviews for review articles and completing the evaluation on the AAN’s Online Learning Center.

  1. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Nonepileptic Events With Dr. Adriana Bermeo-Ovalle

    2D AGO

    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Nonepileptic Events With Dr. Adriana Bermeo-Ovalle

    Nonepileptic events are prevalent and highly disabling, and multiple pathophysiologic mechanisms for these events have been proposed. Multidisciplinary care teams enable the efficient use of individual expertise at different treatment stages to address presentation, risk factors, and comorbidities.   In this episode, Kait Nevel, MD, speaks with Adriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle, MD, an author of the article “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Nonepileptic Events,” in the Continuum® February 2025 Epilepsy issue. Dr. Nevel is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and a neurologist and neuro-oncologist at Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Bermeo-Ovalle is a professor and vice-chair for Faculty Affairs in the Department of Neurological Sciences at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. Additional Resources Read the article: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Nonepileptic Events Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @IUneurodocmom Full episode transcript available here Dr. Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum Journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Nevel: Hello, this is Dr Kait Nevel. Today I'm interviewing Dr Adriana Bermeo about her article on a multidisciplinary approach to nonepileptic events, which she wrote with Dr Victor Petron. This article appears in the February 2025 Continuum issue on epilepsy. Welcome to the podcast, and please introduce yourself to our audience. Dr Bermeo-Ovalle: Hello Dr Neville, it's a pleasure to be here. Thank you very much for inviting me. My name is Adriana Bermeo and I'm an adult epileptologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, and I am also the codirector of the NEST clinic, which is a treatment clinic for patients with nonepileptic seizures within our level four epilepsy center. Dr Nevel: Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for being here, and I can't wait to talk to you about your article and learn a little bit about NEST, maybe, during our conversation, and how you approach things. To start us off talking about your article today, could you share with us what you think is the most important takeaway from your article for the practicing neurologist? Dr Bermeo-Ovalle: Wonderful. There's some messages that I would like people to get from working with patients with functional neurologic disorders in general. The first one is that functional neurologic disorders are very common in presentation in the neurologic clinic, almost no matter what your practice of self-specialty care is. The second is that for people who treat patients primarily with seizures or epilepsy, they account for between 5 to 10% of our patients in the clinic, but about 30% of our patients in our epilepsy monitoring unit because the seizures typically do not respond to anti-seizure medication management. Also, that in order to diagnose them, you don't need to have a neuropsychological stress already be available for the patient or the clinician. And the most important thing is that there are available treatments for these patients and that there are options that we can offer them for them to have less seizures and to be more integrated to whatever activities they want to get integrated. Dr Nevel: Wonderful. What do you think a practicing neurologist might find surprising after reading your article? Dr Bermeo-Ovalle: I think still many neurologists feel very hopeless when they see patients with these conditions. They do not have very good answers right away for the patients, which is frustrating for the neurologist. And they don't think there's too much they can do to help them other than send them somewhere else, which is very difficult for the neurologist and is crushing to the patients to see these doctors that they're hoping to find answers to and then just find that there's not much to do. But what I want neurologists to know is that we are making strides in our understanding of the condition and that there are effective treatments available. And I hope that after reading this and engaging with this conversation, they will feel curious, even hopeful when they see the next patient in the clinic. Dr Nevel: Yeah, absolutely. I find the history of nonepileptic seizures really interesting and I enjoyed that part of your article. How has our understanding of nonepileptic seizures evolved over the centuries, and how does our current understanding of nonepileptic seizures inform the terminology that we use? Dr Bermeo-Ovalle: Yeah. The way we name things and the way we offer treatment goes along to how we understand things. So, the functional seizures and epileptic seizures were understood in ancient times as possession from the spirits or the demons or the gods, and then treatments were offered to those kind of influences and that continues to happen with functional seizures. So, we go through the era when this was thought to be a women-only condition that was stemming from their reproductive organs and then treatments accordingly were presented. And later on with Charcot and then Freud, they evolved to even conversion disorders, which is one understanding the most conversion disorders, which is one of the frameworks where this condition has been treated with psychotherapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy. And in our current understanding, we understand functional neurologic disorders in general as a more like a connection, communication network disorder, between areas of the brain that modulate emotional processing and movement control. And therefore, our approach these days is much more geared towards rehabilitation. You know, I think that's the evolution of thinking in many different areas. And as we learn more, we will be acquiring more tools to help our patients. Dr Nevel: Yeah, great. Thanks so much for that answer. Just reading the historical information that you have in your article, you can imagine a lot of stigma with this diagnosis too over time, and that- I think that that's lessening. But I was wondering if you could talk about that a little bit. How do we approach that with our patients and loved ones, any stigma that they might feel or perceive from being diagnosed with nonepileptic seizures? Dr Bermeo-Ovalle: Thank you for asking that question. Stigma is actually an important problem even for people living with epilepsy. There's still a lot of misunderstanding of what epilepsy is and how it affects people, and that people living with epilepsy can live normal, healthy lives and do everything they want to do with appropriate treatment. And if a stigma is still a problem with epilepsy, it is a huge problem for patients living with functional neurologic symptoms in general, but particularly with functional seizures or nonepileptic seizures. Because the stigma in this population is even perpetuated by the very people who are supposed to help them: physicians, primary care doctors, emergency room doctors. Unfortunately, the new understanding of this condition has not gotten to everybody. And these patients are often even blamed for their symptoms and for the consequences of their symptoms and of their seizures in their family members, in their job environment, in their community. Living with that is really, really crushing, right? Even people talk about, a lot about malingering. They come back about secondary gain. I can tell you the patients I see with functional seizures gain nothing from having this condition. They lose, often, a lot. They lose employment, they lose ability to drive. They lose their agency and their ability to function normally in society. I do think that the fight- the fighting of stigma is one that we should do starting from within, starting from the healthcare community into our understanding of what these patients go through and what is causing their symptoms and what can we do to help them. So there's a lot of good work to be done. Dr Nevel: Absolutely. And it starts, like you said, with educating everybody more about nonepileptic seizures and why this happens. The neurobiology, neurophysiology of it that you outlined so nicely in your article, I'm going to encourage the listeners to look at Figure 1 and 4 for some really nice visualization of these really complex things that we're learning a lot about now. And so, if you don't mind for our listeners, kind of going over some of the neurobiology and neurophysiology of nonepileptic seizures and what we're learning about it. Dr Bermeo-Ovalle: Our understanding of the pathophysiology of functional neurologic seizure disorder is in its infancy at this point. The neurobiological processes that integrate emotional regulation and our responses to it, both to internal stimuli and to external stimuli and how they affect our ability to have control over our movement---it’s actually amazing that we as neurologists know so little about these very complex processes that the brain do, right? And for many of us this is the reason why we're in neurology, right, to be at the forefront of this understanding of our brain. So, this is in that realm. It is interesting what we have learned, but it's amazing a

    24 min
  2. MAR 12

    Surgical Treatments, Devices, and Nonmedical Management of Epilepsy With Dr. Daniel Friedman

