Blood Bank Guy Podlet Series

Joe Chaffin, MD
Подкаст «Blood Bank Guy Podlet Series»

The Blood Bank Guy Podlet series (that's right, I said "podlet") was a series of brief, ten minute maximum tutorials on various topics in blood banking, developed in 2013-14. The series is designed to highlight the most important points and teach you as much as possible in a short period of time! NOTE: The series is no longer updated. See the Blood Bank Guy Essentials Podcast elsewhere for more up to date discussions!


The Blood Bank Guy Podlet series (that's right, I said "podlet") was a series of brief, ten minute maximum tutorials on various topics in blood banking, developed in 2013-14. The series is designed to highlight the most important points and teach you as much as possible in a short period of time! NOTE: The series is no longer updated. See the Blood Bank Guy Essentials Podcast elsewhere for more up to date discussions!

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