DAY 9 "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ - 1 Corinthians 15:57 PRAYER INTENTIONS In thanksgiving for all the projects we have been able to execute. We all have different projects that we embarked on: educational projects, travelling, building, business, etc. Thank God. Psalm 127:1-2, says unless the Lord builds a house the builder builds in vain, and unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchmen watch in vain. For those of you who have projects you began that are at a stand still, begin to thank God for granting you the grace to finish them. For those of you who also have projects in your mind, waiting for execution, thank God for granting the grace to see it through to fruition. Remember just GIVE THANKS, no ASKING. PRAYER This is a day to thank God for all his many blessings in our lives. With gratitude we now say: We thank you, O Lord. For the love of God, for faith, family, and friends: We thank you, O Lord. For joys, successes, achievements, and accomplishments: We thank you, O Lord. For health, safety, work, and rest: We thank you, O Lord. For struggles, sorrows, trials, and sufferings: We thank you, O Lord. For our jobs, for those who support us, for our education, and for the chance to serve: We thank you, O Lord. For our gifts, talents, and abilities, for honors, for strength and energy: We thank you, O Lord. For our homes, for food, warmth, and shelter, for all the things that have made us happy: We thank you, O Lord. For our hobbies and pets, for happy memories, for our favorite things, for leisure and relaxation: We thank you, O Lord. For our nation, for freedom and peace, for teachers, leaders, and those who give us good example: We thank you, O Lord. For the ability to say "I'm sorry," for the grace of repentance, for the forgiveness of others, for the generosity of others: We thank you, O Lord. For good advice, for financial security, for the trust others put in us, for tenderness, understanding, and compassion: We thank you, O Lord. For kindness, goodness, joy, and laughter, for the times we have helped others or made them happy: We thank you, O Lord. For all the wonders of creation, for beauty, music, sports, and art, for new opportunities and second chances: We thank you, O Lord. For failures and rejection, for all the ways we have grown up and become better people: We thank you, O Lord. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.