City of Bloomington Commission on Hispanic & Latino Affairs: Israel Fernando Hererra

Подкаст «Activate!»

Air date: 01/15/2018

Israel Fernando Herrera’s participation in leadership and other important roles has vastly improved the visibility and embrace of the Latino and Hispanic members of the Bloomington community. Israel’s service has touched the City of Bloomington Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs, at WFHB for the “Hola Bloomington” program, Lotus, Bloomington Worldwide Friendship, La Escuelita Para Todos, Grupo de Teatro Vida, and countless other groups. Israel makes it a point to be personally involved in the lives of Latino and Hispanic families in Bloomington. He works to make Bloomington a better place for families, and to empower them to be involved in the civic life of the Bloomington community. Israel is a catalyst for community-building in Bloomington. His hard work makes our city a better place for everyone.

City of Bloomington Commission on Hispanic & Latino Affairs

Interfaith Shelter at Wheeler Mission
Hoosier Riverwatch

Activate is a co-production of WFHB Community Radio and the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network.

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