House of Data

Подкаст «House of Data»

House of Data explores how data is influencing decisions at the most ambitious companies in housing. Each episode dives into how housing market participants are ingesting, organizing, and making decisions using data, and the competitive advantages that follow. Hosted by Alex Bridgeman.



House of Data explores how data is influencing decisions at the most ambitious companies in housing. Each episode dives into how housing market participants are ingesting, organizing, and making decisions using data, and the competitive advantages that follow. Hosted by Alex Bridgeman.

Щоб прослухати епізоди з відвертим змістом, потрібно ввійти в систему.

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Африка, Близький Схід та Індія

Азіатсько-Тихоокеанський регіон


Латинська Америка та Кариби

Сполучені Штати Америки та Канада