The Astrophysics Podcast

Paul Duffell
The Astrophysics Podcast

Once a month, Purdue University's Professor Paul Duffell discusses astronomy and astrophysics with experts from around the world. Duffell and guests discuss supernovae, galaxies, planets, black holes, and the nature of space and time. Supported by the National Science Foundation under grant AAG-2206299. Music by Brittain Ashford. Produced in beautiful Lafayette, Indiana by Paul Duffell. Follow us on BlueSky!



Once a month, Purdue University's Professor Paul Duffell discusses astronomy and astrophysics with experts from around the world. Duffell and guests discuss supernovae, galaxies, planets, black holes, and the nature of space and time. Supported by the National Science Foundation under grant AAG-2206299. Music by Brittain Ashford. Produced in beautiful Lafayette, Indiana by Paul Duffell. Follow us on BlueSky!

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