Path to Enlightenment

Michael Rosenbaum
Path to Enlightenment Podcast

In this Podcast we will be discussing all aspects of spirituality and practical ways you can move yourself on the path towards enlightenment. To understand and experience your soul and spirit and the bigger picture of how the universe is put together. This is based on my over 20 years of spiritual training, including being in a spiritual 'mystery school" since 2006 and over 40 years of meditating. Life is amazing, find out how you can have a bigger piece of that pie!

  1. 3 FEB

    There is no beggining and there is no end

    In this episode we explore another download I got in meditation to teach me the deeper meaning of spiritual principles. it discusses that if we shift our focus away from our normal perception of the 3D world into a more expanded perception it changes everything. Life becomes a place where we lose our fears, feel safe and curious. Life becomes like a big kaleidoscope where whatever shows up is interesting. Here is the download we are discussing There is no end and there is no beginning….   ·        Don’t look for a beginning or an end, it is a waste of time and switches your frequency to the 3 dimensional  world.         which is a subset of reality and is not real in the true sense….     it is real in its own dimension and experienceable …..   ·        the place of no beginning and no end is a rich experience with both a steady undercurrent and an ever changing dynamic of flow….           you can learn to focus on the all, which is perfectly still and rich in its stillness… it has no vibration as you ordinarily think of vibration yet it is rich with texture and intelligence…..  ·  All vibration and movement emanates from the undercurrent of this spiritual intelligence and stillness …..  ·  when you focus on the place of no beginning and no end you completely relax and melt into the all-ness….  ·  from this place there is no fear no desire to be anywhere else just the melting experience of all inclusiveness and love… not a care in the world so to speak but blistering awareness, penetrating awareness, aliveness in its basic form…..  ·  nothing can escape this awareness, this love, for it blends all into the one….  · when you are willing to be the “one” then there is no fear of blending into the one… this fear of blending into the one and dissolving is the basis and underlying fear of all fears…. ·  when you can be the “one” then there is no fear for, you are indestructible and ever present awareness and intelligence, everything else is play… this is your home base, you can never be lost if you know your home base… keep seeking to know your home base

    55 min
  2. 09/11/2023

    Beauty out, Beauty in

    In this podcast with my friend and associate Ellen Seigel, we discuss how when we send beauty out in the form of loving and supportive energies, then beauty comes back to you. Every time! Find out how this works and how you can tune into the "beauty station" in your life. Below is the complete download that I go from which the discussion takes place. -Beauty out/beauty in When you send beauty out in the form of loving and supportive energies through the medium of thoughts and emotions, then beauty comes back to you.  However, let’s look at this more deeply.  the very act of sending “beauty” out creates a certain vibration in your instrument.  After all and part of our form is an instrument.  this includes the physical body, the emotional/astral body, and the ideational mental body.  All these bodies house the inner awareness of you which is formless and has a direct connection with the ocean of formless awareness which is at the center of everything. As an instrument, we are both a receiver and a transmitter. When we transmit “beauty” vibrations then like a radio dial we are tuned into that vibration.  this means that we are also able to receive the same beauty vibrations that are moving in the ethers at the wave length.  Think about the ramifications of this.  It is not just that what you send out comes back to you but what you send out adjusts the band width for that specific vibration and so the only thing you can receive, be aware of and integrate, is the vibrations of that wave length.  So if you are broadcasting a “ugly” vibration (to continue with the beauty metaphor) then the only thing you are capable of receiving at that moment is the same band width.  Whatever form of ugliness is playing in the ethers at that band width.  By turning your dial to the beauty wave length you are now ready to receive or experience the same wave length back.    So if you want to receive beauty in, send beauty out.  This is in alignment with some of the old adages that say “be the change you want to see in the world”.  well if you emanate that change then your instrument is attuned to that wavelength and so you will be capable of receiving it back.

