FantasyPros Dynasty Football Podcast

FantasyPros Dynasty Football Podcast

There's fantasy football and then there's dynasty fantasy football. This isn't your run-of-the-mill show that just lightly touches on the topic, this is the FantasyPros DYNASTY Football Podcast and Scott Bogman along with Pat Fitzmaurice are here to get your squad built to win for years to come. Whether you're just starting or diving deep into devy leagues, we've got your back with deep player analysis, a strong understanding of dynasty strategies, and league-winning advice that you'll only find here.


There's fantasy football and then there's dynasty fantasy football. This isn't your run-of-the-mill show that just lightly touches on the topic, this is the FantasyPros DYNASTY Football Podcast and Scott Bogman along with Pat Fitzmaurice are here to get your squad built to win for years to come. Whether you're just starting or diving deep into devy leagues, we've got your back with deep player analysis, a strong understanding of dynasty strategies, and league-winning advice that you'll only find here.

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