Radiolab Presents: G
The episodes from this mini-series can be accessed in the Radiolab podcast feed and for free, or access the ad-free versions here when you become a Radiolab+ subscriber. Radiolab Presents: G is a multi-episode exploration of one of the most dangerous ideas of the past century: the concept of intelligence. In six episodes, the series unearths the fraught history (and present-day use) of IQ tests, digs into the bizarre tale of one man’s obsessive quest to find the secret to genius in Einstein’s brain, reveals the ways the dark history of eugenics have crept up into the present, looks to the future with a controversial geneticist who has created a prenatal test for intelligence, and stages a raucous game-show throwdown to crown the smartest animal in the world.
- 6 episódios
Programas com benefícios de assinatura
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- AutoriaRadiolab
- Episódios6
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