Выпусков: 31

Dive into the most pressing issues of our time. With a focus on spiritual unity and a commitment to love, this podcast is an unapologetic call to action.
By examining the root causes of systemic issues and exploring innovative approaches to problem-solving, "Free Will" aims to transcend the boundaries of religious and philosophical dogma. Emphasizing the importance of exploring the depths of a higher consciousness and the true meaning of Oneness.
Hosted by Toni Scardino,
Each conversation serves as a gentle reminder that we all possess the capacity to create positive change within ourselves and our communities.
Every Tuesday
Support the Pod:

Free Will Toni Scardino

    • Общество и культура

Dive into the most pressing issues of our time. With a focus on spiritual unity and a commitment to love, this podcast is an unapologetic call to action.
By examining the root causes of systemic issues and exploring innovative approaches to problem-solving, "Free Will" aims to transcend the boundaries of religious and philosophical dogma. Emphasizing the importance of exploring the depths of a higher consciousness and the true meaning of Oneness.
Hosted by Toni Scardino,
Each conversation serves as a gentle reminder that we all possess the capacity to create positive change within ourselves and our communities.
Every Tuesday
Support the Pod:

    Fate vs. Free Will

    Fate vs. Free Will

    What is YOUR meaning of Life? Do you believe in fate? Or do you believe that we create our fate?Dive Deep with me :)


    • 23 мин.
    Therapy Doesn't Work

    Therapy Doesn't Work

    Epigenetic Memories and DNA: Science proves that ancestral memories are stored in our DNA and how these can be reprogrammed through conscious effort in the present moment.Ineffective Trauma Tackling Methods:
    - Mainstream Therapy and Rumination.
    - Resilience.
    DNA Hard Drive: You have the power to be your best therapist by tapping into the "written language" in your DNA to reprogram epigenetic memories and take control of your reality.Genealogy and Family Tree Placement: With a mindset of "I chose to" rather than "I should," taking responsibility for one's place in the family lineage.Free Will: You are the creator of your own reality with conscious effort and reprogramming to shape a positive future.

    • 29 мин.
    Listen to This if You Have Anxiety

    Listen to This if You Have Anxiety

    Statistics and Symptoms of Anxiety:
    MIND-BODY-SOUL Connection:
    Anxiety as a "Foul Spirit" and Fear:
    Understanding the Message of Anxiety:
    Managing Anxiety:
    Supporting Individuals with Anxiety:
    Anxiety and Excitement:
    Personal Strategies:


    • 40 мин.
    Dating in the Digital Age

    Dating in the Digital Age

    Connected more than ever - More temptations = More sacrifice.
    Is it okay for your man to follow random Insta influencers? Did Social Media ruin relationships? Know the difference between the False Reality vs. Reality.
    How YOU can live life as your Fullest Self. What's the deal with Dating Apps? How to view Cheating.

    • 29 мин.
    Do You Believe in Monogamy?

    Do You Believe in Monogamy?

    Love is our Greatest Teacher: How committing to one person helps individuals grow into a higher self.Myron ("love makes you weak") vs. Luke Belmar ("love will empower you")
    Channeling energy for abundance: How monogamy focuses and harnesses energy.The impact on future generations.Personal experience: Sharing lessons learned from monogamy and how it led to a fulfilling relationship today.Building an empire together: How monogamy can be a foundation for creating a successful partnership and future.

    • 31 мин.
    The Karma Effect

    The Karma Effect

    Our Actions have Reactions! What goes around comes back around!
    Not a Punishment nor a Reward!
    - The importance of understanding karma for personal growth. (thats just life).
    Types of Karma: Sanchita, Prarabdha, and Kriyamana Karma.
    12 Laws of Karma.
    Karma and the BibleKarma and Free Will

    • 28 мин.

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