Show website with full works cited - Featured Guest Experts Raimund Wolfert- Book on Charlotte Charlaque Brandy Schillace -Website, Upcoming Book Dr. Jonah I. Garde Ari Wolf -Medium Article and JWA article on Charlaque Annelisa Leinbach- Website , Instagram Regina Potomkina Instagram , Eda Magazine Dr. Emily Evans Mine Pleasure Bouvar Linktree , Instagram Mara P. Eliza Jane Coyle Yishay Garbasz- Website Production and Writing Written, produced, and mixed by me Hani Esther Indictor Portner with technical advising by Rocket Loam Huge thanks to Raimund Wolfert and Esra Paul Afken for their work writing, researching, and curating exhibitions on Ebel, and bringing her art and story into the lives and hearts of many So grateful to Clara Hartmann for her dedication and research to uncover Dora Richter’s story. Lili Elbe Library- Website, Instagram Thanks to Kai* Brust for making me aware of Ebel’s file in the Landesarchiv, sharing research Ebel applied to use the name and for helping me write the text about her name change. An online exhibit they curated includes previously unpublished between Charlotte Charlaque and Toni Ebel can be viewed here - Spectrum of In_justice Research support Research assistance by the kind librarians and archivists at the Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft, Spinnboden, Schwules Musuem, ONE archive at USC, Anna Schultz at the Akademie Der Kunst Kunstsammlung, Julia Nagel at the Stadt Musuem, The Judische Gemeinde Library, Ladesarchiv, and Stadt Bibliotek. This episode is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jens Dobler, a wonderful person who always greeted me with kindness at the archive and who’s work and research I relied upon when learning about queer bars and clubs before the Shoah and the May 10 book burning. May his memory be a blessing Donate to the archiv zentrum! Music/Sounds Taffy Sunset from the album Tales of the Diaspora used with permission from the artist. You can Buy Tzipporah’s amazing music on Bandcamp. Links in shownotes. “The Gallery" by Rae du Soleil used with permission from Artist Played By Ear (Meaningless Rich World) by Jangwa From Free Music Archive licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license 1 (jazz) by HoliznaCC0 from free music archive is licensed under a Createive Commons 0 2 (jazz) by HoliznaCC0 from Free Music Archive licensed under a Creative Commons 0. Gazing by Andy G. Cohen from the Free Music Archive licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0 Special Thanks To Mara for her editorial and writing support + love and inspiration, Boba for cute cat noises Rocket for helping me learn how to use a microphone and make the series sound as nice as possible, Nana for helping me with my query letter so that I could find so many amazing people to interview, Grammy for giving me advice on how to interview people, and inspiring my music choices Rae du Soleil for the use of her powerful song the Gallery Listen and Support: Soundcloud, Instagram Tzipporah for letting me feature such beautiful music. Listen and support : bandcamp , instagram , website, linktree, spotify Melissa Wertheimer who wrote an online research guide to Jewish Composers Daniel Carkner who compiled and researched to write an incredible blog post about Klezmer music that became public domain in the US in 2024 I have done my best to fact-check and provide sources for all of my work, if something is missing or doesn’t sound right, or you just want to tell me what you think of the series, send me an email at This is a project hosted by the Spinnboden Lesbian Archive and funded by Demokratie in Der Mitte’s Aktionsfund