    Many patients with epilepsy are unable to acheive optimal seizure control with medical therapy. Palliative surgical procedures, neurostimulation devices, and other nonpharmalogical treatments can lead to a meaningful reduction in seizures and improved outcomes. In this episode, Teshamae Monteith, MD FAAN, speaks with Daniel Friedman, MD, MSc, author of the article “Surgical Treatments, Devices, and Nonmedical Management of Epilepsy,” in the Continuum® February 2025 Epilepsy issue. Dr. Montieth is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and an associate editor of Continuum® Audio and an associate professor of clinical neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Florida. Dr. Friedman is a professor (clinical) of neurology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Director of NYU Langone Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at NYU Langone Health in New York, New York. Additional Resources Read the article: Surgical Treatments, Devices, and Nonmedical Management of Epilepsy Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @headacheMD Guest: @dfriedman36  Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum Journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Monteith: This is Dr Teshamae Monteith. Today, I'm interviewing Dr Daniel Friedman about his article on surgical treatments, devices, tools, and non-medication management of epilepsy, which appears in the February 2025 Continuum issue on epilepsy. Welcome to the podcast. How are you? Dr Friedman: I'm well, how are you? Dr Monteith: Thank you for your article. Dr Friedman: Thank you for the opportunity to talk today. Dr Monteith: Why don't you introduce yourself? Dr Friedman: So yeah, so I'm Dan Friedman. I am a professor of neurology here at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and I am the director of the NYU Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. I'm primarily an adult neurologist and I treat teens and adults with hard- difficult-to-treat epilepsy, including surgical treatments for epilepsy. Dr Monteith: And I know you see a lot of patients because I did my residency there. And so, when you graduate, you get a lot of it, like I think many, many residents. What inspired you to choose epilepsy as a profession? Dr Friedman: I came to neurology through my interest in neuroscience. I was a neuroscience undergraduate. I was very interested in the brain and brain function. Particularly, I was interested in how neurons communicate and organize to entrain and rhythms and that encode information. And through that interest and through my experiences in the laboratory, I actually became interested in how they do that in pathological circumstances like seizures. And so, I started reading about epilepsy, and then when I started seeing patients with epilepsy, you know, I decided this is the specialty for me for a lot of reasons. One is it combines inpatient and outpatient care. You get to establish long-term relationships with patients. For many of my patients, I'm probably the doctor that they see most often. You see people across the lifespan. And what I'm going to talk about today is for some people, you actually get to cure their disease, which at the time I was coming into neurology was something pretty rare. Dr Monteith: Yeah, that's great. Why don't you tell us, what were you thinking when you started writing the article? What did you set out to do? Dr Friedman: What I really wanted to do is to educate neurologists out there about the options that they have for their patients with epilepsy, especially those with difficult-to-treat or drug-resistant epilepsy, and give them the tools to communicate those options. Especially for them to understand the rationale, why we choose the interventions that we do as epileptologists, how to appropriately refer patients and have them be partners in that discussion with patients and families. One of the things that we have known for a long time is that the time to referral for things like epilepsy surgery is too long. You know, the average patient with drug resistant epilepsy who undergoes epilepsy surgery waits about twenty years. And for patients who could have curative therapy, you know, become seizure free, that's a lot of life years lost. If we can get patients to that potentially life-altering therapy earlier, that'd be great. Dr Monteith: Yeah, that is really impactful as you think about it. So why don't you tell us what the essential points of your article? Dr Friedman: The central point of my article is really that when patients have drug-resistant epilepsy, which means that our available anti-seizure medicines are not controlling their seizures to the degree that they need, there are other treatment options. Some of those are what we call curative, which means that they could stop their seizures entirely; and some of them are palliative, they could reduce the frequency or severity of seizures and improve quality of life and other outcomes. The other thing that I wanted to highlight was, in addition to these types of therapies, there are other tools we have at our disposal that can improve the quality of life and safety of our patients with epilepsy, including devices for seizure monitoring. Dr Monteith: And how do you define drug-resistant epilepsy? I feel like that could be a moving target. Dr Friedman: The International League Against Epilepsy actually set out to define it about a decade ago, and they defined it as patients who fail at least two appropriately selected anti-seizure medicines due to lack of efficacy. Then they're still having ongoing seizures. What does that mean? So, that means that the medicine that was chosen was appropriate for the type of seizures that they have, whether it's focal or generalized, and that it didn't work because of a lack of efficacy and not because of side effects. And we know from multiple studies that once patients fail two medications, the likelihood that the third, fourth, fifth, etcetera, medicine will control their seizures becomes smaller and smaller. It's not impossible, but the rates fall below five percent. And so we call those patients drug-resistant. Dr Monteith: So, it sounds like despite newer therapies, really things haven't changed in ten years. Dr Friedman: Yeah, unfortunately, at least when the concept was first investigated back in 2000 by Quan and Brody, they found that a third of patients were drug-resistant. When they went back in the mid-2010s to relook at these patients, despite the introduction of many new medications, the rate of patients who were drug-resistant was essentially unchanged. There may be therapies that are emerging or in development that may have better odds, but right now we don't really understand what makes people drug resistant and how we can target that. Dr Monteith: But you do raise a good point that this is about efficacy and not tolerability. And at least for some of the newer medications, they're better tolerated. If you stop the medicine because you had some side effect, that might change how that person has classified better-tolerated treatments. Dr Friedman: It's true. And better-tolerated treatments, you can potentially use higher doses. One of the things that is not in the definition of drug-resistant epilepsy, but as a practicing neurologist, we all know, is that the patients have to take the medicine for it to be effective. And unfortunately, they have to take it every day. And if the medicine makes them feel bad, they may choose not to take it, present to you as drug-resistant, when in reality they may be drug-sensitive if you got them on medicine that doesn't make them feel bad. Dr Monteith: So why don't we talk about patients that are ideal candidates for epilepsy surgery? Dr Friedman: The ideal candidates for epilepsy surgery… and I'll start by talking about curative epilepsy surgery, where the goal of the surgery is to make patients seizure-free. The best candidates are patients who have lesional epilepsy, meaning that there is a visible MRI abnormality like a focal cortical dysplasia, hippocampus sclerosis, cavernoma in a part of the brain that is safe to resect, non-eloquent, and where you can safely perform a wide margin of resection around that lesion. It helps if they have few or no generalized tonic-clonic seizures and a shorter duration of epilepsy. So the ideal patient, the patient that if they came to my office, I would say you should get surgery right now, are patients with non-dominant temporal lobe epilepsy of a few years’ duration. So as soon as they've shown that they're not responding to two medicines, those are the ideal patients to say, you would have the most benefit and the least risk from epilepsy surgery. We know from studies that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy do a little better with surgery. We know patients who have a visible lesion on MRI do better with epilepsy surgery. We know that patients who have infrequent secondarily generalized seizures do better. But all patients with drug-resistant epilepsy should be considered for some form of surgery because even if they're not

    24 min
  3. First Seizures, Acute Repetitive Seizures, and Status Epilepticus With Dr. David Vossler

    MAR 5

    First Seizures, Acute Repetitive Seizures, and Status Epilepticus With Dr. David Vossler

