
Flicks :: A Podcast About Movies That Could Go Anywhere
Put it in your ears and thank me
This is my favorite podcast not named Real Films. These guys just have a realness to them.
Long time listener
I’m re listening to the October 2016 shows about anthology movies because I’m in the Halloween spirit Jason and Dan always get me in horror and Halloween mood
I love this podcast because, not to be bias, but I am so proud of my Dad, Jason for keeping with this podcast and making people have a good time like me. I have been in a few and hope to be in more. Love listening to whatever movie that they review and that I have seen especially.
Flicks is the best movie podcast. Informative and the hosts do a great job of reviewing the movie! Highly recommend!
The Flicks Podcast ROCKS!!
I weld stuff for a living and it can be quite boring. We can listen to our iPods while we work so that’s what i do. Other people listen to music. I listen to “Flicks Podcast.” It’s a great podcast for the film lovers. I look forward to work only for the reason that i can listen to their reviews and rants about Batman v Superman rumors lol. Been listening sense the hell storm of amazing movies in the summer and i recommend this for the movie lovers. 5.5 out of 5.
Make NOTES Dan?
Anyone who thinks this is the best movie podcast ever obviously has never listened to Now Playing Podcast. Jason is great, but Dan... Last episode I listened to was the SW Eps 3 episode with Steve Glosen (episode 274). I haven't seen much if any improvement. I would recommend making NOTES. It seems like you're always doing things on the fly. Now maybe you've improved since Dec 2015 idk, maybe I should give a newer episode a chance.
I was turned onto this podcast as well as its sister cast, Film In Focus, recently. I have devoured 8 episodes of each so far and I'm pretty impressed. I really enjoy the contrast between the two, where Flicks has a more narrow focus on one movie and Film In Focus has a broader scope on the craft itself. I can't pick a favorite, but I am very happy to have new podcasts to listen to. Jason & Dan do an excellent job of expressing their opinions in a way that makes you feel like you're sitting around with friends just talking movies, one of my favorite things. Keep up the great work gentlemen.
Why I stopped listening to Jason (flicks)
Flicks has been a podcast I've followed for years. I've enjoyed Film in focus I've even tried show me the Winston. The problem and why I've grown to dislike this podcast is Jason's ego. Episode that made me tap out was dawn of planet of apes , 27 mins in and Jason is done with his soapbox how everyone but him is a idiot. Btw the news feature should be moved to the end because it dates your podcast and detours new listeners. Dan makes good comments but when it goes against Jason he turns into a yes man. Do more research and stop trying to convince listeners your opinions. Really 12 monkeys was sooo crazy and unique!? What scene!?
A Podcast Of Friends
It's like listening to a room of friends talking and I just can't talk back. It's very relaxing and fun to listen to these guys chat and get along and tease each other.
Alot like a Mary Shelly novel.
How does one describe Flicks? the best way to explain it is to compare it to Frankenstien. Jason (the host) is a lot like Doctor Frankenstien in that he's smart, knows his craft and yet tends to have a god complex. Dan his faithful sidekick is alot like the lab assistant Igore. Forever loyal, agreeable, and is often forced to compliment the assumed god like brilliance of Jason. Though the monster itself is either the show or an allegory for Jason's ego. All in all if you think that the Nerds of Lambda Lambda Lambda are rapist sex fiends, Top Gun is a chick-flick, and your not invested in Zombie Land. Then you've found your home.
- CreatorJason and Dan
- Years Active2009 - 2021
- Episodes423
- RatingClean
- Copyright© Copyright 2009 Storm Front Productions
- Show Website