"What More Could I Have Done?" powerfully conveys the message of God's unwavering love and perfect justice, demonstrated most profoundly through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. By examining the cosmic conflict, the parables of the vineyard, and the ultimate vindication of God, the lesson encourages believers to trust in God's character, even amidst unanswered questions, and to actively witness to His truth and love in a world still influenced by the deceiver. The central question, "What more could I have done?", serves as a testament to God's exhaustive efforts for humanity's salvation and the revelation of His glorious character. 1. The Cosmic Conflict and Satan's Accusations: Satan is portrayed as "the deceiver of the whole world from the beginning," a "liar," and the "father thereof" (John 8:44, "God's Love and Justice Revealed").He is also described as the "slanderer and accuser of God" (Revelation 12:10, "God's Love and Justice Revealed," "What More Could I Have Done? - Sabbath School Lesson 11, 1st Qtr 2025").Satan attempts to "usurp God's Authority as ruler of the world" ("God's Love and Justice Revealed").His accusations challenge God's righteousness and love, suggesting that God's government is unjust and that humanity would be better off governing themselves ("God's Love and Justice: What More Could He Do?").2. God's Response and Demonstration of Love and Justice: Jesus as the Revealer of Truth: Jesus came into the world "to bear witness to the truth" (John 18:37, Memory Text, "God's Love and Justice Revealed"). This truth is that "God is love" and has humanity's best interests in mind ("God's Love and Justice Revealed"). As Jesus said to Philip, "If you want to know what the Father is like, look at Me" ("God's Love and Justice: What More Could He Do?").The Significance of the Cross: The cross is presented as the supreme demonstration of God's "perfect righteousness and love" (Romans 3:25-26, Romans 5:8, "God's Love and Justice Revealed," "What More Could I Have Done? - Sabbath School Lesson 11, 1st Qtr 2025").Romans 3:25-26 highlights that God set forth Christ as a "propitiation by His blood...to demonstrate His righteousness."Romans 5:8 states, "But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."The cross answers Satan's charges by showing God's willingness to take the penalty of sin upon Himself, upholding His law while offering salvation ("God's Love and Justice Revealed"). "Jesus Took the penalty of sin upon Himself."The Parable of the Vineyard (Isaiah 5): This parable illustrates God's extensive efforts and loving provisions for His people (the vineyard). God asks, "What more could have been done to My vineyard that I have not done in it?" (Isaiah 5:4, "God's Love and Justice Revealed," "God's Love and Justice: What More Could He Do?," "What More Could I Have Done? - Sabbath School Lesson 11, 1st Qtr 2025"). This question underscores the fact that God has done everything necessary for their fruitfulness.The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers (Matthew 21:33-39): This parable, related to Isaiah 5, shows the rejection of God's messengers and ultimately His Son, further emphasizing humanity's unresponsiveness despite God's efforts ("God's Love and Justice Revealed," "God's Love and Justice: What More Could He Do?").3. God's Invitation to Judge and the Ultimate Vindication: God, in His justice and transparency, invites humanity to "judge, please, between me and my vineyard" (Isaiah 5:3, "God's Love and Justice Revealed," "God's Love and Justice: What More Could He Do?"). This demonstrates His confidence in the righteousness of His actions.Revelation 15:3 and 19:1-6 describe heavenly beings praising God, saying, "Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God, the Almighty; righteous and true are thy ways" (Revelation 15:3, "SSNET References - Lesson 11: March 8-14").