    Emergency treatment may be necessary after a person's first seizure or at the onset of abnormal acute repetitive (cluster) seizures; it is required for status epilepticus. Treatment for these emergencies is dictated by myriad clinical factors and informed by published guidance as well as emerging research.   In this episode, Lyell K. Jones, MD, FAAN, speaks with David G. Vossler, MD, FAAN, FACNS, FAES, author of the article “First Seizures, Acute Repetitive Seizures, and Status Epilepticus,” in the Continuum® February 2025 Epilepsy issue. Dr. Jones is the editor-in-chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology® and is a professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Vossler a clinical professor of neurology at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, Washington. Additional Resources Read the article: First Seizures, Acute Repetitive Seizures, and Status Epilepticus Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @LyellJ  Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology. Today, I'm interviewing Dr Dave Vossler, who has recently authored an article on emergent seizure management, taking care of patients with the first seizure, acute repetitive seizures, and status epilepticus, which is an article in our latest issue of Continuum covering all topics related to epilepsy. Dr Vossler is a neurologist at the University of Washington, where he's a clinical professor of neurology and has an active clinical and research practice in epileptology. Dr Vossler, welcome. Thank you for joining us today. Why don't you introduce yourself to our listeners? Dr Vossler: Thank you very much for the introduction, Lyell. It's a pleasure to speak with you on this podcast, and I hope to go over a lot of important new information in the management of seizure emergencies. As you said, I'm a clinical professor in neurology at University of Washington, been in medicine for many decades now and have published and done research in this area. So, I'm anxious to give you not only my academic experience, but also talk about my own management of patients with status epilepticus over the last four decades. Dr Jones: Yeah, that's fantastic. And I always appreciate hearing from experienced clinicians, and I think our readers and our listeners do appreciate that voice of clinical expertise. And I'll tell you this is a topic, you know, as a neurologist who doesn't see many patients with acute seizure emergencies in my own practice, I think this is a topic that gives many clinicians, including neurologists, some anxiety. Your article, Dr Vossler, is really chock-full of helpful and clinically relevant considerations in the acute management of seizures. So, you now have the full attention of a huge audience of mostly neurologists. What's the one most important practice change that you would like to see in the care of patients with either first or acute prolonged seizures? Dr Vossler: Without a doubt, the most important clinical takeaway with regard to the status epilepticus---and for status epilepticus, many, many clinical trials, research trials have been done over the last couple decades and they all consistently show the same thing, that by and large most patients who have status epilepticus are underdosed and undertreated and treated too slowly in the initial stages of the status epilepticus. And it's important to use full bolus dosages of benzodiazepines to prevent mortality, morbidity, and later disability of these patients. To prevent the respiratory depression, many physicians are afraid to use higher doses of benzodiazepines, even guideline-recommended doses of benzodiazepines for fear of respiratory depression. But it's actually counterintuitive. It turns out that most cases of respiratory depression are due to inadequate doses and due to the status epilepticus itself. We know there's greater mortality, we know there's greater morbidity and we know that there's greater need for higher dose, subsequent, anti-seizure medications, prolonged status, if we don't use the proper doses. So, we'll kind of go over that a little bit, but that is the one clinical takeaway that I really would like our listeners to have. Dr Jones: Let's follow that thread a little bit. Dave, I know obviously we will speak in hypotheticals here. We're not going to talk about actual patients, but I think we've all been in the clinical situation where you have a patient who comes into the emergency room usually who's actively seizing, unknown history, don't know much about the patient, don't know much about the circumstances of the onset of the seizure. But we now have a patient with prolonged convulsive seizures. How do we walk through that? What are the first steps in the management of that patient? Dr Vossler: Yeah, well, I'll try to be brief for the purposes of the podcast. We do, of course, go through all of that in detail in the Continuum article, which hopefully everybody will look at very carefully. Really in the first table, the very first table of the article, I go through the recommended guideline for the American Epilepsy Society on the management of what we call established status epilepticus. The scenario you're talking about is just exactly that: established status epilepticus. It's not sort of evolving or developing status. We're okay they're having a few seizures and we're kind of getting there. No, this patient is now having evidence of convulsive seizure activity and it's continuing or it's repeated seizures without recovery. And so, the first phase is definitely a benzodiazepine and then the second phase is then a longer-acting bolus of a drug like phosphenotoine, valproic acid or levetiracetam. I could get into the details about dosing of the benzodiazepines, but maybe I'll let you guide me on whether we wanted to get into that kind of detail right at the outset. It's going to be a little bit different. For children, its weight-based dosing, but for adults, whether you use lorazepam or you use diazepam or you use midazolam, the doses are a little bit different. But they are standardized, and gets back to this point that I made earlier, we're acting too slow. We're not getting these patients quick enough, for various reasons, and the doses that are most commonly used are below what the guidelines call for. Dr Jones: That's great to know, and I think it's fine for the details to refer our listeners to the article because there are great details in there about a step-by-step approach to the established status epilepticus. The nomenclature and the definitions have evolved, haven't they, Dr Vossler, over time? Refractory status epilepticus, new-onset refractory status epilepticus, super refractory status epilepticus. Tell us about those entities, how they're distinguished and how you approach those. Dr Vossler: That's an important thing to kind of go over. They- in 2015, the International League Against Epilepsy, ILAE, which is, again, our international organization that guides our understanding of all kinds of things epileptic in nature around the world. In 2015 they put out a definition of status epilepticus, but it used to be that patients had thirty minutes of continuous seizure activity or repetitive obvious motor seizures with impairment of awareness and they don't recover impairment between these seizures. And that goes on for thirty minutes. That was the old definition of status epilepticus. Now, the operational definition is five minutes. And I think that's key to understand that, after five minutes of this kind of overt seizure activity, you need to intervene. And that's what's called T1 in the 2015 guideline, the international guideline. There are a bunch of different axes in the classification of status that talk about semiology, etiology, EEG patterns, and what age group you're talking about. We won't really get into those in the Continuum article because that's really more detailed than a clinician really should be. Needing to think about the stages, what we call the stages of status epilepticus that you mentioned and I alluded to earlier are important. And that is sort of new nomenclature, and I think probably general neurologists and most emergency room physicians aren't familiar with those. So, it just briefly goes through those. Developing status epilepticus is where you're starting- the patient’s starting to have more frequent seizures, and it's heading essentially in the wrong direction, if you will. Established status epilepticus, as I mentioned, is, you know, this seizure act, convulsive or major, major outward overt seizure activity lasting five minutes or more, at which time therapy needs to begin. Again, getting back to my point, what doesn't happen often enough is we're not- we're intervening too late. Third is refractory status epilepticus, which refers to status epilepticus which continues despite adequate doses of an initia

