DNVR CU Buffs Podcast

DNVR CU Buffs Podcast

THE daily Colorado Buffaloes Football podcast, hosted by credentialed journalists, insiders and analysts. Ryan Koenigsberg, Jake Schwanitz and Scott Procter give you the inside scoop on Deion “Coach Prime” Sanders, the Buffs and the Big 12. With regular appearances from Uncle Neely and some of your favorite players on Coach Prime’s roster, DNVR Buffs is the No. 1 Buffs Live podcast in the world. Live daily from the DNVR Bar in downtown Denver.


THE daily Colorado Buffaloes Football podcast, hosted by credentialed journalists, insiders and analysts. Ryan Koenigsberg, Jake Schwanitz and Scott Procter give you the inside scoop on Deion “Coach Prime” Sanders, the Buffs and the Big 12. With regular appearances from Uncle Neely and some of your favorite players on Coach Prime’s roster, DNVR Buffs is the No. 1 Buffs Live podcast in the world. Live daily from the DNVR Bar in downtown Denver.

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