Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast

Kevin Ryan & H. Foley
Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast

Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a guest gets put to the test to determine if they are in fact ”GARBAGE” as well. It’s like a trashy comedy game show. Do you steal the shampoo from hotels? Own a George Forman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans? You’re Garbage.


Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a guest gets put to the test to determine if they are in fact ”GARBAGE” as well. It’s like a trashy comedy game show. Do you steal the shampoo from hotels? Own a George Forman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans? You’re Garbage.

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