Reclaiming Your Identity | How has the Global Pandemic affected our Identities & how can we learn to accept who we are now?

Joanne Carrighar-Kearns
Reclaiming Your Identity | How has the Global Pandemic affected our Identities & how can we learn to accept who we are now? Podcast

A show dedicated to warning you against the dangers of isolation, fear of failure & pursuing undesirable certainty & control, Reclaiming Your Identity is an extension of my quest to show you how to break through your subconscious mental blocks & to help you appreciate & own your own vulnerabilities. I’ll share my tips to help you to become larger than your anxieties, to gain clarity, to be courageous & to take action. As an authentically vulnerable person, I share both my own- & other people’s stories of resilience & triumph, & I’ll explain to you how to really get things done. Working globally as a High Performance Identity Coach with men who identify as having any disability & are looking to reconstruct & reclaim their identities, I’m now seeing the horrific aftermath of the 2020 Pandemic & the severe decline of male mental health. This is the result of a disconnection from reality, from identity, from life. Close your eyes & take a minute to think about how you are really feeling inside. You are not the same person now that you were in March 2020. How much has the pandemic changed you, & is this for better, or for worse? Now, open your eyes, find your courage to own your vulnerabilities, & begin to make the changes that you know that you need to do. Join me every Monday for advice on how to really value yourself, how to find the right support, & how to Reclaim your Identity. Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


  1. 28/06/2021

    10 | Reclaiming Your Power: Why your ego is the thief of your joy

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to help you learn how to regain control of the things you’re not in control of, but need to be. There are things that you can begin to both stop doing & start doing which will make a big difference to the way you control what’s happening around you. This week, I’d like you to r doing them? Tune in and listen to the tenth episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: Why comparing ourselves to other people is actually the worst thing we can do (02:25) Being jealous & disrespecting ourselves will lead exactly to what? (06:13) Instead, let’s look at what we need to start doing & creating for ourselves (10:30) How honest are you really being with yourself? (11:38) Celebration vs. Toleration (12:55) The importance of backing yourself (14:33) How ? (17:32) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    26 min
  2. 21/06/2021

    09 | The Seven Strategies you need in your life right now if you want to Claim Real Success

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to run through Seven Strategies that were given to me by my own coach that are designed to help you become successful at whatever you are choosing to do. Whatever your aim is, your goal, your wish, you’ll need to be implementing each of these seven things in order for it to work. This week, I’d like you to consider how many, if any, of these seven strategies you can say you’ve been doing & also how much time & effort you’ve been dedicating to them. Those you know you’re good at, can you improve even further? And those you know you need to start doing, do you have a plan for doing them? Tune in and listen to the ninth episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: How important are your goals to you, really? (01:59) Are you asking the right people the right questions? (07:09) Change your future, change your present (09:08) How to put your money in the right places (11:05) Spending your time - are you wise, or wasteful? (11:59) How useful are the people you’re choosing to give your time to? (14:55) Are you living, or simply existing? (18:14) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    23 min
  3. 14/06/2021

    08 | Reclaiming your Freedom versus Finding your Faults: Who’s really responsible for your post-pandemic recovery?

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to speak about what it's really like for people as we in the UK begin to exit our pandemic lockdown. What has it been like for each of us, why have some people coped better than others, and what is the reality for each of us now? Is it really just as simple as picking up where we left off? Or are some of us not the same person any more? I’d like you to consider this week what you really need to be doing, or planning to do, in order to ensure you exit & recover effectively from the pandemic. Who do you need to reach out to? What strategies are going to be critical to you? Tune in and listen to the eighth episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: As the UK begins its lockdown exit strategy, how are you really feeling right now? (01:49) Why is routine so absolutely crucial for our mental health? And what were the effects of it being snatched away? (04:56) Having the luxury to be allowed to see our friends… is this as simple yet as ridiculous as it sounds? (08:50) Every one of us has something that comes into our life and causes fault outside of or control, but why do we blame and criticise ourselves? (14:30) When you choose to control how you spend your time, but then your control is removed, how do you know who you really are? (18:26) Five things you can do this week to help your mental health (19:40) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    25 min
  4. 07/06/2021

    07 | The Formula for Producing Healthy & Successful Habits: Three key things we all need to create our own successes

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to discuss three things that we all need to know about in order to be successful at whatever we wish to be. Having a goal and setting out a plan works well, but only if certain procedures are already in place. The thing is, most of us are already wanting to secretly do these things, but we’ve been conditioned NOT to do them. I’d like you to think about these three things, and what they mean to you. How can you make sure you’re in a position to access them? Tune in and listen to the seventh episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: The first concept that you need to know about. Without this, nothing can work (02:36) How am I applying this particular concept to my own private PhD study? (04:40) Why the second concept can never work without actioning the first (11:00) The third concept is never final and will always rely on the previous two, and for me, it also relies on my clients (13:04) How is the ongoing UK lockdown helping me with my studies? (13:55) How can I help you more with this & give you some structure to move forwards? (19:45) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    23 min
  5. 31/05/2021

    06 | Finding Your Tribe: Good friends, not-so-good friends & those in-between

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to discuss the importance of having different types of friends, & how much you should be able to rely on each one. We all have different types of friends & acquaintances, who we can work together with in order to enhance both of our lives. I’d like you to think about these people & figure out who they are, who do you trust & who do you know is fully committed to you? Tune in and listen to the sixth episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: The importance of having different types of friends who you can call upon (02:01) Are people trying to hold you back from a place of love, or from a place of jealousy? (07:10) Money doesn’t buy you happiness. Or does it? (12:18) Who are your absolute best people to keep you on the right track? (18:00) Learning how & why some people just need to be loved from a distance (20:33) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    24 min
  6. 24/05/2021

    05 | What you Conceal vs. what you Reveal: What’s really going on behind the scenes in your head?

