Backstage With Disney Theatrical
"Backstage with Disney Theatrical" is a podcast that takes listeners behind the scenes of Disney’s world-renowned stage productions based in London’s West End and on tour across the UK & Ireland. Through insightful interviews between student and dancer Savannah Quain, and working professionals across Disney’s multiple award winning shows, this podcast offers a rare glimpse into the intricate work that brings these magical shows to life. From acting to masks and puppets, wardrobe, hair and makeup, and even carpentry, each episode shines a spotlight on the unsung heroes who make Disney’s theatrical experiences unforgettable. Whether you’re curious about the technical aspects of theatre or dream of working backstage, "Backstage with Disney Theatrical" is the perfect guide for those exploring a future career in the performing arts. It’s also an invaluable resource for educational professionals who want to inspire their students by introducing them to behind-the-scenes roles in theatre.
Season 1
- CreatorDisney Theatrical Group
- Episodes9
- Seasons1
- RatingClean
- Copyright© Copyright 2025, The Walt Disney Company. All rights reserved.
- Show Website