What The F*** Is Going On? with Mark Steel

WTF Productions
What The F*** Is Going On? with Mark Steel

From the rise and fall of Boris Johnson to Putin's 'special operation' in Ukraine; from the cost of living crisis to sending refugees to Rwanda; award winning comedian Mark Steel takes an exasperated and frankly baffled look at the state of the UK and the rest of the world. Joined by comedian (and son) 26-year-old Elliot Steel for the 'youth's' perspective, and a special guest each week, with occasional contributions from the likes of a deceased cricketer and a woman who's overheard in a cafe, Mark tries to answer that age old question: What The F*** Is Going On?! Get bonus content on Patreon


From the rise and fall of Boris Johnson to Putin's 'special operation' in Ukraine; from the cost of living crisis to sending refugees to Rwanda; award winning comedian Mark Steel takes an exasperated and frankly baffled look at the state of the UK and the rest of the world. Joined by comedian (and son) 26-year-old Elliot Steel for the 'youth's' perspective, and a special guest each week, with occasional contributions from the likes of a deceased cricketer and a woman who's overheard in a cafe, Mark tries to answer that age old question: What The F*** Is Going On?! Get bonus content on Patreon

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