Prompt Us

Prompt Us

The Prompt Us podcast is the honest conversation about modern faith through the eyes of three gen-z guys. Prompt Us aims to fill the largest gap that is blaring in the media industry today. The giant space where the pendulum swings between practical ambition and spirituality. Through the most humorous yet deeply motivational form of banter, us three best bros will offer insight on topics where faith, relationships, and professional life all intersect, encouraging radical personal growth. Ultimately, the podcast is titled “Prompt Us” because every conversation will be prompted by the audience themselves, offering a format that discusses exactly what the audience is hungry to hear but no one else is talking about. Over the years of friendship, our trio has developed a master skill set at skating the line of humor and light heartedness while filling every conversation with the truth, clarity, and motivation that young adults in this generation so desperately desire.

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The Prompt Us podcast is the honest conversation about modern faith through the eyes of three gen-z guys. Prompt Us aims to fill the largest gap that is blaring in the media industry today. The giant space where the pendulum swings between practical ambition and spirituality. Through the most humorous yet deeply motivational form of banter, us three best bros will offer insight on topics where faith, relationships, and professional life all intersect, encouraging radical personal growth. Ultimately, the podcast is titled “Prompt Us” because every conversation will be prompted by the audience themselves, offering a format that discusses exactly what the audience is hungry to hear but no one else is talking about. Over the years of friendship, our trio has developed a master skill set at skating the line of humor and light heartedness while filling every conversation with the truth, clarity, and motivation that young adults in this generation so desperately desire.

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