    20 min
  4. Epilepsy Genetics With Dr. Sudha Kessler

    FEB 26

    Epilepsy Genetics With Dr. Sudha Kessler

    Genetic testing plays a key role in the evaluation of epilepsy patients. With the expanding number of choices for genetic tests and the complexity of interpretation of results, genetic literacy and knowledge of the most common genetic epilepsies are important for high-quality clinical practice. In this episode, Gordon Smith, MD, FAAN speaks Sudha Kilaru Kessler, MD, MSCE, author of the article “Epilepsy Genetics,” in the Continuum February 2025 Epilepsy issue. Dr. Smith is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and a professor and chair of neurology at Kenneth and Dianne Wright Distinguished Chair in Clinical and Translational Research at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Kessler is an associate professor of neurology and pediatrics at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Read the article: Epilepsy Genetics Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the Academy of Neurology: SOCIAL MEDIA @ContinuumAAN  Host: @gordonsmithMD Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Smith: Hello, this is Dr Gordon Smith. Today I've got the great pleasure of interviewing Dr Sudha Kessler about her article on epilepsy genetics, which appears in the February 2025 Continuum issue on epilepsy. Sudha, welcome to the podcast and please introduce yourself to our audience. Dr Kessler: Oh, thank you so much. I'm Sudha Kessler. I am a pediatric epileptologist here at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr Smith: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Are you a geneticist too, or how did you get into this particular topic? Dr Kessler: Yes, I want to emphatically say that I am not a geneticist. I'm not an expert in epilepsy genetics at all. I take care of all sorts of patients with epilepsy. I actually do mostly epilepsy surgery-related care. But this part of epilepsy is, every year, increasingly important to our everyday practice. And I think it's fascinating, often a little daunting. I think I was asked to get involved with this article as a non-expert to help translate from the experts to the rest of us. Dr Smith: We're going to get there, because one of the things you do a really good job of in the article is talking about genetic concepts that are germane to everything we do. And I think you're an expert. You do it in a way that I understood. So, I'd like to get there, but- and this is a really hot area. For instance, I really loved your figure that shows the arc of discovery of genetic causes for epilepsy. It's really breathtaking, something we wouldn't have thought possible that long ago. And it's also a lot to digest. And so, I wonder if maybe we can begin by thinking about a framework and, for instance, you talk about these different groups of disorders. And one that seems to be particularly impacted by this unbelievable A-rated discovery. Our developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, or DEEs. What can you tell our listeners about that group of disorders? Dr Kessler: Sure. I think that, you know, most of what we think about in epilepsy genetics now has to do with disorders that are attributable to changes in a single gene. Genetics is obviously much more complicated than that, but that's still where we are in the stage of discovery. And the graph in the article is definitely one to take a look at because it represents the explosion that we've had in our understanding of single gene disorders leading to epilepsy and related manifestations. The DEEs are a group of disorders where any individual disorder is fairly rare, but as a group they are not that rare, and very impactful because they often cause epilepsy at a very young age. And either as a consequence of seizures or as a consequence of the underlying pathophysiology of that gene change, they are typically associated with really significant developmental impairments for a child 's entire life. Dr Smith: My understanding is that there's therapeutic development going on in this space. So, the early recognition of these genetic testing offers the promise of very impactful treatment---like we now do for SMA, for instance---early in the disease course. Dr Kessler: I think that's right. That's one of the most exciting parts of this field is that so much, just around the corner, for drug development, therapy development in this area. And as you can imagine, with a lot of these disorders, earlier intervention is likely to be much more impactful than later intervention when a lot of the developmental consequences are sort of… you know, when the cat 's already out of the bag, so to speak. Dr Smith: Yeah. So, this is really transformational and something that everyone who takes care of kids with epilepsy needs to know about, it seems. So on the other extreme, I guess, there are the self-limited epilepsies. I didn't really know about this in terms of genetic discovery, but can you talk about those disorders? Dr Kessler: Yeah, sure. I mean, I think some of these are the classic childhood epilepsy syndromes that we think about like childhood absence epilepsy or what we used to call benign romantic epilepsy and now call self-limited epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes. It's a mouthful, shortened to SeLECTS. Those are the epilepsies that occur typically in previously healthy children, that affects them for a few years and often remits so that epilepsy is just age-limited and doesn't continue for life. They clearly have genetic influences because they tend to run in families, but the genetics of them is not generally single gene associated. And so, we haven't actually explained why most of those kids actually get epilepsy. I think that'll be sort of another interesting area of discovery that will help us even understand some really fundamental things about epilepsy, like, why does this syndrome start at this age and tend to resolve by adolescence? Dr Smith: And the other thing I found interesting is disorders that I might have thought going into it would have a defined genetic cause or some of the disorders that there are not. So JME, for instance, or childhood absence, which is a little counterintuitive. Dr Kessler: It's completely counterintuitive. We call them genetic generalized epilepsies, and we know that they run in families, but we still know so little. I would say of all of the disorders that are mentioned in this article, that is the group where I think we have explained the genetic underpinnings the least well. Dr Smith: Yeah. Isn't that interesting? It's… wasn't it Yogi Berra who said, it's hard to predict things, particularly the future? So… Dr Kessler: Yes. Dr Smith: Who would have thought? So, we’ve talked a lot about kids. What about adults? You know, what role does genetic testing play in adults who have unexplained epilepsy? Dr Kessler: Yeah, I think that that is also a really important emerging area of knowledge. I think many epileptologists may think of genetic epilepsy as being solely pediatric. There are definitely not how many of these disorders can manifest for the first time in adulthood. Not only that, many of our children with childhood onset epilepsy that is due to a genetic problem grow up to become adults and will then need adult epilepsy care. In order to take care of both of those groups, it's really important for all epileptologists, including those that take care of adults, to have some knowledge of the potential impact of genetic testing. And how do you even approach thinking about it? Dr Smith: The message I guess I'm getting is if our listeners take care of patients with epilepsy, no matter how old those patients are, they need to be familiar with this. And the other message I'm getting is, it sounds like there are a lot of patients who really need genetic testing. And this came through in one aspect of your article that I found really interesting, right? So, what are the recommendations on genetic testing? So, the National Society of Genetic Counselors, as I understand it, said everyone needs genetic testing, right? Which I mean, they're genetic counselors, so. Which is great. In the International League Against Epilepsy, they recommended a more targeted approach. So, what's your recommendation? Should we be testing anyone with unexplained epilepsy, or should we be focusing on particular populations? Dr Kessler: Well, I guess I think about it as a gradation. There are certain populations that really deserve genetic testing, where it is going to be absolutely critical. You know, it's very likely that it will be critical knowledge to their care. If you diagnose somebody with epilepsy and you do imaging and that imaging does not reveal an answer, meaning you don't see a tumor or you don't see an old stroke or some other sort of acquired lesion, the next pillar of testing for understanding underlying etiology is genetic testing. That is the point at which I typically send my patients, and that's whether they're refractory or not. I think in the past so