    37 min
  3. 23/08/2023

    Love and its purpose and derivation

    In this podcast with Michael Rosenbaum and Ellen Seigel, we explore how the energy of love is at the very center of all form, no matter what form it is, at the heart of every atom. How this is a portal back to God or the absolute consciousness that is the intelligence at the center of all form. We also discuss how to use this to dip into the experience of this energy and create a more beautiful and balanced life for yourself. the discussion is based on information that was given to me in meditation as a way to help me go deeper into my spiritual nature. Here is the info exactly as it was given to me so you can refer to it. It uses the word "God" because for me it means the absolute and formless backdrop of all experience. Just plug in the word that points to that for you. Love and it’s purpose and derivation The intelligence that is behind all form comes out of the vibration of love…. the intelligent of love is the intelligence of joining, accepting, inviting…. every form has built into it the vibration of the intelligence of love… like a hologram it is in every cell, every atom…. the loving and inclusive energy of the great central sun that you experienced is the same energy, the same magnetic pull that is at the center of all atoms…. it is the void or the black hole that is at the center of all form that draws you back into love, which is another way of saying back into God…. get to know this aspect of yourself and you will know God…. it is the only way to really know God….. so continue to practice in meditation, in your daily life, when you walk in nature, when you wake up, in your dreams, in all of your experiences in all of the moments of now keep feeling the magnetic pull of love that is at the center of the universe and the center of all form…. it is the gateway to the formless and the gateway to love…. love and the formless are the same word….. approach all adversity that you encounter in life from the energy of the formless love… this love just radiates and does not ask for change, does not try to change the form or situation, it just radiates out…. it is this radiation that stimulates the same radiation in other forms for that love radiation, that formless entrance exists in all form no matter the expression of it…. by radiating this vibration of formless love you will do more to help balance someone or a situation then any doing you can do…. this force is so magnetic, so attractive that it never elicits a resistant response…. it allows the other person and the situation to begin to vibrate with it, it can help but vibrate with it to some degree…. as the person or situation begins to vibrate with it, it begins to allow God in and begins the process of surrendering to the God in it and allowing that to overtake it and in that way love and balance it, using it’s own intelligence of love…. that is all you need to ever do…. just keep learning more about how to access the magnetic intelligence in you and experience it and then use that experience in all your interactions…. when you do this you will get closer and closer to God and the mystery of life will be revealed more and more….life becomes more and more joyous and your ability to be swallowed up in the magnetic pull of intelligent love increases and so does your joy and your wonder and your appreciation.

    51 min
  4. 21/07/2023

    The Container Is Everything

    In this episode my associate Ellen Seigel and I discuss this download of information I got after meditation about the importance of focusing on the container and not the items in the container of life. Some practical tips how to do this. Here is the download in full that we are discussing The container is everything You are so used to focusing on the contents of the container and not on the container itself…. when you focus on the things in the container it is not a lasting experience for you jump from one aspect to another but if you begin to get used to focusing on the container then you know all the things in a deeper way and the things are not relevant or important in themselves but just as an expression of the underlying force in the container… focus on the force that is the container and then you will know God, to know God is to be God in a way, to be the force in which all things express themselves…. it is the most gorgeous and calming and safe and beautiful experience, it is so complete and fulfilling you will just want to melt in it and surrender to it and be it and travel with it… it will teach you so many things, it will show you so many dimensions, you will lose your sense of self in it and become a new sense of self, the no self meaning not having a particular thing for an identity but being all things… it is like tasting all things as a meal… be the taster, the experience of taste so to speak….  How do I keep bringing my focus to the container in my daily life? You do this by keeping adjusting the lens of your awareness, by asking to feel and know the space in which whatever is happening and whatever you are doing is held in…. you step back for a moment and then step back in without losing the larger perspective… you become the allowing presence…. you make space for it as Eckert Tolle says, and by making space for it you can actually experience all sides of it and it has the capacity to keep showing you more and more sides and in that way it is always fresh and alive and surprising and blissful and playful…. try this out this week and begin to cultivate an experience of this so you can train yourself to be this way as your new default. …………………………..

