Game Theory
"Game Theory" is a documentary podcast that dives deep into the philosophical and psychological nuances of sports through the historic lens of Jesse Owens' legendary performance at the 1936 Olympics. Join host Kavi Bharara, a high school student in New York City, as we explore what truly drives athletes to greatness, the complex interplay between sportsmanship and competition, and the powerful impact of sports on national identity and global politics. The show features several discussions with historians, academics and reporters that go beyond the game, revealing the broader implications and enduring lessons of athletic competition.
- 1 Episode
Great first episode!
I can’t wait to see what comes next for this insightful and precocious young talent!
Great work. Than you for an insightful take on this fascinating situation. Can’t wait for future episodes. You got a fan!!
Jesse Owens
Great discussion!! Thank you
Super interesting! Great job!!!
- CreatorKavi Bharara
- Episodes1
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2024
- Show Website