    23 min
  5. Neuroimaging in Epilepsy With Dr. Christopher Skidmore

    FEB 19

    Neuroimaging in Epilepsy With Dr. Christopher Skidmore

    Neuroimaging is a tool to classify and ascertain the etiology of epilepsy in people with first or recurrent unprovoked seizures. In addition, imaging may help predict the response to treatment. To maximize diagnostic power, it is essential to order the correct imaging sequences. In this episode, Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD, FAAN speaks with Christopher T. Skidmore, MD, author of the article “Neuroimaging in Epilepsy,” in the Continuum February 2025 Epilepsy issue. Dr. Berkowitz is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and professor of clinical neurology at the University of California, San Francisco Dr. Skidmore is  an associate professor of neurology and vice-chair for clinical affairs at Thomas Jefferson University, Department of Neurology in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Additional Resources Read the article: Neuroimaging in Epilepsy Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @AaronLBerkowitz Guest: @ctskidmore  Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Berkowitz: This is Dr Aaron Berkowitz, and today I'm interviewing Dr Christopher Skidmore about his article on neuroimaging in epilepsy, which appears in the February 2025 Continuum issue on epilepsy. Welcome to the podcast, Dr Skidmore. Would you please introduce yourself to our audience?  Dr Skidmore: Thank you for having me today. I'm happy to talk to you, Dr Berkowitz. My name is Christopher Skidmore. I'm an associate professor of neurology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. I'm a member of the Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center and also serve as the vice chair of clinical affairs for the department.  Dr Berkowitz: Thank you very much for joining us and for this fantastic article. It's very comprehensive, detailed, a very helpful review of the various types of brain pathology that can lead to epilepsy with very helpful images and descriptions of some of the more common findings like mesial temporal sclerosis and some of the less common ones such as cortical malformations, heterotopia, ganglioglioma, DNET. So, I encourage all of our listeners to read your article and take a close look at those images. So, hopefully you can recognize some of these findings on patients’ neuroimaging studies, or if you're studying for the right or the boards, you can recognize some of these less common congenital malformations that can present in childhood or adulthood with epilepsy. In our interview today, what I'd like to do is focus on some practical tips to approaching, ordering, and reviewing different neuroimaging studies in patients with epilepsy. So to start, what's your approach when you're reviewing an MRI for a patient with a first seizure or epilepsy? What sequence do you begin with and why, how do you proceed through the different sequences and planes? What exactly are you looking for?  Dr Skidmore: It's an important question. And I think to even take a step back, I think it's really important, when we're ordering the MRI, we really need to be specific and make sure that we're mentioning the words seizures and epilepsy because many radiology centers and many medical centers have different imaging protocols for seizure and epilepsy patients as compared to, like, a stroke patient or a brain tumor patient. I think first off, we really need to make sure that's in the order, so that way the radiologist can properly protocol it. Once I get an image, though, I treat an MRI just like I would a CAT scan approach with any patient, which is to always approach it in the same fashion. So, top down, if I'm looking at an axial image. If I'm looking at a coronal image, I might start at the front of the head and go to the back of the head. And I think taking that very organized approach and looking at the whole brain in total first and looking across the flare image, a T2-weighted image and a T1-weighted image in those different planes, I think it's important to look for as many lesions as you can find. And then using your clinical history. I mean, that's the value of being a neurologist, is that we have the clinical history, we have the neurological exam, we have the history of the seizure semiology that can might tell us, hey, this might be a temporal lobe seizure or hey, I'm thinking about a frontal lobe abnormality. And then that's the advantage that we often have over the radiologist that we can then take that history, that exam, and apply it to the imaging study that we're looking at and then really focus in on those areas. But I think it's important, and as I've illustrated in a few of the cases in the chapter, is that don't just focus on that one spot. You really still need to look at the whole brain to see if there's any other abnormalities as well. Dr Berkowitz: Great, that's a very helpful approach. Lots of pearls there for how to look at the imaging in different planes with different sequences, comparing different structures to each other. Correspondent reminder, listeners, to look at your paper. That's certainly a case where a picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it, where we can describe these. But looking at some of the examples in your paper, I think, will be very helpful as well. So, you mentioned mentioning to the neuroradiologist that we're looking for a cause of seizures or epilepsy and epilepsy protocols or MRI. What is sort of the nature of those protocols if there's not a quote unquote “ready-made” one at someone 's center in their practice or in their local MRI center? What types of things can be communicated to the radiologist as far as particular sequences or types of images that are helpful in this scenario? Dr Skidmore: I spent a fair amount of time in the article going over the specific MRI protocol that was designed by the International League Against Epilepsy. But what I look for in an epilepsy protocol is a high-resolution T2 coronal, a T2 flare weighted image that really traverses the entire temporal lobe from the temporal tip all the way back to the most posterior aspects of the temporal lobe, kind of extending into the occipital lobe a little bit. I also want to see a high resolution. In our center, it's usually a T1 coronal image that images the entire brain with a very, very thin slice, and usually around two millimeters with no gaps. As many of our neurology colleagues are aware, when you get a standard MRI of the brain for a stroke or a brain tumor, you're going to have a relatively thick slice, anywhere from five to eight millimeters, and you're actually typically going to have a gap that's about comparable, five to eight millimeters. That works well for large lesions, strokes, and big brain tumors, but for some of the tiny lesions that we're talking about that can cause intractable epilepsy, you can have a focal cortical dysplasia that's literally eight- under eight millimeters in size. And so, making sure you have that nice T1-weighted image, very thin slices with no gaps, I think is critical to make sure we don't miss these more subtle abnormalities. Dr Berkowitz: Some of the entities you describe in your paper may be subtle and more familiar to pediatric neurologists or specialized pediatric neuroradiologists. It may be more challenging for adult neurologists and adult neuradiologists to recognize, such as some of the various congenital brain malformations that you mentioned. What's your approach to looking for these? Which sequences do you focus on, which planes? How do you use the patient 's clinical history and EEG findings to guide your review of the imaging? Dr Skidmore: It's very important, and the reason we're always looking for a lesion---especially in patients that we're thinking about epilepsy surgery---is because we know if there is a lesion, it increases the likelihood that epilepsy surgery is going to be successful. The approach is basically, as I mentioned a little bit before, is take all the information you have available to you. Is the seizure semiology, is it a hyper motor semiology or hyperkinetic semiology suggestive of frontal lobe epilepsy? Or is it a classic abdominal rising aura with automatisms, whether they be manual or oral automatisms, suggesting mesial temporal lobe epilepsy? And so, take that clinical history that you have to help start to hone your eye into those individual locations. But then, once you're kind of looking in these nonlesional cases, you're also then looking at the EEG and where their temporal lobe spikes, where their frontal lobe spikes, you know, using that and pulling that information in. If they saw a neuropsychologist pulling in the information in from the neuropsychological evaluation; if they have severe reductions in verbal memory, you know, focusing on the dominant temporal lobe. So, in a right-handed individual, typically the left temporal lobe. And kind of then really spending a lot of time going slice at a time, very slowly, because in some of these vocal-cortical dysplasias it can be just the blurring of the gray-white margin. What I find easiest is to identify that gray-white margin

