What Would You Die For? w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz - The Bible Timeline Show w/ Jeff Cavins

When should you stand firm in your morals and beliefs, even in the face of opposition? Many aspects of Christianity counter prevailing culture, often leading to persecution or discomfort. But how far should we go to uphold truth and morality? In this discussion, Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins delve into this question, drawing insights from accounts found in 1 and 2 Maccabees. They explore strategies for navigating persecution and stress the importance of defending what is good and true.
If you would like to learn more or help support the construction of the Duluth Newman Center visit www.bulldogCatholic.org/donate.
Duluth Newman exists so that God may be loved and glorified and His people may be saved and sanctified. We do this by offering students the opportunity to get involved in Bible studies, have access to the Sacraments daily, and enter a community of deep fellowship. Over the last 20 years, bulldogCatholic has grown beyond the borders of Duluth through Fr. Mike's collaboration with Ascension on projects like The Bible in a Year Podcast and his Ascension Presents videos. Our goal is to do our best to make sure each person who is involved with bulldogCatholic feels Seen, Known, and Loved.
- Programa
- Canal
- Publicado8 de mayo de 2024, 5:00 p.m. UTC
- Duración58 min
- ClasificaciónApto