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to introduce you to two very different parts of your brain & how exactly it is controlling you. We look at the best ways of making sure you’re prepared for when it makes you do something that you disagree with. I'd also like you to consider what things keep coming up time & time again for you, & how exactly they’re controlling your life. Tune in and listen to the fifth episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: The psychological connection to your unconscious brain (02:06) The experiences of trauma, shame & guilt (04:55) Coping strategies & survival mode (09:25) So, is there any part of my brain that I can actually control? (09:54) Working on your resilience & dealing with resistance (12:35) How I trained my own mind to deal with whatever comes its way (17:02) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email: Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    27 min
  7. 17/05/2021

    04 | Negative Energy: It’s very real, but how detrimental is it to my success, really?

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to explain what positive and negative energy look like, & why it’s important to know the difference. You’ll learn why we all need to create, protect & share our energy, & how we can do this effectively & appropriately. I’d like you to consider situations where you find your energy is almost always positive, and where it’s almost always negative. Keep these in mind as you listen to episode 4 today & let me help you to figure out who & what you need to pay more- and less attention to. Tune in and listen to the fourth episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: Energy as a High Performance Habit & how to create it (01:34) The impact of stress on your Energy (04:58) How can we protect our energy & save it for the right people? (11:18) Sharing our energy with other people & showing them how to replicate this (15:12) How my use of positive energy as a High Performance Habit can literally change your life (20:08) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    23 min
  8. 10/05/2021

    03 | Friend or Foe: Why is it so crucial to be supported when you're not protected by your comfort zone?

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to discuss how to deal with unhelpful friends and family who try to discourage you from bettering yourself, & who can sometimes make you feel guilty for wanting to succeed. I’d like you to think about your own friends and family who are guilty of this, & then to figure out if there is anyone that you need to start loving from a distance. Tune in and listen to the third episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: How hiring a coach helped me (02:47) Dealing with resistance from other people (04:30) The importance of being with like-minded people (08:32) The unhelpful protection of the comfort zone (15:40) How I give you tailor-made support from the world class experts (18:07) Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    27 min
  9. 03/05/2021

    02 | Identity vs. Personality: Who do you think you are?

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to introduce you to the concept of your identity versus your personality, & what the differences are between the two. I’ll also discuss how I uncovered my own identity & became psychologically congruent with who I was supposed to be. I'm also asking you to think about your own identity and whether or not it reflects outwards in your personality. Are you living your truth, or is it all just an act? Tune in and listen to the second episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: How my Psychology Degree led me into coaching (01:50) The difference between identity and personality (04:10) The adjustments I made to my education so that I wouldn’t quit (09:10) The aim of Social Work (09:38) My new identity (11:00) Are you being real, or are you being fake? (12:32) Social obligations and what it means when you choose not to follow them (17:05) The importance of being psychologically congruent and doing the right thing for you (22:25)   Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    26 min
  10. 26/04/2021

    01 | Getting to Know You: Who am I & why am I here?

    Welcome to Reclaiming Your Identity. I’m your host, Joanne Carrighar-Kearns, and I work with people to do exactly this. On this podcast, I’ll share with you how I figured out who I really am, & how I’ve learned my success from the success of others. You’ll learn how to value unpleasant experiences as a place of reference, rather than a place of residence, & how to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can't. Today, I’m going to introduce you to my own journey with coaching, as well as tell you a little bit about myself. With a Degree in Psychology, plus a Master's Degree in Social Work, I have nearly 20 years of experience in both fields.  I'm also putting the call out for you to reach out to me & tell me what you’d like to hear from me. If you’re interested in a particular topic, or perhaps being a guest on my show & sharing your own story, please get in touch. Tune in and listen to the first episode of Reclaiming your Identity. It's time for you to figure out who you really are, instead of who you think you're supposed to be. It's time for you to reclaim your identity. In this episode, you will learn: A little bit about me and my mission statement for this podcast ( 01:18) What happens when circumstances beyond your control strip you of your coping mechanisms (06:30) About my personal connection to the power of coaching (10:45) What I want you to learn from this podcast (12:35) What I believe are some of the foundations for success (14:04) How you can suggest topics that you’d like to hear me cover (16:36)   Let’s connect! Facebook LinkedIn Email Resources mentioned: Tony Robbins' Priming Exercises Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    25 min


A show dedicated to warning you against the dangers of isolation, fear of failure & pursuing undesirable certainty & control, Reclaiming Your Identity is an extension of my quest to show you how to break through your subconscious mental blocks & to help you appreciate & own your own vulnerabilities. I’ll share my tips to help you to become larger than your anxieties, to gain clarity, to be courageous & to take action. As an authentically vulnerable person, I share both my own- & other people’s stories of resilience & triumph, & I’ll explain to you how to really get things done. Working globally as a High Performance Identity Coach with men who identify as having any disability & are looking to reconstruct & reclaim their identities, I’m now seeing the horrific aftermath of the 2020 Pandemic & the severe decline of male mental health. This is the result of a disconnection from reality, from identity, from life. Close your eyes & take a minute to think about how you are really feeling inside. You are not the same person now that you were in March 2020. How much has the pandemic changed you, & is this for better, or for worse? Now, open your eyes, find your courage to own your vulnerabilities, & begin to make the changes that you know that you need to do. Join me every Monday for advice on how to really value yourself, how to find the right support, & how to Reclaim your Identity. Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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