    19 min
  6. EEG in Epilepsy With Dr. Daniel Weber

    FEB 12

    EEG in Epilepsy With Dr. Daniel Weber

    EEG is the single most useful ancillary test to support the clinical diagnosis of epilepsy, but if used incorrectly it can lead to misdiagnosis and long-term mental and physical health sequelae. Its application requires proper understanding of its limitations and variability of testing results. In this episode, Katie Grouse, MD, FAAN, speaks with Daniel Weber, DO, author of the article “EEG in Epilepsy,” in the Continuum® February 2025 Epilepsy issue. Dr. Grouse is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and a clinical assistant professor at the University of California San Francisco in San Francisco, California. Dr. Weber is the director of adult epilepsy and vice chair of clinical affairs at the St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. Additional Resources Read the article: EEG in Epilepsy Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Guest: @drdanielweber Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Grouse: This is Dr Katie Grouse. Today, I'm interviewing Dr Daniel Weber about his article on EEG and epilepsy, which appears in the February 2025 Continuum issue on epilepsy. Welcome to the podcast and please introduce yourself to our audience. Dr Weber: Hi, thanks for having me. My name is Dan Weber and I'm an epileptologist at Saint Louis University. I direct the adult epilepsy program here and also serve as the vice chair for Clinical Affairs. Been my pleasure to work on this article. Dr Grouse: I'm so happy to have you today. I read your article. I found it to be incredibly useful as someone who often orders EEG in the general neurology clinic. So, I wanted to start with asking, what is the most clinically relevant message or takeaway from your article that you'd really like neurologists to know?  Dr Weber: Yes, when I was asked to write this article, I looked back at the previous Continuum on epilepsy and just the general literature. And there's a lot of good articles and books out there on EEG and epilepsy and sort of giving you a primer on what you might see and how to interpret it. So, we wanted to try to go a slightly different direction. This article gives you some of that gives you the background of EEG and some of the basic things that you may see, but the real thrust of it is more about the limitations of EEG in the clinical picture of epilepsy and common things you might avoid. There are some things that we get hammered into our brains in training that aren't always true and there's plenty of examples in the literature to review, and this article sort of tries to encapsulate as many of those as possible in a digestible format. The main takeaway would be that EEG is an extremely helpful tool in the diagnosis of epilepsy, is the best tool we have to help supplement your clinical acumen. But it does not make the diagnosis of epilepsy. And there are certain circumstances when it may not be as helpful as you may have been led to believe in residency. Dr Grouse: Maybe not the most comforting of messages, but certainly an important one, very important to learn more about this. So, we appreciate that. Can you tell us your decision-making process when deciding whether to order a routine EEG, an extended EEG, prolonged ambulatory EEG, or inpatient video EEG? Dr Weber: Sure. So, it's a multi-part question because each one, I think, has a different clinical scenario. In the current state, our best data for estimating risk of recurrence after an initial seizure comes with routine EEG abnormalities. So, often I will order routine EEGs in those scenarios. So new patient presentation, new patients coming in with an initial seizure who want to know what's their risk of recurrence. So, risk stratification, I use a lot of routine EEG for, often sleep deprived if possible to increase the sensitivity. If you'd like, the extended EEG does offer higher sensitivity, or you can repeat the routine EEG if the first routine EEG is nonconclusive. For generally extended EEGs, I tend to order them in my practice if patients have come to see me with a suspected diagnosis of epilepsy but haven't yet had any electrographic confirmation. Maybe they've already had routine EEGs done in the past, so we'll try to obtain just a little more data. The longer-term EEGs I tend to use in different clinical scenarios, in patients usually who already have established diagnosis or people who have become refractory and we haven't yet confirmed their diagnosis. I tend to do inpatient EEGs in those situations. Ambulatory EEGs I do more when there are certain characteristics of the patient or the patient 's presentation that may not fit well on the inpatient side. Patients who are reliant on substances who can't use while they're inpatient and may have withdrawal effects complicating the stay. Or people who have a strong activation component to their epilepsy where activity really draws it out, certain activities that they do at home that they might not do during the inpatient stay. Those are the sorts of people I'll do ambulatory EEGs on. There are a couple other scenarios as well that come up less commonly, but everything has its own little niche. Dr Grouse: That's a really helpful review as we sort of think about which way we want to go as we're working up our patients in the inventory setting. Can you tell me a little more about the difference between sensitivity of, for instance, doing maybe two routine EEGS versus prolonged ambulatory EEG? Dr Weber: Generally speaking, the longer you're recording someone's brain waves, the higher the sensitivity is going to be. So routine EEG is twenty to forty minutes at most places. One of those gives you a certain sensitivity. More of them will give you more sensitivity. And there was a recent study highlighted in the article that compared routine EEGs to initial multi-day ambulatory EEG, and the ambulatory EEG obviously, as would be expected, has a higher sensitivity than either of the routines. So, there may be some cases with that initial evaluation where an ambulatory EEG may be held and we get into that in more detail in the article. But with the caveat, a lot of this article is about limitations, and the data that we have to talk about increased risk of recurrence was based off seeing epileptic form discharges on routine EEG. So you could hypothesize that if you only have one epileptic form discharge in three days on an ambulatory EEG, that may not carry the same recurrent significance as catching one on a twenty minute EEG. But we don't have that knowledge. Dr Grouse: Getting a little bit more into what you mentioned about the limitations, when is the scalp EEG less useful or limited in the evaluation of epilepsy? Dr Weber: So, one thing I see a lot in my residence at here and other places where I've worked is, I get them very excited about EEG and they may order it a bit too much. So, if patients have a known, established diagnosis of epilepsy, electrographically confirmed, and they come in with a breakthrough seizure and they're back to their baseline, there's really not a strong reason to get an EEG. We often seem to in the emergency department as part of our evaluation, but we already know what happened to the patient. The patient's not doing poorly right now, so the EEG is not going to give you any additional information. Just like really any test, you should think, what are the possible outcomes of this test and how would those outcomes alter the care of this patient? And if no outcome is going to affect the care of the patient or give you any additional diagnostic information, then probably don't need to be doing that test. Dr Grouse: This is probably a good segue into asking, what is an area of confusion or common pitfalls that you've seen in the clinical application of EEG and epilepsy? Dr Weber: So, a lot of times on the inpatient service, we'll get longer-term EEGs for patients who are having spells that are occurrent while they're in the ICU or other places or altered in some way, encephalopathic. And these patients will have their spell, and in my report, I'll say that there is not any electrographic correlate. So, there's no EEG finding that goes along with the movement that they're doing that's concerning for a seizure. And that doesn't always mean that it's not an epileptic seizure. An EEG is not a one-hundred-percent tool. Epilepsy and seizures are a clinical diagnosis. The EEG is a helpful tool to guide that diagnosis, but it is not foolproof, so you need to take the whole clinical picture into account. Particularly focal seizures without impaired awareness often can be electrographically silent on surface EEG. If you see something that looks clinically like a seizure but doesn't show up on the EEG, there are circumstances that they get to in the paper a little bit where that can still be an epileptic seizure. And you just have to be aware of the limitations of the tests that you're ordering and always fall back on the clinical skills that you've learned. Dr Grouse: Are there any tips or tricks you can suggest to improve

