Do You F*cking Mind?

Do You F*cking Mind?

Mindset hacks for a badass life, hosted by cognitive neuroscientist Alexis Fernandez. On Mondays my episodes are a combo of neuroscience and psychology. I deep dive into everything from habit formation and how to live a carefree life, to friendships and heartbreak. And on Thursdays we've got Head Noise - where I answer your questions! Email to submit your questions. Order your copy of my latest book How to Chase Change - exclusively an audiobook - at . 

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Mindset hacks for a badass life, hosted by cognitive neuroscientist Alexis Fernandez. On Mondays my episodes are a combo of neuroscience and psychology. I deep dive into everything from habit formation and how to live a carefree life, to friendships and heartbreak. And on Thursdays we've got Head Noise - where I answer your questions! Email to submit your questions. Order your copy of my latest book How to Chase Change - exclusively an audiobook - at . 

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