    36 min
  5. 22/06/2023

    Karma- a deeper look

    In this episode my friend and associate Ellen Seigel discuss a download I got about what karma is really about and how to dissolve it and create the energy that will bring beautiful things into your life. there are some very surprising ideas in it. these downloads are for me, to educate me and help me lead my life in a more balanced way but I have found other people get other things out of it that I didn't see. here is the download that we are discussing. I would suggest to listen to the podcast first and go back and read the download and see what meaning it has for you. Karma- a deeper look Let’s take a deeper look at karma.  You are made in the image of God.  You are a unique ray and expression of the one mind.  God is the creator of all things, of all form, of all circumstances and the laws that interconnect all form and all circumstances.  Since you are a ray of god expressing itself in the different worlds, then you are also the creator of all the forms and circumstances that show up in your world, your consciousness. ….. this means that you wield total power of your story.  You control what happens in your experience directly.  It is not some outside force but the very force that you put into action that is controlling what shows up in your life.  How you respond to what shows up in your life is creating what continues to show up in your life.  this is karma.     When you no longer care or are attached to what shows up in your life, then you are free to create magic in your life.  You always have access to the essential you, your true self, the original ray of consciousness out of the Godhead, so no matter what shows up in your life it doesn’t control your ability to connect with and be your essential nature, unless you let it. When you master the ability to always connect with your essential nature, then your karma dissolves.  It just comes and goes in each moment it is dissolving.  It is easy to wipe the slate clean because you are not adding anything to it. When you resist or fight against what shows up, which was attracted by your past actions- karma- then you create new karma to deal with and it becomes a circle that keeps coming back.   When  you connect with your spiritual nature then you are completely unattached to the form of your life and so it has no hold on you and it dissolves. Since form follows the energy of your consciousness, when you are immersed in the fluidity and joy of your true nature then the thoughts and emotions that are created from that, are all beautiful and perfect replicas of that vibration.  this then becomes the form that begins to show up in your life and since it is in harmony with your true nature, it is easy to enjoy and embrace.    Just don’t fall into the illusion that these beautiful forms are responsible for your good nature, it is the other way around.  Your true nature creates these beautiful forms and if the forms around you aren’t beautiful, it is the creation of the consciousness of you at an earlier moment of now and means nothing.  All you need to do is keep creating ways to reconnect and live from your true nature and the old karma will dissolve as fast as it appears and new, beautiful forms will begin to arise more and more from the vibration of your true nature.

    1h 3m
  6. 28/04/2023

    The "No Self"

    In this episode Michael Rosenbaum and Ellen Siegel discuss how to move away from just thinking of yourself as your earthly personality and know yourself as your universal self. How this opens up a portal to a much more expanded experience of life where you "only goodness abounds". This is a part of a series of spiritual downloads that Michael receives after meditation with special messages for him to help expand his consciousness. We share this with you to inspire you as well. Below is the full download that we discuss in detail: The no-self The darkness in the world swirls all around like clouds but above the clouds there is clarity and a magnetic attraction to the love of the universe that is at the center of the universe…. when you focus on your third eye that is the pathway out of the maelstrom and into clearer skies and it is from that place where you can feel the magnetic pull of the loving Mother in the universe… you are being pulled into her womb and there is a feeling of protection and safety…… there, only goodness abounds…. through meditation you get accustomed to that experience and you move more into the “no self” meaning away from this world’s personality and more into the universal you…. it is the universal you where you feel peace and balance and you are much larger and so have access to much more power and intelligence…. you have much more resources at your fingertips and those powers and resources react much more easily and rapidly….so keep cultivating the “no self” and you will have access to that perspective and it will guide you and nurture you.

    43 min


In this Podcast we will be discussing all aspects of spirituality and practical ways you can move yourself on the path towards enlightenment. To understand and experience your soul and spirit and the bigger picture of how the universe is put together. This is based on my over 20 years of spiritual training, including being in a spiritual 'mystery school" since 2006 and over 40 years of meditating. Life is amazing, find out how you can have a bigger piece of that pie!

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