    18 min
  7. Classification and Diagnosis of Epilepsy With Dr. Roohi Katyal

    FEB 5

    Classification and Diagnosis of Epilepsy With Dr. Roohi Katyal

    Epilepsy classification systems have evolved over the years, with improved categorization of seizure types and adoption of more widely accepted terminologies. A systematic approach to the classification of seizures and epilepsy is essential for the selection of appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment strategies. In this episode, Aaron Berkowitz, MD, FAAN, speaks with Roohi Katyal, MD, author of the article “Classification and Diagnosis of Epilepsy,” in the Continuum February 2025 Epilepsy issue. Dr. Berkowitz is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and a clinical professor of neurology at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Katyal is an assistant professor of neurology and codirector of adult epilepsy at Louisiana State University Health Shreveport in Shreveport, Louisiana. Additional Resources Read the article: Classification and Diagnosis of Epilepsy Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @AaronLBerkowitz Guest: @RoohiKatyal Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum Journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Berkowitz: This is Dr Aaron Berkowitz, and today I'm interviewing Dr Roohi Katyal about her article on classification and diagnosis of epilepsy, which appears in the February 2025 Continuum issue on epilepsy. Welcome to the podcast, Dr Katyal, and could you please introduce yourself to our audience? Dr Katyal: Thank you for having me. I'm very excited to be here. I'm Dr Roohi Katyal. I currently work as Assistant Professor of Neurology at LSU Health Shreveport. Here I also direct our adult epilepsy division at LSU Health along with my colleague, Dr Hotait.  Dr Berkowitz: Fantastic. Well, happy to have you here. Your article is comprehensive, it's practical, and it focused on explaining the most recent International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification of epilepsy and importantly, how to apply it to provide patients with a precise diagnosis of epilepsy and the particular subtype of epilepsy to guide the patient's treatment. There are so many helpful tables and figures that demonstrate all of the concepts and how to apply them at the bedside. So, I encourage our listeners to have a look at your article, even consider maybe screenshotting some of these helpful tables onto their phone or printing them out for handy reference at the bedside and when teaching residents. Your article begins with the current definition of epilepsy. So, I want to ask you about that definition and make sure we're on the same page and understand what it is and what it means, and then talk through a sort of hypothetical patient scenario with you to see how we might apply these in clinical practice. You talked about, in your article, how the new definition of epilepsy from the ILAE allows for the diagnosis of epilepsy in three different scenarios. So, could you tell us what these scenarios are? Dr Katyal: So, epilepsy in general is a chronic condition where there is a recurrent predisposition to having seizures. As you mentioned, epilepsy can be diagnosed in one of three situations. One situation would be where an individual has had two or more unprovoked seizures separated by more than 24 hours. The second situation would be where somebody has had one unprovoked seizure and their risk of having recurrent seizures is high. And the third situation would be where somebody had---where the clinical features could be diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome. An example of that would be a young child presenting with absence seizures and their EEG showing 3 Hz characteristic generalized spike in with discharges. So that child could be diagnosed with childhood absence epilepsy.  Dr Berkowitz: Perfect. Okay, so we have these three scenarios, and in two of those scenarios, we heard the word unprovoked. Just to make sure everyone's on the same page, let's unpack this word “unprovoked” a little bit. What does it mean for a seizure to be unprovoked versus provoked?  Dr Katyal: So unprovoked would be where we don't have any underlying provoking features. So underlying provoking features are usually reversible causes of epilepsy. These would be underlying electrolyte abnormality, such as hyperglycemia being a common one which can be reversed. And these individuals usually do not need long-term treatment with anti-seizure medications. Dr Berkowitz: Fantastic. Tell me if I have this right, but when I'm teaching residents, I… did it provoked and unprovoked---there's a little confusing, right? Because we use those terms differently in common language than in this context. But a provoked seizure, the provoking factor has to be two things: acute and reversible. Because some people might say, well, the patient has a brain tumor. Didn't the brain tumor provoke the seizure? The brain tumor isn't acute and the brain tumor isn't reversible, so it would be an unprovoked seizure. I always found that confusing when I was learning it, so I try to remind learners I work with that provoked means acute and reversible, and unprovoked means it's not acute and not reversible. Do I have that right? Am I teaching that correctly? Dr Katyal: That's correct. Dr Berkowitz: Great. And then the other important point here. So, I think we were all familiar prior to this new guideline in 2017 that two unprovoked seizures more than twenty-four hours apart, that's epilepsy. That's pretty straightforward. But now, just like we can diagnose MS at the time of the first clinical attack with the right criteria predicting that patient is likely to have relapse, we can say the patient’s had a single seizure and already at that time we think they have epilepsy if we think there's a high risk of recurrence, greater than or equal to sixty percent in this guideline, or an epilepsy syndrome. You told us what an epilepsy syndrome is; many of these are pediatric syndromes that we've studied for our boards. What hertz, spike, and wave goes with each one or what types of seizures. But what about this new idea that a person can have epilepsy after a single unprovoked seizure if the recurrence rate is greater than sixty percent? How would we know that the recurrence rate is going to be greater than sixty percent? Dr Katyal: Absolutely. So, the recurrence rate over sixty percent is projected to be over a ten year period. So, more than sixty percent frequency rate in the next ten years. And in general, we usually assess that with a comprehensive analysis and test. So, one part of the comprehensive analysis would be, a very important part would be a careful history taking from the patient. So, a careful history should usually include all the features leading up to the episodes of all the prodromal symptoms and warning signs. And ideally you also want to get an account from a witness who saw the episode as to what the episode itself looked like. And in terms of risk assessment and comprehensive analysis, this should be further supplemented with tests such as EEG, which is really a supportive test, as well as neuroimaging. If you have an individual with a prior history of, let's say, left hemispheric ischemic stroke and now they're presenting with new onset focal aware seizures with right arm clonic activity, this would be a good example to state that their risk of having future seizures is going to be high. Dr Berkowitz: Perfect. Yeah. So, if someone has a single seizure and has a lesion, as you said, most common in high-income countries would be a prior stroke or prior cerebrovascular event, prior head trauma, then we can presume that the risk is going to be high enough that we could call that epilepsy after the first unprovoked seizure. What if it's the first unprovoked seizure and the imaging is unremarkable? There's no explanatory lesion. How would we get to a diagnosis of epilepsy? How would we get to a risk of greater than sixty percent in a nonlesional unprovoked seizure? I should say, no lesion we can see on MRI. Dr Katyal: You know, in those situations an EEG can be very helpful. An EEG may not always show abnormalities, but when it does show abnormalities, it can help us distinguish between focal and generalized epilepsy types, it can help us make the diagnosis of epilepsy in certain cases, and it can also help us diagnose epilepsy syndromes in certain cases.  Dr Berkowitz: Perfect. The teaching I remember from a resident that I'm passing on to my residents, so please let me know if it's correct, is that a routine EEG, a 20-minute EEG after a single unprovoked seizure, this sensitivity is not great, is that right? Around fifty percent is what I was told with a single EEG, is that right? Dr Katyal: Yeah, the sensitivity is not that great. Again, you know, it may not show abnormality in all the situations. It's truly just helpful when we do see abnormalities. And that's what I always tell my patients as well when I see them in clinic. It may be abnormal or it may be normal. But if it does show up normal, that does not rule out the diagnosis of epilepsy. Really have to put all the pieces together and come to that finally diagnosis.

    26 min
  8. February 2025 Epilepsy Issue With Dr. Jennifer Hopp

    JAN 29

    February 2025 Epilepsy Issue With Dr. Jennifer Hopp

    In this episode, Lyell K. Jones Jr, MD, FAAN, speaks with Jennifer L. Hopp, MD, FAAN, FAES, FACNS, who served as the guest editor of the Continuum® February 2025 Epilepsy issue. They provide a preview of the issue, which publishes on February 3, 2025. Dr. Jones is the editor-in-chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology® and is a professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Hopp is a professor in the department of neurology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Additional Resources Continuum website: Subscribe to Continuum: More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @LyellJ Guest: @JenHopp71 Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology, clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, a companion podcast to the journal. Continuum Audio features conversations with the guest editors and authors of Continuum who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum Journal have access to exclusive audio content not featured on the podcast. If you're not already a subscriber, we encourage you to become one. For more information, please visit the link in the show notes Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, Lifelong Learning in Neurology. Today I'm interviewing Dr Jennifer Hopp, who recently served as Continuum's guest editor for our latest issue on epilepsy. Dr Hopp is a professor and executive vice chair in the Department of Neurology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where she's also director of the Epilepsy Center. Dr Hopp, welcome. Thank you for joining us today. Why don't you introduce yourself to our listeners?  Dr Hopp: Hi, Dr Jones. Thank you so much for having me on this podcast. I really had so much fun working with you and other authors of this issue and serving as editor. I feel like it was yesterday that I was author of an article in the past. And so, it's really a pleasure to take on this new role and create the content for the issue of Continuum for Epilepsy and really particularly to work with the stellar group of experts and authors that we were able to have us join this year.  Dr Jones: I want to thank you for, really, it's a remarkable issue. And we usually don't get into this a lot with our guest editors, but our last issue on epilepsy came out in 2022. Fantastic issue, guest edited by Dr Natalie Jette. When you were designing the table of contents and article topics for this issue, you had some great ideas. Walk us through your thought process on what was most important to convey in this issue.  Dr Hopp: Sure, I'm happy to do so. I think one of the things about Continuum that is so accessible to everybody is that it really is, to me, preeminent format of updating and educating, whether it's epileptologist, neurologist, trainees in every area of epilepsy, which is obviously an enormous task to really pull together all of these data to make updates and then to make it accessible to all of these different levels of learners as well as people like myself. I really read and always look forward to all the Continuum issues outside of my field. I use it to update my knowledge base, get ready for boards. I also read it as an educator because I want to know what my trainees are reading during their rotations and I want to be able to share materials with them. So, I really tried to go back and look at other issues and think about how we could make it fresh. So, I think one of the first challenges is just making sure that we're updating the content of each article based on the literature and the data we have. That really becomes the task of the authors. And so first of all, selecting the authors was both fun but also really important to me. But the second aspect of it to me was really the question of, how could we make this fresh this year? I think Continuum is always fresh and that it has new data, but I wanted to really think outside the box and I appreciate being able to take a few risks. One of them was really headed by Dave Clarke, who provides this incredibly thoughtful and comprehensive review of access to care and epilepsy. I think for anyone who wants a primer on the issues and language used in discussions of diversity or social determinants of health---you first of all do not have to be in the field of epilepsy to read this. So, you should check that out. But I also thought it was really critical to shed more light on these issues. So, we tried to be mindful of this in threading that through as best as we could each article, but also have a stand-alone section that he headed. And so, he addresses issues of how to think about access to care for people with epilepsy, but actually, interestingly, also thinking about the investigators, providers, and researchers, and how we think about diversity in those viewpoints as well. I think we can always do better. Dave concludes with a wonderful focus on hope in this area with next steps for our community. So, I think that that was certainly one area that I wanted to take a risk and I think it was quite successful.  Dr Jones: Totally agree. I very much enjoyed that article. We have an article on implementation of guidelines and quality measures by Dr Christina Baca. I thought that was a great choice from your perspective, not only because Dr Baca is an expert on this, but it felt very practical, right?  Dr Hopp: Exactly. Exactly. And that was the other area that I thought really is always covered so well by the Academy of Neurology. There's so much work in updating the guidelines, whether it's the guideline that just was updated on people with epilepsy of childbearing potential or others outside of the field of epilepsy. And I thought that we could use Continuum to help educate all of the readers on how to take those guidelines and measures and then really bring them into practice. I think there's a whole field of implementation science that I think shines a light on the gap between the guidelines and the measures and then really what we do with them in practice. And that's actually what's most important for our patients and for the providers. And so Christine does just an amazing job as an expert, not only walking us through the guidelines that are relevant for epilepsy, but then helping us and providing, essentially, a toolkit to take those measures and guidelines and use them in a very feasible, accessible way in day-to-day practice. And I would suggest that it's relevant for anyone from a student level resident to an epileptologist who's been in practice, like me, for many years. And so I hope that's relatable and useful to the reader.  Dr Jones: I think it will be. And let's get right into it. So, I always enjoy talking to the guest editor. You're already an expert and now you've just read a bunch of articles and edited a bunch of articles from people who are really the premier experts in their area of the field, right? They’re niche within epilepsy. So, as you've read these articles across the issue, if there were one biggest practice-changing recommendation that you would want to convey to our listeners, what would that be? Dr Hopp: I think that's a fabulous question because again, each of these articles, I think, is designed and written by the author to stand alone. But ideally, they need to all be incorporated in practice. And I think what each author was able to really successfully do is not only review the data, but really take us to the next level with practice of epilepsy. For example, I think as we embark on the next couple of decades, clearly increased technology, AI, personalized medicine are all buzzwords and taking the lead. In reality, with advances, we still have to make sure our care is personalized. And we have to remember seizures are really the symptom, but epilepsy is the disease. What I think our authors do well is make sure that our care is personalized to the patients. You could take that from the first article that Roohi Katyall writes about how to approach the patient with epilepsy, which is still, I think, the seminal way to start to think about these patients. But we need to ask issues pertaining to people with epilepsy of childbearing potential; screen for mood, other comorbidities. Mark Keezer does a great job talking about these. And then as we discussed, Christine Baca, PCU, talks about how to then incorporate those practical considerations into practice. Each author also, I think, emphasizes the need to utilize technology and testing and evaluation to make sure that our care is personalized for our patient. For example, we have a focus on certain special populations. Some patients who we see from the diagnosis of epilepsy end up not having seizures. They may have nonepileptic events. And so, Adriana Bermeo-Ovalle and her co-author talk about how to address those patients. Well, Meriem Bensalem-Owen talks about gender based issues in epilepsy as well. And, and that particular article also was updated and refreshed to really address gender and sex-based issues beyond treating the woman with epilepsy. So, I think in summary, each of them really helps us make sure that we're personalizing the care for patients by emphasizing a very thorough and individualized approach to each of our patients that we see with seizures.  Dr Jones: Now that you put it that way, that really did come across as a consistent theme essentially in every article, right? All the way from the evaluation of the patient suspected of having epilepsy to the treatment options to the context of care. Personalization is really kind of a continuous thread throughout the issue. So, I think that's a great one.  Dr Hopp: I think

    21 min
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Continuum Audio features conversations with the guest editors and authors of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. AAN members can earn CME for listening to interviews for review articles and completing the evaluation on the AAN’s Online Learning Center.

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